MySQLdb import works from command line but crashes in PyCharm - python-2.7

I am using a Python 2.7 virtualenv with the MySQLdb package installed.
If I run Python from the command line and execute import MySQLdb, this works without error. If I run it from the PyCharm terminal, however, I get an error:
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The same pattern occurs if I execute a file containing the line import MySQLdb. It works when executed from the command line and crashed when executed from PyCharm.
I have googled the error and it seems that uninstalling and reinstalling MySQLdb could fix it. But I would like to understand why the error only occurs in PyCharm.
I have made sure that both the command line and the PyCharm terminal use
the same virtual environment (by checking sys.executable)
the same working directory (by checking os.getcwd())
the same path (by checking sys.path)
I have also checked that PYTHONPATH is undefined.
What other difference could there be?

You have to point pycharm to your virtualenv. Go to settings -> project interpreter and give pycharm the path to your python executable. Once there it should work. Note if you have a hybrid WSL/windows setup you will need one virtualenv for WSL and a separate virtualenv for windows/pycharm.


Convert PyCharm ok script to standalone

I have got simple script in PyCharm using optparse
from optparse import OptionParser
As I understand PyCharm has every project in its own virtual environment. My package has the following packages installed (Project: > Project interpreter):
My project works fine within PyCharm in respect to parsing command line options:
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("-z", action="store_true", dest="clean_build",
help="Clean all intermediate files")
Sadly, it doesn't when I try to run it standalone (from the command line) saying to me incomprenesible:
./ -z
[the hangs here and I had to kill it with Ctrl-C]
from: can't read /var/mail/optparse
./ line 9: syntax error near unexpected token ('
./ line 9: def pselect(choices):'
Note that PyCharm never complains of no syntax errors and PyCharm handles -z command line option nicely.
I thought at first that I have to install some more package globally', but I didn't findoptparse' python package (pip search optparse) showed me no exact match.
Thus my questions:
1) What packages I have to install (pip install ) to make my script running as it does under PyCharm ?
2) Is there an automated way 'to deliver' the PyCharm working script as a standalone Python script?
Using PyCharm CE 2017.0, Debian 8 jessie, python 2.7

Error on Pycharm: ImportError

I'm, working on Windows 8 and I receive this error when launching my python program on pycharm:
ImportError: No module named Qwt5
refered to the line: "import PyQt4.Qwt5 as Qwt"
the program always worked till today, and the IDE still suggests me Qwt5 as a module to import when pressing CTRL+SPACE, so it seems is still recognized.
I checked the Qwt5 folder and there is the file
I use Python 2.7.9 an is correctly selected as Python Interpreter
I've already tried to remove the packages and reinstall them.
Someone can help me?
i tried this and working.sudo apt-get install python-qwt5-qt4

python import cx_Oracle error in command window

I'm having trouble running some codes that import cx_Oracle in command line, though the same codes work in console. Is there anything else I will need to set up in order to get this to work via command line please?
Saved just one line of code "import cx_Oracle" as
Run this line in ide (Spyder), iPython Notebook => no issues
run this by opening a command line window from the same folder the .py file is saved in, and run python and encounter the below:
import cx_Oracle
ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
Not sure if there is anything additional I will need to set up to run cx_Oracle via command line? Have tried all the suggestions on setting PATH, ORACLE_HOME, re-installing but could not get this to work. versions that i'm using are
Python: 2.7
instant client:
Windows: 7 Enterprise
I also found this kind of problem.
Look at "not a valid Win32 application" this sentence, so I decide to change cx_Oracle to Luckly, it does work.

winexpect import in a .py not working when running through cmd

Why I am getting this error, when I try to run it through python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 23, in (module)
from winpexpect import winspawn
File "C:\Python27\1ib\site-packages\winpexpect-1.5-py2.7.egg\", 1ine 391, in (module)
class winspawn(spawn):
TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases
function() argument 1 must be code, not str
But, When i use it in PythonShell GUI, it is working perfectly.
from winpexpect import winspawn
child = winspawn('java -cp "C:\\Python27\\Scripts\\stanford-corenlp-full-2014-08-27\\*" -Xmx2g edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP -annotators tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,ner,parse,dcoref -ner.model edu/stanford/nlp/models/ner/english.all.3class.caseless.distsim.crf.ser.gz')
You are getting this error locally because your Python27 doesn't have a prerequisite component installed. In particular it needs Pywin32 installed. You need to download and install Pywin32 from here (specifically the 2.7 version in your case). PythonShell GUI must have this extension already installed so it works.
Finally I was able to resolve my problem(Thanks to #MichaelPetch). I tried this simple example
from winpexpect import winspawn
It was working fine. Then I realized something wrong with my imports or dependencies. I was using which is another alternative for windows. I renamed it to and copied to my code base.
But winpexpect has dependencies for pexpect(it has another pexpect file on its own folder). When I try to run my .py through cmd it is referring the file in the same folder which is pexpect, I just renamed.
Solution: I just removed wexpect.

Django Install Wierdness - Mac OSX 10.8.5 and Macport Python 2.7.6 - Django/Python/Unix beginner

I've found a lot of posts on Macports/Django install issues but none seem to quite address my situation.
Installed Django using Macports from the command line using
sudo port install py27-django
This seemed to work fine. I opened up IDLE and was able to import django. The following bit of code
import django
from django.core import management
print django.VERSION
(1, 5, 1, 'final', 0)
Which I take to mean I have the final version of Django 1.5.1 installed. So, all seems to be well.
However, now I switch over to my Django tutorial to get learning and I am asked to type this into the command line to confirm that Django is installed:
python -c "import django; print(django.get_version())"
and get the following error:
> File "<string>", line 1, in <module> ImportError: No module named
> django
Some other bits of data. Here's my $PATH:
Finally, the command startproject mysite
-bash: command not found
But the command startproject mysite
works (creates a new directory called mysite in the working directory). I read somehwere that Macports renames the django-admin file.
I've only been working with Unix for a few weeks so this is a bit confusing. It seems like I have Django on my system, but perhaps the python I am trying to access from my command line is a different python from that which Macports uses.
Any help appreciated!
You will need to set your PYTHONPATH environment variable from your terminal to reference your django install. IDLE probably did this for you, but in another shell you'll need to set it. You can set it in your terminal permanently by setting it in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile (or whatever your terminal shell is).
Your PATH starts with /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin so when you type python you get the python in that directory which is the Apple supplied one nut you have installed Django for the Macports one so python does not see it.
To fix you need to have /opt/local/bin earlier on the path than the /Library one. even better remove that /Library entry and use port select python ... to choose which python to run the Macports 2.7 or Apple's or others
As for the issue, Macports allows you to have several versions of python at once so code depending on eth version has the version add into the script names e.g. you could have a as well if you installed the py26-django package. This also applies to python itself however python also adds into the port select mechanism so you set a default version.