Mocking and unit testing implementation dependencies - unit-testing

I am trying to wrap my head around the practice of unit testing. I have read that unit tests should not be dependent on the implementations.
The way I understand this is, for example, if we have a function int addTwoNumbers (int a, int b) we should be testing whether, for example addition return correct results (i.e. addTwoNumbers (2, 2) == 4)) and we should not care whether, for example, addTwoNumbers calls operator + just once - it might as well use bit manipulation for this.
It seemed reasonable for me and - in my opinion - offers a decent decoupling between the tests and the code.
Enter the mocking frameworks. As far I can tell from reading their documentation, their functionality amounts to
(a) generating objects that implement placeholder functionality of some interfaces of base classes (stubbing) and
(b) checking whether that functionality was called according to expectations set forth by the tester.
I have no problems with (a) - I understand that we sometimes need to hard-code some functionality of external dependencies for the testing. I do not understand though, why should we check whether the tested code called mock's functionality in a way expected by the tester.
Shouldn't we be interested only in what a tested method returns or how it modifies its out arguments and not really care about its implementation details? Does the verification functionality of the mocking frameworks not introduce tight coupling between tested and testing code?

I do not understand though, why should we check whether the tested code called mock's functionality in a way expected by the tester
Because the contract of a method is not always to return something or to modify its arguments. Sometimes the contract of the method is (or includes) to have side effects. Think for example of the following method:
void notifyServerOfError(error: string) {'/api/errors', {
error: error,
ip: myIpAddress
This method doesn't return anything. It doesn't modify its arguments. Its sole responsibility is to send a specific object, containing specific details, to a specific URL. And unit-testing this method should thus verify that the contract is respected.
A good way to do that is to mock the http dependency and to check that, when this method is called, its post() method indeed being called with the correct URL and the correct data.


Simple definition of stub, spy, fake and mock in unit testing

I'm quite new to unit testing. I've read around on here as well as done some Googling, but am still a bit confused as to the meaning of each of the four meanings. I came across the following definition which help....
Stub - stubs are minimal implementations of interfaces or base classes
Spy - a spy will record which members were invoked
Fake - more complex, a fake may resemble a production implementation
Mock - A mock is usually dynamically created by a mock library and depending on its configuration, a mock can behave like a dummy, a stub, or a spy
However, I'd like to simplify the meaning (if possible) and ask a few questions.
Do all of the above only relate to functions, or can they be objects or any other type?
Stub - Is Stubbing bascially a way to provide dummy info instead of making the calling to the actual database? So for example, if I had an API call, instead of actually making a call to the API, I just instead make a GET request to a JSON file which is in my tests folder which has some dummy data in, and use that instead of making the API call?
Spy - so is this a way of tracking what happens to a function for example. Meaning you follow when it's called, where it gets passed around to?
Fake - Is this for example a function which you create inside the test file to mimic the real function or be a simpified version of the actual function?
Thanks in advance.
There are multiple attempts at definitions. To my knowledge there is no fully consistent definition, probably due to the fact that mocking frameworks defines things slightly differently. Martin Fowler lists the following (
Dummy objects are passed around but never actually used. Usually they are just used to fill parameter lists.
Fake objects actually have working implementations, but usually take some shortcut which makes them not suitable for production (an InMemoryTestDatabase is a good example).
Stubs provide canned answers to calls made during the test, usually not responding at all to anything outside what's programmed in for the test.
Spies are stubs that also record some information based on how they were called. One form of this might be an email service that records how many messages it was sent.
Mocks are pre-programmed with expectations which form a specification of the calls they are expected to receive. They can throw an exception if they receive a call they don't expect and are checked during verification to ensure they got all the calls they were expecting.
Fowler has them from this page: where you can read about them in a bit more detail.
No, they apply to more then just functions
Kind of, in most cases you will spy on an object
The implementation and nomenclatur will depend of what framework you use.

What are strict and non-strict mocks?

I have started using moq for mocking. Can someone explain me the concept of strict and non-strict mocks? How can they can be used in moq?
in which scenario do we use which type of mock?
I'm not sure about moq specifically, but here's how strict mocks work in Rhino. I declare that I expect a call to foo.Bar on my object foo:
foo.Expect(f => f.Bar()).Returns(5);
If the calling code does
then I'm fine because the expectations are exactly met.
However, if the calling code is:
then my expectation failed because I did not explicitly expect a call to foo.Quux.
To summarize, a strict mock will fail immediately if anything differs from the expectations. On the other hand, a non-strict mock (or a stub) will gladly "ignore" the call to foo.Quux and it should return a default(T) for the return type T of foo.Quux.
The creator of Rhino recommends that you avoid strict mocks (and prefer stubs) because you generally don't want your test to fail when receiving an unexpected call as above. It makes refactoring your code much more difficult when you have to fix dozens of test that relied on the exact original behavior.
Ever come across Given / When / Then?
Given a context
When I perform some events
Then an outcome should occur
This pattern appears in BDD's scenarios, and is also relevant for unit tests.
If you're setting up context, you're going to use the information which that context provides. For instance, if you're looking up something by Id, that's context. If it doesn't exist, the test won't run. In this case, you want to use a NiceMock or a Stub or whatever - Moq's default way of running.
If you want to verify an outcome, you can use Moq's verify. In this case, you want to record the relevant interactions. Fortunately, this is also Moq's default way of running. It won't complain if something happens that you weren't interested in for that test.
StrictMock is there for when you want no unexpected interactions to occur. It's how old-style mocking frameworks used to run. If you're doing BDD-style examples, you probably won't want this. It has a tendency to make tests a bit brittle and harder to read than if you separate the aspects of behaviour you're interested in. You have to set up expectations for both the context and the outcome, for all outcomes which will occur, regardless of whether they're of interest or not.
For instance, if you're testing a controller and mocking out both your validator and your repository, and you want to verify that you've saved your object, with a strict mock you also have to verify that you've validated the object first. I prefer to see those two aspects of behaviour in separate examples, because it makes it easier for me to understand the value and behaviour of the controller.
In the last four years I haven't found a single example which required the use of a strict mock - either it was an outcome I wanted to verify (even if I verify the number of times it's called) or a context for which I can tell if I respond correctly to the information provided. So in answer to your question:
non-strict mock: usually
strict mock: preferably never
NB: I am strongly biased towards BDD, so hard-core TDDers may disagree with me, and it will be right for the way that they are working.
Here's a good article.
I usually end up having something like this
public class TestThis {
private final Collaborator1 collaborator1;
private final Collaborator2 collaborator2;
private final Collaborator2 collaborator3;
TestThis(Collaborator1 collaborator1, Collaborator2 collaborator2, Collaborator3 collaborator3) {
this.collaborator1 = collaborator1;
this.collaborator2 = collaborator2;
this.collaborator3 = collaborator3;
public Login login(String username) {
User user = collaborator1.getUser(username);
return collaborator3.login(user);
...and I use Strict mocks for the 3 collaborators to test login(username). I don't see how Strict Mocks should never be used.
I have a simple convention:
Use strict mocks when the system under test (SUT) is delegating the call to the underlying mocked layer without really modifying or applying any business logic to the arguments passed to itself.
Use loose mocks when the SUT applies business logic to the arguments passed to itself and passes on some derived/modified values to the mocked layer.
For eg:
Lets say we have database provider StudentDAL which has two methods:
Data access interface looks something like below:
public Student GetStudentById(int id);
public IList<Student> GetStudents(int ageFilter, int classId);
The implementation which consumes this DAL looks like below:
public Student FindStudent(int id)
//StudentDAL dependency injected
return StudentDAL.GetStudentById(id);
//Use strict mock to test this
public IList<Student> GetStudentsForClass(StudentListRequest studentListRequest)
//StudentDAL dependency injected
//age filter is derived from the request and then passed on to the underlying layer
int ageFilter = DateTime.Now.Year - studentListRequest.DateOfBirthFilter.Year;
return StudentDAL.GetStudents(ageFilter , studentListRequest.ClassId)
//Use loose mock and use verify api of MOQ to make sure that the age filter is correctly passed on.

How to test the function behavior in unit test?

If a function just calls another function or performs actions. How do I test it? Currently, I enforce all the functions should return a value so that I could assert the function return values. However, I think this approach mass up the API because in the production code. I don't need those functions to return value. Any good solutions?
I think mock object might be a possible solution. I want to know when should I use assert and when should I use mock objects? Is there any general guide line?
Thank you
Let's use BufferedStream.Flush() as an example method that doesn't return anything; how would we test this method if we had written it ourselves?
There is always some observable effect, otherwise the method would not exist. So the answer can be to test for the effect:
public void FlushWritesToUnderlyingStream()
var memory = new byte[10];
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(memory);
var buffered = new BufferedStream(memoryStream);
Assert.AreEqual(0x00, memory[0]); // not yet flushed, memory unchanged
Assert.AreEqual(0xFF, memory[0]); // now it has changed
The trick is to structure your code so that these effects aren't too hard to observe in a test:
explicitly pass collaborator objects,
just like how the memoryStream is passed
to the BufferedStream in the constructor.
This is called dependency
program against an interface, just
like how BufferedStream is programmed
against the Stream interface. This enables
you to pass simpler, test-friendly implementations (like MemoryStream in this case) or use a mocking framework (like MoQ or RhinoMocks), which is all great for unit testing.
Sorry for not answering straight but ... are you sure you have the exact balance in your testing?
I wonder if you are not testing too much ?
Do you really need to test a function that merely delegates to another?
Returns only for the tests
I agree with you when you write you don't want to add return values that are useful only for the tests, not for production. This clutters your API, making it less clear, which is a huge cost in the end.
Also, your return value could seem correct to the test, but nothing says that the implementation is returning the return value that corresponds to the implementation, so the test is probably not proving anything anyway...
Note that testing has an initial cost, the cost of writing the test.
If the implementation is very easy, the risk of failure is ridiculously low, but the time spend testing still accumulates (over hundred or thousands cases, it ends up being pretty serious).
But more than that, each time you refactor your production code, you will probably have to refactor your tests also. So the maintenance cost of your tests will be high.
Testing the implementation
Testing what a method does (what other methods it calls, etc) is critized, just like testing a private method... There are several points made:
this is fragile and costly : any code refactoring will break the tests, so this increases the maintenance cost
Testing a private method does not bring much safety to your production code, because your production code is not making that call. It's like verifying something you won't actually need.
When a code delegates effectively to another, the implementation is so simple that the risk of mistakes is very low, and the code almost never changes, so what works once (when you write it) will never break...
Yes, mock is generally the way to go, if you want to test that a certain function is called and that certain parameters are passed in.
Here's how to do it in Typemock (C#):
Isolate.Verify.WasCalledWithAnyArguments(()=> myInstance.WeatherService("","", null,0));
Isolate.Verify.WasCalledWithExactArguments(()=> myInstance. StockQuote("","", null,0));
In general, you should use Assert as much as possible, until when you can't have it ( For example, when you have to test whether you call an external Web service API properly, in this case you can't/ don't want to communicate with the web service directly). In this case you use mock to verify that a certain web service method is correctly called with correct parameters.
"I want to know when should I use assert and when should I use mock objects? Is there any general guide line?"
There's an absolute, fixed and important rule.
Your tests must contain assert. The presence of assert is what you use to see if the test passed or failed. A test is a method that calls the "component under test" (a function, an object, whatever) in a specific fixture, and makes specific assertions about the component's behavior.
A test asserts something about the component being tested. Every test must have an assert, or it isn't a test. If it doesn't have assert, it's not clear what you're doing.
A mock is a replacement for a component to simplify the test configuration. It is a "mock" or "imitation" or "false" component that replaces a real component. You use mocks to replace something and simplify your testing.
Let's say you're going to test function a. And function a calls function b.
The tests for function a must have an assert (or it's not a test).
The tests for a may need a mock for function b. To isolate the two functions, you test a with a mock for function b.
The tests for function b must have an assert (or it's not a test).
The tests for b may not need anything mocked. Or, perhaps b makes an OS API call. This may need to be mocked. Or perhaps b writes to a file. This may need to be mocked.

State/Interaction testing and confusion on mixing (or abusing) them

I think understand the definition of State / Interaction based testing (read the Fowler thing, etc). I found that I started state based but have been doing more interaction based and I'm getting a bit confused on how to test certain things.
I have a controller in MVC and an action calls a service to deny a package:
public ActionResult Deny(int id)
return RedirectToAction("List");
This seems clear to me. Provide a mock service, verify it was called correctly, done.
Now, I have an action for a view that lets the user associate a certificate with a package:
public ActionResult Upload(int id)
var package = packageRepository.GetPackage(id);
var certificates = certificateRepository.GetAllCertificates();
var view = new PackageUploadViewModel(package, certificates);
return View(view);
This one I'm a bit stumped on. I'm doing Spec style tests (possibly incorrectly) so to test this method I have a class and then two tests: verify the package repository was called, verify the certificate repository was called. I actually want a third to test to verify that the constructor was called but have no idea how to do that! I'm get the impression this is completely wrong.
So for state based testing I would pass in the id and then test the ActionResult's view. Okay, that makes sense. But wouldn't I have a test on the PackageUploadViewModel constructor? So if I have a test on the constructor, then part of me would just want to verify that I call the constructor and that the action return matches what the constructor returns.
Now, another option I can think of is I have a PackageUploadViewModelBuilder (or something equally dumbly named) that has dependency on the two repositories and then I just pass the id to a CreateViewModel method or something. I could then mock this object, verify everything, and be happy. But ... well ... it seems extravagant. I'm making something simple ... not simple. Plus, controller.action(id) returning builder.create(id) seems like adding a layer for no reason (the controller is responsible for building view models.. right?)
I dunno... I'm thinking more state based testing is necessary, but I'm afraid if I start testing return values then if Method A can get called in 8 different contexts I'm going to have a test explosion with a lot of repetition. I had been using interaction based testing to pass some of those contexts to Method B so that all I have to do is verify Method A called Method B and I have Method B tested so Method A can just trust that those contexts are handled. So interaction based testing is building this hierarchy of tests but state based testing is going to flatten it out some.
I have no idea if that made any sense.
Wow, this is long ...
I think Roy Osherove recently twitted that as a rule of thumb, your tests should be 95 percent state-based and 5 percent interaction-based. I agree.
What matters most is that your API does what you want it to, and that is what you need to test. If you test the mechanics of how it achieves what it needs to do, you are very likely to end up with Overspecified Tests, which will bite you when it comes to maintainability.
In most cases, you can design your API so that state-based testing is the natural choice, because that is just so much easier.
To examine your Upload example: Does it matter that GetPackage and GetAllCertificates was called? Is that really the expected outcome of the Upload method?
I would guess not. My guess is that the purpose of the Upload method - it's very reason for existing - is to populate and serve the correct View.
So state-based testing would examine the returned ViewResult and its ViewModel and verify that it has all the correct values.
Sure, as the code stands right now, you will need to provide Test Doubles for packageRepository and certificateRepository, because otherwise exceptions will be thrown, but it doesn't look like it is important in itself that the repository methods are being called.
If you use Stubs instead of Mocks for your repositories, your tests are no longer tied to internal implementation details. If you later on decide to change the implementation of the Upload method to use cached instances of packages (or whatever), the Stub will not be called, but that's okay because it's not important anyway - what is important is that the returned View contains the expected data.
This is much more preferrable than having the test break even if all the returned data is as it should be.
Interestingly, your Deny example looks like a prime example where interaction-based testing is still warranted, because it is only by examining Indirect Outputs that you can verify that the method performed the correct action (the DenyPackage method returns void).
All this, and more, is explained very well in the excellent book xUnit Test Patterns.
The question to ask is "if this code worked, how could I tell?" That might mean testing some interactions or some state, it depends on what's important.
In your first test, the Deny changes the world outside the target class. It requires a collaboration from a service, so testing an interaction makes sense. In your second test, you're making queries on the neighbours (not changing anything outside the target class), so stubbing them makes more sense.
That's why we have a heuristic of "Stub Queries, Mock Actions" in

When should I mock?

I have a basic understanding of mock and fake objects, but I'm not sure I have a feeling about when/where to use mocking - especially as it would apply to this scenario here.
Mock objects are useful when you want to test interactions between a class under test and a particular interface.
For example, we want to test that method sendInvitations(MailServer mailServer) calls MailServer.createMessage() exactly once, and also calls MailServer.sendMessage(m) exactly once, and no other methods are called on the MailServer interface. This is when we can use mock objects.
With mock objects, instead of passing a real MailServerImpl, or a test TestMailServer, we can pass a mock implementation of the MailServer interface. Before we pass a mock MailServer, we "train" it, so that it knows what method calls to expect and what return values to return. At the end, the mock object asserts, that all expected methods were called as expected.
This sounds good in theory, but there are also some downsides.
Mock shortcomings
If you have a mock framework in place, you are tempted to use mock object every time you need to pass an interface to the class under the test. This way you end up testing interactions even when it is not necessary. Unfortunately, unwanted (accidental) testing of interactions is bad, because then you're testing that a particular requirement is implemented in a particular way, instead of that the implementation produced the required result.
Here's an example in pseudocode. Let's suppose we've created a MySorter class and we want to test it:
// the correct way of testing
testSort() {
testList = [1, 7, 3, 8, 2]
assert testList equals [1, 2, 3, 7, 8]
// incorrect, testing implementation
testSort() {
testList = [1, 7, 3, 8, 2]
assert that compare(1, 2) was called once
assert that compare(1, 3) was not called
assert that compare(2, 3) was called once
(In this example we assume that it's not a particular sorting algorithm, such as quick sort, that we want to test; in that case, the latter test would actually be valid.)
In such an extreme example it's obvious why the latter example is wrong. When we change the implementation of MySorter, the first test does a great job of making sure we still sort correctly, which is the whole point of tests - they allow us to change the code safely. On the other hand, the latter test always breaks and it is actively harmful; it hinders refactoring.
Mocks as stubs
Mock frameworks often allow also less strict usage, where we don't have to specify exactly how many times methods should be called and what parameters are expected; they allow creating mock objects that are used as stubs.
Let's suppose we have a method sendInvitations(PdfFormatter pdfFormatter, MailServer mailServer) that we want to test. The PdfFormatter object can be used to create the invitation. Here's the test:
testInvitations() {
// train as stub
pdfFormatter = create mock of PdfFormatter
let pdfFormatter.getCanvasWidth() returns 100
let pdfFormatter.getCanvasHeight() returns 300
let pdfFormatter.addText(x, y, text) returns true
let pdfFormatter.drawLine(line) does nothing
// train as mock
mailServer = create mock of MailServer
expect mailServer.sendMail() called exactly once
// do the test
sendInvitations(pdfFormatter, mailServer)
assert that all pdfFormatter expectations are met
assert that all mailServer expectations are met
In this example, we don't really care about the PdfFormatter object so we just train it to quietly accept any call and return some sensible canned return values for all methods that sendInvitation() happens to call at this point. How did we come up with exactly this list of methods to train? We simply ran the test and kept adding the methods until the test passed. Notice, that we trained the stub to respond to a method without having a clue why it needs to call it, we simply added everything that the test complained about. We are happy, the test passes.
But what happens later, when we change sendInvitations(), or some other class that sendInvitations() uses, to create more fancy pdfs? Our test suddenly fails because now more methods of PdfFormatter are called and we didn't train our stub to expect them. And usually it's not only one test that fails in situations like this, it's any test that happens to use, directly or indirectly, the sendInvitations() method. We have to fix all those tests by adding more trainings. Also notice, that we can't remove methods no longer needed, because we don't know which of them are not needed. Again, it hinders refactoring.
Also, the readability of test suffered terribly, there's lots of code there that we didn't write because of we wanted to, but because we had to; it's not us who want that code there. Tests that use mock objects look very complex and are often difficult to read. The tests should help the reader understand, how the class under the test should be used, thus they should be simple and straightforward. If they are not readable, nobody is going to maintain them; in fact, it's easier to delete them than to maintain them.
How to fix that? Easily:
Try using real classes instead of mocks whenever possible. Use the real PdfFormatterImpl. If it's not possible, change the real classes to make it possible. Not being able to use a class in tests usually points to some problems with the class. Fixing the problems is a win-win situation - you fixed the class and you have a simpler test. On the other hand, not fixing it and using mocks is a no-win situation - you didn't fix the real class and you have more complex, less readable tests that hinder further refactorings.
Try creating a simple test implementation of the interface instead of mocking it in each test, and use this test class in all your tests. Create TestPdfFormatter that does nothing. That way you can change it once for all tests and your tests are not cluttered with lengthy setups where you train your stubs.
All in all, mock objects have their use, but when not used carefully, they often encourage bad practices, testing implementation details, hinder refactoring and produce difficult to read and difficult to maintain tests.
For some more details on shortcomings of mocks see also Mock Objects: Shortcomings and Use Cases.
A unit test should test a single codepath through a single method. When the execution of a method passes outside of that method, into another object, and back again, you have a dependency.
When you test that code path with the actual dependency, you are not unit testing; you are integration testing. While that's good and necessary, it isn't unit testing.
If your dependency is buggy, your test may be affected in such a way to return a false positive. For instance, you may pass the dependency an unexpected null, and the dependency may not throw on null as it is documented to do. Your test does not encounter a null argument exception as it should have, and the test passes.
Also, you may find its hard, if not impossible, to reliably get the dependent object to return exactly what you want during a test. That also includes throwing expected exceptions within tests.
A mock replaces that dependency. You set expectations on calls to the dependent object, set the exact return values it should give you to perform the test you want, and/or what exceptions to throw so that you can test your exception handling code. In this way you can test the unit in question easily.
TL;DR: Mock every dependency your unit test touches.
Rule of thumb:
If the function you are testing needs a complicated object as a parameter, and it would be a pain to simply instantiate this object (if, for example it tries to establish a TCP connection), use a mock.
You should mock an object when you have a dependency in a unit of code you are trying to test that needs to be "just so".
For example, when you are trying to test some logic in your unit of code but you need to get something from another object and what is returned from this dependency might affect what you are trying to test - mock that object.
A great podcast on the topic can be found here