Class objects member variables won't change when function is called - c++

My problem is that I can not change the class members variable value, I tried everything that has come to my mind
So here is the following code that is involved:
std::cout << "Colliding from top\n";
std::cout << "Colliding from bottom\n";
std::cout << "Colliding from left\n";
std::cout << "Colliding from right\n";
bool Collision::isColliding(const Entity &other)
sf::Vector2f otherCenterPosition = other.getCenterPosition();
sf::Vector2f otherSize = other.getSize();
float deltaX = m_CenterPosition.x - otherCenterPosition.x; // abs(deltaX) - (thisX + otherX)
float deltaY = m_CenterPosition.y - otherCenterPosition.y;
float resultX = abs(deltaX) - (m_Size.x / 2 + otherSize.x / 2);
float resultY = abs(deltaY) - (m_Size.y / 2 + otherSize.y / 2);
if(resultX < 0 && resultY < 0)
if(m_CenterPosition.x < otherCenterPosition.x)
left = true;
if(m_CenterPosition.x > otherCenterPosition.x)
right = true;
if(m_CenterPosition.y < otherCenterPosition.y)
up = true;
if(m_CenterPosition.y > otherCenterPosition.y)
down = true;
return true;
return false;
class Collision
Collision(const Entity &entity);
void reset(const Entity &entity);
bool isColliding(const Entity &other);
bool up, down, left, right;
void resetCollisionDirection();
sf::Vector2f m_CenterPosition, m_Size;
So the problem is that I have a class member of Collision in my player class and with that I am accesing the Collision object from my player and checking if it is colliding with another object and if so it will return true and should also set the internal flag from which direction it is colliding from, but after it returns from the "isColliding()" function the flags from the Collision object hasn't been set
I do not really understand what may be the problem here, I tried debugging it and tried to follow along step by step. My observations were that it did in fact set the flags during the function call but as soon as it returned the information was lost
Any help would be appreciated!
EDIT: Here is the getCollisionObject() function:
Collision Player::getCollisionObject()
return m_CollisionBody;
EDIT: Found the problem the function above returned a copy (I am an idiot sorry) changed it to
Collision& Player::getCollisionObject()
return m_CollisionBody;

There's your problem. getCollisionObject() returns by value. Change it to
Collision &Player::getCollisionObject()


Moving player on board

I'm writing board game using SFML and I want my player's figures to move around this board, but I want this to be smooth animated move, from field X to field Y. Unfortunatelly, it isnt happening, my player's figures just changes location, it jumps from lets say field 4 into field 8, while I want to move from 4 to 5, then to 6, then to 7 and finnaly to 8. Hopefully its clear enough. Now let's see some code.
Firstly Field class.
class Field {
int m_position_id;
int m_position_x;
int m_position_y;
std::string m_name;
Field() {}
Field(int, int, int);
virtual ~Field() = default;
int getPosID() { return m_position_id; }
int getPosX() { return m_position_x; }
int getPosY() { return m_position_y; }
Then we got Board which is basicly just an array of Fields
constexpr int BOARD_SIZE = 40;
class Board {
std::array<Field, BOARD_SIZE> m_board;
Field& getBoard(int index) { return m_board[index]; }
Player class
class Player {
int m_position_id = 0; //starting position
float m_position_x = 600;
float m_position_y = 600;
sf::CircleShape m_shape;
Player(std::string, sf::Color, float);
sf::CircleShape& getShape() { return m_shape; }
int getPositionID() { return m_position_id; }
float getPositionX() { return m_position_x; }
float getPositionY() { return m_position_y; }
void setPositionID(int p_position_id) { m_position_id = p_position_id; }
void setPositionX(int p_position_x) { m_position_x = p_position_x; }
void setPositionY(int p_position_y) { m_position_y = p_position_y; }
And finnaly, method that isnt working as I expect it oo
void GameEngine::movePlayer(Player &p_player, int p_distance) {
int l_current_pos_id = p_player.getPositionID();
p_player.setPositionID(p_player.getPositionID() + p_distance);
if (p_player.getPositionID() > 39) {
p_player.setPositionID(p_player.getPositionID() - 40);
//going out of array range here probably
for (int i = l_current_pos_id; i < p_player.getPositionID(); i++) {
int x = m_game_board.getBoard(i + 1).getPosX() - m_game_board.getBoard(i).getPosX();
int y = m_game_board.getBoard(i + 1).getPosY() - m_game_board.getBoard(i).getPosY();
p_player.getShape().move(x, y);
And finnaly, class that handles the view
bool m_draw = false;
while (window.isOpen()) {
if (m_evnt.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased && m_evnt.key.code == sf::Keyboard::R) {
//Roll dice
m_game_engine.rollDice(m_game_status); //this just updates some text, result of rollDice is passed as p_distance to movePlayer
m_draw = true;
for (int i = 0; i < m_game_engine.getNumberOfPlayers(); i++) {
if (m_draw) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_game_engine.getNumberOfPlayers(); i++) {
Ah and from GameEngine class
class GameEngine {
std::vector<Player> m_players;
Player& getPlayer(int index) { return m_players[index]; }
So as you can see, it stores in local variable current player position, then assigns new one, then by Field position ID it gets X and Y coordinate of this position. Next step is checking if this position is inside array (have to do the same for moving my figure around board, because it crashes after first circuit around the board. Still, thats not the point here. For loop at the end, should move from field i to (i+1), then it should wait for 0,5 sec, move again to next field, etc. Althought, after I run my program, it sleeps at beggining and then not moves, but changes position of my shape and its over, no animation at all.
You have a loop and you have waits. That's not how a game works. You can read up on the basics here.
Your game loop has to run. That's the place where the drawing takes place. If you move your token and don't draw it until it arrived, it will look like a teleport. You need to draw between your mini-moves.
Your token needs a target position and a current position and a speed. And every loop you need to add the appropriate numbers to the current position, until it finally arrives at the target position. But you cannot do that in a closed loop, this needs to happen inside your game loop, as a part of it. You probably also want a variable that indicates that a token is indeed moving, so nothing else can happen while it's not complete.

"The C++ Library doesen't provide a hash for this type." - Using own class in std::unordered_map

I am trying to code Conway's "Game of Life". While getting closer to my goal I got stuck with a compiler error:
C2338: The C++ Library doesen't provide a hash for this type.
At first I used the SFML class sf::Vector2D. When it failed to work for me I wrote a class of my own, hoping I could implement the missing hashCode method.
My question is:
Is it possible to uses my own class with its own hashCode method for std::unordered_map? I need to use a class, that can hold two numbers. (I also tried std::tuple, struct and stuff).
Here is one sheet of my code:
#include "GameMechanics.h"
GameMechanics::GameMechanics(Elements * elements):elements(elements)
this->refreshTime = 1000000; //ms
bool GameMechanics::isRunning()
return this->running;
void GameMechanics::setRunning(bool running)
this->running = running;
void GameMechanics::loop()
unsigned passedTime = clock.getElapsedTime().asMicroseconds(); //check passed time since the clock got restarted
this->timeHeap += passedTime; //add passed time to the timeheap
//only refresh every "refreshTime" seconds
if (timeHeap >= this->refreshTime) {
std::cout << "Calculated new generation!" << std::endl;
this->timeHeap -= this->refreshTime;
void GameMechanics::calculateNextGeneration()
std::list<sf::Vector2i> oldGeneration = this->elements->getElements(); // population in the moment
sf::Vector2u elements = this->elements->getElementCount();
std::unordered_map<MyVector2D, int> counter; //here is the problem. Thats the line that makes some trouble
for (std::list<sf::Vector2i>::iterator it = oldGeneration.begin(); it != oldGeneration.end(); it++) {
sf::Vector2i position = *it;
for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++)
if (position.x + i >= 0 && position.x + i <= this->elements->getElementCount().x &&
position.y + j >= 0 && position.y + j <= this->elements->getElementCount().y)
if (counter.find(MyVector2D(position.x + i, position.y + j)) != counter.end())
{ + i, position.y + j))++;
else //if there is no such element, create a new entry
counter.insert({ MyVector2D(position.x + i, position.y + j),1 });
//create new generation
void GameMechanics::brithNewGeneration(std::unordered_map<MyVector2D,int>* counter)
//this methode does work
std::list<sf::Vector2i> newGeneration;
// for (std::unordered_map<MyVector2D, int>::iterator it = counter->begin(); it != counter->end(); it++)
//if life vell with < 2 neighbours, it dies
//life cell with 2 or 3 neighbours will continue living
//life cell with >4 cells will die
//dead cell with 3 neighbours will start living
The custom hashing function required for std::unordered_map (and std::unordered_set) is not a member function of the stored type. You need to specialize the std::hash template:
namespace std {
struct hash<YourType> {
using argument_type = YourType;
using result_type = std::size_t;
result_type operator()(argument_type const &obj) const {
// Compute and return the hash value for `obj`.
Your case is precisely the reason why it's done this way: you can specialize std::hash for sf::Vector2D if you wish, no need to implement your own class.

A* Performance at large maps

i would like some help for my AStar algorithm search, which takes from my point of view far to long. Even though my map is with 500 * 400 coordinates(objectively is my tile graph a bit smaller since I don't took the walls into the TileGraph.) large, I would like to expect the result after a few seconds. The world looks like this, despite the task not being mine
I want to search from marked coordinates "Start"(120|180) to "Ziel"(320|220), which currently takes 48 minutes. And sorry for all, who don't speak german, but the text at the picture isn't important.
At first I want to show you, what I've programmed for A*. In General adapted myself to the pseudocode at*_search_algorithm .
bool AStarPath::Processing(Node* Start, Node* End)
m_Start = Start;
m_End = End;
for (Node* n : m_SearchRoom->GetAllNodes())
DistanceToStart[n] = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
CameFrom[n] = nullptr;
DistanceToStart[m_Start] = 0;
NotEvaluatedNodes.AddElement(0, m_Start);
while (NotEvaluatedNodes.IsEmpty() == false)
Node* currentNode = NotEvaluatedNodes.GetElement();
if (currentNode == m_End)
return true;
return false;
//End Processing
void AStarPath::ExamineNeighbours(Node* current)
for (Node* neighbour : m_SearchRoom->GetNeighbours(current))
if (std::find(EvaluatedNodes.begin(), EvaluatedNodes.end(), neighbour) != EvaluatedNodes.end())
bool InOpenSet = NotEvaluatedNodes.ContainsElement(neighbour);
float tentative_g_score = DistanceToStart[current] + DistanceBetween(current, neighbour);
if (InOpenSet == true && tentative_g_score >= DistanceToStart[neighbour])
CameFrom[neighbour] = current;
DistanceToStart[neighbour] = tentative_g_score;
float Valuation = tentative_g_score + DistanceBetween(neighbour, m_End);
if (InOpenSet == false)
NotEvaluatedNodes.AddElement(Valuation, neighbour);
NotEvaluatedNodes.UpdatePriority(neighbour, Valuation);
//END ExamineNeighbours
double AStarPath::DistanceBetween(Node* a, Node* b)
return sqrt(pow(m_SearchRoom->GetNodeX(a) - m_SearchRoom->GetNodeX(b), 2)
+ pow(m_SearchRoom->GetNodeY(a) - m_SearchRoom->GetNodeY(b), 2));
//END DistanceBetween
I'm sorry for the bad formatting, but I don't really know how to work with the code blocks here.
class AStarPath
std::unordered_set<Node*> EvaluatedNodes;
Binary_Heap NotEvaluatedNodes;
std::unordered_map<Node*, float> DistanceToStart;
std::unordered_map<Node*, Node*> CameFrom;
std::vector<Node*> m_path;
TileGraph* m_SearchRoom;
//END Class AStarPath
Anyway, i have thought myself over my problem already and changed some things.
Firstly, I implemented a binary heap instead of the std::priority_queue. I used a page at policyalmanac for it, but I'm not permitted to add another link, so I can't really give you the address. It improved the performance, but it still takes quite long as I told at the beginning.
Secondly, I used unordered containers (if there are two options), so that the containers don't have to be sorted after the changes. For my EvaluatedNodes I took the std::unordered_set, since from my knowledge it's fastest for std::find, which I use for containment checks.
The usage of std::unordered_map is caused by the need of having seperate keys and values.
Thirdly, I thought about splitting my map into nodes, which represent multiple coordinates(instead of now where one node represents one coordinate) , but I'm not really sure how to choose them. I thought about setting points at position, that the algorithm decises based on the length and width of the map and add neighbouring coordinates, if there aren't a specific distance or more away from the base node/coordinate and I can reach them only from previous added coordinates. To Check whether there is a ability to walk, I would have used the regular A*, with only the coordinates(converted to A* nodes), which are in these big nodes. Despite this I'm unsure which coordinates I should take for the start and end of this pathfinding. This would probably reduce the number of nodes/coordinates, which are checked, if I only use the coordinates/nodes, which were part of the big nodes.(So that only nodes are used, which where part of the bigger nodes at an upper level)
I'm sorry for my english, but hope that all will be understandable. I'm looking forward to your answers and learning new techniques and ways to handle problems and as well learn about all the hundreds of stupids mistakes I produced.
If any important aspect is unclear or if I should add more code/information, feel free to ask.
EDIT: Binary_Heap
class Binary_Heap
std::vector<int> Index;
std::vector<int> m_Valuation;
std::vector<Node*> elements;
int NodesChecked;
int m_NumberOfHeapItems;
void TryToMoveElementUp(int i_pos);
void TryToMoveElementDown(int i_pos);
Binary_Heap(int i_numberOfElements);
void AddElement(int Valuation, Node* element);
void DeleteElement();
Node* GetElement();
bool IsEmpty();
bool ContainsElement(Node* i_node);
void UpdatePriority(Node* i_node, float newValuation);
Binary_Heap::Binary_Heap(int i_numberOfElements)
NodesChecked = 0;
m_NumberOfHeapItems = 0;
void Binary_Heap::AddElement(int valuation, Node* element)
Index[m_NumberOfHeapItems] = NodesChecked;
m_Valuation[NodesChecked] = valuation;
elements[NodesChecked] = element;
void Binary_Heap::DeleteElement()
elements[Index[1]] = nullptr;
m_Valuation[Index[1]] = 0;
Index[1] = Index[m_NumberOfHeapItems];
bool Binary_Heap::IsEmpty()
return m_NumberOfHeapItems == 0;
Node* Binary_Heap::GetElement()
return elements[Index[1]];
bool Binary_Heap::ContainsElement(Node* i_element)
return std::find(elements.begin(), elements.end(), i_element) != elements.end();
void Binary_Heap::UpdatePriority(Node* i_node, float newValuation)
if (ContainsElement(i_node) == false)
AddElement(newValuation, i_node);
int treePosition;
for (int i = 1; i < Index.size(); i++)
if (elements[Index[i]] == i_node)
treePosition = i;
//Won't influence each other, since only one of them will change the position
void Binary_Heap::TryToMoveElementDown(int i_pos)
int nextPosition = i_pos;
while (true)
int currentPosition = nextPosition;
if (2 * currentPosition + 1 <= m_NumberOfHeapItems)
if (m_Valuation[Index[currentPosition]] >= m_Valuation[Index[2 * currentPosition]])
nextPosition = 2 * currentPosition;
if (m_Valuation[Index[currentPosition]] >= m_Valuation[Index[2 * currentPosition + 1]])
nextPosition = 2 * currentPosition + 1;
if (2 * currentPosition <= m_NumberOfHeapItems)
if (m_Valuation[Index[currentPosition]] >= m_Valuation[Index[2 * currentPosition]])
nextPosition = 2 * currentPosition;
if (currentPosition != nextPosition)
int tmp = Index[currentPosition];
Index[currentPosition] = Index[nextPosition];
Index[nextPosition] = tmp;
void Binary_Heap::TryToMoveElementUp(int i_pos)
int treePosition = i_pos;
while (treePosition != 1)
if (m_Valuation[Index[treePosition]] <= m_Valuation[Index[treePosition / 2]])
int tmp = Index[treePosition / 2];
Index[treePosition / 2] = Index[treePosition];
Index[treePosition] = tmp;
treePosition = treePosition / 2;
This line introduces major inefficiency, as it needs to iterate over all the nodes in the queue, in each iteration.
bool InOpenSet = NotEvaluatedNodes.ContainsElement(neighbour);
Try using a more efficient data structure, e.g. the unordered_set you use for EvaluatedNodes. Whenever you push or pop a node from the heap, modify the set accordingly to always contain only the nodes in the heap.

How do I pass a pointer to an array of pointers as an argument to a function?

I'm trying to code a robot, and I'm having a confusing situation. I need to pass an array of pointers to objects to a constructor of a class. I can't, however, populate the array before I pass it into the constructor. To solve this I want to pass a pointer to said array, and access its elements from the pointer. The problem is that I'm new to C++, and so I'm not sure of the syntax. Could you guys help me out?
Code for the main file
class RobotDemo : public SimpleRobot
Joystick stick;
JoystickOne joyOne;
Victor *victors [8];
joyOne(&stick)// these must be initialized in the same order
// as they are declared above.
/*It doesnt seem like I can do anything but initialize things here*/
/*Populate array with pointers to victors. Will need to update channels*/
for (int x = 1; x <= 7; x++) {
victors[x] = new Victor(x);
/*And I don't think I can initialize anything here*/
* Drive left & right motors for 2 seconds then stop
void Autonomous(void)
* Runs the motors with arcade steering.
void OperatorControl(void)
while (IsOperatorControl())
joyOne.testForActions(); /*Check joystick one for actions*/
Wait(0.005); // wait for a motor update time
* Runs during test mode
void Test() {
Here's the code for the JoystickInput class, which the JoystickOne class extends
//the .h
#include "WPILib.h"
class JoystickInput {
JoystickInput(Joystick*, Victor* [8]);
Joystick * joystick;
bool buttons [10];
Victor** victors [8];
bool buttonClicked(int id);
virtual void testForActions();
//and the .cpp
#include "JoystickInput.h"
JoystickInput::JoystickInput(Joystick * joy) {
joystick = joy;
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
buttons[x] = false;
JoystickInput::JoystickInput(Joystick * joy, Victor* vicArray [8]) {
joystick = joy;
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
buttons[x] = false;
for (int n = 0; n <=7; n++) {
*victors[n] = vicArray[n];
bool JoystickInput::buttonClicked(int id) {
if (buttons[id] == false and joystick->GetRawButton(id) == true) {
buttons[id] = true;
return true;
} else if (buttons[id] == true and joystick->GetRawButton(id) == false) {
buttons[id] = false;
return false;
} else {
return false;
void JoystickInput::testForActions() {
What I'm asking you guys to help me do is rework the constructor of JoystickInput() so that it also takes a pointer to an array of pointers (to Victors), and performs methods on elements of the array. Googling it hasnt turned up anything useful. I'd research it more myself, but its been a few days and I'm still hung up on this.
Thanks for the help (and if not that, then at least reading my post)!
You should be able to use:
JoystickInput(Joystick*, Victor**, int);
and just pass vicArray into the constructor. If victors can be anything else than an array of length 8, then you should also pass the length as an argument because c++ cannot find the length of an array from a pointer.
Whenever types get complicated (functions or arrays), use a typedef:
typedef char char_buffer_type[8]; //char_buffer_type is an array
typedef char (*char_buffer_ptr)[8]; //char_buffer_ptr is a pointer to an array
typedef char (&char_buffer_ref)[8]; //char_buffer_ref is a reference to an array
typedef int main_type(int, char**); //main_type is a "int(int, char**)" function
typedef Victor*(array_of_ptr)[8]; //array_of_ptr is an array of 8 Victor*
Also, you should name the values 8 and 10.
class JoystickInput {
static const int victor_count = 8;
static const int button_count = 10;
typedef Victor*(array_of_victor_ptr)[victor_count];
JoystickInput(Joystick*, array_of_victor_ptr& vicArray);
bool buttonClicked(int id){return true;}
virtual void testForActions(){}
Joystick * joystick;
bool buttons [button_count];
array_of_victor_ptr victors; //that's simpler
//then pass this one by reference
JoystickInput::JoystickInput(Joystick * joy, array_of_victor_ptr& vicArray) {
joystick = joy;
for (int x = 0; x < button_count; x++) {
buttons[x] = false;
for (int n = 0; n < victor_count; n++) {
victors[n] = vicArray[n]; //don't have to dereference here anymore
Proof of compilation. Typedefs are wonderful. Use them.

SFML Game Slows Down When Shooting Bullets

I am making an asteroids game in C++ using SFML. I seem to have a problem though with shooting bullets. Although the class seems to work each time a bullet is shot the game significantly slows down. This is the code for the spaceship and the bullets. I just can't seem to find what's wrong with it! Thank you for your time.
This is the Code of the Ship:
#include "Spaceship.h"
void Spaceship::LoadResources()
std::cout <<"Could not locate the ship animation image" <<std::endl;
std::cout <<"Could not locate the ship idle image" <<std::endl;
std::cout <<"Could not locate the bullet image" <<std::endl;
shipSpr.SetCenter(shipIdleImg.GetWidth() / 2,shipIdleImg.GetHeight() / 2);
vx = 0.2;
vy = 0.2;
isBulletOnScreen = false;
isPressed = false;
void Spaceship::UnloadResources(){}
void Spaceship::Update(sf::RenderWindow &Window,sf::Event event)
if (Window.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::A))
if (Window.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::D))
if (Window.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::W))
x += (cos(shipSpr.GetRotation() * (3.14159265/180.0)) *0.2);
y -= (sin(shipSpr.GetRotation() * (3.14159265/180.0)) *0.2);
if (Window.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Space) && !isPressed)
isBulletOnScreen = true;
isPressed = true;
bullets.push_back(new Bullet(shipSpr.GetPosition().x,shipSpr.GetPosition().y,0.3,shipSpr.GetRotation(),bulletImg));
if (event.Type == sf::Event::KeyReleased)
isPressed = false;
if(bullets.size() != 0)
for (int i=0; i<bullets.size(); i++)
if ((bullets[i]->GetX() > DEFAULT_SCREENWIDTH + 40) || (bullets[i]->GetX() < 0 - 40) ||
(bullets[i]->GetY() > DEFAULT_SCREENWIDTH + 40) || (bullets[i]->GetY() < 0 - 40))
bullets.erase(bullets.begin() +i);
void Spaceship::Draw(sf::RenderWindow &Window)
for (int i=0; i<bullets.size(); i++)
Bullet *cur = bullets[i];
And this is for the Bullet:
#include "Bullet.h"
Bullet::Bullet(float x,float y,float v,float r,sf::Image image)
void Bullet::LoadResources(float x,float y,float v,float r , sf::Image image)
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
this->v = v;
bulletImg = image;
bulletSpr.SetCenter(bulletImg.GetWidth() / 2,bulletImg.GetHeight() / 2);
void Bullet::UnloadResources(){}
void Bullet::Update(sf::RenderWindow &Window,sf::Event event)
x += (cos(bulletSpr.GetRotation() * (3.14159265/180.0)) *v);
y -= (sin(bulletSpr.GetRotation() * (3.14159265/180.0)) *v);
void Bullet::SetX(float x)
this->x = x;
void Bullet::SetY(float y)
this->y = y;
void Bullet::SetRotation(float r)
rotation = r;
float Bullet::GetX()
return x;
float Bullet::GetY()
return y;
void Bullet::Draw(sf::RenderWindow &Window)
EDIT: Changed the code so that it loads the image inside the Spaceship Class and passes it to the Bullet's Resources after it is created. The problem still remains the same though. The game becomes more and more slower each time a bullet is shot and it remains slow until it is erased.
You are loading the Bullet PNG image from disk every time you create a new object (often, if you like shooting). The loading from disk is probably going to be very slow. Try to reuse the same image several times instead!
You could probably pull the LoadFromFile function out of LoadResources and put it somewhere where it would last for the duration of the game. Then just have LoadResources refer to that place whenever a new bullet needs to be created. The same goes for any other images or resources that can be reused in your game.
I also saw that you have std::cout in your code. Try removing all of those that are in the rendering loop, as printing is slow.
for (int i=0; i<bullets.size(); i++)
Bullet *cur = bullets[i];
std::cout<<bullets.size()<<std::endl; // This is going to be slow
You might also want to look at the bullets vector. When adding bullets to it,push_back changes the size of the vector, and that takes some allocation and deallocation of memory each time. A better approach would be to make room for a maximum number of bullets to start with (using the resize function for example) so that the vector doesn't change size whenever a bullet is created.
if (Window.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Space) && !isPressed)
isBulletOnScreen = true;
isPressed = true;
bullets.push_back(new Bullet(...); // avoid this
Everytime you call a new Bullet
Bullet::Bullet(float x,float y,float v,float r)
You also call LoadResources(x,y,v,r) which calls
and that call read a file from a disk, which is a very slow operation, in order of magnitudes slower than anything else, so your program stops for the duration of the load.