Advanced search in Django - django

I am working on a social blogging site using Django and I need to create an advanced search bar with filters like location and authors. I do have a basic one working as of now. Can someone help me with the concept on how to add filters to it. couldn't find much related stuff with django. Thanks

Assuming you want to retrieve data from a database, using the Django ORM, you can use the filter method of the Queryset class.
That said, we can't help you more without a context, how you expect the filters to behave, the models behind the scene, or anything more than "how to conceive an advanced search in Django"...


How to make a dropdown menu to search in different models in django

I am new to django and I made a search engine , I want to add a dropdown menu in the template where user can choose the model to search in. What to write in the template and what to write in is there is any need for ????
thanks for help
There are 2 solutions.
You can hardcode your models and filter statements on them directly into your Django view. This is ok if queries are not complex and there is not a lot of models.
Or you need an abstraction - a search layer over your Django models. There is a lot of different search engines: solr, sphinx, elastic search. In your case this can be for example Sphinx Search with django-sphnix plugin - it can aggregate different data sources and make them available for search.

Django search engine for tempates

I have a Django app that has an accompanying user guide. Page content for the user guide is stored in a directory of templates. Haystack seems to be the most popular Django search engine, but it is only recommended for use on model data and doesn't seem to provide template indexing.
What's the best method of indexing the Django template content for search? I could create a model which stores the rendered templates, and index that using Haystack. Is there any software out there that does this already? Or any alternative ways of doing this? Any solution needs should preferably include rendered content (i.e. can't just index the templates straight from disk). I also wish to avoid any external ad-supported search engines like Google Custom Search and Django integration is desirable.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks.
haystack_static_pages is made just for this purpose.
The app is designed to crawl and index specified rendered pages on your own site. You configure the URLs or URL names and then use the management command to crawl your site.
It's worth noting a few things about this up front. Haystack is pretty tightly coupled to the Django ORM, so what haystack_static_pages does is add a model for static content and then dump crawled content into the model as a precursor to indexing. It also appears to be designed around the 1.x version of Haystack.

Create custom django widget for timefield with now option

I have models with datetimefields and timefields. When the user interacts with these fields in a form they often just need to enter the current time. I need a now link almost exactly like what shows up in the django admin, so the user can just click it and the current time gets put in the field.
I tried looking through the django source but it seems to utilize some frontend javascript which I'm not very familiar with. Is there a simple way to make a widget that can be easily used in a timefield and datetimefield?
So this is not on the admin panel? As in on the site? Then this is not really a question to be posed to Django, I suggest tagging javascript. If you are unfamiliar with javascript, then tag jquery, they have things for this.
In case you're lazy, here's a start:
jQuery premade
Javascript methods
Sorry, but this is more of a UI issue than a Django issue. Hope I helped, though.

Django: Haystack or ORM

For a project I implemented Haystack but now I was wondering what the pros and cons are of using Haystack over the ORM. For my project I need to find books by their title and isbn. I guess Haystack is more useful if you have to do full text searches or am I missing something?
Haystack is certainly better for full text search, and also provides a bunch of other benefits that you won't get using the ORM. Here are some from the Haystack site:
Spelling suggestions
More like this
Search term boosting
Besides that, you should use Haystack over the ORM if you expect a high volume of searches, since you'll offload all that work from the DB (which should be focused on writing and retrieving your data).
The main advantage to use haystack over the ORM is performance. LIKE requests are just going to kill you database if you have 100 concurrent users searching. If you have MYSQL of course you can still use its full text capability, but it will still be slower than Xapian or Solr.
Plus you will have additional features such as fuzzy searching that user loves a lot.
It does comes with the extra work of setting up solr and maintaining it, so:
if your website is going to be small forever, like for small company intranet, don't bother and user ORM.
if you plan for the big bad Web, go Haystack.
And not forget to mention that doing a basic haystack setup isn't really much more work than doing a search view using Django's ORM.
Haystack is a module that enables easier search integrations for your django application
you can create something similiar to a ModelForm, called ModelIndex, in this new class you will be able to declare the searchable fields of your models and other settings
It has little to do with Django ORM (the orm is used to comunicate with your databases)
of course you can have the orm query your db models with the search pattern specified, but Haystack is a better choice for setting up a search engine easily on your website, so... if you have to enable complex searches on your site, just go with Haystack

Implementing filters in django for e-commerce website

I am implementing an e-commerce website using django. The product catalog will be big (hundreds of products). I would like to know how I should implement product filters in search.
E.g. let's say I put up about 30 products initially. The user might want to filter the search based on some product attributes like color, size, category, etc.
Is there any feature in django that enables building such features? If not, how should I go about it? Is querying the database everytime the user picks an attribute, the only approach?
I think you are looking for a faceted search.
Haystack should be the django app you are looking for.
Furthermore you could take a look at django-filter