How to package and upload an extension developed for Edge Browser? - microsoft-edge-extension

I have been through the document and followed the "Menifold.js" Procedure. But after that also I am still getting some errors in my developer account while uploading the extension.
Listing Some of the errors message
Package acceptance validation error: is a reserved extension type. Your app does not have permission to use this extension type. To request permission, please use our extension submission form.
Package acceptance validation error: Apps are not allowed to have a Version with a revision number other than zero specified in the app manifest. The package Extension.appx specifies


Couldn’t generate collection Invalid schema supplied

I'm using the Windows Postman v7.13.0 app and it's throws a cryptic message when trying to Generate a Collection from a OpenAPI spec.
Is there any way to get more detail on what the issue is? Any validator or debug option in PostMan?
Couldn’t generate collection
Invalid schema supplied
NOTE: The same openapi: 3.0.2 spec works in Swagger UI and with the OpenAPI Generator.
I also checked the PostMan console and no logs appear to describe the issue further.
I had this very same issue and got it fixed by validating my definition as indicated on the previous comment using
I got a similar error in Postman:
Couldn’t generate collection
Could not convert the given schema
Then I tried to upload swagger.json to as proposed above. It showed many errors.
I opened swagger.json in Notepad and in the first line replaced swagger with openapi. Then saved the file and imported in Postman as usual (File > Import..., Upload Files).

Skill's app ID: Secure to include in public repository?

I am developing an Alexa Skill with Skill Kit SDK, and now I prepare to publish my Skill's repository on Github. During development I included my Skill's app ID in the according index.js file and diligently committed my work with my local git.
Is there a risk involved in publishing my Skill's repository with my actual app ID? I could imagine that a malicious party might use the app ID (together with the ARN of my Skill's Lambda function) to send lots of requests and thus incur costs on AWS, but maybe there are other risks.
It seems to be good practice not to include the app ID in the public repository, since no example Skill of the official Amazon Alexa organization has their respective app ID included.
Commonly, people put these keys/secrets in as an environmental variable and in the code write process.env.SKILL_KIT_KEY to retrieve it.
I would strongly recommend, if you make the switch, to deactivate the key you've used and that lives in plain-text in the repo's history and obtain a new one.
Another approach is to include a configuration file that contains all login or password information. You might name this file config.js. Then exclude this file from being checked into Git by listing it in the .gitignore file.
To help others to recreate this file with their own information, provide a well commented template version of this file in the project. Append "Template" to the name (eg. config_template.js) with instructions to rename it to config.js after editing it to include all their own information.

File browser with Django and Alfresco

I have a Django site and a local install of Alfresco (community edition). One of my model contains a file reference which maps to a document in Alfresco. The view should have a field that spawns a file browser that can access the repository structure within Alfresco so that the user can pick whichever file they want at whichever version.
I looked at the CMSIlib module and it seems to be providing all the interaction I need for the back end code. Although downloading a document seems clunky.
There are lots of Django file browsers but none seem to interface with CMSIlib.
Do I have to code my own or have I missed something?
The version is Alfresco Community v5.0.0 (d r99759-b2) schema 8022 Spring Surf and Spring WebScripts - v5.0.0.
To be honest, I am not a python guy ! But I heard over the official #alfresco IRC channel that cmislib is not so much of an active project, and questions about it only bump once in a while .... The RESTful api however may be considered as a good alternative in your use case:
To access alfresco content using the RESTful api, you should be querying this webscript: /alfresco/d/<d|a>/<workspace>/<store>/<nodeId>/<filename>
where :
d and a refer to direct / attached mode
<workspace>, <store> and <nodeId> reference your content nodeRef
<filename> a file name of your choice
So you should be making a GET Request an a URL that looks something like this http://<host>:<port>/alfresco/d/d/workspace/SpacesStore/8444ad61-4734-40e3-b2d4-b8b1c81347fd/myFile.ext
Note : Depending on the permission set on your node, you might need to attach an alf_ticket to the URL for an authenticated alfresco user. Please check this for further insights.
If you have a problem identifying your file nodeRef, then you can setup a repo webscript implementing your custom logic (browsing some folder / searching for a document by name or metadata ....)
If your are not familiar with webscript development check Jeff Pott's tutorial on the subject
To get started with your webscript development check out Alfresco docs/wiki!
Check this wiki page to learn how to retrieve children for a given node !
Or check this wiki page to learn how to develop webscripts implementing your custom business logic.
If you do not have anything against the YUI javascript library (that is no longer actively maintained), you can integrate the object-finder already available in Alfresco Share. The library is in
You will need to modify it a bit given that you are not inside Share.
To be totally honest, I do not know if it is feasible because it has other dependencies but being a browser site library, in theory can be integrated everywhere.

When publishing to, Error: cannot open the connection

I am attempting to update a Shiny App that I last modified in April,
The updated app runs fine in RStudio, but when I go to publish it, a couple things happen. I get an error on the page, Error: cannot open the connection and it is assigned a different url than before,
I have not introduced any new files, simply modified the old ones.
How can I successfully publish the updated version to
How can I get it to use the same url I had before?
I am using R version 3.2.2, RStudio version 0.99.467, and Google Chrome version 41.0.2272.118 m in Windows 7. [I also sent this question to]
I think the problem is that that behavior of the RStudio IDE changed with 0.99 release. When you click the publish for an RMarkdown doc, you are now prompted with a list of files to publish. By default only the RMarkdown document will be deployed. If you have additional data files that are required, you will need to include those by clicking 'Add more'.

Sitecore Media Library upload error

I am a newbie to Sitecore 6.4.
I tried to upload an image to Media Library/Images. However, the system always tells me "One or more files could not be uploaded. See the Log file for more details.".
The error message is "IOErrorEvent type="IOError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2038"
I've assigned all the permission to sitecore\Admin, default\Anonymous, extranet\Anonymous.
Did I miss anything?
I checked the log folder under my sitecore site. There is a file called WebDAV.log.*.txt.
Inside the file, it said:
"WebDAV feature is supported for Internet Explorer browser only."
Then I switched to IE9, it works.
There appears to be a fix apparently from the Sitecore team that involves enabling "'Anonymous' authentication in IIS for ‘/sitecore/shell/Applications/FlashUpload’ and ‘/sitecore/shell/Applications/Media’."