C++: Regex pattern - c++

I got a regex pattern: (~[A-Z]){10,30} (Thanks to KekuSemau). And I need to edit it, so it will skip 1 letter. So it will be like down below.
Output: A B C D E F G H I J K

Just match two letters each iteration but only capture the second part.
live: https://regex101.com/r/pIAxH8/1
I cut the repetition count (the bit inside the {}'s) by half since the new regex is matching two at a time.
The ?: in (?:...) bit disables capturing of the group.

In regex only, there is no way you can achieve this directly.
But you can do this in code:
Use following regex:
and in code make a loop on "captures" of desired group, like in c#:
string value = "";
for (int i = 0; i < match.Groups["pick"].Captures.Count; i++)
value = match.Groups["pick"].Captures[0].Value;


RegEx for matching the first {N} chars and last {M} chars

I'm having an issue filtering tags in Grafana with an InfluxDB backend. I'm trying to filter out the first 8 characters and last 2 of the tag but I'm running into a really weird issue.
Here are some of the names...
only want to return something like this:
I first started off using this expression:
But it only returns the following out of 148:
The pattern [MP].* Matches either a M or P and then matches any char until the end of the string not taking any char, digit or quantifing number afterwards into account.
If you want to match MP and the value does not end on a digit but the last in the match should be a digit, you could use:
Regex demo
If lookaheads are supported you might also use:
Regex demo
You may not even want to touch MP. You can simply define a left and right boundary, just like your question asks, and swipe everything in between which might be faster, maybe an expression similar to:
which you can simply call it using $2. That is the second capturing group, just to be easy to replace.
This graph shows how the expression would work:
This JavaScript snippet shows the performance of this expression using a simple 1-million times for loop.
repeat = 1000000;
start = Date.now();
for (var i = repeat; i >= 0; i--) {
var string = "RSHLKSVLMP35L2HBS135WH";
var regex = /^(\w{8})(.*)(\w{2})$/g;
var match = string.replace(regex, "$2");
end = Date.now() - start;
console.log("YAAAY! \"" + match + "\" is a match 💚 ");
console.log(end / 1000 + " is the runtime of " + repeat + " times benchmark test. 😳 ");
Try Regex: (?<=\w{8})\w+(?=\w{2})

Regex replace phone numbers with asterisks pattern

I want to apply a mask to my phone numbers replacing some characters with "*".
The specification is the next:
Phone entry: (123) 123-1234
Output: (1**) ***-**34
I was trying with this pattern: "\B\d(?=(?:\D*\d){2})" and the replacing the matches with a "*"
But the final input is something like (123)465-7891 -> (1**)4**-7*91
Pretty similar than I want but with two extra matches. I was thinking to find a way to use the match zero or once option (??) but not sure how.
Try this Regex:
Replace each match with *
Click for Demo
(?<!\() - negative lookbehind to find the position which is not immediately preceded by (
\d - matches a digit
(?!$) - negative lookahead to find the position not immediately followed by an optional digit followed by end of the line
Alternative without lookarounds :
match \((\d)\d{2}\)\s+\d{3}-\d{2}(\d{2})
replace by (\1**) ***-**\2
In my opinion you should avoid lookarounds when possible. I find them less readable, they are less portable and often less performant.
Testing Gurman's regex and mine on regex101's php engine, mine completes in 14 steps while Gurman's completes in 80 steps
Some "quickie":
function maskNumber(number){
var getNumLength = number.length;
// The number of asterisk, when added to 4 should correspond to length of the number
var asteriskLength = getNumLength - 4;
var maskNumber = number.substr(-4);
for (var i = 0; i < asteriskLength; i++) maskNumber+= '*';
var mask = maskNumber.split(''), maskLength = mask.length;
for(var i = maskLength - 1; i > 0; i--) {
var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
var tmp = mask[i];
mask[i] = mask[j];
mask[j] = tmp;
return mask.join('');

Regex to match all occurrences that begin with n characters in sequence

I'm not sure if it's even possible for a regular expression to do this. Let's say I have a list of the following strings:
And I want to match all strings that begin with any number of characters for the following string: ABHCNEK
The matches would be:
I tried things like ^[A][B][H][C][N][E][K] and ^A[B[H[C[N[E[K]]]]]], but I can't seem to get it to work...
Can this be done in regex? If so, what would it be?
The simplest can be
See demo.
Use this regular expression:
You haven't said how you want to use it, but one option doesn't require regex. Loop through the various strings and check for a match within your test string:
var strings = ['ATJFH', 'ABHCNEK', 'BKDFJEE', 'NCK', 'ABH', 'ABHCNE', 'KDJEWRT', 'ABHCN', 'EGTI'];
var test = 'ABHCNEK';
for (var i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
if (test.match(strings[i])) {
This returns:

Error with regex, match numbers

I have a string 00000001001300000708303939313833313932E2
so, I want to match everything between 708 & E2..
So I wrote:
(?<=708)(.*\n?)(?=E2) - tested in RegExr (it's working)
Now, from that result 303939313833313932 match to get result
(every second number):
How ?
To match everything between 708 and E2, use:
if you are sure that there will be only digits. Otherwise try with:
To match every second digit from 303939313833313932, use:
use a global replace:
find: \d(\d)
replace: $1
Are you expecting a regular expression answer to this?
You are perhaps better off doing this using string operations in whatever programming language you're using. If you have text = "abcdefghi..." then do output = text[0] + text[2] + text[4]... in a loop, until you run out of characters.
You haven't specified a programming language, but in Python I would do something like:
>>> text = "abcdefghjiklmnop"
>>> for n, char in enumerate(text):
... if n % 2 == 0: #every second char
... print char

RegEx to find words with characters

I've found answers to many of my questions here but this time I'm stuck. I've looked at 100's of questions but haven't found an answer that solves my problem so I'm hoping for your help :D
Considering the following list of words:
How can I use regex to find words in this list when I am looking using exactly the characters u, i, i? I'm expecting the regex to find "iridium" only because it is the only word in the list that has two i's and one u.
What I've tried
I've been searching both here and elsewhere but haven't come across any that helps me.
matches iridium, as expected, and not iris nor initialization. However, the characters i, i, u must be in that sequence in the word, which may or may not be the case. So trying with a different sequence
This does not match iridium (but I want it to, iridium contains u, i, i) and I'm stuck for what to do to make it match. Any ideas?
I know I could try all sequences (in the example above it would be iiu; iui; uii) but that gets messy when I'm looking for more characters (say 6, tnztii which would match initialization).
..... (long list until)
[i].*[n].*[i].*[t].*[z].*[t] (the first matching sequence)
Is there a way to use regex to find the word, irrespective of the sequence of the characters?
I don't think there's a way to solve this with RegularExpressions which does not end in a horribly convoluted expression - might be possible with LookForward and LookBehind expressions, but I think it's probably faster and less messy if you simply solve this programmatically.
Chop the string up by its whitespaces and then iterate over all the words and count the instances your characters appear inside this word. To speed things up, discard all words with a length less than your character number requirement.
Is this an academic exercise, or can you use more than a single regular expression? Is there a language wrapped around this? The simplest way to do what you want is to have a regexp that matches just i or u, and examine (count) the matches. Using python, it could be a one-liner. What are you using?
The part you haven't gotten around to yet is that there might be additional i's or u's in the word. So instead of matching on .*, match on [^iu].
Here's what I would do:
Array.prototype.findItemsByChars = function(charGroup) {
charGroup = charGroup.toLowerCase().split('').sort().join('');
charGroup = charGroup.match(/(.)\1*/g);
for (var i = 0; i < charGroup.length; i++) {
charGroup[i] = {char:charGroup[i].substr(0,1),count:charGroup[i].length};
console.log('{char:'+charGroup[i].char+' ,count:'+charGroup[i].count+'}');
var matches = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
var charMatch = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < charGroup.length; j++) {
try {
var count = this[i].match(new RegExp(charGroup[j].char,'g')).length;
if (count >= charGroup[j].count) {
if (++charMatch == charGroup.length) matches.push(this[i]);
} catch(e) { break };
return matches.length ? matches : false;
var words = ['iris','iridium','initialization','ulisi'];
var matches = words.findItemsByChars('iui');
EDIT: Let me know if you need any explanation.
I know this is a really old post, but I found this topic really interesting and thought people might look for a similar answer some day.
So the goal is to match all words with a specific set of characters in any order. There is a simple way to do this using lookaheads :
Here is how it works :
We use one lookahead (?=...) for each letter to be matched
In this, we put [^x\W]*x where x is the the letter that must be present.
We then make this pattern occur n times, where n is the number of times that x must appear in th word using (?:...){n}
The resulting regex for a letter x having to appear n times in the word is then (?=(?:[^x\W]*x){n})
All you have to do then is to add this pattern for each letter and add \w+ at the end to match the word !