How do I switch my ReSharper license in VS 2017? - visual-studio-2017

I'm a contractor and I just switched companies with which I'm working. They hand out to their devs ReSharper licenses. The problem is, I already have a personal ReSharper license that's expiring in a few months and since I'm in the middle of the setup and onboarding process, I'd like to go ahead and switch my JetBrains license details.
Other than possibly uninstalling and reinstalling ReSharper, I can't figure out, find or even Google a way to switch licenses. Is there a way that I can simply input a new license key in ReSharper in VS or, maybe, pass in a parameter to an app with the updated details?
I can do a reinstall if I need to but I (and others I'm sure) would rather avoid this.

In he VS2017 menu, you see an entry Resharper, click on it and next Help->License Information ...
Here you can remove the old license and add the new one.


microsoft visual studio installer projects issue

I made a laucher application in c++ that use direct 2d and 3d. Now i making a installer for this. I followed microsoft docs and i made it but there is a issue.
I use 'Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects' extension to make that.
The issue is if i already installed my launcher with a previous installer msi file, if i rebuilt a new installer msi and try to run it it show me this error
This is the microft docs i followed to make this:
In the future maybe i need make a update for my laucher. It isn't good idea everytime need go to control panel, search and delete the previous application and install the new one manually.
Anyone know how can i make it automatic remove old version and install new one? Maybe there is a better way to create a installer?
Major Upgrade: In order to upgrade properly, you need to use a major upgrade so that your new version uninstalls the old one and then installs itself (this can happen in reverse order too: new version installed and old remnants deleted afterwards, but this is another story). There are further upgrade types, but stick to major upgrades for simplicity.
The message you are receiving is basically because you have a different package code for the new MSI, but not a new product code or version number (or just one of those problems). You need to get the settings straight.
Recommended step-by-step:
Set "RemovePreviousVersions" to True in the project properties.
In the same place: bump up your version number (one of the first 3 digits)
Answer yes when asked to change product code, or do so yourself manually.
Keep the UpgradeCode the same - it needs to be stable across releases.
Rebuild your setups. Clean out your box of old remnants before testing or test on a virtual.
Testing: Remember to simulate your full upgrade process from first version installed to the new one with different version numbers for a few core files and also try to add a few files and such things. Very important to verify.
Heads-Up: Before ending, it is standard procedure to warn about the potential limitations of VSInstaller Projects (shorter list form).
MSI Tools: Here is a short "review" of other MSI tools.
MSI Upgrade Types: Shamelessly stolen from the InstallShield help file (towards bottom):

Is there an autosave feature in Visual Studio 2017 to deal with its bugs and crashes?

I used to deal with this when I was working with Adobe AfterEffects. It was (and maybe still is) so buggy that it could crash at any moment. So instead of fixing their buggy code-base their developers added a feature that would periodically auto-save all solution files into a separate (copy) folder. So after a crash you could recover some of your work. (Mine was set on auto-save every minute.)
So I've recently switched to using Visual Studio 2017 to develop my C++/MFC projects. (Before that I worked with somewhat older VS 2008 that used to crash very rarely.) But now VS2017 crashes pretty much every day. And if I forget to click save, it literally takes down last 10-15 minutes of my work, if not more.
I tried reporting this to Microsoft (back in summer of 2018, 6 months ago.) Some of my reports were either closed right away when they needed more proof and I didn't have time to deal with their laziness to read my entire post, but some that were accepted are still open and were never fixed. So I'm done submitting bug reports through that portal.
My only recourse at this point is to ask if there's an auto-save "feature" in VS2017, similar to what Adobe did to their AfterAffects?
Anyone wants to crash it right now? Here's just one bug. Create new project -> Visual C++ -> MFC/ATL project -> MFC Application. Then go to Resource View -> Add Resource -> Accelerator. Then click on "None" where I pointed with an arrow:
Is your VS2017 still running after that?
You can find a plugin in the market that does the job.
"Auto Save File" extension has more installs and better reviews than the extension from fluffeyrug.

Uninstall Mylyn from Eclipse Luna

Found plenty of instructions that tell me to do this: Go to Help → Software Updates → Manage Configuration and uninstall it there (they all seem to point to the Mylyn site's instructions). But in Luna the menu has changed. It has "Check for updates" which doesn't have the Manage Configuration option, and "Installation Details." Installation details only allows uninstallation from the Installed Software tab, and Mylyn does not appear there. How does one remove Mylyn from Luna? I would like to avoid uninstalling manually if possible.
I found this blog entry where they want a "lean mean Eclipse machine" without SVN support, Mylyn, and all the other stuff I never use:
Edit: the above link no longer works.
Unfortunately, in the end they just point you to, which once was a free, but now is a quite expensive service where you can customize your Eclipse install.

HOw do you uninstall Dot42

Two weeks ago I downloaded and installed Dot42AndroidSetup.exe.
There was helpful info on running Android on Hyper-V and hopeful possibilities about using VS and C# to directly target Android x86 and debug.
Since then I've seen strange behavior from an automatic update program "TallApplications.Update.exe"
There were 16 entrees in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Notification Area Icons for the same program.
When I checked on the web, I saw that Dot42 is associated with this update service. (
I was able to uninstall the Tallapplications from control panel, however I had to manually delete many registry entries associated with it.
If anyone knows, please tell me how to remove Dot42 without harming VS2010 or VS2012.
There are registry entrees associated with Dot42 product for both versions of Visual Studio.
I also noticed the multiple entries in the Notification Area Icons which doesn't look good. You say you uninstalled 'TallApplications' - did you mean 'dot42'? What registry entries are left after uninstalling? Did you check the \Common7\IDE\Extensions folder? The dot42 folder should be gone after uninstalling. This is the dot42 integration with Visual Studio.
PS. this is not really a programming question - or the support area is probably a better entry.

Make an installer which installs a toolbar post-install

My task is to make an installer for an application which provides an option to install a secondary app. The secondary app is one of those common internet toolbars. The main installer should also provide a few checkboxes which will modify the command line arguments for the second app.
I've done hours and hours of searching and tried one of them, but haven't achieved much success. I have tried the Visual Studio Custom Actions but I'm unable to understand it! I just want to know whats the simplest way to achieve this? (Please suggest some install creator solutions which are simple to use)
If you want a free and powerful tool I would recommend Wix, however it might take some time to learn using it. It recently introduced a feature called Burn that does just what you need.
For a payed and easy to use tool I recommend Advanced Installer. The Professional edition, cheapest one, has support for feature-based prerequisites, which is what you need. You can have the full package built in not more than 10 minutes. Just create a new Professional project, add your EXE as a feature-based prerequisite in Prerequisites page, your other application files in Files and Folders page and hit build. You will get an MSI package that installs your resources. However, if you want to have custom UI controls, like a new checkbox or a new MSI dialog you will need the Enterprise edition.
The standard installer that you can script to do just about anything with also a huge community behind it is NSIS. It's open-source, fast, extensible, light-weight, powerful, and absolutely free. I would say it's the industry standard for small to medium dev shops (InstallShield was the standard for the huge companies, but even that is changing now).