variable contains multiple object how to return it into an object of multiple object - adonis.js

i have a code here that query the database and return a variable that contains rows of records
var certificateInfo = await Certification.all({'user_id': this.user_id})
it return [{object},{object},{object}]
how to return the data into
{object}, {object}, {object}

Just make a loop over certificateInfo object or destructuring assignment:
[obj1, obj2, obj3] = certificateInfo
Hope I help.


QueryDict has list, but actualy show string [duplicate]

Using django 1.8, I'm observing something strange.
Here is my javascript:
function form_submit(){
var form = $('#form1_id');
request = $.post($(this).attr('action'), form.serialize(), function(response){
if(response.indexOf('Success') >= 0){
.fail(function() {
alert("Failed to save!");
return false;
and here are the parameters displayed in
print request.POST
<QueryDict: {u'form_4606-name': [u''], u'form_4606-parents': [u'4603', u'2231', u'2234']}>
but I cannot extract the parents:
print request.POST['form_4606-parents']
Why is it just giving me the last value?
I think there is something wrong with the serialization, but I just cannot figure out how to resolve this.
From here
This is a feature, not a bug. If you want a list of values for a key, use the following:
values = request.POST.getlist('key')
And this should help retrieving list items from request.POST in django/python
The function below converts a QueryDict object to a python dictionary. It's a slight modification of Django's QueryDict.dict() method. But unlike that method, it keeps lists that have two or more items as lists.
def querydict_to_dict(query_dict):
data = {}
for key in query_dict.keys():
v = query_dict.getlist(key)
if len(v) == 1:
v = v[0]
data[key] = v
return data
data = querydict_to_dict(request.POST)
# Or
data = querydict_to_dict(request.GET)
You can use getlist method
data = request.POST.getlist('form_4606-parentspass_id','')
The simplest way
or, if you use djangorestframework

How to get the correct count for a Lucid Model's Paginate when joining with additional tables

I have 2 Lucid models: Ad and Campaign, which are associated using a Many:Many relationship. They have a pivot table which manages the relationship which has additional information, so my table structure is as follows:
I am trying to fetch the results of a paginate query using the Ad models' query function, but in addition to the Ad models' fields, I would also like to fetch the sum of spend, sent, clicks, leads and ftds from the related Campaign models' pivots.
I have come up with the following code, which returns the correct information in the collection, but returns an incorrect value for the count
const Ad = use('App/Models/Ad');
const query = Ad.query()
.leftJoin('campaign_ads', '', 'campaign_ads.ad_id')
.sum('campaign_ads.spend as spend')
.sum('campaign_ads.sent as sent')
.sum('campaign_ads.clicks as clicks')
.sum('campaign_ads.leads as leads')
.sum('campaign_ads.ftds as ftds')
I assume that this is related to how the paginate function rewrites or performs the query, but I have no idea how to fix it.
Here is some example usage based on the answer:
const Ad = use('App/Models/Ad');
const query = Ad.query()
.leftJoin('campaign_ads', '', 'campaign_ads.ad_id')
.sum('campaign_ads.spend as spend')
.sum('campaign_ads.sent as sent')
.sum('campaign_ads.clicks as clicks')
.sum('campaign_ads.leads as leads')
.sum('campaign_ads.ftds as ftds')
const paginate = async (query, page = 1, perPage = 20) {
// Types of statements which are going to filter from the count query
const excludeAttrFromCount = ['order', 'columns', 'limit', 'offset', 'group']
// Clone the original query which we are paginating
const countByQuery = query.clone();
// Case Page and Per Page as Numbers
page = Number(page)
perPage = Number(perPage)
// Filter the statments from the array above so we have a query which can run cleanly for counting
countByQuery.query._statements = _.filter(countByQuery.query._statements, (statement) => {
return excludeAttrFromCount.indexOf(statement.grouping) < 0
// Since in my case, i'm working with a left join, i'm going to ensure that i'm only counting the unique models
countByQuery.countDistinct([Ad.table, 'id'].join('.'));
const counts = await countByQuery.first()
const total = parseInt(counts.count);
let data;
// If we get a count of 0, there's no point in delaying processing for an additional DB query
if (0 === total) {
data = [];
// Use the query's native `fetch` method, which already creates instances of the models and eager loads any relevant data
else {
const {rows} = await query.forPage(page, perPage).fetch();
data = rows;
// Create the results object that you would normally get
const result = {
total: total,
perPage: perPage,
page: page,
lastPage: Math.ceil(total / perPage),
data: data
// Create the meta data which we will pass to the pagination hook + serializer
const pages = _.omit(result, ['data'])
if (Ad.$hooks) {
await Ad.$hooks.after.exec('paginate', data, pages)
// Create and return the serialized versions
const Serializer = Ad.resolveSerializer()
return new Serializer(data, pages);
paginate(query, 1, 20)
.then(results => {
// do whatever you want to do with the results here
.catch(error => {
// do something with the error here
So, as I noted before in my notes, the problem that I was have was caused by how Lucid's query builder handles the paginate function, so I was forced to "roll my own". Here's what I came up with:
paginate (query, page = 1, perPage = 20) {
// Types of statements which are going to filter from the count query
const excludeAttrFromCount = ['order', 'columns', 'limit', 'offset', 'group']
// Clone the original query which we are paginating
const countByQuery = query.clone();
// Case Page and Per Page as Numbers
page = Number(page)
perPage = Number(perPage)
// Filter the statments from the array above so we have a query which can run cleanly for counting
countByQuery.query._statements = _.filter(countByQuery.query._statements, (statement) => {
return excludeAttrFromCount.indexOf(statement.grouping) < 0
// Since in my case, i'm working with a left join, i'm going to ensure that i'm only counting the unique models
countByQuery.countDistinct([this.#model.table, 'id'].join('.'));
const counts = await countByQuery.first()
const total = parseInt(counts.count);
let data;
// If we get a count of 0, there's no point in delaying processing for an additional DB query
if (0 === total) {
data = [];
// Use the query's native `fetch` method, which already creates instances of the models and eager loads any relevant data
else {
const {rows} = await query.forPage(page, perPage).fetch();
data = rows;
// Create the results object that you would normally get
const result = {
total: total,
perPage: perPage,
page: page,
lastPage: Math.ceil(total / perPage),
data: data
// Create the meta data which we will pass to the pagination hook + serializer
const pages = _.omit(result, ['data'])
// this.#model references the Model (not the instance). I reference it like this because this function is part of a larger class
if (this.#model.$hooks) {
await this.#model.$hooks.after.exec('paginate', data, pages)
// Create and return the serialized versions
const Serializer = this.#model.resolveSerializer()
return new Serializer(data, pages);
I only use this version of pagination when I detect group by in my query, and it follow's Lucid's own paginate function pretty closely, and returns identical feedback. While it's not a 100% drop-in solution, it's good enough for my needs

Create XML dataset with the same table name as initial data set in DBUnit?

I'm trying to create an initial DB state in DB Unit like this...
public function getDataSet() {
$primary = new \PHPUnit\DbUnit\DataSet\CompositeDataSet();
$fixturePaths = [
foreach($fixturePaths as $fixturePath) {
$dataSet = $this->createXmlDataSet($fixturePath);
return $primary;
Then after my query I'm attempting to call this user-defined function...
protected function compareDatabase(String $seedPath, String $table) {
$expected = $this->createFlatXmlDataSet($seedPath)->getTable($table);
$result = $this->getConnection()->createQueryTable($table, "SELECT * FROM $table");
$this->assertTablesEqual($expected, $result);
The idea here is that I have an initial DB state, run my query, then compare the actual table state with the XML data set representing what I expect the table to look like. This process is described in PHPUnit's documentation for DBUnit but I keep having an exception thrown...
PHPUnit\DbUnit\InvalidArgumentException: There is already a table named upc with different table definition
Test example...
public function testDeleteByUpc() {
$mapper = new UpcMapper($this->getPdo());
$this->compareDatabase("test/Seeds/Upc/DB/UpcAfterDelete.xml", 'upc');
I seem to be following the is this supposed to be done?
This was actually unrelated to creating a second XML Dataset. This exception was thrown because the two fixtures I loaded in my getDataSet() method both had table definitions for upc.

Reflection on EmberJS objects? How to find a list of property keys without knowing the keys in advance

Is there a way to retrieve the set-at-creations properties of an EmberJS object if you don't know all your keys in advance?
Via the inspector I see all the object properties which appear to be stored in the meta-object's values hash, but I can't seem to find any methods to get it back. For example object.getProperties() needs a key list, but I'm trying to create a generic object container that doesn't know what it will contain in advance, but is able to return information about itself.
I haven't used this in production code, so your mileage may vary, but reviewing the Ember source suggests two functions that might be useful to you, or at least worth reviewing the implementation:
Ember.keys: "Returns all of the keys defined on an object or hash. This is useful when inspecting objects for debugging. On browsers that support it, this uses the native Object.keys implementation." Object.keys documentation on MDN
Ember.inspect: "Convenience method to inspect an object. This method will attempt to convert the object into a useful string description." Source on Github
I believe the simple answer is: you don't find a list of props. At least I haven't been able to.
However I noticed that ember props appear to be prefixed __ember, which made me solve it like this:
for (f in App.model) {
if (App.model.hasOwnProperty(f) && f.indexOf('__ember') < 0) {
And it seems to work. But I don't know whether it's 100% certain to not get any bad props.
EDIT: Adam's gist is provided from comments.
var getOwnProperties = function(model){
var props = {};
for(var prop in model){
if( model.hasOwnProperty(prop)
&& prop.indexOf('__ember') < 0
&& prop.indexOf('_super') < 0
&& Ember.typeOf(model.get(prop)) !== 'function'
props[prop] = model[prop];
return props;
Neither of these answers are reliable, unfortunately, because any keys paired with a null or undefined value will not be visible.
MyClass = Ember.Object.extend({
name: null,
age: null,
weight: null,
height: null
test = MyClass.create({name: 'wmarbut'});
console.log( Ember.keys(test) );
Is only going to give you
["_super", "name"]
The solution that I came up with is:
* Method to get keys out of an object into an array
* #param object obj_proto The dumb javascript object to extract keys from
* #return array an array of keys
function key_array(obj_proto) {
keys = [];
for (var key in obj_proto) {
return keys;
* Put the structure of the object that you want into a dumb JavaScript object
* instead of directly into an Ember.Object
MyClassPrototype = {
name: null,
age: null,
weight: null,
height: null
* Extend the Ember.Object using your dumb javascript object
MyClass = Ember.Object.extend(MyClassPrototype);
* Set a hidden field for the keys the object possesses
MyClass.reopen({__keys: key_array(MyClassPrototype)});
Using this method, you can now access the __keys field and know which keys to iterate over. This does not, however, solve the problem of objects where the structure isn't known before hand.
I use this:
None of those answers worked with me. I already had a solution for Ember Data, I was just after one for Ember.Object. I found the following to work just fine. (Remove Ember.getProperties if you only want the keys, not a hash with key/value.
getPojoProperties = function (pojo) {
return Ember.getProperties(pojo, Object.keys(pojo));
getProxiedProperties = function (proxyObject) {
// Three levels, first the content, then the prototype, then the properties of the instance itself
var contentProperties = getPojoProperties(proxyObject.get('content')),
prototypeProperties = Ember.getProperties(proxyObject, Object.keys(proxyObject.constructor.prototype)),
objectProperties = getPojoProperties(proxyObject);
return Ember.merge(Ember.merge(contentProperties, prototypeProperties), objectProperties);
getEmberObjectProperties = function (emberObject) {
var prototypeProperties = Ember.getProperties(emberObject, Object.keys(emberObject.constructor.prototype)),
objectProperties = getPojoProperties(emberObject);
return Ember.merge(prototypeProperties, objectProperties);
getEmberDataProperties = function (emberDataObject) {
var attributes = Ember.get(emberDataObject.constructor, 'attributes'),
keys = Ember.get(attributes, 'keys.list');
return Ember.getProperties(emberDataObject, keys);
getProperties = function (object) {
if (object instanceof DS.Model) {
return getEmberDataProperties(object);
} else if (object instanceof Ember.ObjectProxy) {
return getProxiedProperties(object);
} else if (object instanceof Ember.Object) {
return getEmberObjectProperties(object);
} else {
return getPojoProperties(object);
In my case Ember.keys(someObject) worked, without doing someObject.toJSON().
I'm trying to do something similar, i.e. render a generic table of rows of model data to show columns for each attribute of a given model type, but let the model describe its own fields.
If you're using Ember Data, then this may help:
You can iterate the attributes of the model type and get meta data associated with each attribute.
This worked for me (from an ArrayController):
fields: function() {
var doc = this.get('arrangedContent');
var fields = [];
var content = doc.content;
content.forEach(function(attr, value) {
var data = Ember.keys(attr._data);
data.forEach(function(v) {
if( typeof v === 'string' && $.inArray(v, fields) == -1) {
return fields;

How passing string on filter keyword to Django Objects Model?

How can i pass variables on a keyword object filter on a view?
I have:
my_object = MyModel.objects.filter(my_keyword =my_filter_values)
I want to grab my_keyword from a variable coming from a string, like this:
my_string = 'my_keyword'
my_object = MyModel.objects.filter(my_string=my_filter_values)
But this doesn't work because Django doesn't know my_string from MyModel.
Edit: I've found this SO question - I'll test and report back.
You can do something like this:
my_filter = {}
my_filter[my_keyword] = my_filter_value
my_object = MyModel.objects.filter(**my_filter)
As an example, your variables might be:
my_keyword = 'price__gte'
my_filter_value = 10
Which would result in getting all objects with a price >= 10. And if you want to query on more than one field, you can just add another line below my_filter[my_keyword]:
my_filter[my_keyword] = my_filter_value
my_filter[my_other_keyword] = my_other_filter_value