Facebook OG won't retrieve my picture - facebook-graph-api

I have one project and have a real problem. Since i have connected 3 social networks all of them works fine and share picture very good but Facebook don't.
It's just don't show my picture and i really frustrated on what actually should i do.
Here is the link.
So problem is only in that it doesn't show the picture i create and what it says that it couldn't load the image. But my server supports gzip and Deflate
Will be happy for any help.

this is encodeURIComponent() modified url - is correct!


Og:image not showing in FB debugger but link is ok

I have a very very strange problem. I use a WordPress website to publish a picture every day, and of course, I want to publish it on my facebook page.
I've tried with Open Graph informations from Yoast, or from Jetpack and both but the problem is the same : no picture to show on social networks! Not a good thing for pictures based website ;-)
I've tried Open Graph debugger and when I look at this, I have a good link to my image on og:image property... but the picture doesn't display. It's a transparent picture to click that open the good image in a new link, but can't publish it on social networks.
You can try with this adress : http://social.1max2peche.com/belle-boule-de-mucus/
Put in the image URL directly (in the browser): http://www.1max2peche.com/design/magazine-peche-1max2peche-logo.png
Happens to at least 2 out of 3 images in the og:image tags, and it may be the problem. Also take a look at the image specifications: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/best-practices#images
You see that it redirects, so of course Facebook cannot get it. Make sure to check out your rewrite stuff.

Adding link to your facebook app in photo post message

Can anyone tell me how this facebook application was able to make 'MemeGen' a link in this post? I have a photo upload application, and everything works great, but I can't figure out how to stick a link like this in the posts.
This is the markup that they managed to get into the message.
Thanks for any help!
That is obviously not a normal photo upload, but an Open Graph action, which publishes a user generated image – https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/actions/#usergenerated
(And at that, it is in violation of the rules, because actions are only supposed to post real photos that the user publishing the action took at that very moment with his camera – and I doubt that this particular image with text on it qualifies as such.)

Using the Facebook Graph API for posting a customized image on user's facebook wall

In my Facebook app the user can assemble a couple of small images to a larger image. Is it at all possible to post this image to the user's wall without posting it as a photo?
As far as I can see, the alternative would be to post a link to a web page that contains the og:image meta tag but this appears to be quite cumbersome since I'm dealing with a customized image.
Is there any another way to post the image to the wall?
Tried with the picture property on the post object which worked. For some reason it didn't work when I tried it some weeks back.

post on facebook wall through php application

I am going to develop a site where I want to subscribe users from facebook.
If the user subscribe successfully then application will post on his wall when something new happen in our site.
can anybody help me about this.
Thank you in advance
you will need to request "publish_stream" permissions from the user. Read the information about 'publishing' in this link.
The call will look something like this (using the facebook sdk) :
where $post_details is an array containing pictures, descriptions, links... etc..
Read from the link - it is all explained there...
Good luck!

Django url image extraction like facebook

Does anybody know if there is a pluggable app that you can use to achieve url like image extraction for Django?
I dont know if there is a pluggable app that will do this for you, but you can probably hack this together yourself.
The only 'standard' I know of that facilitates this is oEmbed (http://www.oembed.com/) which basically works this way:
somebody gives you a URL.
you read it, find that its a valid JSON that matches the oembed structure
other than the above, and what I think facebook does as well (since I took a look at a few sites that both twitter and fb would work with and none have any oembed support that I can see), is to work on a case by case basis. They probably had a developer go through a large variety of sites and look at the type of meta tags available. for example, yfrog has a bunch of meta properties that tell you the url directly to the main image being displayed, the owner, the tweet that went along with the image, etc. After that it's best effort guesswork. that's why when you try to share a blog post on facebook, it'll often give you the option of any one of the images that went with that blog post, because it doesn't know which one is the main one.