Decryption error in c++ program - c++

I have created a program which decrypts tracks using bento4 but I am stuck at writing file to disk. The program crashes when writing decrypted tracks, because the size of the encrypted and decrypted samples are not the same.
The problem is in main.cpp in FragmentedSampleReader::ReadSample() after this comment :
// Write initialisation & data into decrypted file.
AP4_Result FragmentedSampleReader::ReadSample()
AP4_Position pos_init, pos_after_sample;
AP4_Result result;
if (!m_codecHandler || !m_codecHandler->ReadNextSample(m_sample, m_sampleData))
bool useDecryptingDecoder = m_protectedDesc && (m_decrypterCaps.flags & SSD::SSD_DECRYPTER::SSD_CAPS::SSD_SECURE_PATH) != 0;
bool decrypterPresent(m_decrypter != nullptr);
if (AP4_FAILED(result = ReadNextSample(m_track->GetId(), m_sample, (m_decrypter || useDecryptingDecoder) ? m_encrypted : m_sampleData)))
if (result == AP4_ERROR_EOS)
if (dynamic_cast<AP4_DASHStream*>(m_FragmentStream)->waitingForSegment())
m_eos = true;
return result;
//Protection could have changed in ProcessMoof
if (!decrypterPresent && m_decrypter != nullptr && !useDecryptingDecoder)
m_encrypted.SetData(m_sampleData.GetData(), m_sampleData.GetDataSize());
else if (decrypterPresent && m_decrypter == nullptr && !useDecryptingDecoder)
m_sampleData.SetData(m_encrypted.GetData(), m_encrypted.GetDataSize());
// Make sure that the decrypter is NOT allocating memory!
// If decrypter and addon are compiled with different DEBUG / RELEASE
// options freeing HEAP memory will fail.
if (m_decrypter)
m_sampleData.Reserve(m_encrypted.GetDataSize() + 4096);
result = m_decrypter->DecryptSampleData(m_poolId, m_encrypted, m_sampleData, NULL);
else if (useDecryptingDecoder)
m_sampleData.Reserve(m_encrypted.GetDataSize() + 1024);
result = m_singleSampleDecryptor->DecryptSampleData(m_poolId, m_encrypted, m_sampleData, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
// Write initialisation & data into decrypted file
std::vector<char> buffer;
int pos_decrypted = file_decrypted_data.tellp();
if(pos_decrypted < pos_init)
buffer.reserve(pos_init - pos_decrypted);
file_fragment.seekg(pos_decrypted, std::ios::beg);, pos_init - pos_decrypted);
file_decrypted_data.write(, pos_init - pos_decrypted);
int metadata_length = pos_after_sample - m_sampleData.GetDataSize() - pos_init;
file_fragment.seekg(pos_init, std::ios::beg);, metadata_length);
file_decrypted_data.write(, metadata_length);
file_decrypted_data.write((const char*)m_sampleData.GetData(), m_sampleData.GetDataSize());
return result;
I have a official git repo :
It gives me below error.
std::bad_alloc error


How to solve mesh corruption with staging buffer on Vulkan Api

I am found a bug in my code, that cause mesh data corruption in certain situation using staging buffer. I have:
temporary mesh data
staging buffer with certain size, that used simultaneously by command buffer and memcpy, but not same segment at a time.
Buffer allocator, that gives part of suitable vertex-index buffer, where mesh data transfers from staging by vkCmdCopyBuffer. Buffer contains many of segments, given for different meshes.
The issue that when I am using staging buffer simultaneously by command buffer and memcpy, mesh data writes incorrectly (become overwritten/corrupted) and even badly can cause VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST . "correct mesh" "broken mesh"
[[nodiscard]] static Result writeMeshBuffer(TransferData &data, GpuMesh &buffer)
Result result; using namespace vkw;
auto &mesh = buffer.source;
size_t vSize = mesh.vertices_count * mesh.vertex_size;
size_t iSize = mesh.indices_count * mesh.index_size;
size_t mesh_size = vSize + iSize;
auto &staging_offset = data.stagingData.buffer_offset_unused;
// write data to staging buffer
// guaranteed that mesh_size will less or equal than staging buffer size
//FIXME false condition generate broken meshes somehow
bool is_wait_before = mesh_size > TransferStagingData::BUFFER_SIZE - staging_offset;
//will work correctly:
//bool is_wait_before = true;
if (is_wait_before) // if we need more memory on staging buffer than not used already
result = data.wait_transfer();
if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
return result;
staging_offset = 0;
uint8_t *pMemory = static_cast<uint8_t*>(data.stagingData.pMemory) + staging_offset;
memcpy(pMemory, mesh.vertices.pX, vSize);
memcpy(pMemory + vSize, mesh.indices.pXX, iSize);
if (not is_wait_before)
result = data.wait_transfer();
if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
return result;
// write data from staging buffer to mesh buffer
auto cmd_cpy_buff = [](CommandBuffer cmd, BufferCopy copy, Offsets offsets, DeviceSizeT size)
cmd.cmd_copy_buffer(copy, offsets, size);
BufferCopy copy = { data.stagingData.buffer, };
Offsets offsets = { staging_offset, };
result = data.transfer.prepare(cmd_cpy_buff, data.transfer.cmd_buffer, copy, offsets, mesh_size);
if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
return result;
result = data.transfer.submit({&data.transfer.cmd_buffer,1},{}, {}, {}, data.transferFence);
if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
return result;
// save usused offset to data.stagingData.buffer_offset_unused;
staging_offset = staging_offset == 0 ? mesh_size : 0;
return result;
If I can't use staging buffer like this, than why.
If i have an error, idk where.
The issue was
staging_offset = staging_offset == 0 ? mesh_size : 0;
Need to change
staging_offset = staging_offset == 0 ? TransferStagingData::BUFFER_SIZE - mesh_size : 0;
And after change all works correctly.

Pops / clicks when stopping and starting DirectX sound synth in C++ / MFC

I have made a soft synthesizer in Visual Studio 2012 with C++, MFC and DirectX. Despite having added code to rapidly fade out the sound I am experiencing popping / clicking when stopping playback (also when starting).
I copied the DirectX code from this project:
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to cut and paste all the code from the Code Project. Basically I use the Player class from that project as is, the instance of this class is called m_player in my code. The Stop member function in that class calls the Stop function of LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER:
void Player::Stop()
DWORD status;
if (m_lpDSBuffer == NULL)
HRESULT hres = m_lpDSBuffer->GetStatus(&status);
if (FAILED(hres))
EXCEP(DirectSoundErr::GetErrDesc(hres), "Player::Stop GetStatus");
hres = m_lpDSBuffer->Stop();
if (FAILED(hres))
EXCEP(DirectSoundErr::GetErrDesc(hres), "Player::Stop Stop");
Here is the notification code (with some supporting code) in my project that fills the sound buffer. Note that the rend function always returns a double between -1 to 1, m_ev_smps = 441, m_n_evs = 3 and m_ev_sz = 882. subInit is called from OnInitDialog:
#define FD_STEP 0.0005
#define SC_NOT_PLYD 0
#define SC_PLYNG 1
#define SC_FD_OUT 2
#define SC_FD_IN 3
#define SC_STPNG 4
#define SC_STPD 5
bool CMainDlg::subInit()
// initialises various variables and the sound player
Player *pPlayer;
std::vector<DWORD> events;
int t, buf_sz;
pPlayer = new Player();
m_player = pPlayer;
format.NbBitsPerSample = 16;
format.NbChannels = 1;
format.SamplingRate = 44100;
m_ev_smps = 441;
m_n_evs = 3;
m_smps = new short[m_ev_smps];
m_smp_scale = (int)pow(2, format.NbBitsPerSample - 1);
m_max_tm = (int)((double)m_ev_smps / (double)(format.SamplingRate * 1000));
m_ev_sz = m_ev_smps * format.NbBitsPerSample/8;
buf_sz = m_ev_sz * m_n_evs;
m_player->CreateSoundBuffer(format, buf_sz, 0);
for(t = 0; t < m_n_evs; t++)
events.push_back((int)((t + 1)*m_ev_sz - m_ev_sz * 0.95));
m_status = SC_NOT_PLYD;
catch(MATExceptions &e)
MessageBox(e.getAllExceptionStr().c_str(), "Error initializing the sound player");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void CMainDlg::Stop()
// stop playing
m_status = SC_STPD;
void CMainDlg::OnBnClickedStop()
// causes fade out
m_status = SC_FD_OUT;
void CMainDlg::OnSoundPlayerNotify(int ev_num)
// render some sound samples and check for errors
ScopeGuardMutex guard(&m_mutex);
int s, end, begin, elapsed;
if (m_status != SC_STPNG)
begin = GetTickCount();
for(s = 0; s < m_ev_smps; s++)
m_smps[s] = (int)(m_synth->rend() * 32768 * m_fade);
if (m_status == SC_FD_IN)
m_fade += FD_STEP;
if (m_fade > 1)
m_fade = 1;
m_status = SC_PLYNG;
else if (m_status == SC_FD_OUT)
m_fade -= FD_STEP;
if (m_fade < 0)
m_fade = 0;
m_status = SC_STPNG;
catch(MATExceptions &e)
m_player->Write(((ev_num + 1) % m_n_evs)*m_ev_sz, (unsigned char*)m_smps, m_ev_sz);
catch(MATExceptions &e)
end = GetTickCount();
elapsed = end - begin;
if(elapsed > m_max_tm)
m_warn_msg.Format(_T("Warning! compute time: %dms"), elapsed);
m_warn_msg.Format(_T("compute time: %dms"), elapsed);
if (m_status == SC_STPNG)
It seems like the buffer is not always sounding out when the stop button is clicked. I don't have any specific code for waiting for the sound buffer to finish playing before the DirectX Stop is called. Other than that the sound playback is working just fine, so at least I am initialising the player correctly and notification code is working in that respect.
Try replacing 32768 with 32767. Not by any means sure this is your issue, but it could overflow the positive short int range (assuming your audio is 16-bit) and cause a "pop".
I got rid of the pops / clicks when stopping playback, by filling the buffer with zeros after the fade out. However I still get pops when re-starting playback, despite filling with zeros and then fading back in (it is frustrating).

Getting digital signature from mmc.exe at windows 8

I have an application that tries to verify the mmc.exe (services) signature. (the context of the application I think is irrelevant) I am trying with winapi function which both fails with
WinVerifyTrust. I get TRUST_E_BAD_DIGEST when I am trying with verification from catalog, and
TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE when trying from file info. it is very important to mention that my function succeeds on win7, XP but fails on win8.
this is the code snippet for the function
CATALOG_INFO InfoStruct = {0};
InfoStruct.cbStruct = sizeof(CATALOG_INFO);
WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO WintrustCatalogStructure = {0};
WintrustCatalogStructure.cbStruct = sizeof(WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO);
WINTRUST_FILE_INFO WintrustFileStructure = {0};
WintrustFileStructure.cbStruct = sizeof(WINTRUST_FILE_INFO);
//Get a context for signature verification.
if(!::CryptCATAdminAcquireContext(&Context, NULL, 0) ){
return false;
//Open file.
cx_handle hFile(::CreateFileW(filename_.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, 7, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL));
CryptCATAdminReleaseContext(Context, 0);
return false;
//Get the size we need for our hash.
DWORD HashSize = 0;
::CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle(hFile, &HashSize, NULL, 0);
if( HashSize == 0 )
//0-sized has means error!
::CryptCATAdminReleaseContext(Context, 0);
return false;
//Allocate memory.
buffer hashbuf(HashSize);
//Actually calculate the hash
if( !CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle(hFile, &HashSize,, 0) )
CryptCATAdminReleaseContext(Context, 0);
return false;
//Convert the hash to a string.
buffer MemberTag(((HashSize * 2) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < HashSize; i++ ){
swprintf(&((PWCHAR)[i * 2], L"%02X",[i ]);
//Get catalog for our context.
HCATINFO CatalogContext = CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash(Context, hashbuf, HashSize, 0, NULL);
if ( CatalogContext )
//If we couldn't get information
if ( !CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext(CatalogContext, &InfoStruct, 0) )
//Release the context and set the context to null so it gets picked up below.
CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext(Context, CatalogContext, 0);
CatalogContext = NULL;
//If we have a valid context, we got our info.
//Otherwise, we attempt to verify the internal signature.
WINTRUST_DATA WintrustStructure = {0};
WintrustStructure.cbStruct = sizeof(WINTRUST_DATA);
if( !CatalogContext )
load_signature_verification_from_file_info(WintrustFileStructure, WintrustStructure);
load_signature_verification_from_catalog(WintrustStructure, WintrustCatalogStructure, InfoStruct, MemberTag);
//Call our verification function.
long verification_res = ::WinVerifyTrust(0, &ActionGuid, &WintrustStructure);
//Check return.
bool is_success = SUCCEEDED(verification_res) ? true : false;
// if failed with CatalogContext, try with FILE_INFO
if(!is_success && CatalogContext && verification_res != TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE)
//warning2(L"Failed verification with Catalog Context: 0x%x %s ; Retrying with FILE_INFO.", verification_res, (const wchar_t*)format_last_error(verification_res));
load_signature_verification_from_file_info(WintrustFileStructure, WintrustStructure);
verification_res = ::WinVerifyTrust(0, &ActionGuid, &WintrustStructure);
is_success = SUCCEEDED(verification_res) ? true : false;
if(perr && !is_success && verification_res != TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE)
perr->code = verification_res;
perr->description = format_last_error(verification_res);
//Free context.
if( CatalogContext ){
::CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext(Context, CatalogContext, 0);
//If we successfully verified, we need to free.
if( is_success )
WintrustStructure.dwStateAction = WTD_STATEACTION_CLOSE;
::WinVerifyTrust(0, &ActionGuid, &WintrustStructure);
::CryptCATAdminReleaseContext(Context, 0);
return is_success;
I don't think any thing had changed in this function from win7 to win 8 so what could possibly go wrong?
I did notice that my function does work for task manager at win 8.
but again for the mmc it does not work.
It appears that your general approach is correct and the functions themselves haven't changed. However there are subtle changes; namely the data on which they operate has changed. The hashes stored for files on Windows 8, according to comments on CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle, are calculated using SHA-256 hashes.
The SHA-256 hashing algorithm is not supported by CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle, so you must update the code to use CryptCATAdminAcquireContext2 and CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle2 on Windows 8; the former allows you to acquire a HCATADMIN with a specified hash algorithm, and the latter allows using that HCATADMIN.
(Interestingly, WINTRUST_CATALOG_INFO also points this direction with its HCATADMIN hCatAdmin member, documented as "Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012: Support for this member begins.")

`fgetpos` Not Returning the Correct Position

Update: To get around the problem below, I have done
if (ftell(m_pFile) != m_strLine.size())
fseek(m_pFile, m_strLine.size(), SEEK_SET);
fpos_t position;
fgetpos(m_pFile, &position);
this then returns the correct position for my file. However, I would still like to understand why this is occurring?
I want to get the position in a text file. For most files I have been reading the first line, storing the position, doing some other stuff and returning to the position afterwards...
m_pFile = Utils::OpenFile(m_strBaseDir + "\\" + Source + "\\" + m_strFile, "r");
m_strLine = Utils::ReadLine(m_pFile);
bEOF = feof(m_pFile) != 0;
if (bEOF)
(boost::format("File '%1%' is empty.") % m_strFile).str());
return false;
// Open.
pFileCode = Utils::OpenFile(strGenCode + "\\" + m_strFile, options.c_str());
m_strLine = Utils::Trim(m_strLine);
Utils::WriteLine(pFileCode, m_strLine);
// Store location and start passes.
unsigned int nLineCount = 1;
fpos_t position;
fgetpos(m_pFile, &position);
m_strLine = Utils::ReadLine(m_pFile);
fsetpos(m_pFile, &position);
m_strLine = Utils::ReadLine(m_pFile);
With all files provided to me the storage of the fgetpos and fsetpos works correctly. The problem is with a file that I have created which looks like
which is almost identical to the supplied files. The problem is that for the file above fgetpos(m_pFile, &position); is not returning the correct position (I am aware that the fpos_t position is implementation specific). After the first ReadLine I get a position of 58 (edited from 60) so that when I attempt to read the second line with
fsetpos(m_pFile, &position);
m_strLine = Utils::ReadLine(m_pFile);
I get
on 700
instead of
Selection: Function ADJEXCL
Why is fgetpos not returning the position of the end of the first line?
_Note. The Utils.ReadLine method is:
std::string Utils::ReadLine(FILE* file)
if (file == NULL)
return NULL;
char buffer[MAX_READLINE];
if (fgets(buffer, MAX_READLINE, file) != NULL)
if (buffer != NULL)
std::string str(buffer);
return str;
std::string str(buffer);
return str;
void Utils::TrimNewLineChar(std::string& s)
if (!s.empty() && s[s.length() - 1] == '\n')
s.erase(s.length() - 1);
Edit. Following the debugging suggestions in the comments I have added the following code
m_pFile = Utils::OpenFile(m_strBaseDir + "\\" + Source + "\\" + m_strFile, "r");
m_strLine = Utils::ReadLine(m_pFile);
// Here m-strLine = " Logic Definition Report Chart Version: New Version 700" (64 chars).
long vv = ftell(m_pFile); // Here vv = 58!?
fpos_t pos;
vv = ftell(m_pFile);
fgetpos(m_pFile, &pos); // pos = 58.
fsetpos(m_pFile, &pos);
m_strLine = Utils::ReadLine(m_pFile);
Sorry, but your Utils functions have clearly been written by an incompetent. Some issues are just a matter of style. For trimming:
void Utils::TrimNewLineChar(std::string& s)
if (!s.empty() && *s.rbegin() == '\n')
s.resize(s.size() - 1); // resize, not erase
or in C++11
void Utils::TrimNewLineChar(std::string& s)
if (!s.empty() && s.back() == '\n')
ReadLine is even worse, replace it with:
std::string Utils::ReadLine(FILE* file)
std::string str;
char buffer[MAX_READLINE];
if (file != NULL && fgets(buffer, MAX_READLINE, file) != NULL)
// it is guaranteed that buffer != NULL, since it is an automatic array
// copying buffer into str is useless here
return str;
That last str(buffer) in the original worries me especially. If fgets reaches a newline, fills the buffer, or reaches end of file, you're guaranteed to get a properly terminated string in your buffer. If some other I/O error occurs? Who knows? It might be undefined behavior.
Best not to rely on the value of buffer when fgets fails.

Not able to add certificate policy extension using openssl APIs in c++

I tried using following syntax for the same :
add_ext(x509OutCertificate, NID_certificate_policies, "Policy: 2.16.840.1.113733.1.7.54 ,CPS:");
add_ext(x509OutCertificate, NID_certificate_policies, "2.16.840.1.113733.1.7.54,");
& many more combinations.
but not able to add this extension in certificate. Any clue what is wrong?
Thanks in advance
This is really a comment, but the comment does not have the space.
$ grep -R NID_certificate_policies *crypto/objects/obj_dat.h: NID_certificate_policies,3,&(lvalues[512]),0},
crypto/objects/objects.h:#define NID_certificate_policies 89
crypto/objects/obj_mac.h:#define NID_certificate_policies 89
crypto/x509v3/v3_cpols.c:NID_certificate_policies, 0,ASN1_ITEM_ref(CERTIFICATEPOLICIES),
crypto/x509v3/pcy_cache.c: ext_cpols = X509_get_ext_d2i(x, NID_certificate_policies, &i, NULL);
crypto/x509v3/v3_purp.c: NID_certificate_policies, /* 89 */
Looking at v3_cpols.c, there's an ominous warning:
/* Certificate policies extension support: this one is a bit complex... */
Here's how its declared:
const X509V3_EXT_METHOD v3_cpols = {
NID_certificate_policies, 0,ASN1_ITEM_ref(CERTIFICATEPOLICIES),
v3_cpol is then used in ext_dat.h:
static const X509V3_EXT_METHOD *standard_exts[] = {
There does not appear to be documentation or clear usage. The two books I have on OpenSSL lack a treatment on it. It looks like you are in muddy waters.
Perhaps the folks at the OpenSSL user's list can help out. I suggest it because some folks on the list can probably answer it (SH, DT, VD, etc), but I have not seen them on Stack Overflow's site.
Its been a long time for this question, but i looked into openssl1.0.2k source code, and i found its not support add cps extension directly:
static STACK_OF(POLICYINFO) *r2i_certpol(X509V3_EXT_METHOD *method,
X509V3_CTX *ctx, char *value)
WriteLogToFile("In r2i_certpol");
char *pstr;
ASN1_OBJECT *pobj;
int i, ia5org;
pols = sk_POLICYINFO_new_null();
if (pols == NULL) {
return NULL;
WriteLogToFile("Before X509V3_parse_list");
vals = X509V3_parse_list(value);
WriteLogToFile("After X509V3_parse_list");
if (vals == NULL) {
X509V3err(X509V3_F_R2I_CERTPOL, ERR_R_X509V3_LIB);
goto err;
ia5org = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sk_CONF_VALUE_num(vals); i++) {
cnf = sk_CONF_VALUE_value(vals, i);
if (cnf->value || !cnf->name) {
char str[1000];
sprintf(str, "cnf->value: %s, cnf->name: %s", cnf->value, cnf->name);
goto err;
pstr = cnf->name;
if (!strcmp(pstr, "ia5org")) {
ia5org = 1;
} else if (*pstr == '#') {
polsect = X509V3_get_section(ctx, pstr + 1);
if (!polsect) {
goto err;
pol = policy_section(ctx, polsect, ia5org);
X509V3_section_free(ctx, polsect);
if (!pol)
goto err;
} else {
if (!(pobj = OBJ_txt2obj(cnf->name, 0))) {
goto err;
pol = POLICYINFO_new();
if (pol == NULL) {
goto err;
pol->policyid = pobj;
if (!sk_POLICYINFO_push(pols, pol)) {
goto err;
sk_CONF_VALUE_pop_free(vals, X509V3_conf_free);
return pols;
sk_CONF_VALUE_pop_free(vals, X509V3_conf_free);
sk_POLICYINFO_pop_free(pols, POLICYINFO_free);
return NULL;
The "CPS" has to be in section part, which is configured by openssl.conf file, so anyone met this problem has to put cps in that configure file, and tell openssl to search that part, like the code below:
bool AddX509ExtensionFromFile(X509* cert, X509* issuer, int nid, char* value,char* extFile)
if (extFile)
long errorline = -1;
X509V3_CTX ctx2;
CONF* extconf = NCONF_new(NULL);
if (!NCONF_load(extconf, extFile, &errorline))
if (errorline <= 0)
printf("NCONF_load error\n");
printf("error on line %ld of config file '%s'\n", errorline, extFile);
char* extsect = "default";
X509V3_set_nconf(&ctx2, extconf);
if (!X509V3_EXT_add_nconf(extconf, &ctx2, extsect, NULL))
printf("error loading extension section %s\n", extsect);
X509V3_set_ctx(&ctx2, issuer, cert, NULL, NULL, 0);
X509_EXTENSION* ex = X509V3_EXT_conf_nid(NULL, &ctx2, nid, value);
if (!ex) {
return false;
int result = X509_add_ext(cert, ex, -1);
return (result == 0) ? true : false;
return false;