"pip install mysqlclient" requires microsoft visual c++ error - django

I do installed Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0, But while running pip install mysqlclient. Please, can anyone help?
Thanks in advance.
Here is the screenshot

pip install mysqlclient:
In this web download the package
https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#mysql-client download 32
or 64 version python version based your python version.
Put it to the directory (virtual folder).
In command prompt run pip install mysqlclient‑1.3.13‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl (based on your python version).
Another way: use this command
pip install --only-binary :all: mysqlclient


Not able to install mysqlclient in Django project

Not able to install mysqlclient in Django project. While running pip giving error as "Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 Is Required Error".
Tried downloading Microsoft C++ Build Tools
First try upgrading setuptools package through:
pip install --upgrade setuptools
Then try to install again.
If still the issue persists then use the binary-only option for pip.
pip install --only-binary :all: mysqlclient

Not able to Install python package libportaudio-dev via pip on Windows 10

Python Version : 2.7.13
Pip Version: 9.0.1
Error: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement libportaudio-dev(from version:)
No matching distribution found for libportaudio-dev
pip installs packages from PyPI and there is no libportaudio-dev at PyPI. It's not a Python package. It is a package in Ubuntu.
To install it on w32 you have to download the source code and compile it. See the instructions.
There are old precompiled binaries at https://github.com/adfernandes/precompiled-portaudio-windows
https://github.com/spatialaudio/portaudio-binaries — these ones look more fresh.

django update version without pip

I want to update my django version (1.8 ->1.9).
My current version was installed using pip (pip install Django) .
Now I need to install a newer version without pip.
I think I should run from the django package folder, using the setup.py file:
python setup.py install
[I've installed some other packages using a setup.py file .]
The question - will that create some problems? And, does the setup.py install method take care for uninstalling the older version? Or I have to uninstall manually somehow?
I don't have internet connection in this computer, so no pip.
Download a release (they are available on GitHub), and copy to your computer.
Then use pip install to install the archive. For example
pip install django-1.9.3.tar.gz
For more ways to use pip install, see the docs.

Install Python package located on Github

I'm trying to follow this tutorial.
First step would be to install DeCaf.
I'm farely new to Python and so far I've only installed packages via easy_install, pip or Windows binaries.
How do I go about installing the DeCaf package? I tried downloading the ZIP from Github, and do a python setup.py install but it doesn't seem to work.
I'm on Windows 7, and use Anaconda 1.8.
You can use the pip that ships with anaconda. Not sure that this library works on Windows as it requires c++ compiler with omp thread. From the anaconda terminal try:
pip install git+https://github.com/UCB-ICSI-Vision-Group/decaf-release.git
You can try the following:
i.e: installing ipdb package which is not there in anaconda list:
Following will try to install package from anaconda:
conda install ipdb
Following will show list of repo's from where you can install the package with versions:
anaconda search -t conda ipdb
Following will show more details about the package and repo:
anaconda show conda-forge/ipdb
Finally this will install the package from the repo:
conda install --channel https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge ipdb

How can I install python-Orange on ubuntu 12.10

sudo apt-get install python-Orange
sudo apt-get install python-orange
doesn't work
sudo python setup.py install
sudo python setup.py build
is not working as well.
Can anyone help??
Python has two tools for easy installation of all programs that are listed on the Python Package Index, also known as PyPi: These are easy_install and pip. Both retrieve very recent versions of Orange (and of any other package that is updating its PyPi entry regularly).
I installed Orange on Ubuntu 12.04 (LTS) with
pip install orange.
You will see lots of log lines indicating that Pip is downloading and compiling Orange for you. Simply wait. When pip is ready, fire up python and try to import orange. If that works, quit python and try the GUI with python /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Orange/OrangeCanvas/orngCanvas.pyw (you probably want to create a shell alias or bash script for that one :-)
NOTE: on 12.04 I needed to first upgrade 'distribute' itself with sudo easy_install -U distribute but this was clearly indicated by pip.
You need to extract the dowloaded tarball on that page to a folder and then change directory to that folder. Then the sudo python setup.py... instructions will work (but you should 'build' the application before you 'install' it).
go to the given link "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Orange/2.6/"
download the package and extract the file
install with given command
python setup.py build
python setup.py install
note:- during installation make sure that your net is working because it downloads required packages. Also it may ask for C++ or gcc compilers while installing and could be terminate just read the errors care fully and install requires packages from the synaptic package manage in ubuntu.