How to get exactly one element from an unordered_set? - c++

I have:
std::unordered_set<ObjectRepresentation*> incompletePieces;
I would like to get exactly one object from the unordered_set. To do that I am using a for loop, and "break", at the end of the loop so that the loop runs at most once.
while (incompletePieces.size()){
for (auto containedPiece : incompletePieces){ //Warning at this line that loop will run at most once
// .... doing some stuff with the contained piece
This is the desired behaviour that I want. The problem is that the compiler shows a warning:
Loop will run at most once (loop increment never executed)
How do I rewrite my code so that the warning goes away ? Is there a better way to get an item from the unordered_set ?

You could use begin() to get the first element.
if (incompletePieces.size() > 0)
auto containedPiece = *(incompletePieces.begin());

The code you presented does in fact process all elements and clears the set of them as it gets done, but it does so in a highly unidiomatic way.
There are two idiomatic ways of doing this, depending on whether processing an element could modify the set itself.
1) If the "doing some stuff" code is guaranteed to not touch incompletePieces (i.e. completing one piece does not create additional incomplete pieces), then the idiomatic and efficient solution is to just loop over the set and clear it afterwards:
for (auto piece : incompletePieces) {
// process piece
2) If this is not the case, or you really need to clear elements as you go, then the idiomatic solution is still iterator based looping:
auto it = incompletePieces.begin();
while (it != incompletePieces.end()) {
// process *it
#if C++11
it = incompletePieces.erase(it);
auto prev = it++;

Whereas *unordered_set::begin() will give you first element (no unordered_set::front()),
I would rewrite:
while (incompletePieces.size()){
for (auto containedPiece : incompletePieces){
// .... doing some stuff with the contained piece
for (auto* containedPiece : incompletePieces){
// .... doing some stuff with the contained piece

You can rewrite the code as below:
for(auto* containedPiece : incompletePieces){
//Process the set contents
//Clear entire set in one go
If you want to clear it one by one, you would have to use iterators as shown below:
auto it = incompletePieces.begin(); //Take the pointer to first element of set
for( ; it !=incompletePieces.end() ; it++){
incompletePieces.erase(*it); //Erase one element at a time


How to remove elements from a vector that uses the vector size in the for loop

I have a game where I shoot bullets at an object and I delete the object that gets hit by the bullet and bullet that are off screen as well.
For example:
std::vector<object> object_list;
for(size_t i = 0; i < object_list.size(); i++)
object_list.erase(object_list.begin() + i);
The problem with this is that when i remove an object, the size of the vector decreases so when it check the conditions, it fails and i get an error such as " vector subscript out of range." I could just choose not to render the asteroid by rendering those that haven't been hit, but the problem with that is that the no. of objects increases when hit(splits up) so eventually the program is going to get slower. I've used a similar concept for the off screen bullets but I can't find a way around it. I'm looking for a solution to this or better way of removing elements.
Both object and bullet are classes.
You should split for loop in 2 parts:
remove all "hit" elements:
object_list.end(), [](auto&& item) { return item.hit(); }),
draw remaining:
std::for_each(object_list.begin(), object_list.end(), [](auto&& item) { item.draw(); });
It's safer and more readable.
Same idea as the other answers but this code is a little easier with iterators
for (auto i = object_list.begin(); i != object_list.end(); )
if (i->hit())
i = object_list.erase(i);
vector::erase returns an iterator to the next element, which you can use to continue the loop.
Functional approach using the range-v3 library (C++20)
[...] I'm looking for a solution to this or better way of removing elements.
Using the ranges::actions::remove_if action from the range-v3 library, you can use a functional programming style approach to mutate the object_list container in-place:
object_list |= ranges::actions::remove_if(
[](const auto& obj) { return obj.hit(); });
followed by subsequent ranges:for_each invocation to draw the object:
ranges::for_each(object_list, [](const auto& obj){ obj.draw(); });
You could do something like this:
for (size_t i = 0; i < object_list.size(); )
if (object_list[i].hit())
object_list.erase(object_list.begin() + i)
Let us say you are at i=5 and that object has been hit, after deleting that element, the obj at i=6 is shifted to i=5, and you haven't checked it, so just add i--; after your erase statement.
Another way to do it would be -
for(size_t i = 0; i < object_list.size();)
object_list.erase(object_list.begin() + i);
Also, it could possibly be faster to just remove the object from the vector where you execute the code that marks the object as hit, that way you just need to draw all the objects which are left out in the list. Some more background into how you are doing all this would be helpful to decide something specific which would be better :)
The shown code does not fail or give a vector subscript out of range - it just does not consider every object, as it skips over the element after the removed one.
For very short and concise solutions employing concepts from C++11 and later, see the answer by Equod or the one by dfri
For better understanding the issue, and/or if you have to stick to for loops with indices, you basically have two options:
Iterate over the vector in reverse direction (i.e. start at the last element), then items after the current one being shifted is not a problem;
for (int i=object_list.size()-1; i>=0; --i)
if (object_list[i].hit())
object_list.erase(object_list.begin() + i)
Or, if the order is important (as I could imagine with items to draw), and you have to iterate from front to back, then only increase the counter i if you have not erased the current element:
for (int i=0; i<object_list.size(); /* No increase here... */ )
if (object_list[i].hit())
object_list.erase(object_list.begin() + i);
++i; // ...just here if we didn't remove the element
I suspect that std::vector is not the container you want (but, of course, I don't know the entire code). Each call to erase implies reallocation of the right-part of the vector (and then copies of you objects), it could be very costly. And your actual problem is the symptom of a design problem.
From what I see, std::list is probably better:
std::list<object> objects;
// ...
for(std::list<object>::iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end();)
objects.erase(it++); // No object copied

RemoveAt from StructArray Ue4

I struggle a bit with deleting struct from my TArray of structs.My struct contains AudioComponent and float.I was using Array.RemoveAt(index), but what i got from this was only removing half of my struct, which is AudioComponent.
Why is that? My function Removing elements looks like this:
void RemoveArrayElement( UAudioComponent AudioComponent )
for( int i=0; i<Array.Num(); i++ )
if( AudioComponent == Array[i].AudioComponent )
Array.RemoveAt( i );
What i want to achieve is completely deleting index, AudioComponent with it's float.
There are few issues with your code. As others mentioned in comments, you should use pointers. And if I'm not mistaken, you aren't allowed to use construction like this:
TArray<UAudioComponent> invalidArray;
You should use UPROPERTY macro, otherwise your properties could and probably will be garbage collected. UPROPERTY wiki.
Next thing is that you are changing array over which you are iterating. I wrote few approaches, let's look at them:
void RemoveArrayElement(UAudioComponent* AudioComponent)
TArray<UAudioComponent*> audioArray; // array will be initialized somewhere else, this is for demo purpose.
// you always should check your pointers for validity
if (!AudioComponent || !AudioComponent->IsValidLowLevel() || AudioComponent->IsPendingKill())
// Correct approach 1 (multiple):
TQueue<UAudioComponent*> toDelete;
for (int i = 0; i < audioArray.Num(); i++)
auto item = audioArray[i];
if (AudioComponent == item || true) // we simulate another condition for multiselect
// better approach for iteration:
for (auto item : audioArray)
if (item == AudioComponent || true) // we simulate another condition for multiselect
// finalize deletion in approach 1
UAudioComponent* deleteItem;
while (toDelete.Dequeue(deleteItem))
// almost correct approach 2 (single) :
UAudioComponent* foundItem;
for (auto item : audioArray)
if (item == AudioComponent)
foundItem = item;
break; // we can skip rest - but we must be sure, that items were added to collection using AddUnique(...)
if (foundItem)
// correct and the best - approach 3 (single)
First keep in mind that comparing two objects does not necessarily lead to the expected result of equality. Using the == operator means executing a function (bool operator==(L, R);) that specifies what should happen. So if you did not overload the == operator then you don't know what using it would result to unless you look at the source code where it's defined. Since you want to remove the exact audio component and not an instance of it that looks the same, you want to use pointers in your array. That also helps performance since your are not copying the whole component when calling RemoveArrayElement(...); but a single pointer. Also when there are two identical audio components stored in the array and they are at index a and a+1, then removing the audio component at index a the next iteration would skip your second audio component since all upper indexes are decremented by one.

What is the most efficient way of accessing elements in a C++ container?

Suppose I want to sequentially access all the elements in a C++ container, which way is the most efficient one? I illustrated my question in the following example:
std::vector<int> abc;
for(int i=0; i<abc.size(); i++)
std::vector<int>::iterator it = abc.begin();
std::vector<int>::iterator itEnd = abc.end();
while(it != itEnd)
In this example, as you can see, two methods are used to access elements in the C++ container, so a natural question is which one is more efficient. Thanks.
The best bet to figure this stuff out is to do something like 1 million loops and test it. Compilers vary. Make sure to test it in release mode.
I use ACE, but here is an example of how I get the time difference.
// Log how long each module takes.
ACE_Time_Value lSendStart;
ACE_Time_Value lDifference;
// Start keeping track of how long this takes
lSendStart = ACE_OS::gettimeofday();
// Figure out how long we took.
lDifference = ACE_OS::gettimeofday() - lSendStart;
// Log how long we took
PLALOG_INFO( mLogger, ACE_TEXT( "doProcessing took ") <<lDifference.sec () << ACE_TEXT( "seconds(s) and ") << (lDifference.usec ()) <<
ACE_TEXT(" micro second(s) to process." ), "" );
So Get the start time, loop it a million times, get the difference, then do the same loop the other way.
Another thing I have found, if you can use the auto from c++11, you will generally find a faster loop then the historic for loop like you have shown.
std::vector<std::string> lNameList;
// fill in vector
for(auto& lSection : lNameList)
// lSection is not a string
// DO something with it

Vector iterator not incremental .erase()

I am trying to delete any element of this vector that collides with player. However when I try to remove the element from the vector the program crashes and I get the error; "vector iterator not incremental".
for (std::vector<Coin>::iterator i=CoinSet.begin(); i!=CoinSet.end(); i++)
if (i->PlayerClear(player.collider()) == true)
This code works perfectly well until "CoinSet.erase(i)", I tried using "CoinSet.clear()" at various points, but to no avail. Any help on this would be great, thanks in advance!
This has been discussed to death. You mustn't operate on an invalid iterator. You want something like this:
for (auto it = CoinSet.begin(); it != CoinSet.end(); /* no increment here! */ )
if (/* ... */)
// ...
I don't like putting ++-statements inside the argument. Therefore erase() returns an iterator that points to the next element, so one could replace the erase line with:
it = CoinSet.erase(it); // iterator is replaced with valid one

Erasing an element from a list container

I am having difficulty understanding why the code is behaving this way. First of all I have read the relevant answered material and still found the explanations abit advanced. So I'm wondering if some-one could explain this in a simple fashion.
Ok, so I am erasing elements from a list.
The list contains int elements that are both odd and even numbers. This part I understand.
Here is the code I originally wrote to remove the odd numbers from the list
for(list<int>::iterator i = lNo.begin(); i != lNo.end(); i++)
if(*i%2 == 0 )
cout << " " << *i;
With this code, the program simply does not compile, and I read a message stating that the program has to shut down.
The erase function works when I write this code:
for(list<int>::iterator i = lNo.begin(); i != lNo.end(); i++)
if(*i%2 == 0 )
i = lNo.erase(i);
cout << " " << *i;
I just need to uderstand why the program works when I code i = lNo.erase(i) and not with just lNo.erase(i)?
A simple concise answer would be much appreciated.
I know that different containers have different constraints, so which constraint did I violate with the original piece of code?.
As stated in the documentation, the erase function invalidates the iterator passed in. That means it cannot be used again. The loop cannot proceed with that iterator.
The documentation also states that it returns an iterator to the element that was after the erased one. That iterator is valid and can be used to proceed.
Note however that since it returns an iterator to the element after the one that was erased, there is no need to increment that to advance, or that element will not be checked for oddness. The loop should catter for that and only increment when no erasure was done.
Even your second code is incorrect.
The correct code should be this:
for(list<int>::iterator i = lNo.begin(); i != lNo.end(); /*NOTHING HERE*/ )
if(*i%2 == 0 )
i = lNo.erase(i);
cout << " " << *i;
++i; //INCREMENT HERE, not in the for loop
Note that erase() erases the item and returns the iterator to the next item. That means, you don't need to increment i in your code when you erase; instead you just need to update i with the returned value from erase.
You could use erase-remove idiom as:
[](int i) { return i%2 == 0; }),
Live demo
The thing is that you're using an iterator that doesn't expect the chaining of your list to be modified.
So when you're calling erase() on your list, the chaining is effectively modified and so your iterator isn't valid anymore. The i++ statement doesn't work anymore.
But, in the 2nd version, you re-assign your iterator to valid object that still have the chaining intact, so the i++ statement can still work.
In some framework, you have 2 kinds of iterators, the kind that do reflect immediately what's happening to the underlying dataset (here is what you're using), and the kind that doesn't change their chaining whatever happening to the underlying dataset (so you don't have to use the weird trick of the 2nd version).