How do I invoke Clock-Domain Crossing in Questa CDC? - questasim

Is there a command to invoke Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) in Questa CDC?
I am looking for something like in midelsim .vsim for simulation, in cadence simvision.

Any of these should work from a Linux command prompt. Newer versions use qverify.
qverify &
qcdc &
qverify -c -do $WORK/cdc/scripts/ -od $WORK/cdc/results
qcdc -c -do $WORK/cdc/scripts/ -od $WORK/cdc/results


Configuring compilers on Mac M1 (Big Sur, Monterey) for Rcpp and other tools

I'm trying to use packages that require Rcpp in R on my M1 Mac, which I was never able to get up and running after purchasing this computer. I updated it to Monterey in the hope that this would fix some installation issues but it hasn't. I tried running the Rcpp check from this page but I get the following error:
> Rcpp::sourceCpp("~/github/helloworld.cpp")
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/opt/R/arm64/gfortran/lib/gcc/aarch64-apple-darwin20.2.0/11.0.0'
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/opt/R/arm64/gfortran/lib'
ld: library not found for -lgfortran
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [] Error 1
clang++ -arch arm64 -std=gnu++14 -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/include" -DNDEBUG -I../inst/include -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1-arm64/Resources/library/Rcpp/include" -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1-arm64/Resources/library/RcppArmadillo/include" -I"/Users/afredston/github" -I/opt/R/arm64/include -fPIC -falign-functions=64 -Wall -g -O2 -c helloworld.cpp -o helloworld.o
clang++ -arch arm64 -std=gnu++14 -dynamiclib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -undefined dynamic_lookup -single_module -multiply_defined suppress -L/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/lib -L/opt/R/arm64/lib -o helloworld.o -L/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/lib -lRlapack -L/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/lib -lRblas -L/opt/R/arm64/gfortran/lib/gcc/aarch64-apple-darwin20.2.0/11.0.0 -L/opt/R/arm64/gfortran/lib -lgfortran -lemutls_w -lm -F/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/.. -framework R -Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation
Error in Rcpp::sourceCpp("~/github/helloworld.cpp") :
Error 1 occurred building shared library.
I get that it can't "find" gfortran. I installed this release of gfortran for Monterey. When I type which gfortran into Terminal, it returns /opt/homebrew/bin/gfortran. (Maybe this version of gfortran requires Xcode tools that are too new—it says something about 13.2 and when I run clang --version it says 13.0—but I don't see another release of gfortran for Monterey?)
I also appended /opt/homebrew/bin: to PATH in R so it looks like this now:
> Sys.getenv("PATH")
[1] "/opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/Library/TeX/texbin:/Applications/"
Other things I checked:
Xcode command line tools is installed (which clang returns /usr/bin/clang).
Files ~/.R/Makevars and ~/.Renviron don't exist.
Here's my session info:
R version 4.1.1 (2021-08-10)
Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Monterey 12.1
Matrix products: default
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1-arm64/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_4.1.1 tools_4.1.1 RcppArmadillo_0.
[4] Rcpp_1.0.7
Currently (2023-02-20), CRAN builds R 4.2 binaries for Apple silicon using Apple Clang from Command Line Tools for Xcode 13.1 and using an experimental fork of GNU Fortran 12.
If you obtain R from CRAN (i.e., here), then you need to replicate CRAN's compiler setup on your system before building R packages that contain C/C++/Fortran code from their sources (and before using Rcpp, etc.). This requirement ensures that your package builds are compatible with R itself.
A further complication is the fact that Apple Clang doesn't support OpenMP, so you need to do even more work to compile programs that make use of multithreading. You could circumvent the issue by building R itself, all R packages, and all external libraries from sources with LLVM Clang, which does support OpenMP, but that approach is onerous and "for experts only".
There is another approach that has been tested by a few people, including Simon Urbanek, the maintainer of R for macOS. It is experimental and also "for experts only", but it works on my machine and is much simpler than learning to build R and other libraries yourself.
Instructions for obtaining a working toolchain
Warning: These come with no warranty and could break at any time. Some level of familiarity with C/C++/Fortran program compilation, Makefile syntax, and Unix shells is assumed. Everyone is encouraged to consult official documentation, which is more likely to be maintained than answers on SO. As usual, sudo at your own risk.
I will try to address compilers and OpenMP support at the same time. I am going to assume that you are starting from nothing. Feel free to skip steps you've already taken, though you might find a fresh start helpful.
I've tested these instructions on a machine running Big Sur, but they should also work on Monterey and Ventura.
Download an R 4.2 binary from CRAN here and install. Be sure to select the binary built for Apple silicon.
$ sudo xcode-select --install
in Terminal to install the latest release version of Apple's Command Line Tools for Xcode, which includes Apple Clang. You can obtain earlier versions from your browser here. However, the version that you install should not be older than the one that CRAN used to build your R binary.
Download the GNU Fortran binary provided here and install by unpacking to root:
$ curl -LO
$ sudo tar xvf gfortran-12.0.1-20220312-is-darwin20-arm64.tar.xz -C /
$ sudo ln -sfn $(xcrun --show-sdk-path) /opt/R/arm64/gfortran/SDK
The last command updates a symlink inside of the installation so that it points to the SDK inside of your Command Line Tools installation.
Download an OpenMP runtime suitable for your Apple Clang version here and install by unpacking to root. You can query your Apple Clang version with clang --version. For example, I have version 1300.0.29.3, so I did:
$ curl -LO
$ sudo tar xvf openmp-12.0.1-darwin20-Release.tar.gz -C /
After unpacking, you should find these files on your system:
Add the following lines to $(HOME)/.R/Makevars, creating the file if necessary.
CPPFLAGS += -I/usr/local/include -Xclang -fopenmp
LDFLAGS += -L/usr/local/lib -lomp
Test that you are able to use R to compile a C or C++ program with OpenMP support while linking relevant libraries from the GNU Fortran installation (indicated by the -l flags in the output of R CMD CONFIG FLIBS).
The most transparent approach is to use R CMD SHLIB directly. In a temporary directory, create an empty source file omp_test.c and add the following lines:
#ifdef _OPENMP
# include <omp.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
SEXP omp_test(void)
#ifdef _OPENMP
Rprintf("OpenMP threads available: %d\n", omp_get_max_threads());
Rprintf("OpenMP not supported\n");
return R_NilValue;
Compile it:
Then call the compiled C function from R:
$ R -e 'dyn.load(""); invisible(.Call("omp_test"))'
OpenMP threads available: 8
If the compiler or linker throws an error, or if you find that OpenMP is still not supported, then one of us has made a mistake. Please report any issues.
Note that you can implement the same test using Rcpp, if you don't mind installing it:
registerPlugin("flibs", Rcpp.plugin.maker(libs = "$(FLIBS)"))
sourceCpp(code = '
#ifdef _OPENMP
# include <omp.h>
#include <Rcpp.h>
// [[Rcpp::plugins(flibs)]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void omp_test()
#ifdef _OPENMP
Rprintf("OpenMP threads available: %d\\n", omp_get_max_threads());
Rprintf("OpenMP not supported\\n");
OpenMP threads available: 8
Everything is a bit scattered:
R Installation and Administration manual [link]
Writing R Extensions manual [link]
R for macOS Developers web page [link]
I resolved this issue by adding a path to the homebrew installation of gfortran to my ~/.R/Makevars following these instructions:
I just avoided the issue until MacOS had things working more smoothly. so I either Windows Developer Virtual Machine (VM) or run my code development in another environment. I'm not too impressed with the updated and "faster" chipset, but that it doesn't work with much. Slow to implement and work-a-rounds often are a must.
Tested the following process for making multithread data.table work in a M2 MacBook Pro (macOS Monterey)
Steps are mostly the same with this answer by the user inferator.
Download and install R from CRAN
Download and install RStudio with developer tools
Run the following commands in terminal to install OpenMP
curl -O
sudo tar fvxz openmp-12.0.1-darwin20-Release.tar.gz -C /
Add compiler flags to connect clan w/ OpenMP. In terminal, write the following:
cd ~
mkdir .R
nano .R/Makevars
Inside the opened Makevars file paste the following lines. Once finished, hit command+O and then Enter to save. Do a command+X to close the editor.
CPPFLAGS += -Xclang -fopenmp
LDFLAGS += -lomp
Download and run the installer for gfortran by downloading gfortran-ARM-12.1-Monterey.dmg from the respective GitHub repo
This concludes the steps regarding enabling OpenMP and (hopefully) Rcpp in R under a M2 chip system.
Now, for testing that everything works with data.table I did the following
Open RStudio and run
install.packages("data.table", type = "source")
If everything is done correctly, the package should compile without any errors and return the following when running getDTthreads(verbose = TRUE):
OpenMP version (_OPENMP) 201811
omp_get_num_procs() 8
R_DATATABLE_THROTTLE unset (default 1024)
omp_get_thread_limit() 2147483647
omp_get_max_threads() 8
RestoreAfterFork true
data.table is using 4 threads with throttle==1024. See ?setDTthreads.
[1] 4

How to uninstall mod_wsgi when installed with make?

I have installed mod_wsgi on Ubuntu 14.04 as described in their documentation. While I don't get any errors from Apache or anything my Django setup does not work (no idea why exactly) so I would like to start over and use libapache2-mod-wsgi.
However, I don't know how to uninstall mod_wsgi. This answer to a more general question on the subject advises trying make uninstall which does not work in this case.
make -n install gives me the following output:
/usr/bin/apxs2 -c -I/usr/include/python2.7 -DNDEBUG -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wc,-g -Wc,-O2 src/server/mod_wsgi.c src/server/wsgi_*.c -L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib/python2.7/config -lpython2.7 -lpthread -ldl -lutil -lm
/usr/bin/apxs2 -i -S LIBEXECDIR=/usr/lib/apache2/modules -n 'mod_wsgi' src/server/
What exactly do I have to do to uninstall this?
Edit: I'm using mod_wsgi-4.5.3.
Remove any configuration you added to Apache configuration files and also run:
sudo rm /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
I would strongly recommend against using the system provided mod_wsgi package as it is generally out of date by many many versions and is also thus not supported. You are better off using the latest from source code and trying to work out what the problem is, exact details of which you haven't posted.

Rcpp Library Won't Build (Can't find Compiler) on Ubuntu

I have a package that depends on Rcpp and uses two other libraries compiled from sub-directories in src/. The package builds fine on Mac OSX using a clang compiler. However, on an RStudio Ubuntu server, it fails to build. The build's first two steps (creating the static libraries in the sub directories to link in) work fine and I can see sensible build commands like the following taking place:
g++ -Wall -I../../inst/include/ --std=c++11 -lhts -L../htslib/ -lz -lm -c -o someLibFile.o someLibFile.cpp
However, in the very last step of the build process where it tries to build the Rcpp code and bind to the library, for some reason it appears to compleletey fail to put the compiler command in front (g++) and only outputs the second half of the command.
-o RcppExports.o temp.o -lhts -lpbbam -Lpbbam/ -L/htslib/ -Lpbbam/ -L/mnt/software/r/R/3.1.1/usr/lib/R/lib -lR
In contrast, on the Mac it builds just fine, appending clang++ and other flags in front of this final command:
clang++ -std=c++11 -dynamiclib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -undefined dynamic_lookup -single_module -multiply_defined suppress -L/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/lib -L/usr/local/lib -o LoadData.o RcppExports.o temp.o -lhts -lpbbam -Lpbbam/ -Lhtslib/ -Lpbbam/ -F/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/.. -framework R -Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation
How do I make it use the g++ compiler on Ubuntu at this step? I have a custom Makevars file, but it is there just to build the dependencies in the sub-directory, so I don't know why that would cause any problems (since it works on Mac OSX).
More Information
The compiler seems to be found if I delete my Makevars file. However, the Makevars file I am using is essentially a direct copy of the example given in the R extensions guide with one addition to enable C++11:
.PHONY: all mylibs
all: $(SHLIB)
$(SHLIB): mylibs
(cd subdir; make)
With the line CXX_STD removed, it does stick a compiler in front of the command.
What is your R installation? You should probably run the binaries provided by Michael via CRAN; they are based on my Debian upload; I run these too on a bunch of machines
The reason is that R 'remembers' its compile-time settings via $RHOME/etc/Makefconf. This should just be CXX=g+=.
When you install r-base-dev (from Ubuntu or the newer version from CRAN) you also get the build-essential package as well as all common dependencies. With that things just work.
If however you are doing something special or local, well then you have to deal with your local changes. The basic Ubuntu setup is used by thousands of people and daily jobs--including eg Travis builds for countless GitHub repos.
This is caused by using an outdated/unusual R installation which has poor support for C++11. The best way to resolve his is to upgrade to a more recent version of R, or use a standard R install (sudo apt-get install r-base-dev). A poor work around is described below.
Problems Cause and Bad Work Around
When writing R extension that use C++11, one often sets CXX_STD = CXX11 in the Makevars file or list SystemRequirements: C++11 in the DESCRIPTION file. These will trigger R to use the compiler set by the following flags in the Makeconf file (located at file.path(R.home(), "etc/Makeconf")).
Note that some of these may be set in this file, but not all of them might be there indicating a problem. In the event there is a problem with these settings or they are not set, R appears to use the empty string "" as the compiler/linker for the C++ code, leading to the problem shown above where no compiler argument is given.
If upgrading is not an option and you need to deploy on a known machine, one work around is to manually setup for C++11 by making a more idiosyncratic Makevars file. For example, you could:
Remove the CXX_STD=CXX11 line from the Makevars file.
Remove SystemRequirements: C++11 from the DESCRIPTION file.
Add --std=c++11 and any other requirements needed to PKG_CPPFLAGS, PKG_CFLAGS, PKG_CXXFLAGS or whatever variable is being used to compile your code, to manually set the needed flags (assuming the machine's compiler actually does support C++11).
The above solution is not particularly robust, but can be used as a work around in case the machine cannot be upgraded.
Thanks to #DirkEddelbuettel for not only writing Rcpp but being willing to support it on StackOverflow and help with issues like this.

Problems cross compiling Qt 4.7 from source for ARM

I'm trying to cross-compile Qt 4.7.1 from source, here are some notes on my setup:
my expected output is the shared object libraries that are required to be present in order to run a Qt application.
My target platform is a TI AM335x processor which is of the ARM Cortex-A8 architecture.
My development platform is a x86 64-bit Ubuntu virtual machine
My understanding of how this should work is that I download the toolchain for my target platform (this is the Linaro toolchain from TI), I download the source code for Qt 4.7.1, I set the mkspec to use my tool chain, run configure, then just need to run make/make install and I should be able to find all the .so's where I told it to install to. I'm having a lot of problems getting this idea to work however.
First I downloaded the TI SDK version: ti-sdk-am335x-evm- which has the arm tool's at:
I updated my $PATH with that directory:
mike#mike-VirtualBox:~$ echo $PATH
I then created my own mkspec based on the closest example:
cp -R [qt_install_dir]/mkspecs/qws/linux-arm-gnueabi-g++/ [qt_install_dir]/mkspecs/qws/linux-am335x-g++
and I modified the linux-am335x-g++/qmake.conf to point to the tools from the TI sdk:
# modifications to g++.conf
QMAKE_CC = arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
QMAKE_CXX = arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++
QMAKE_LINK = arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++
QMAKE_LINK_SHLIB = arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++
# modifications to linux.conf
QMAKE_AR = arm-linux-gnueabihf-ar cqs
QMAKE_OBJCOPY = arm-linux-gnueabihf-objcopy
QMAKE_STRIP = arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip
Then I ran a configure command:
./configure -prefix /home/mike/qt4.7.1_source/my_qt -embedded arm -platform qws/linux-x86_64-g++ -xplatform qws/linux-am335x-g++ -no-mmx -no-3dnow -no-sse -no-sse2 -no-glib -no-cups -no-largefile -no-accessibility -no-openssl -no-gtkstyle -fast -opensource
It runs for a while then completes and says it's ready to do make/make install at this point I run make and that's where it starts to fail:
-DQT_SHARED -DQT_BUILD_CORE_LIB -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_ASCII_CAST_WARNINGS -DQT3_SUPPORT -DQT_MOC_COMPAT -DQT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS -DQT_USE_FAST_CONCATENATION -DELF_INTERPRETER=\"/lib64/\" -DHB_EXPORT=Q_CORE_EXPORT -DQT_HAVE_NEON -DQT_NO_DEBUG -I../../mkspecs/qws/linux-am335x-g++ -I. -I../../include -I../../include/QtCore -I.rcc/release-shared-emb-arm -Iglobal -I../3rdparty/harfbuzz/src -I../3rdparty/md5 -I../3rdparty/md4 -I.moc/release-shared-emb-arm kernel/qobject.h -o .moc/release-shared-emb-arm/moc_qobject.cpp arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ -c
-include .pch/release-shared-emb-arm/QtCore -pipe -fno-exceptions -mfpu=neon -O2 -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -fPIC -DQT_SHARED -DQT_BUILD_CORE_LIB -DQT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_ASCII_CAST_WARNINGS -DQT3_SUPPORT -DQT_MOC_COMPAT -DQT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS -DQT_USE_FAST_CONCATENATION -DELF_INTERPRETER=\"/lib64/\" -DHB_EXPORT=Q_CORE_EXPORT -DQT_HAVE_NEON -DQT_NO_DEBUG -I../../mkspecs/qws/linux-am335x-g++ -I. -I../../include -I../../include/QtCore -I.rcc/release-shared-emb-arm -Iglobal -I../3rdparty/harfbuzz/src -I../3rdparty/md5 -I../3rdparty/md4 -I.moc/release-shared-emb-arm -o .obj/release-shared-emb-arm/qobject.o kernel/qobject.cpp {standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:1294: Error: selected processor does not support Thumb mode 'swp r6,r4,[r3]'
make[1]: [.obj/release-shared-emb-arm/qobject.o] Error 1* make[1]: Leaving directory
make: * [sub-corelib-make_default-ordered] Error 2
So, the question...
Why is the compiler complaining that the thumb mode is not supported? Since this is a cross compile tool chain for an ARM based processor, it should be supported. The fact that it's not makes me feel that make is somehow picking up the wrong version of g++.
Any thoughts on what went wrong and how to fix this?
{standard input}:1294: Error: selected processor does not support Thumb mode 'swp r6,r4,[r3]'
Why is the compiler complaining that the thumb mode is not supported?
Note, the compiler is complaining about the swp instruction not being available for thumb mode. Your CPU supports thumb, thumb2, and ARM. The Cortex series deprecates the use of swp and prefers ldrex/strex pairs.
Any thoughts on what went wrong and how to fix this?
You need to get gcc to define __ARM_ARCH_7__; this is done with either -mcpu=cortex-a8 or the combination -mtune=cortex-a8 and -march=armv7-a or what ever you like depending on how many types of boards you want Qt to run on.
In detail, see qatomic_arm.h for where a sub-file is selected. You have a very generic ARM selected (I guess), so you get qatomic_armv5.hNote1 where you can see the code around line 125. The right file for your CPU is qatomic_armv7.h, which mainly just includes qatomic_armv6.h. In this file you can find ldrex/strex which is the wholesome goodness that your gcc is requesting.
I also suggest you do not compile with -fast. There is another question where the OP says this solved his issue; but I think this is different.
You can try to pass -armfpa to configure. ./configure -embedded arm --help is useful. configure appears to have selected NEON, so it seems to know you have a more advanced CPU (there is no NEON on an armv5, but this maybe a fault of configure).
For certain, you don't want the swp code and the ldrex/strex is preferred for your system, even if swp could somehow work. I would at least resolve this. Alter the -xplatform qws/linux-am335x-g++ to update -mcpu or possibly pass an explicit -D__ARM_ARCH_7__. You can get a list of defines with arm-gcc -mcpu=cortex-a8 -dM -E - < /dev/null, to verify that the __ARM_ARCH_7__ is being defined. It looks like it is moc failing, so maybe the -D__ARM_ARCH_7_ solution will be needed.
You might also try to alter -mthumb in the compiler option. It is probably best to use -mcpu=cortex-a8 and -mthumb for your system, if you can get that to compile/build. Omitting -mthumb will make the code slightly larger. You might also try -Os. For some reason, I have huge builds with other optimizations and more recent gcc versions. It appears to be due to some C++ feature as normal 'C' doesn't behave this way; but this may just be my compiler. I looked and believe it is the exception tables, but I never confirmed anything and moved on. I am sure you are aware of how long Qt takes to compile.
Note1: The qatomic_armv5.h code is fairly confused and newer gcc or binutils will choke even when this is the correct file to use.
asm volatile("swpb %0,%2,[%3]"
: "=&r"(ret), "=m" (*ptr)
: "r"(newval), "r"(ptr)
: "cc", "memory");
This specifies some inline assembler parameters which are never used. Not to mention the condition codes are not used, etc.
asm volatile("swpb %0,%1,[%2]"
: "=r"(ret)
: "0"(newval), "r"(ptr)
: "memory");
will compile with newer gcc and binutils. It also uses less registers and is optimal for the way Qt is currently using it; there maybe cases where ret needs to be preserved to compare to newval but it is just a user space spin lock currently.
The bracket [x] is a memory operand register and must be different than the other two parameters for a valid swp. I believe the first form was used to stop %0 from being the same as %3. The 2nd form avoids this by making %0 and %1 the same, so %2 must be different.
the answer by usr: artless noise did in fact fix my issue, but since I want to make sure there is a very clear trail for myself (if needed) or others, I want to state exactly what the fix was:
First, I updated my .configure command to:
./configure -prefix /home/mike/qt4.7.1_source/my_qt -embedded arm -platform qws/linux-x86_64-g++ -xplatform qws/linux-am335x-g++ -no-mmx -no-3dnow -no-sse -no-sse2 -no-glib -no-cups -no-largefile -no-accessibility -no-openssl -no-gtkstyle -opensource -qt-mouse-tslib
The only difference from the question's configure command is the removal of the -fast option.
Then in my the linux-am335x-g++/qmake.conf file, I added a few command line options:
QMAKE_CFLAGS= -march=armv7-a -marm -mthumb-interwork -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon -mtune=cortex-a8
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS= -march=armv7-a -marm -mthumb-interwork -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon -mtune=cortex-a8
With these two change I can now see everything build and install Qt4.7.1 successfully.
I also tried Qt4.8.5 and everything works the same except one more option has to be added to the ./configure command:
This is to avoid an error regarding a: .pch
directory and files in side showing "No such file or directory"

No access to environment variables while remote compiling using Code::Blocks, plink and makefiles

I'm trying to set up Code::Blocks under Windows 7 Professional SP1 to work for remote compilation (using PuTTY link -> plink) on a linux server, but I am not much familiar with that topic. This is the manual I used:
I configured Code blocks as follows:
Settings->Compiler and debugger->Global compiler settings->Toolchain executabes:
Program Files->Make program: plink.exe
Project->Properties->Project Settings:
Makefile: makefile_name
[checked] This is a custom makefile
Execution direction: Z:\Path\to\Samba\Share
Project's build options->Debug->"Make" commands:
Build project/target:
$make -X -ssh user#linux_server -pw my_great_password make -f $makefile -C /path/to/my/makefile
Compile single file:
$make -X -ssh user#linux_server -pw my_great_password make -f $makefile -C /path/to/my/makefile $file
Clean project/target:
$make -X -ssh user#linux_server -pw my_great_password make -f $makefile clean -C /path/to/my/makefile
Ask if rebuild is needed:
$make -X -ssh user#linux_server -pw my_great_password make -q -f $makefile -C /path/to/my/makefile
Silent build:
$make -X -ssh user#linux_server -pw my_great_password make -s -f $makefile -C /path/to/my/makefile
By the way, do I invoke the compiler/linker on the linux server or is Code::Blocks itself compiling and linkung the source on the linux server? Excuse my nescience.
The problem I am facing now, is that I can not access environment variables in the makefile:
include $(MY_ENV_VAR)/path/to/another/makefile
The error I receive let's me assume, that MY_ENV_VAR remains empty:
/path/to/another/makefile: No such file or directory
I checked if Code::Blocks tries to resolve the environment variable of my windows computer but that is not the case.
Additional information:
Code::Blocks version:
Version: 10.05, Build: May 27 2010, 19:10:05 - wx2.8.10 (Windows, unicode) - 32 bit
Linux server:
Linux linux_server 2.6.18-238.el5 #1 SMP Sun Dec 19 14:22:44 EST 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I can provide more information if needed. I also welcome other suggestions to realize a remote compilation on a linux machine from windows. Or is another IDE more suitable for doing remote compilation?
Thanks for reading/helping.
I found someone having a similar problem with NetBeans IDE:
According to this stackoverflow post and this fixunix post I could figure out, that plink doesn't execute startup scripts as it is the case, when you connect via putty. So I realized that Code::Blocks was innocent concerning my difficulties while trying to remote compile.
In my case, I had to explicitly source the login script ~/.login to have access to my environment variables. For the make command this would for example mean:
$make -X -ssh user#linux_server -pw my_great_password "source ~/.login;make -f $makefile" -C /path/to/my/makefile
This way a managed to remote compile my software. To start the application, I added a post-build step:
cmd /c "C:\Program^ Files\PuTTY\putty.exe -load my_session -pw my_great_password"
In the password, I had to escape an ampersand character: ^& (by the way, there are many reasons to use a private key instead of a hardcoded password). This loads a stored PuTTY session, which has the following remote command(s):
source ~/.login;/path/to/my/application/my_application;$<
I'm using the C shell. Therefore I used $< to wait for an user input (enter key). Now I can compile and run my application by hitting the build button. Hope this helps others to configure Code::Blocks for remote compilation. Just leave a comment if you're facing further problems or if you want to provide additional information/advice.