Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise - Offline installer cross-platform? - visual-studio-2017

I need to travel next month to an area of the world with very poor internet service, this was never an issue before as I just took the vs iso images along with me on a sd card and re-installed at the other end.
But, now I'm using VS2017 the only option appears to be the 'offline installer' so I'm wondering if I create an offline install of my current vs2017/win7 setup, will I then be able to install this from a sd card onto a win10 machine at the other end?


SAS Enterprise Guide "Unable to load the children for the item named 'Libraries'" on MacBook M1

I have a problem with SAS Enterprise Guide (EG) on my MacBook M1. I run Windows 11 on the machine using Parallel Desktop.
I got no problem to use the Data Integration (DI) and Forecast Studio (FS), I can work on both tools for my project.
But on EG, when I try to open the Libraries from server, I will get error "Unable to load the children for the item named 'Libraries'".
I search on Google and found below
It basically said that is due to permission on desktop and documents folder. But I can't any where to do the setup.
May I know anyone encounter this problem before and is there any solution?
According to SAS, EG is not support ARM processor. So can't use EG on M1.

VirtualBox error

I recently installed windows 7 on VirtualBox and installed
When I start I get this error:
I googled a lot but I was not able to find an anwser :/
Also tried to put Windows 7 on VMWare but that resulted in me getting the same error.
Before this I tried downloading the driver for the GPU I have but then I get this error,
Hope you guys can help me :)
You may need to enable 3D acceleration on VirtualBox. By default it is disabled.
The steps to enable:
Right click the Windows 7 VM in Virtual Box and click Settings.
Click the Display category.
Check Enable 3D Acceleration and increase Video Memory as needed.
Install drivers:
While the VM is running, click Devices menu and then Install Guest Additions
Click Run VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe in the popup and run through the installer.
See: for extra information.
Note that the article states the 3D acceleration is experimental and should run older games, but possibly not newer games. The article was written in 2012, so I'm not sure what the current state is. You should be able to tell if it's enabled by whether or not the Aero interface is usable.

Android Studio: Most activity code templates not available

I have removed and installed Android Studio to 0.5.2, updated all my JDK's and basically started from scratch after abandoning development for a while.
I have seen that there are many code templates that a lot of new videos dealing with Android Studio have; however, I don't have them.
How do I get them and install them if needed?
Android Studio is a Preview product (not-yet-beta) and is under heavy active development. There are canary channel releases almost every week. 0.5.2 was released back in mid March and the other templates that you see have been added since that time. If you want to switch to the canary channel and update to the latest canary build (0.5.9, released last week) then you can follow the directions here to do so:

Windows 8 simulator keeps loading forever

I'm working on Visual Studio 2012 running on Windows 8 (32 bit), developing Windows Store app with C++
The app runs smooth on "local machine". But when I try to run it on the simulator, Build and Deploy succeeds but the simulator keeps loading forever! (dots coming from left and leaving at right)
When I close the simulator from the taskbar, VS gives me the following error: Unable to start the simulator. Cannot process request because the process (####) has exited.
I've been searching everywhere for a solution for a week now. The possible solutions I found were:
1. Changing the fDenyChildConnections registry.
2. Checking the "Automatically use my Windows logon name and password (and domain if any)" checkbox from the security tab of the network.
3. Updating graphics driver.
4. Disconnecting all networks.
5. Restarting VS/making new project.
6. Launching simulator from C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Windows Simulator\11.0\Microsoft.Windows.Simulator.exe
7. Updating VS.
The problem is still there. Does anybody have a solution?
I performed a clean install of Windows 8.1 x64 and the simulator is running smoothly. I guess running 32 bit windows on a 64 bit architecture was the cause of this issue.
Try to see if "Remote Desktop Services" is enabled, if no enable it as manual and start it.
​I had the same issue and the reason was lack of Hyper-V. I installed Hyper-V and the simulator worked.

Windows CE SDK for Visual Studio 2008

I am new to Windows CE programming.
I have Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2005. I have found the following SDK for Windows Mobile
Please help me in deciding if this is the correct one, or please feel free to redirect me the correct one
Thanks in advance
If you are targetting a Windows CE device (and not Windows Mobile), then each device has it's own specific SDK. If you are not using a device specific functionality, you create a C# for Windows CE 5.0 application and it will work on every Windows CE device that has the .Net component included in the image.
Don't mix Windows CE and Windows Mobile. Windows Mobile 5-6.5 is based on Windows CE 5.0, but has a standard SDK (different SDK's for different versions of the Windows Mobile at use). Windows CE, as I mentioned, is used in specific solutions and you should get the SDK form the OEM.
If you need a Windows CE Emulator get it here
and to setup the Emulator look at this guide
Edit: The link is now dead so here is what was found on the page using the wayback machine.
Connecting the CE 5.0 Emulator to VS2005
This uses the network method and saves the emulator state. It does not use activesync, communications ports or a null modem cable.
Start the emulator using a shortcut command that is something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Windows CE 5.0 Emulator\Emulator_500.exe" nk.cem
/video 640x480x16
/Ethernet virtualswitch
/sharedfolder "C:\CE5SharedFolder"
The shared folder appears on the emulator as \My Device\Storage Card. Using the shared folder, copy the following files to the \My Device\Windows\ folder on the emulator. These files are located on the host at \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\CoreCon\1.0\Target\wce400\x86, or similar
Select Emulator -> Start Menu -> run -> \Windows\conmanclient2.exe.
Get the IP address of the emulator by double-clicking on the T networking symbol bottom left. If it has no ip address try installing Microsoft Loopback Adapter on the host, check for Virtual Machine Network Services, or other host networking hacks. (This is the difficult bit).
To check that the emulator is responding, on the host type Ping at a DOS prompt.
To get "Save State" working on the emulator, shut down the emulator using the "Save State" option. Then navigate to Host -> My Documents -> My Virtual Machines
The saved state is in the folder that is named with a curly brackets string similar to {06A8A448-EB8B-4E0B-8A88-451412A10C66} say, and known as a GUID. Attempt to rename this folder so that you can highlight and copy the GUID string itself (not the folder).
Then add an option, which is similar to /vmid {06A8A448-EB8B-4E0B-8A88-451412A10C66}, to the emulator shortcut command above.
The shortcut should now start the emulator from its saved state. It is a good idea to back up the saved state folder.
On the host select Visual Studio 2005 -> Tools -> Options -> Device Tools -> Devices
Then select Windows CE 5.0 Device -> Properties -> Configure
In the "Configure TCP/IP Transport" dialog box, select "Use specific IP address", and then type the emulator IP address you found above.
Close the dialog boxes.
Select Emulator -> Start -> run -> \Windows\cMaccept.exe and connect to the emulator from VS2005 within three minutes.
Run your application from Start Debugging in VS2005 and VS2005 should deploy the two cab files and first (this may take some time), and then your application.
Close your application in the emulator (I've had trouble using the Stop button on the host).
Shut down the emulator using the "Save State" option.
You may need to re-run cMaccept each time you restart the emulator or VS2005, but the cab files should not need to deploy again, and the emulator ip address should remain the same.
To avoid cMaccept navigate host -> programs -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 -> Visual Studio Remote Tools -> Remote Registry Editor
In the "Select a Windows Device" dialog box that appears highlight the "Windows CE 5.0 Device" option
In the emulator run cMaccept and then immediately click OK in the Remote Registry Editor
Highlight Windows CE 5.0 -> HKLM -> System
Right click in the right hand pane and select New DWORD value.
In the name field type (exactly and without the quotes) "CoreConOverrideSecurity" and set its value to 1
Close the editor. Shut down the emulator with Save State.
First off, Sujay, I'll assume you didn't mean Windows CE explicitly. I'll assume you meant programming for handheld devices running a Microsoft operating system. CE hasn't been used for five or six years. The devices are all running Windows Mobile. 6.5 is the most popular now.
You do not need an SDK to program for Windows Mobile in Visual Studio. It is already baked in. If you want to get the latest tools to develop on Windows Mobile 6, then yes, the location you specified is perfect.
Here's another great place to get high-level info: Windows Mobile Development Center
I think you can use C# and create smartdevice project,
and use c# for making apps,use unmanaged code by improting DLL's..
for more sample just see "Program Files\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Samples\PocketPC\CPP"
here u get some samples.