Delete files extracted with xorriso - delete-file

I was looking for a way to extract an iso file without root access.
I succeeded using xorriso.
I used this command:
xorriso -osirrox on -indev image.iso -extract / extracted_path
Now when I want to delete the extracted files I get a permission denied error.
lsattr lists -------------e-- for all files.
ls -l lists -r-xr-xr-x for all files.
I tried chmod go+w on a test file but still can't delete it.
Can anyone help me out?

obviously your files were marked read-only in the ISO. xorriso preserves
the permissions when extracting files.
The reason why you cannot remove the test file after chmod +w is that
the directory which holds that file is still read-only. (Anyways, your
chmod command did not give w-permission to the owner of the file.)
Try this tree changing command:
chmod -R u+w extracted_path
Have a nice day :)


Cannot use regular expression in hadoop in Linux command line

I have a folder that contains a large number of subfolders that are dates from 2018. In my HDFS I have created a folder of just December dates (formatted 2018-12-) and I need to delete specifically days 21 - 25. I copied this folder from my HDFS to my docker container and used the command
rm -r *[21-25]
in the folder it worked as expected. But when I run this same command adapted to hdfs
hdfs dfs –rm -r /home/cloudera/logs/2018-Dec/*[21-25]
it gives me the error
rm: `/home/cloudera/logs/2018-Dec/*[21-25]': No such file or directory."
If you need something to be explained in more detail leave a comment. I'm brand new to all of this and I don't 100% understand how to say some of these things.
I figured it out with the help of #Barmer. I was referring to my local systems base directory also I had to change the regular expression to 2[1-5]. So the command ended up being hdfs dfs -rm -r /user/cloudera/logs/2018-Dec/*2[1-5].

Delete folders that have numbers in them but don't delete folders that don't have numbers

So there was a bug in our recent code, and instead of creating bunch of numbered folders in a root folder, it created bunch of folders right next to root folder
To put it simply, what we wanted was:
Unfortunately, what we got was:
Now, there are about 1000 folders (with their internal sub-folder structure) that we need to delete. I tried to look up regex and other filtering method, but it seems like they don't work on rm command.
What is the command line I need to delete all the "customers[numbers]" folders but NOT the "customers" folder?
Try the following command. It should work -
ls | grep -P "customers[0-9]+" | xargs -d"\n" rm -R

F# package for Sublime Text Build System absent

I am starting out with F# and trying to get it to work with Sublime Text 3 with a package, After installing the package using Package Control, I see F# appear as an available language to use in Sublime Text's bottom bar, and syntax highlighting appears to work more or less, from what I can tell, but the build system for F# fails to appear as it should.
So, trying to fix things, I run " install" and get an error, "Cannot open assembly '.paket/paket.bootstrapper.exe': No such file or directory." I am sort of stuck. Many thanks for any help.
From the comments you've made, you appear to be a little unfamiliar with the Unix underpinnings of OS X. I'll explain those first, then I'll suggest something for you to try that may fix your problem.
Technically, files or directories whose name starts with . are not "reserved for the system" as you put it; they're hidden. Now, it's true that Finder won't allow you to create files or directories whose name starts with ., because Apple didn't want to have to field all the tech-support calls from people who didn't know about the hidden-files feature: "I named my file ... more important stuff for work and now it's gone! Help!!!" But if you're in the Terminal app, then you can easily create files or directories with . as their first letter: mkdir .foo should work. You won't see it when you do ls, but ls -a (a for "all") will show you all files, including hidden files. And you can also do cd .foo and create files inside the hidden .foo directory -- and while the .foo folder won't show up in Finder, it will be perfectly accessible in the Terminal, and to any F# programs you might write.
So when you say that you cloned but it failed to include the .github and .paket directories, I think you just don't know how to see them. You can't see them in the Finder (well, you can if you jump through a couple of hoops but I don't think it's worth the effort), but you can see them with ls -a. Just open your terminal, run cd /Users/Username/Paket, and then run ls -a and I think you'll see that the .paket and .github directories were indeed created by your git clone command.
So what you should probably try is this:
Go to
Download the paket.bootstrapper.exe and paket.exe files. Put them in /Users/Username/Downloads (or wherever the default OS X Downloads directory is if it's different -- just as long as it's somewhere where you can find them easily).
Open the Terminal app.
Go to the directory where you've unpacked the Sublime Text 3 package. I.e., in the Terminal app, run cd /Users/Username/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/sublime-fsharp-package-master.
Run ls -a and see if there's a .paket directory.
If it does not exist, run mkdir .paket.
Now do cd .paket so you're in the hidden .paket directory under sublime-fsharp-package-master.
Now do ls and see if there's a paket.bootstrapper.exe file.
If it doesn't exist, then copy in the .exe files you downloaded earlier:
cp /Users/Username/Downloads/paket.bootstrapper.exe .
cp /Users/Username/Downloads/paket.exe .
Important: Now do cd .. to go back up to the /Users/Username/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/sublime-fsharp-package-master/ directory.
Now instead of running /Users/Username/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/sublime-fsharp-package-master/ install, try running it as ./ install. (And also try ./ Install, since I'm pretty sure the capital I is necessary).
(BTW, If you're not familiar with the syntax that I used in steps 9, 10 and 11, where I used a single . or two dots .. in commands, those are a long-standing Unix idiom: . means "the current directory", and .. means "the parent directory".)
I just looked at the script that you've been running, and it seems to assume that you've done a cd into the package's base directory (the sublime-fsharp-package-master directory) before running the script. So that could explain why it was failing: you were running it from a different directory, rather than doing a cd first. Hence why I marked step 10 as important: I think that was the root cause of the problem.

ember app kit can't find .jshintrc

I'm trying to get started with ember-app-kit I wget the from github and unzip it. I moved the directory contents to another that I have named for my project. Then run npm install and bower install. But when I run grunt server I get
ERROR: Can't find config file: .jshintrc
Warning: Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
What's wrong?
You could use cp -r <src> <dest> to include dotfiles. That will include subdirectories.
To copy both regular and dot files you can use cp <src>.* <src>* <dest>
ugh, turns out when I copied the directory over the hidden files didn't get copied
cp ember-app-kit-master/* myProject.
I ran
cp ember-app-kit-master/.* myProject to get the hidden files. Note the dot-star.

Using %{buildroot} in a SPEC file

I'm creating a simple RPM installer, I just have to copy files to a directory structure I create in the %install process.
The %install process is fine, I create the following folder /opt/company/application/ with the command mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/company/%{name} and then I proceed to copy the files and subdirectories from my package. I've tried to install it and it works.
The doubt I have comes when uninstalling. I want to remove the folder /opt/company/application/ and I thought you're supposed to use %{buildroot} anywhere when referencing the install location. Because my understanding is the user might have a different structure and you can't assume that rmdir /opt/company/%{name}/ will work. Using that command in the %postun section deletes succesfully the directories whereas using rmdir ${buildroot}/opt/company/%{name} doesn't delete the folders.
My question is, shouldn't you be using ${buildroot} in the %postun in order to get the proper install location? If that's not the case, why?
Don't worry about it. If you claim the directory as your own in the %files section, RPM will handle it for you.
FYI, %{buildroot} probably won't exist on the target machine.