React limit access to specific users - django

I'm building an App using react and django as backend.
I have JWT authentication set up and working. But I am wondering if it is safe to include menu items and logic of views that will be displayed only to specific users and will include sensitive information. Of course these views will only be visible to the relevant users.
My question is if it possible for someone to extract the info from the react build? And if so, what is the best practice to avoid such situation?

Your javascript code should not contain sensitive information. Such information should be dynamically fetched and checking permissions on a per request basis when the screen is actually rendered that needs to display it.
If you even want to hide certain screens so that users can't see certain features on your app that are not available to them you either need to bundle those screens into another app and serve that on another url or you can dynamically fetch javascript containing these views.
Usually this is not worth the effort as you should concentrate on correctly checking permissions for your api.
Assuming i'd like to dynamically fetch the JS with the sensitive views and add those to my app, how do i do that?
I assume you are using webpack 2 for bundling your react app? Then you need to use dynamic imports for the parts that need to be dynamically loaded. Then in django you need a custom view that serves your static files and checks for permission to access this part of your react app when it is requested.
This tutorial explains how to lazy load components using webpack 2.

I am guessing that you encode user roles in the JWT token itself and exact it using something like jwt-decode then match the to roles to render different components.
For example you might be doing something like check for a 'admin' role and render a link in nav bar for /admin route.Which i think i safe to do.
But what if a user looks into your code and sees that there's a /admin route and tries to access it?
So u also got to have logic inside the route to check for role 'admin' and serve something like a '404' if the role doesn't match.
You can dynamically fetch any route once the user role matches.


Deploying Django admin and Site as different applications

Is there a way to deploy Django Admin and your main application separately, though both of them sharing the same Models / Business logic services.
I come from Grails background where you can create a plugin which can hold your Entities and common business logic and that plugin can be utilized by other application deployed and scaled separately though using the same Database. You don't have to repackage your plugin again for every change rather its just sibling folder to your other projects.
Can I achieve something similar with Django?
Assuming a typical setup, in order to be useful Django Admin needs access to project's apps and their models.
So a setup that you've described would require at least:
simple URLconf with just Django Admin
models and their Admin bindings for all apps that need Admin
settings with database credentials
Even if your models and Admin bindings are not dependent on other parts of the codebase,
extracting the above components to a separate project and then keeping everything
in sync sounds pretty hard.
Summarizing: I would say it's hard but possible if it's something that you really need,
but Django Admin hasn't been designed with such use case in mind.
Django admin is actually separate from the main application by placing it on its own url. Even if they know the admin url, users cannot log in to the site's admin unless they have already been assigned Staff status via the admin. You can set the admin prefix to anything you want, so if you want to "hide" the admin login page, just make it something long and random (good for security too), and basically no one but those you tell will even know where the admin site can be found.

How to setup groups (sub-sites) in Django

I'm new to Django and I come from Drupal family. There we have Organic Groups with which we can create groups of content and subsites; how do I do something like that with Django?
Say I'm making this site for my company using Django and every department in my company needs a private section on the site. For example, the design people have their own part of the website into which the back-end developers can not come in. And the back-end developers will have the same thing too.
I want to build the site in such a way that I just login into Django admin and add a new category or subsite or group (whatever the Django term is) with the same settings from other groups or with similar settings.
It depends on what you mean by "private section". You should probably try looking at it from a different angle:
Django splits a site's functionality by means of "apps". Each app does its specific thing, and gets a set of tables in the database. Apps can access each others' tables. For example, it's common for other apps to access the Auth app's user, group, and permissions tables. Is this what you mean by "sub sites"?
As for access control, users can be assigned to groups and they can have various administrative permissions assigned to them. Add, change, and delete permissions are automatically generated for each model (i.e. database table). You can also add your own permissions.
I don't think you'll be able to separate the designers from the back-end developers at the Django level. You'll need to do something else, such as maintain separate source repositories for each and merge them to create the usable site (each group would have read-only access to the other). It really depends on your teams' discipline, because these elements can get intertwined.
Django recommends that static files be served by something else, say directly from your web server, or from another machine with a simple HTTP server (no CGI/WSGI/whatever). This is because Django can only slow down static files compared to direct service. However, for testing, ther is a static page server you can enable.
Given all that, static files usually amount to CSS, images, media, and JavaScript. Of these, the back-end people might want to mess with the JS, but that's it, so this could be in the designers' repo.
The Django tree itself has the code for the site and the apps. It's almost all back end stuff. The exception is the HTML template files, located in the "templates" directory in each app. These are the files that are filled in with the context data supplied by the back-end view code. I have no idea if this is front or back end for you guys; it could be mostly back end if there's a lot of CSS discipline, but I think that's unlikely.
There are a lot of things that you can do in Django that make life easier for one side or the other. For example, template tags allow custom Python code to generate HTML to insert into the page. I use these to generate tab bars and panes, for example.
I really can't help much more without getting a better picture of what your needs are. The question is still vague. You're probably best off taking a day or two going through the tutorial, seeing what the Django perspective is, and then working out how (or if!) it fits into your needs.

User permissions Django for serving media

I want to set up a Django server that allows certain users to access certain media. I'm sure this can't be that hard to do and I'm just being a little bit silly.
For example I want USER1 to be able to access JPEG1, JPEG2 and JPEG3 but not JPEG4, and USER2 to be able to access JPEG3 and JPEG 4.
[I know I should be burnt with fire for using Django to serve up media, but that's what I'm doing at the moment, I'll change it over when I start actually running on gas.]
You can send a file using django by returning the file in the request as shown in Vazquez-Abrams link.
However, you would probably do best by using mod_xsendfile in apache (or similar settings in lighttpd) due to efficiency. Django is not as fast at sending it, one way to do so while keeping the option of using the dev server's static function would be
As to what user should be able to access what jpeg, you will probably have to implement this yourself. A simple way would be to create an Image model with a many-to-many field to users with access and a function to check if the current user is among those users. Something along the line of:
if image.users_with_access.filter(
return HttpResponse(image.get_file())
With lots of other code of course and only as an example. I actually use a modified mod_xsend in my own project for this very purpose.
You just need to frob the response appropriately.
You can put the media in and set up a media/(?P<file>.*) in to point to a view blahview that checks the user and their permissions within:
from you_shouldve_made_one_anyways import handler404
def blahview(request,*args,**kwargs):
if cannot_use( request.user, kwargs['username'] ): return handler404(request)
Though just to be clear, I do not recommend serving media through Django.

How do I set session variables at login using django-registration and auth?

I'm using django-registration to log users into my application. That part works fine. The part that I cannot figure out is how to set custom session variables when the user logs in. For instance, I'd like to populate variables containing UserProfile data as well as the output of a few other functions. Then I'd be able to use that information in subsequent views/templates.
If anybody can point me to a tutorial online or post some sample code, that would be great.
I'm using django 1.1 and Python 2.6
If you don't want persistent storage of user data (just additional session data) have a look at:
The sessions framework will most probably be already enabled if you use django.contrib.auth.
If you want persistent storage of additional user data (not only in a session, but in the database), you will store them in another "profile" model:
I realize #stefanw provided you an alternative solution, but to answer the original question:
Setting session data at login is difficult because the easiest place to set that data is in your view function, and the particular view function you'd want to modify is a part of the contrib.django.auth app.
So your options would be the following:
Create a small middleware class to set your session data.
Create a template tag or other bit of code than can be integrated into the login template or subsequent page that will set the data you want.
Write your own custom login view function (it's really quite easy, actually).
Happy django-ing!

How to configure server for small hosting company for django-powered flash sites?

I'm looking at setting up a small company that hosts flash-based websites for artist portfolios. The customer control panel would be django-powered, and would provide the interface for uploading their images, managing galleries, selling prints, etc.
Seeing as the majority of traffic to the hosted sites would end up at their top level domain, this would result in only static media hits (the HTML page with the embedded flash movie), I could set up lighttpd or nginx to handle those requests, and pass the django stuff back to apache/mod_whatever.
Seems as if I could set this all up on one box, with the django sites framework keeping each site's admin separate.
I'm not much of a server admin. Are there any gotchas I'm not seeing?
Maybe. I don't think the built-in admin interface is really designed to corral admins into their own sites. The sites framework is more suited to publish the same content on multiple sites, not to constrain users to one site or another. You'd be better off writing your own admin interface that enforces those separations.
As far as serving content goes, it seems like you could serve up a common (static) Flash file that uses a dynamic XML file to fill in content. If you use Django to generate the XML, that would give you the dynamic content you need.
This django snippet might be what you need to keep them seperate:
"A very simple multiple user blog model with an admin interface configured to only allow people to edit or delete entries that they have created themselves, unless they are a super user."
Depending on the amount of sites you're going to host it might be easier to write a single Django app once, with admin, and to create a separate Django project for each new site. This is simple, it works for sure AND as an added bonus you can add features to newer sites without running the risk of causing problems in older sites.
Then again, it might be handier to customize the admin such that you limit the amount of objects users can see to those on the given site itself. This is fairly easy to do, allthough you might want to use RequestSite instead of the usual Site from the sites framework as that requires separate settings for each site.
There exists this one method in the ModelAdmin which you can override to have manual control over the objects being edited.