Why does Visual Studio 2017 fail to generate REST API client for Swagger Petstore? - visual-studio-2017

I'm playing around with using Swagger / OpenAPI docs/specs to generate REST API client code in C#, but I'm running into several problems.
Most notably - when trying to use the Swagger.io Petstore example as a starting point:
Using the VS 2017 Add > REST API client option in VS 2017, I don't get any code produced - instead an error is shown:
Generating client code and adding to project started
Generate client code for REST API with following parameters:
REST API Name: OpenApiClientClient, Base namespace: OpenApiClient, Metadata file path: C:\Users\Marc\AppData\Local\Temp\WebToolsAutoRest\OpenApiClientClient\201807162213351660\swagger.json
[Info]AutoRest Core
[Info]Initializing modeler.
[Info]Initializing modeler.
[Info]Parsing swagger json file.
[Info]Generating client model from swagger model.
[Fatal]Error generating client model: Collection format "multi" is not supported (in parameter 'status').
Exception: There was an error during code generation when trying to add a client for the REST API
Generating client code and adding to project failed
Adding REST API client for failed
So if the Swagger sample app isn't compatible - how will others be?? (and I tried a few others, all with the same results, unfortunately).
What's wrong here? Am I missing something, do I need to add some extra tooling to VS 2017 to make this work?
OK, so I now tried to install Autorest using npm directly:
npm install -g autorest
This appears to work - no errors shown or anything.
But trying to run Autorest - with a set of command line parameters, or even just on its own - results in an error:
AutoRest -CodeGenerator CSharp -Modeler Swagger
-Input https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json
-Namespace Services.UserServiceClient -OutputDirectory d:\projects
-AddCrendentials true
or just
AutoRest <kbd>Enter</kbd>
results in:
AutoRest code generation utility [version: 2.0.4280; node: v9.9.0]
(C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation.
Error: Unable to start AutoRest Core from C:\Users\Marc.autorest\#microsoft.azure_autorest-core#2.0.4280\node_modules\#microsoft.azure\autorest-core
Error: Unable to start AutoRest Core from C:\Users\Marc.autorest\#microsoft.azure_autorest-core#2.0.4280\node_modules\#microsoft.azure\autorest-core
at main (C:\Users\Marc\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\autorest \dist\app.js:232:19)
Any further ideas?

Visual Studio 2017 is using a very old version of AutoRest. The issue you are seeing is this one which was fixed in AutoRest v. 1.0. As explained in the comments in that issue:
Are you referring to the autorest version that's built-into visual studio? -- That's incredibly old, and we didn't update that (we've changed the whole way autorest works).
You are going to need to install node and use autorest from the command line.
Looks like it's not possible to update AutoRest used by Visual Studio 2017, so you'll need to call AutoRest directly.

I also had this problem so I built a tool for it called REST API Client Code Generator. I worked in teams where we used tools like AutoRest, NSwag, and Swagger Codegen to generate our REST API Clients and it always annoyed me that the "Add New - REST API Client..." tooling in Visual Studio didn't always work and was very troublesome when it was time to re-generate the client
This would add the OpenAPI specification file (Swagger.json) to the project and set a custom tool so that every time changes are made to it the REST API Client code is re-generated. You can also right click on the Swagger.json file and switch code generators
I built the tool mainly for personal use and for use within my teams but if you find it useful and think it lacks something you really need then please reach out

Try running autorest --reset. This worked on windows with node v8.12.0. Prior to running that command I was getting the same error.


Error CS1061 'DeviceClient' does not contain a definition for 'SetInputMessageHandlerAsync'

I try to build IoT Edge module termo sensor from the Microsoft sources. When I build project, I got the error:
"Error CS1061 'DeviceClient' does not contain a definition for
'SetInputMessageHandlerAsync' and no accessible extension method
'SetInputMessageHandlerAsync' accepting a first argument of type
'DeviceClient' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an
assembly reference?)"
Then I created IoT Edge module from the scratch, compare assembly version and start building the module and everything was built ok.
I follow to the DeviceClient class from the VS 2017 IDE for the app which is built ok.
But when I follow to the DeviceClient class in the application with building problem - I saw, that there is no such method.
I compare assembly version - it's equal.
I found the problem. In the module from the scratch is used ModuleClient instead of DeviceClient in the Microsoft Sources. :-)

Running SonarQube analysis scan - SonarSource build-wrapper

I'm new to running SonarQube scans and I get this error message in the log in Jenkins:
16:17:39 16:17:36.926 ERROR - The only way to get an accurate analysis of your C/C++/Objective-C project is by using the SonarSource build-wrapper. If for any reason, the use of the build-wrapper is not possible on your project, you can bypass it with the help of the "sonar.cfamily.build-wrapper-output.bypass=true" property. By using that property, you'll switch to an "at best" mode that could result in false-positives and false-negatives.
Can someone please advise where I can find and run this SonarSource build-wrapper?
Thanks a lot for your help!
To solve this issue, download the Build Wrapper directly from your SonarQube Server, so that its version perfectly matches your version of the plugin:
Build Wrapper for Linux can be downloaded from URL
Unzip the downloaded Build Wrapper,
Configure it in your PATH because it's just more convenient
export PATH=$PATH:/path/where/you/unzip
Once done, Run below commands.
build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 --out-dir <dir-name> <build-command>
build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 --out-dir build_output make clean all
Once all this done, you have to modify your sonar-project.properties file with following line. Note the dir-name is same directory which we defined in previous command.
and then you can run the sonar scanner command.
this will do the analysis against your code. For more details, you can check this link.
Contacted support, turns out this was caused by missing the argument sonar.cfamily.build-wrapper-output in the scanner begin command.
Build wrapper downloads:
Linux: https://sonarcloud.io/static/cpp/build-wrapper-linux-x86.zip
macOS: https://sonarcloud.io/static/cpp/build-wrapper-macosx-x86.zip
Windows: https://sonarcloud.io/static/cpp/build-wrapper-win-x86.zip
Some links covering how to run the build wrapper:

Debugging XSLT with Intellij and Saxon - Unsupported Transformer

I'm currently trying to convert xml files to a completely different format, using IntelliJ Community Edition +Saxon to write and debug the stylesheet.
I have already Saxon-HE 9.7.0-5 as the top-most module dependency.
Running the stylesheets with the XSLT-Runner works just fine, but when I try to debug it, I get some errors.
When I specify no VM arguments I get:
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Unsupported Transformer: net.sf.saxon.jaxp.TransformerImpl
at org.intellij.plugins.xsltDebugger.rt.engine.local.LocalDebugger.prepareTransformer(LocalDebugger.java:98)
at org.intellij.plugins.xsltDebugger.rt.engine.local.LocalDebugger.<init>(LocalDebugger.java:51)
at org.intellij.plugins.xsltDebugger.rt.engine.remote.DebuggerServer$1.<init>(DebuggerServer.java:55)
at org.intellij.plugins.xsltDebugger.rt.engine.remote.DebuggerServer.<init>(DebuggerServer.java:55)
at org.intellij.plugins.xsltDebugger.rt.engine.remote.DebuggerServer.create(DebuggerServer.java:71)
at org.intellij.plugins.xsltDebugger.rt.XSLTDebuggerMain.start(XSLTDebuggerMain.java:53)
at org.intellij.plugins.xslt.run.rt.XSLTRunner.main(XSLTRunner.java:143)
When I specify the VM-Arguments
as recommended here, I get the following error:
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: The URI http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions does not identify an external Java class
Has anyone else experienced this?
IntelliJ IDEA Supports Saxon 9 Debugging up to Saxon
As of Saxon the net.sf.saxon.lib.TraceListener interface introduced braking changes net.sf.saxon.lib.TraceListener#open() => net.sf.saxon.lib.TraceListener#open(Controller) that got never adapted by JetBrains.
Since Maven artifacts for 9.3 are hard to come by you might want to manually get it from from SF.
Regarding your stack trace; It has a different story but ultimately results in going back to 9.3.
As of today, 9.3 seems to be the latest version that works with the current IntelliJ 2017.1.2 version.

Android Studio - Unable to create Test module

Just installed Android Studio to give it a try. I'm trying to create a test module for my application and, whatever the method I use, I always get the following error: "Error: No AndroidManifest.xml file found in the main project directory...".
Methods I use:
1) from Android Studio: New > Module > Test Module
2) from command line: android create test-project -m "main_path" -n "project_name" -p "test_path"
Any ideas on how to solve this?
Edit: As of 0.1.8 this is now supported in the IDE.
According to the documentation for the new build system a separate project is no longer needed, which implies that a separate module may not be either. That said, getting test working within the IDE is still problematic. I've posted an answer here that at least works for running tests from the command line.

Firebreath plugin on windows fails to load in chrome

I am busy converting by existing firebreath plugin here to use gpgme instead of making calls via the OS and the gpg binary.
I have managed to get the code to compile in windows using VS 2010 on a x32 system but after loading the plugin into chrome I can not access the npapi code at all. Even simple version calls fails.
When loading the plugin I get no visible errors but when using sawbuck log viewer for chrome I get the erorr messages below.
.\renderer\webplugin_delegate_proxy.cc 347 PluginMsg_Init returned false
..\plugins\npapi\webplugin_impl.cc 271 Couldn't initialize plug-in
I have tried to use my code with both firebreath 1.4 and 1.6 and neither versions work. After some simple debugging it seems that using any code provided by gpgme (whether its called or not) causes the plugin to break.
I came to this conclusion by doing the following.
Created a new project with firebreath (versions 1.4 and 1.6)
Add the gpgme.h headers to gmailGPGAPI.cpp and changed nothing else aside from adding the required reference paths to the project.
Build the project to create the dll (this generates the dll fine).
Replace the existing ddl in my project with the dll in step 2 and test it with the following piece of code
plugin = document.createElement('object'); plugin.id = 'plugin';
plugin.type = 'application/x-gmailtest';
console.log("my plugin returned: "+ plugin.valid);
console.log("my plugin returned: " + plugin.version);
This returns valid = true and the version returns what ever i set it to.
I then modified gmailGPGAPI.cpp to now return the gpg version by calling gpgme_check_version(NULL) in the version method. I used that method because its probably the simplest returning function that I could test with.
Build the plugin and copy dll to chrome extension as in step 3-4. The plugin builds fine again as expected.
Load the plugin and try to execute the code in step 4 at which point it now just returns undefined for any property or method i try to access on the plugin. No errors are printed to the console or anywhere else in chrome except for the error logged to sawbuck.
I have got no idea where to look or what to try since I cant seem to get an actionable error to work against. I have also reduced by test code to the point where its just a new project with a one line change to make it easier to find the problem.
I should note the code in the repo builds fine in linux/OSX and loads into chrome correctly so I know at some level my code does work.
Two possible paths:
You may have a DLL dependency that isn't available which keeps the plugin from loading; if you run regsvr32 on it in the state where it doesn't work on chrome, does it work?
Your plugin may be loading and then crashing. Start chrome with --plugin-startup-dialog and then when it pops up a dialog warning you that a plugin is about to be loaded attach to that process and see if the process crashes. At this point you can also set breakpoints to try to figure out how far it gets.
Double check your metadata in PluginConfig.cmake as well; sometimes unusual characters in some fields can cause issues like this.