I realize that this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find an answer for the problem I have. The below code errors out at - "(println (arr 0))". This line should however print out 4? I am new to clojure and dont understand where I am going wrong here.
I tried out (defn arr [4 3 2 1]) (arr 0) in the REPL, and that seemed to work.
(defn swap-arr [my-arr x y]
(assoc my-arr x (my-arr y) y (my-arr x)))
(defn minimumSwaps [arr]
(for [i (range (count arr))]
(do (println (arr 0))
(while (not= i (arr i))
(def arr (swap-arr arr (arr i) (- 1 i)))))))
(minimumSwaps [4 3 2 1])
PS: The code to find min swaps is not complete yet.
I thing I realized, is that I get the error while debugging, and that is because "range" is a lazy seq and, the REPL didnt like it.
I changed the code to this anyway -
(defn minimumSwaps [org-vec]
(loop [mut-vec org-vec, i 0, swap-count 0]
(if (< i (count org-vec))
(let [sub-arr (subvec mut-vec i)]
(recur (swap-arr mut-vec (mut-vec i) (apply min sub-arr))
(+ i 1)
(if (= (apply min sub-arr) (mut-vec i)) swap-count (+ swap-count 1))))
I need help with an assignment that uses Clojure. It is very small but the language is a bit confusing to understand. I need to create a function that behaves like count without actually using the count funtion. I know a loop can be involved with it somehow but I am at a lost because nothing I have tried even gets my code to work. I expect it to output the number of elements in list. For example:
(defn functionname []
(println(functionname '(1 4 8)))
Here is what I have so far:
(defn functionname [n]
(def n 0)
(def x 0)
(while (< x n)
(println(functionname '(1 4 8)))
It's not much but I think it goes something like this.
This implementation takes the first element of the list and runs a sum until it can't anymore and then returns the sum.
(defn recount [list-to-count]
(loop [xs list-to-count sum 0]
(if (first xs)
(recur (rest xs) (inc sum))
user=> (recount '(3 4 5 9))
A couple more example implementations:
(defn not-count [coll]
(reduce + (map (constantly 1) coll)))
(defn not-count [coll]
(reduce (fn [a _] (inc a)) 0 coll))
(defn not-count [coll]
(apply + (map (fn [_] 1) coll)))
(not-count '(5 7 8 1))
=> 4
I personally like the first one with reduce and constantly.
I am trying to implement a solution for minimum-swaps required to sort an array in clojure.
The code works, but takes about a second to solve for the 7 element vector, which is very poor compared to a similar solution in Java. (edited)
I already tried providing the explicit types, but doesnt seem to make a difference
I tried using transients, but has an open bug for subvec, that I am using in my solution- https://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-787
Any pointers on how I can optimize the solution?
;; Find minimumSwaps required to sort the array. The algorithm, starts by iterating from 0 to n-1. In each iteration, it places the least element in the ith position.
(defn minimumSwaps [input]
(loop [mv input, i (long 0), swap-count (long 0)]
(if (< i (count input))
(let [min-elem (apply min (drop i mv))]
(if (not= min-elem (mv i))
(recur (swap-arr mv i min-elem),
(unchecked-inc i),
(unchecked-inc swap-count))
(recur mv,
(unchecked-inc i),
(defn swap-arr [vec x min-elem]
(let [y (long (.indexOf vec min-elem))]
(assoc vec x (vec y) y (vec x))))
(time (println (minimumSwaps [7 6 5 4 3 2 1])))
There are a few things that can be improved in your solution, both algorithmically and efficiency-wise. The main improvement is to remember both the minimal element in the vector and its position when you search for it. This allows you to not search for the minimal element again with .indexOf.
Here's my revised solution that is ~4 times faster:
(defn swap-arr [v x y]
(assoc v x (v y) y (v x)))
(defn find-min-and-position-in-vector [v, ^long start-from]
(let [size (count v)]
(loop [i start-from, min-so-far (long (nth v start-from)), min-pos start-from]
(if (< i size)
(let [x (long (nth v i))]
(if (< x min-so-far)
(recur (inc i) x i)
(recur (inc i) min-so-far min-pos)))
[min-so-far min-pos]))))
(defn minimumSwaps [input]
(loop [mv input, i (long 0), swap-count (long 0)]
(if (< i (count input))
(let [[min-elem min-pos] (find-min-and-position-in-vector mv i)]
(if (not= min-elem (mv i))
(recur (swap-arr mv i min-pos),
(inc i),
(inc swap-count))
(recur mv,
(inc i),
To understand where are the performance bottlenecks in your program, it is better to use https://github.com/clojure-goes-fast/clj-async-profiler rather than to guess.
Notice how I dropped unchecked-* stuff from your code. It is not as important here, and it is easy to get it wrong. If you want to use them for performance, make sure to check the resulting bytecode with a decompiler: https://github.com/clojure-goes-fast/clj-java-decompiler
A similar implementation in java, runs almost in half the time.
That's actually fairly good for Clojure, given that you use immutable vectors where in Java you probably use arrays. After rewriting the Clojure solution to arrays, the performance would be almost the same.
Still very new to Clojure and programming in general so forgive the stupid question.
The problem is:
Find n and k such that the sum of numbers up to n (exclusive) is equal to the sum of numbers from n+1 to k (inclusive).
My solution (which works fine) is to define the following functions:
(defn addd [x] (/ (* x (+ x 1)) 2))
(defn sum-to-n [n] (addd(- n 1)))
(defn sum-to-k [n=1 k=4] (- (addd k) (addd n)))
(defn is-right[n k]
(= (addd (- n 1)) (sum-to-k n k)))
And then run the following loop:
(loop [n 1 k 2]
(is-right n k) [n k]
(> (sum-to-k n k) (sum-to-n n) )(recur (inc n) k)
:else (recur n (inc k))))
This only returns one answer but if I manually set n and k I can get different values. However, I would like to define a function which returns a lazy sequence of all values so that:
(= [6 8] (take 1 make-seq))
How do I do this as efficiently as possible? I have tried various things but haven't had much luck.
I think I came up with a better way of doing it, but its returning 'let should be a vector'. Clojure docs aren't much help...
Heres the new code:
(defn calc-n [n k]
(inc (+ (* 2 k) (* 3 n))))
(defn calc-k [n k]
(inc (+ (* 3 k)(* 4 n))))
(defn f
(let [n 4 k 6]
(recur (calc-n n k) (calc-k n k))))
(take 4 (f))
Yes, you can create a lazy-seq, so that the next iteration will take result of the previous iteration. Here is my suggestion:
(defn cal [n k]
(loop [n n k k]
(is-right n k) [n k]
(> (sum-to-k n k) (sum-to-n n) )(recur (inc n) k)
:else (recur n (inc k)))))
(defn make-seq [n k]
(if-let [[n1 k1] (cal n k)]
(cons [n1 k1]
(lazy-seq (make-seq (inc n1) (inc k1))))))
(take 5 (make-seq 1 2))
;;=> ([6 8] [35 49] [204 288] [1189 1681] [6930 9800])
just generating lazy seq of candidatess with iterate and then filtering them should probably be what you need:
(def pairs
(->> [1 2]
(iterate (fn [[n k]]
(if (< (sum-to-n n) (sum-n-to-k n k))
[(inc n) k]
[n (inc k)])))
(filter (partial apply is-right))))
user> (take 5 pairs)
;;=> ([6 8] [35 49] [204 288] [1189 1681] [6930 9800])
semantically it is just like manually generating a lazy-seq, and should be as efficient, but this one is probably more idiomatic
If you don't feel like "rolling your own", here is an alternate solution. I also cleaned up the algorithm a bit through renaming/reformating.
The main difference is that you treat your loop-recur as an infinite loop inside of the t/lazy-gen form. When you find a value you want to keep, you use the t/yield expression to create a lazy-sequence of outputs. This structure is the Clojure version of a generator function, just like in Python.
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.test )
(:require [tupelo.core :as t] ))
(defn integrate-to [x]
(/ (* x (+ x 1)) 2))
(defn sum-to-n [n]
(integrate-to (- n 1)))
(defn sum-n-to-k [n k]
(- (integrate-to k) (integrate-to n)))
(defn sums-match[n k]
(= (sum-to-n n) (sum-n-to-k n k)))
(defn recur-gen []
(loop [n 1 k 2]
(when (sums-match n k)
(t/yield [n k]))
(if (< (sum-to-n n) (sum-n-to-k n k))
(recur (inc n) k)
(recur n (inc k))))))
with results:
Clojure 1.10.1 Java 13
(take 5 (recur-gen)) => ([6 8] [35 49] [204 288] [1189 1681] [6930 9800])
You can find all of the details in the Tupelo Library.
This first function probably has a better name from math, but I don't know math very well. I'd use inc (increment) instead of (+ ,,, 1), but that's just personal preference.
(defn addd [x]
(/ (* x (inc x)) 2))
I'll slightly clean up the spacing here and use the dec (decrement) function.
(defn sum-to-n [n]
(addd (dec n)))
(defn sum-n-to-k [n k]
(- (addd k) (addd n)))
In some languages predicates, functions that return booleans,
have names like is-odd or is-whatever. In clojure they're usually
called odd? or whatever?.
The question-mark is not syntax, it's just part of the name.
(defn matching-sums? [n k]
(= (addd (dec n)) (sum-n-to-k n k)))
The loop special form is kind of like an anonymous function
for recur to jump back to. If there's no loop form, recur jumps back
to the enclosing function.
Also, dunno what to call this so I'll just call it f.
(defn f [n k]
(matching-sums? n k) [n k]
(> (sum-n-to-k n k) (sum-to-n n)) (recur (inc n) k)
:else (recur n (inc k))))
(f 1 2) ;=> [6 8]
(f 7 9) ;=> [35 49]
Now, for your actual question. How to make a lazy sequence. You can use the lazy-seq macro, like in minhtuannguyen's answer, but there's an easier, higher level way. Use the iterate function. iterate takes a function and a value and returns an infinite sequence of the value followed by calling the function with the value, followed by calling the function on that value etc.
(defn make-seq [init]
(iterate (fn [n-and-k]
(let [n (first n-and-k)
k (second n-and-k)]
(f (inc n) (inc k))))
(take 4 (make-seq [1 2])) ;=> ([1 2] [6 8] [35 49] [204 288])
That can be simplified a bit by using destructuring in the argument-vector of the anonymous function.
(defn make-seq [init]
(iterate (fn [[n k]]
(f (inc n) (inc k)))
About the repeated calculations in f.
By saving the result of the calculations using a let, you can avoid calculating addd multiple times for each number.
(defn f [n k]
(let [to-n (sum-to-n n)
n-to-k (sum-n-to-k n k)]
(= to-n n-to-k) [n k]
(> n-to-k to-n) (recur (inc n) k)
:else (recur n (inc k)))))
I've pasted the code on this page in an IDE and it works. The problem is that when I replace the definition of target-data with this vector of pairs* it gives me this error**.
(vector [[1 2]
[2 3]
[3 4]
[4 5]] ) ; *
UnsupportedOperationException nth not supported on this type: core$vector clojure.lang.RT.nthFrom (RT.java:857) **
What should I do to use my own target-data?
(ns evolvefn.core)
;(def target-data
; (map #(vector % (+ (* % %) % 1))
; (range -1.0 1.0 0.1)))
;; We'll use input (x) values ranging from -1.0 to 1.0 in increments
;; of 0.1, and we'll generate the target [x y] pairs algorithmically.
;; If you want to evolve a function to fit your own data then you could
;; just paste a vector of pairs into the definition of target-data instead.
(def target-data
(vec[1 2]
[2 3]
[3 4]
[4 5]))
;; An individual will be an expression made of functions +, -, *, and
;; pd (protected division), along with terminals x and randomly chosen
;; constants between -5.0 and 5.0. Note that for this problem the
;; presence of the constants actually makes it much harder, but that
;; may not be the case for other problems.
(defn random-function
(rand-nth '(+ - * pd)))
(defn random-terminal
(rand-nth (list 'x (- (rand 10) 5))))
(defn random-code
(if (or (zero? depth)
(zero? (rand-int 2)))
(list (random-function)
(random-code (dec depth))
(random-code (dec depth)))))
;; And we have to define pd (protected division):
(defn pd
"Protected division; returns 0 if the denominator is zero."
[num denom]
(if (zero? denom)
(/ num denom)))
;; We can now evaluate the error of an individual by creating a function
;; built around the individual, calling it on all of the x values, and
;; adding up all of the differences between the results and the
;; corresponding y values.
(defn error
(let [value-function (eval (list 'fn '[x] individual))]
(reduce + (map (fn [[x y]]
(- (value-function x) y)))
;; We can now generate and evaluate random small programs, as with:
;; (let [i (random-code 3)] (println (error i) "from individual" i))
;; To help write mutation and crossover functions we'll write a utility
;; function that injects something into an expression and another that
;; extracts something from an expression.
(defn codesize [c]
(if (seq? c)
(count (flatten c))
(defn inject
"Returns a copy of individual i with new inserted randomly somwhere within it (replacing something else)."
[new i]
(if (seq? i)
(if (zero? (rand-int (count (flatten i))))
(if (< (rand)
(/ (codesize (nth i 1))
(- (codesize i) 1)))
(list (nth i 0) (inject new (nth i 1)) (nth i 2))
(list (nth i 0) (nth i 1) (inject new (nth i 2)))))
(defn extract
"Returns a random subexpression of individual i."
(if (seq? i)
(if (zero? (rand-int (count (flatten i))))
(if (< (rand) (/ (codesize (nth i 1))
(- (codesize i)) 1))
(extract (nth i 1))
(extract (nth i 2))))
;; Now the mutate and crossover functions are easy to write:
(defn mutate
(inject (random-code 2) i))
(defn crossover
[i j]
(inject (extract j) i))
;; We can see some mutations with:
;; (let [i (random-code 2)] (println (mutate i) "from individual" i))
;; and crossovers with:
;; (let [i (random-code 2) j (random-code 2)]
;; (println (crossover i j) "from" i "and" j))
;; We'll also want a way to sort a populaty by error that doesn't require
;; lots of error re-computation:
(defn sort-by-error
(vec (map second
(sort (fn [[err1 ind1] [err2 ind2]] (< err1 err2))
(map #(vector (error %) %) population)))))
;; Finally, we'll define a function to select an individual from a sorted
;; population using tournaments of a given size.
(defn select
[population tournament-size]
(let [size (count population)]
(nth population
(apply min (repeatedly tournament-size #(rand-int size))))))
;; Now we can evolve a solution by starting with a random population and
;; repeatedly sorting, checking for a solution, and producing a new
;; population.
(defn evolve
(println "Starting evolution...")
(loop [generation 0
population (sort-by-error (repeatedly popsize #(random-code 2)))]
(let [best (first population)
best-error (error best)]
(println "======================")
(println "Generation:" generation)
(println "Best error:" best-error)
(println "Best program:" best)
(println " Median error:" (error (nth population
(int (/ popsize 2)))))
(println " Average program size:"
(float (/ (reduce + (map count (map flatten population)))
(count population))))
(if (< best-error 0.1) ;; good enough to count as success
(println "Success:" best)
(inc generation)
(repeatedly (* 1/2 popsize) #(mutate (select population 7)))
(repeatedly (* 1/4 popsize) #(crossover (select population 7)
(select population 7)))
(repeatedly (* 1/4 popsize) #(select population 7)))))))))
;; Run it with a population of 1000:
(evolve 1000)
And the error is:
(evolve 1000)
Starting evolution...
IllegalArgumentException No matching method found: abs clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeMatchingMethod (Reflector.java:80)
I have completed this problem on hackerrank and my solution passes most test cases but it is not fast enough for 4 out of the 11 test cases.
My solution looks like this:
(ns scratch.core
(require [clojure.string :as str :only (split-lines join split)]))
(defn ascii [char]
(int (.charAt (str char) 0)))
(defn process [text]
(let [parts (split-at (int (Math/floor (/ (count text) 2))) text)
left (first parts)
right (if (> (count (last parts)) (count (first parts)))
(rest (last parts))
(last parts))]
(reduce (fn [acc i]
(let [a (ascii (nth left i))
b (ascii (nth (reverse right) i))]
(if (> a b)
(+ acc (- a b))
(+ acc (- b a))))
) 0 (range (count left)))))
(defn print-result [[x & xs]]
(prn x)
(if (seq xs)
(recur xs)))
(let [input (slurp "/Users/paulcowan/Downloads/input10.txt")
inputs (str/split-lines input)
length (read-string (first inputs))
texts (rest inputs)]
(time (print-result (map process texts))))
Can anyone give me any advice about what I should look at to make this faster?
Would using recursion instead of reduce be faster or maybe this line is expensive:
right (if (> (count (last parts)) (count (first parts)))
(rest (last parts))
(last parts))
Because I am getting a count twice.
You are redundantly calling reverse on every iteration of the reduce:
user=> (let [c [1 2 3]
noisey-reverse #(doto (reverse %) println)]
(reduce (fn [acc e] (conj acc (noisey-reverse c) e))
[:a :b :c]))
(3 2 1)
(3 2 1)
(3 2 1)
[(3 2 1) :a (3 2 1) :b (3 2 1) :c]
The reversed value could be calculated inside the containing let, and would then only need to be calculated once.
Also, due to the way your parts is defined, you are doing linear time lookups with each call to nth. It would be better to put parts in a vector and do indexed lookup. In fact you wouldn't need a reversed parts, and could do arithmetic based on the count of the vector to find the item to look up.