Fortran module segmentation fault- GNUFOR - fortran

I need a special library for Fortran so that I can code and visualize on the fly, instead of writing to a text file then use either Python or Matlab to plot. I followed this:
The instructions are not cleared so I did not use their examples, so I wrote my own code. There are 2 files: gnu.f90 from website, and myplot.f90, which I wrote like this:
program myplot
!Declare data types
implicit none
integer, parameter :: N1 = 50
real(kind=8) :: x1(N1),x2(N1)
real(kind=8) :: y1(N1)
real(kind=8) :: y2(N1)
integer :: i
!Generate 2D plot
do i = 1,N1
x1(i) = i
x2(i) = i
end do
y1 = x1**2
y2 = x2**3
!print *, 'Plotting'
!call plot(x1,y1,x2,y2)
call write_xy_data(x1,y1)
end program myplot
Apparently, from their gnufor.f90 file, I only need to do:
write_xy_data(X,Y) and it should work. In their example code, they did not use gnufor.f90 as a module so I didnt put: use gnufor at the beginning. Although, I tried that and it didn't work as well. So in my current directory, I have:
And to compile it, I am on Linux: gfortran myplot.f90 -o test
The error was:
Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.
Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x7FB0B051DE08
#1 0x7FB0B051CF90
#2 0x7FB0AFF574AF
#3 0x40302F in write_xy_data_
#4 0x400D7E in MAIN__ at myplot.f90:?
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Any help is greatly appreciated. I expected the problem to be in my own code, although all array sizes are declared.

The subroutine write_xy_data in gnufor.f90 from the website you linked has a signature
subroutine write_xy_data(data_filename, n, x, y, ierror)
implicit none
character ( len = * ) data_filename
integer ( kind = 4 ) n
real ( kind = 8 ) x(n)
real ( kind = 8 ) y(n)
integer(kind = 4) ierror
Which means instead of passing only x,y, you have to call it as
call write_xy_data('myfile',N1,x1,y1,ierr)
passing as arguments the name of the file to write to ('myfile' in the example), the number of points to write (N1), the data (x1,y1) and an integer that carries information on the success of the write (ierror, this one has to be declared, too)
Also, there is no module gnufor, so no use clause is required, all functions in gnufor.F90 are global, which is also the reason why you need to pass the number of points as an extra argument, as assumed shape would require an explicit interface.


When passing function name as argument, the function does not take array as input [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to pass array to a procedure which is passed as an argument to another procedure using Fortran
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm writing a subroutine that can take function names are argument.
In my example, it is call call_test(ga), where ga is a function ga(x).
My old practice works fine if x is a scalar.
The problem is the program failed if x is an array.
The minimal sample that can reproduce the problem is the code below:
module fun
implicit none
public :: ga, call_test
subroutine call_test(fn)
double precision,external::fn
double precision::f
double precision,dimension(0:2)::x0
x0 = 0.111d0
print*,'Input x0=',x0
print*,'sze x0:',size(x0)
f = fn(x0)
end subroutine call_test
function ga(x) result(f)
double precision,dimension(0:) :: x
double precision::f
print*,'size x inside ga:',size(x)
print*,'x in ga is:=',x
f = sum(x)
end function ga
end module
program main
use fun
call call_test(ga)
end program main
Using latest ifort, my execution result is:
Input x0= 0.111000000000000 0.111000000000000 0.111000000000000
sze x0: 3
size x inside ga: 140732712329264
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image PC Routine Line Source
a.out 000000010C6EC584 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libsystem_platfor 00007FFF20610D7D Unknown Unknown Unknown
a.out 000000010C6C62B2 _MAIN__ 32 main.f90
a.out 000000010C6C5FEE Unknown Unknown Unknown
Using gfortran the result is
Input x0= 0.11100000000000000 0.11100000000000000 0.11100000000000000
sze x0: 3
size x inside ga: 0
x in ga is:=
fn(x0)= 0.0000000000000000
My question is why is this, and how to make it work. A functional code solution based on my code is highly appreciated.
#IanBush is right in his comment. You need an explicit interface as the function argument takes an assumed-shape dummy argument. Since you have some other deprecated features in your code, here is a modern reimplementation of it in the hope of improving Fortran community coding practice,
module fun
use iso_fortran_env, only: RK => real64
implicit none
public :: ga, call_test
abstract interface
function fn_proc(x) result(f)
import RK
real(RK), intent(in) :: x(0:)
real(RK) :: f
end function fn_proc
end interface
subroutine call_test(fn)
implicit none
procedure(fn_proc) :: fn
real(RK) :: f
real(RK) :: x0(0:2)
x0 = 0.111_RK
write(*,"(*(g0,:,' '))") 'Input x0 =',x0
write(*,"(*(g0,:,' '))") 'sze x0:',size(x0)
f = fn(x0)
write(*,"(*(g0,:,' '))") 'fn(x0) =', f
end subroutine call_test
function ga(x) result(f)
real(RK), intent(in) :: x(0:)
real(RK) :: f
write(*,"(*(g0,:,' '))") 'size x inside ga:',size(x)
write(*,"(*(g0,:,' '))") 'x in ga is:',x
f = sum(x)
end function ga
end module
program main
use fun
call call_test(ga)
end program main
Note the use of the abstract interface. The import statement merely imports the symbol RK for usage within the abstract. Without it, you will have to use iso_fortran_env to declare RK as real64. Do not use double precision, it is deprecated and does not necessarily mean 64bit real number. Also, note the conversion of 0.111d0 to 0.111_RK. Also, I strongly recommend not using single-letter variable names. They are ugly, error-prone, and non-informative. Modern Fortran allows variable names up to 63 characters long. There is no harm in having long but descriptive variable names. Here is the code output,
Input x0 = 0.11100000000000000 0.11100000000000000 0.11100000000000000
sze x0: 3
size x inside ga: 3
x in ga is: 0.11100000000000000 0.11100000000000000 0.11100000000000000
fn(x0) = 0.33300000000000002

Fortran EQUIVALENCE statement with array length from subroutine input

I'm modernizing some old Fortran code and I cannot get rid of an equivalence statement somewhere (long story short: it's mixed use is so convoluted it'd take too much work to convert everything).
I need the length of the EQUIVALENCEd arrays to depend on some input, like the following code:
program test_equivalence
implicit none
type :: t1
integer :: len = 10
end type t1
type(t1) :: o1
call eqv_int(o1%len)
call eqv(o1)
subroutine eqv_int(len)
integer, intent(in) :: len
integer :: iwork(len*2)
real(8) :: rwork(len)
print *, 'LEN = ',len
print *, 'SIZE(IWORK) = ',size(iwork)
print *, 'SIZE(RWORK) = ',size(rwork)
end subroutine eqv_int
subroutine eqv(o1)
type(t1), intent(in) :: o1
integer :: iwork(o1%len*2)
real(8) :: rwork(o1%len)
print *, 'LEN = ',o1%len
print *, 'SIZE(IWORK) = ',size(iwork)
print *, 'SIZE(RWORK) = ',size(rwork)
end subroutine eqv
end program test_equivalence
This program will create 0-length arrays with gfortran 9.2.0. This is the output:
LEN = 10
LEN = 10
The same code will return Array 'rwork' at (1) with non-constant bounds cannot be an EQUIVALENCE object when compiled with gfortran 5.3.0, the warning disappears since gfortran 6.2.0, but the size of the arrays is always 0. So maybe compiler bug?
The source code is indeed not a valid Fortran program. To be specific, it violates the numbered constraint C8106 of Fortran 2018:
An equivalence-object shall not be a designator with a base object that is .. an automatic data object ..
Being a numbered constraint, the compiler must be capable of detecting this violation. If hasn't such a capability this is a deficiency in the compiler (a bug). Being "capable" doesn't mean doing so by default, so please look carefully to see whether there are options which do lead to this detection. Someone familiar with the internals of GCC can give further detail here.
As the source isn't a valid Fortran program, the compiler is allowed to consider the arrays of size zero if it has skipped the violation detection.

Could declaration of pointers to derived types be undefined?

I have a small code declaring a pointer to array of derived type which has a field that is an allocatable array of another derived type having a real variable as a field.
Using gnu fortran (8.2) I obtain different results for each location in the array or as a vector.
Using intel fortran (2019.4) compiler succeeded.
program test
implicit none
integer, parameter :: length = 2
real(8), dimension(length) :: a, b
integer :: i
type point
real(8) :: x
end type point
type stored
type(point), dimension(:), allocatable :: np
end type stored
type(stored), dimension(:), pointer :: std=>null()
std(1)%np(1)%x = 0.3d0
std(1)%np(2)%x = 0.3555d0
do i = 1, length
write(*, "('std(1)%np(',i1,')%x = ',1e22.14)") i, std(1)%np(i)%x
end do
do i = 1, length
write(*, "('std(1)%np(1:',i1,') = ',2e22.14)") i, std(1)%np(1:i)%x
end do
a = std(1)%np(1:2)%x
b = [std(1)%np(1)%x, std(1)%np(2)%x]
if (norm2(a - b) .gt. 1d-3) then
write(*,*) 'failure'
write(*, *) 'success'
end if
end program test
the code terminates successfully, but using gfortran one obtains 'failure' on screen and inconsistent prints above and using Intel compiler one obtains 'success' on screen and consistent prints above.
It's not clear to me what your question is, unless it's the title. If so, no, pointers to derived types are fine. Your program correctly allocates std as an extent-1 array and then allocates std(1)%np(2). It then assigns to the x subcomponents of both np elements. Looks fine to me.
There are several things that could potentially cause "failure" - you should run the gfortran code in the debugger to see what is going wrong.
The problem presented in the code above was resolved in the following [link]

How can i return a vector of characters in fortran 90? [duplicate]

I would like to compute the cross product of two vectors in Fortran 90. For example, in words, the cross product of (1, 2, 3) and (4, 5, 6) turns out to be (-3, 6, -3) in Cartesian coordinates. I wrote the following code (main program followed by function definition):
PROGRAM crosstest
m=(/1, 2, 3/)
n=(/4, 5, 6/)
END PROGRAM crosstest
FUNCTION cross(a, b)
cross(1) = a(2) * b(3) - a(3) * b(2)
cross(2) = a(3) * b(1) - a(1) * b(3)
cross(3) = a(1) * b(2) - a(2) * b(1)
But, I get an error message:
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (2/1)
where line 10 is r=cross(m,n). It seems that I must be specifying a dimension incorrectly. Here are a few ideas I have:
Perhaps the declaration of the function cross in the main program should be simply an integer variable, rather than a 1by3 integer array. So I tried deleting the , DIMENSION(3) in the INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: cross line in the main program. But I get an error message:
Error: The reference to function 'cross' at (1) either needs an
explicit INTERFACE or the rank is incorrect
so this is even worse, probably.
Some (but not all) Fortran function examples on the web place an EXTERNAL statement after the function declaration in the main program. So I tried placing a line EXTERNAL cross after the declaration block in the main program. I get an error message:
Error: EXTERNAL attribute conflicts with DIMENSION attribute at (1)
So this seems incorrect also.
Some (but not all) Fortran function examples on the web place a RETURN statement on the second-to-last line of the function definition. I tried this, but I get the original rank mismatch error:
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (2/1)
So this does not fix the problem.
Can you please help me see my error?
The best practice is to place your procedures (subroutines and functions) in a module and then "use" that module from your main program or other procedures. You don't need to "use" the module from other procedures of the same module. This will make the interface of the procedure explicit so that the calling program or procedure "knows" the characteristics of the arguments ... it allows the compiler to check for consistency between the arguments on both sides ... caller and callee .. this eliminates a lot of bugs.
Outside of the language standard, but in practice necessary: if you use one file, place the module before the main program that uses it. Otherwise the compiler will be unaware of it. so:
module my_subs
implicit none
FUNCTION cross(a, b)
cross(1) = a(2) * b(3) - a(3) * b(2)
cross(2) = a(3) * b(1) - a(1) * b(3)
cross(3) = a(1) * b(2) - a(2) * b(1)
end module my_subs
PROGRAM crosstest
use my_subs
m= [ 1, 2, 3 ]
n= [ 4, 5, 6 ]
write (*, *) r
END PROGRAM crosstest
This is kind of a late answer, but since I stumbled upon this and there is no real explanation yet for why your error occurred, I figured I'd add an explanation for everybody else who stumbles upon this question:
In your program, you define an array called cross, which is of rank 1. Then you call the cross function you define further down. Since the cross function does not have an explicit interface (see M.S.B.'s answer), the compiler does not know about it at this point. What it does know about is the array you declared. If you write r = cross(m, n), the compiler thinks you want to access the element at position (m, n) of the array cross. Since this array is of rank 1, but you supplied two arguments, you get the error
rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (2/1)
which means that you supplied two coordinates when the compiler was expecting one.
You can place the subroutines used in a program after a contains keyword within the program. This eliminates the need for creating a module or adding the interface definition.
PROGRAM crosstest
m = (/1, 2, 3/)
n = (/4, 5, 6/)
r = cross(m,n)
print *, r
PURE FUNCTION cross(a, b)
cross(1) = a(2) * b(3) - a(3) * b(2)
cross(2) = a(3) * b(1) - a(1) * b(3)
cross(3) = a(1) * b(2) - a(2) * b(1)
END PROGRAM crosstest
The complier interpretes the cross in your main program as an array, rather than a function name. Therefore cross in your main program has nothing to do with the function you defined. To let the compiler know that cross is a function name, you can just define in your main program:
INTEGER :: cross
Then, when the compiler see the line r=cross(m,n), the compiler know that this is not array indexing since cross is not defined as an array in the main program. Then a remaining possiblity is that this is a function call, and Fortran compiler ususally adopt this possiblity.
For your case, the compiler finds out that the cross function returns an array rather than a scalar. For this case, the compiler insists that you provide an explicit interface for cross. So this workaround does not work for your case. As other anwsers suggest, you need to provide an explicit interface by either
containing the function definition in a module and use that module in your main program
containing the function definition in your main program.
Fortran uses parentheses for both function call and array indexing.
This design often causes confusion because a programmer can not figure out f(3) is a function call or array indexing without additional information.

Program received signal SIGBUS: Access to an undefined portion of a memory object

I have this simple Fortran code and a function which I explicitly supply with an argument in the main program. The code is below:
implicit none
real*8 rrr,x
external tttt
x = rrr(10)
function rrr(seed)
integer seed, k
real*8 rrr
k = 7
seed = 16807 * ( seed - k * 127773 ) - (k * 2836)
rrr = seed / 2.
It compiles, however upon run it produces the following error:
Program received signal SIGBUS: Access to an undefined portion of a memory object.
Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x10f43bfe6
#1 0x10f43b7ac
#2 0x7fff89740529
#3 0x10f433d78
#4 0x10f433e2c
#5 0x10f433e6e
Bus error: 10
Any ideas what maybe causing the error? I use gfortran to compile my code.
You are modifying the seed in the function. You cannot do that, because it is constant 10. You cannot modify seed in the function if you pass something, which is not definable into it. A constant literal is not definable. Variables normally are.
Also, don't use external functions. Use modules, or put your functions into the contains section which makes them internal. That way the caller will have explicit interface and can check correctness of the code.
In particular the error you made can be avoided automatically if you make the function argument intent(in) and check the interfaces. Even without modules many compilers can find out the problem if you enable all warnings and error checks. For example -g -fcheck=all -Wall -fbacktrace in gfortran.
Fix for you:
real*8 :: x
integer :: iseed
iseed = 10
x = rrr(iseed)
function rrr(seed)
real*8 :: rrr
integer, intent(in) :: seed
integer :: kk
k = 7
seed = 16807 * ( seed - k * 127773 ) - (k * 2836)
print *,seed
rrr = seed / 2.
end function
end program