(= [true false true false]
(for [x [nil true [] [true]]] (_____ x)))
Fill in the blank please! empty? is very close but (empty? true) throws an exception. There has to be a better way than catching that?
Something like (or (and (seq? v) (empty? v)) (and (not (seq? v)) (not (nil? v))))) fails on [] because (seq? []) is false.
Internet points to exupero.
(or (nil? v) (and (coll? v) (empty? v)))
I am new to Clojure and I'm learning how to write a program that can simplify logical expressions (just 'and' for now to figure out how things work first). For example:
(and-simplify '(and true)) => true
(and-simplify '(and x true)) => x
(and-simplify '(and true false x)) => false
(and-simplify '(and x y z true)) => (and x y z)
I already knew how to simplify two arguments, that everything I can do right now is:
(defn and-simplify []
(def x (and true false))
println x)
I've read this post and tried to modify my code a little bit but it doesn't seem to get me anywhere:
(defn and-simplify [&expr]
(def (and &expr))
What is the correct way that I should have done?
Here's my take on it.
(defn simplify-and
[[op & forms]]
(let [known-falsy? #(or (false? %) (nil? %))
known-truthy? #(and (not (symbol? %))
(not (seq? %))
(not (known-falsy? %)))
falsy-forms (filter known-falsy? forms)
unknown-forms (remove known-truthy? forms)]
(if (seq falsy-forms)
(first falsy-forms)
(case (count unknown-forms)
0 true
1 (first unknown-forms)
(cons op unknown-forms)))))
(comment (simplify-and `(and true 1 2 a)))
However, we can write a more generic simplify that uses multimethods to simplify lists, so that we can add more optimisations without modifying existing code. Here's that, with optimisations for and, or and + from clojure.core. This simplify only optimises lists based on namespace qualified names.
Check out the examples in the comment form. Hope it makes sense.
(defn- known-falsy? [form]
(or (false? form) (nil? form)))
(defn- known-truthy? [form]
(and (not (symbol? form))
(not (seq? form))
(not (known-falsy? form))))
(declare simplify)
(defmulti simplify-list first)
(defmethod simplify-list :default [form] form)
(defmethod simplify-list 'clojure.core/and
[[op & forms]]
(let [forms (mapv simplify forms)
falsy-forms (filter known-falsy? forms)
unknown-forms (remove known-truthy? forms)]
(if (seq falsy-forms)
(first falsy-forms)
(case (count unknown-forms)
0 true
1 (first unknown-forms)
(cons op unknown-forms)))))
(defmethod simplify-list 'clojure.core/or
[[op & forms]]
(let [forms (mapv simplify forms)
truthy-forms (filter known-truthy? forms)
unknown-forms (remove known-falsy? forms)]
(if (seq truthy-forms)
(first truthy-forms)
(case (count unknown-forms)
0 nil
1 (first unknown-forms)
(cons op unknown-forms)))))
(defmethod simplify-list 'clojure.core/+
[[op & forms]]
(let [{nums true non-nums false} (group-by number? (mapv simplify forms))
sum (apply + nums)]
(if (seq non-nums)
(cons op (cons sum non-nums))
(defn simplify
"takes a Clojure form with resolved symbols and performs
peephole optimisations on it"
(cond (set? form) (into #{} (map simplify) form)
(vector? form) (mapv simplify form)
(map? form) (reduce-kv (fn [m k v] (assoc m (simplify k) (simplify v)))
{} form)
(seq? form) (simplify-list form)
:else form))
(simplify `(+ 1 2))
(simplify `(foo 1 2))
(simplify `(and true (+ 1 2 3 4 5 foo)))
(simplify `(or false x))
(simplify `(or false x nil y))
(simplify `(or false x (and y nil z) (+ 1 2)))
I'm currently trying to learn Clojure. But I am having trouble creating a function that recursively searches through each element of the list and returns the number of "a"'s present in the list.
I have already figured out how to do it iteratively, but I am having trouble doing it recursively. I have tried changing "seq" with "empty?" but that hasn't worked either.
(defn recursive-a [& lst]
(if (seq lst)
(if (= (first lst) "a")
(+ 1 (recursive-a (pop (lst))))
(+ 0 (recursive-a (pop (lst)))))
Welcome to stack overflow community.
You code is fine, except that you made a few minor mistakes.
Firstly, there is one extra pair of braces around your lst parameter that you forward to recursive function. In LISP languages, braces mean evaluation of function. So, first you should remove those.
Second thing is the & parameter syntactic sugar. You do not want to use that until you are certain how it affects your code.
With these changes, the code is as follows:
(defn recursive-a [lst]
(if (seq lst)
(if (= (first lst) "a")
(+ 1 (recursive-a (pop lst)))
(+ 0 (recursive-a (pop lst))))
(recursive-a (list "a" "b" "c"))
You can run it in a web environment: https://repl.it/languages/clojure
Welcome to Stack Overflow.
By invoking recursive-a explicitly the original implementation consumes stack with each recursion. If a sufficiently large list is provided as input this function will eventually exhaust the stack and crash. There are a several ways to work around this.
One of the classic Lisp-y methods for handling situations such as this is to provide a second implementation of the function which passes the running count as an input argument to the "inner" function:
(defn recursive-a-inner [cnt lst]
(seq lst) (cond
(= (first lst) "a") (recur (inc cnt) (rest lst))
:else (recur cnt (rest lst)))
:else cnt))
(defn recursive-a [& lst]
(recursive-a-inner 0 lst))
By doing this the "inner" version allows the recursion to be pushed into tail position so that Clojure's recur keyword can be used. It's not quite as clean an implementation as the original but it has the advantage that it won't blow up the stack.
Another method for handling this is to use Clojure's loop-ing, which allows recursion within the body of a function. The result is much the same as the "inner" function above:
(defn recursive-a [& lp]
(loop [cnt 0
lst lp]
(seq lst) (cond
(= (first lst) "a") (recur (inc cnt) (rest lst))
:else (recur cnt (rest lst)))
:else cnt)))
And if we drop the requirement for explicit recursion we can make this a bit simpler:
(defn not-recursive-a [& lst]
(apply + (map #(if (= % "a") 1 0) lst)))
Best of luck.
In the spirit of learning:
You can use & or not. Both are fine. The difference is how you would then call your function, and you would have to remember to use apply when recurring.
Also, simply use first and rest. They are both safe and will work on both nil and empty lists, returning nil and empty list respectively:
(first []) ;; -> nil
(first nil) ;; -> nil
(rest []) ;; -> ()
(rest nil) ;; -> ()
So here is how I would re-work your idea:
;; With '&'
(defn count-a [& lst]
(if-let [a (first lst)]
(+ (if (= a "a") 1 0)
(apply count-a (rest lst))) ;; use 'apply' here
;; call with variable args, *not* a list
(count-a "a" "b" "a" "c")
;; Without '&'
(defn count-a [lst]
(if-let [a (first lst)]
(+ (if (= a "a") 1 0)
(count-a (rest lst)))
;; call with a single arg: a vector (could be a list or other )
(count-a ["a" "b" "a" "c"])
However, these are not safe, because they don't use tail-recursion, and so if your list is large, you will blow your stack!
So, we use recur. But if you don't want to define an additional "helper" function, you can instead use loop as the "recur" target:
;; With '&'
(defn count-a [& lst]
(loop [c 0 lst lst] ;; 'recur' will loop back to this point
(if-let [a (first lst)]
(recur (if (= a "a") (inc c) c) (rest lst))
(count-a "a" "b" "a" "c")
;; Without '&'
(defn count-a [lst]
(loop [c 0 lst lst]
(if-let [a (first lst)]
(recur (if (= a "a") (inc c) c) (rest lst))
(count-a ["a" "b" "a" "c"])
All that being said, this is the one I also would use:
;; With '&'
(defn count-a [& lst]
(count (filter #(= % "a") lst)))
(count-a "a" "b" "a" "c")
;; Without '&'
(defn count-a [lst]
(count (filter #(= % "a") lst)))
(count-a ["a" "b" "a" "c"])
I'm learning Clojure (my first LISP) and in learning about the idea of "code as data" inherent to LISPs I'm curious as to if anyone has ever built a tool that will read a program and build the abstract syntax tree in a visualizer for you - possibly pre and post macro expansion?
By this, I mean a graphical depiction of a tree in something like SVG.
Really, all you have to do is ' (quote) a form to get an AST of it. That's the beauty of lisps. Say you have the standard every? function:
(defn every?
"Returns true if (pred x) is logical true for every x in coll, else
{:tag Boolean
:added "1.0"
:static true}
[pred coll]
(nil? (seq coll)) true
(pred (first coll)) (recur pred (next coll))
:else false))
Just quote it out to get a nested list of symbols:
; Notice the quote at the start!
'(defn every?
"Returns true if (pred x) is logical true for every x in coll, else
{:tag Boolean
:added "1.0"
:static true}
[pred coll]
(nil? (seq coll)) true
(pred (first coll)) (recur pred (next coll))
:else false))
"Returns true if (pred x) is logical true for every x in coll, else\nfalse."
{:tag Boolean, :added "1.0", :static true}
[pred coll]
(cond (nil? (seq coll)) true (pred (first coll)) (recur pred (next coll)) :else false))
You can neaten it up a bit for visualization by using the standard clojure.pprint/pprint function (indentation indicates nesting):
'(defn every?
"Returns true if (pred x) is logical true for every x in coll, else
{:tag Boolean
:added "1.0"
:static true}
[pred coll]
(nil? (seq coll)) true
(pred (first coll)) (recur pred (next coll))
:else false)))
"Returns true if (pred x) is logical true for every x in coll, else\n false."
{:tag Boolean, :added "1.0", :static true}
[pred coll]
(nil? (seq coll))
(pred (first coll))
(recur pred (next coll))
And you can get a post-macro expansion representation by feeding a call to macroexpand in there:
'(defn every?
"Returns true if (pred x) is logical true for every x in coll, else
{:tag Boolean
:added "1.0"
:static true}
[pred coll]
(nil? (seq coll)) true
(pred (first coll)) (recur pred (next coll))
:else false))))
([pred coll]
(nil? (seq coll))
(pred (first coll))
(recur pred (next coll))
If you're looking for something more than this, it's trivial to quote out some code then recursively do a search over it. You can change it into any format that you want.
Say there is the need to check if an argument passes one truth test of a given predicate collection.
(fn [x]
(or (pred1 x) (pred2 x) (pred3 x) (pred4 x)))
due to the implementation of or, this short circuits after the first truthy value. As intended.
How can this be rewritten by using a collection of predicates:
[pred1 pred2 pred3 pred4]
A funky way would be:
(fn [x preds]
(some? ;; nil->false
(some true? (map #(% x) preds))))
It also turns out that this one does not short circuit. Might be due to Clojure's chunking of lazy sequences.
Can we do this better?
clojure has a some-fn function for that:
user> ((some-fn true? false? nil?) true)
user> ((some-fn false? nil?) true)
or for your case:
user> (defn any-pred? [x preds]
((apply some-fn preds) x))
another classic way is to do it recursively:
user> (defn any-pred? [x preds]
(when-let [[pred & preds] (seq preds)]
(or (pred x) (any-pred? x preds))))
user> (any-pred? true [false?])
user> (any-pred? true [true?])
user> (any-pred? true [false? true?])
user> (any-pred? true [false? nil?])
user> (any-pred? true [false? nil? true?])
I think it's map that's doing the chunking in your solution.
(defn any-true? [preds]
(fn [x]
(loop [preds preds]
(and (seq preds)
(or ((first preds) x)
(recur (rest preds)))))))
((any-true? [odd? even?]) 3) ;true
((any-true? []) 3) ;nil
((any-true? [even?]) 3) ;nil
((any-true? [odd? #(/ % 0)]) 3) ;true
The last example shows that the evaluation is lazy.
When I need short circuit, I use reduce with reduced.
(defn any-valid? [w & pred-fn-coll]
(reduce (fn [v pf]
(if (pf w)
(reduced true)
v)) false pred-fn-coll))
(any-valid? 1 even? odd?)
;=> true
(any-valid? 1 even? even?)
;=> false
(defn somep? [x [p & ps :as preds]]
(if-not (empty? preds)
(or (p x) (somep? x ps))))
(defn somep? [x [p & ps :as preds]]
(if-not (empty? preds)
(let [res (p x)]
(if-not res
(recur x ps)
(defn is-member? [a lst]
(empty? lst) false
(= a (first lst)) true
:else (is-member? a (rest lst))
(is-member? :b '(:a :b :c))
When I execute the above code I get error
ClassCastException java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn user/is-member? (NO_SOURCE_FILE:28)
I understand that if an expression is enclosed in parentheses then that means it will be evaluated as a function..
You got the cond expression in double parentheses. That causes the final result of cond (true or false) to be called as a function. Fix that and it works.
=> (defn is-member?
[a lst]
(empty? lst) false
(= a (first lst)) true
:else (is-member? a (rest lst))))
=> (is-member? :b '(:a :b :c))
The most idiomatic way to do this in Clojure, by the way, is using some.
=> (some #{:b} [:a :b :c])
This returns the actual first value, but because of Clojure's truthiness it can be used in conditionals in much the same way as true and false.
As I discovered, even if the cond expression is in single parentheses, you'll get the same ClassCastException if you wrap each conditional test-expression pair in parentheses.
(defn is-member?
[a lst]
((empty? lst) false)
((= a (first lst)) true)
(:else (is-member? a (rest lst)))))
(defn is-member?
[a lst]
(empty? lst) false
(= a (first lst)) true
:else (is-member? a (rest lst))))