Java ClassCastException which makes absolutely no sense - casting

I am getting the following casting exception:
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.model.Bucket cannot be cast to java.util.Optional
at com.service.BucketServiceTest.testGetById(
However, nowhere in my code am I trying to cast to an Optional:
public void testGetById() {
Mockito.when(bucketRepository.findById(anyLong())).thenAnswer(invocationOnMock -> testBucket);
String bucketName = bucketService.getBucketById(testBucket.getId()).getName();
assertEquals(bucketName, testBucket.getName());
Line 65 is String bucketName = bucketService.getBucketById(testBucket.getId()).getName();
The getBucketById method returns type bucket and NOT optional:
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public Bucket getBucketById(long id) {
return (Bucket) bucketRepository.findById(id).orElse(null);
Therefore I have no idea where Bucket is being cast to Optional, and so this error makes absolutely no sense to me.

In case anybody has the same issue, It worked for me like this


assertEquals fails for Error implementation but pass for Success one

I have these sealed interface
sealed interface Result<out T> {
data class Success<T>(val data: T) : Result<T>
data class Error(val exception: Throwable? = null) : Result<Nothing>
when i tried to assertEquals the Success one, it pass. But when it comes to Error one, it will fail even though the content is identical. Here is simple example:
fun testSucess() = runTest {
whenever(repository.login("email", "password"))
val expected = Result.Success(data = someValue)
val actual = loginUseCase(LoginRequest("email", "password"))
verify(repository).login("email", "password")
assertEquals(expected, actual) // this will pass
fun testError() = runTest {
val exception = RuntimeException("HTTP Error")
whenever(repository.login("", ""))
val expected = Result.Error(exception = exception)
val actual = loginUseCase(LoginRequest("", ""))
verify(repository).login("", "")
assertEquals(expected, actual) // this will fail
assertEquals(expected.toString(), actual.toString()) // this will pass
What is causing this and what is possible solution to this? I have read some info that it needs equals() to be overriden, but i still confused as to why it only happens in Error case only and how to properly override the equals method.
Data classes in Kotlin have an implicitly generated equals function automatically derived from all their properties.
The problem you are facing is probably due to the fact that the type of your someValue has a proper equals function, so the equals works for your Success and its property value. But Throwable does not have an equals function which means that two Throwables are only equal if they are the same instance, which is obviously not the case for expected and actual in your test assertion. I can only guess that in loginUseCase, the exception is wrapped inside another exception, or a new exception is created based on the one thrown by the repository?
Kotlin already has a built-in Result type, and I strongly recommend using that one instead of defining your own.
Nonetheless, if you use the built-in type, you will probably face the same problem, since the equals check still fails for the different exception instances.
There are several ways to solve that:
Define your own exception type and override the equals function to return true if they are both of the same type and have the same message.
Check for expected is Error (or with the default Result type that expected.isFailure), and then check that the messages are the same.
Make sure that loginUseCase throws exactly the same exception instance as is thrown by the repository.

Mock Generic Method with Type Variable - NSubstitute

I have a client interface that looks like this:
public interface IDiscosClient
public Task<DiscosResponse<T>?> Get<T>(string queryUrl) where T : DiscosModelBase;
// The rest
And DiscosResponse<T> looks like this:
public record DiscosResponse<T> where T: DiscosModelBase
public DiscosResponse()
internal DiscosResponse(T attributes)
Attributes = attributes;
public ResponseType Type { get; init; }
// TODO - This is wrong an probably needs renaming to something like Object
public T Attributes { get; init; }
public int Id { get; init; }
I want to be able to be able to dynamically create a Substitute.For<T>() of this interface that will always build and return an instance of T.
So I know how to construct and call a generic method. I also have AutoFixture set up so that I can create new instances of T on demand.
What I don't know, however, is how to then go about telling NSubstitute to return this new instance when this constructed method is called.
For reference, the usual syntax for doing this without reflection would be:
MyType myMock = Substitute.For<MyType>();
I've had to put a pin in the AutoFix part of this because it was causing recursion issues. However, I've now come up with this, which seems to work right up until I try and set the return value on the invocation:
private IDiscosClient CreateSubstituteClient(Type type)
IDiscosClient client = Substitute.For<IDiscosClient>();
MethodInfo getMethod = typeof(IDiscosClient).GetMethod(nameof(client.Get), new [] {typeof(string)}) ?? throw new MethodAccessException();
MethodInfo constructedGetMethod = getMethod.MakeGenericMethod(type);
Type constructedReturnType = typeof(DiscosResponse<>).MakeGenericType(type);
const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
object returnValue = Activator.CreateInstance(constructedReturnType, flags, null, new [] {Activator.CreateInstance(type)}, culture); // Not using AutoFix as it will cause recursion issues
constructedGetMethod.Invoke(client, new object?[] {Arg.Any<string>()}).Returns(Task.FromResult(returnValue));
return client;
At which point it throws this error:
Can not return value of type Task1 for IDiscosClient.Get (expected type Task1).
Which is confusing because the type of returnValue is:
DISCOSweb-Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=null]], DISCOSweb-Sdk, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
And constructedGetMethod.ReturnParameter is:
Which, AFIACT match once I wrap the former in a Task.FromResult
Task.FromResult(returnValue) results in runtime type of Task<object> while your method expects Task<DiscosResponse<T>?>. NSubstitute checks compatibility of returned type with(among others) IsAssignableFrom so it throws exception. In this particular case you need to do sth like this
var methodInfo = typeof(Task).GetMethod(nameof(Task.FromResult), BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
var fromResult = methodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(constructedReturnType).Invoke(null, new []{ returnValue});
constructedGetMethod.Invoke(client, new object?[] {Arg.Any<string>()}).Returns(fromResult);
in order for runtime types to be the same.

How to mock Microsoft.Extensions.Logging using Moq

I'm currently trying to get the following code to succeed at runtime:
public delegate void LogDelegate(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, object state, Exception exception, Func<object, Exception, string> formatter);
public abstract class LoggingTestBase
private Mock<ILogger> _mockLogger;
public ILogger Setup(LogDelegate logCallback)
_mockLogger = new Mock<ILogger>(MockBehavior.Strict);
_mockLogger.Setup(logger => logger.Log(
It.IsAny<Func<object, Exception, string>>()))
return _mockLogger.Object;
The problem is, that I get a MockException once I run the test because the method that gets called is the generic ILogger.Log<FormattedLogValues>(...) which I obviously didn't setup.
Reading the existing answer to this and the Moq documentation I came to the conclusion that I should probably just mock the generic method with the correct type argument as shown above.
Here I stumbled into the next problem which brings me to the end of ideas:
In current versions of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging FormattedLogValues is no longer public but internal (following this PR) which makes impossible to mock the generic method that gets called in the end.
Has anyone successfully solved this issue?
I have a similar issue. I just want to verify that a call to LogInformation is called. According to this -> It should probably be solved by Moq..
However, at the end there is an suggestion that you could use It.IsAnyType instead of object.. For you this would be something like:
_mockLogger.Setup(logger => logger.Log(
(Func<It.IsAnyType, Exception, string>) It.IsAny<object>()))
I've not been able to make it work, but maybe this pushes you in the right direction?
The Verify solution explained and solved here:
, the Github source is here.
My personal circumstances don't call for verify, just Moq around the Log calls. So I have modified the code to be:
namespace my.xTests
public static class VerifyLoggingUtil
public static Mock<ILogger<T>> SetupLogging<T>(
this Mock<ILogger<T>> logger
Func<object, Type, bool> state = (v, t) => true;
x => x.Log(
It.Is<LogLevel>(l => true),
It.Is<It.IsAnyType>((v, t) => state(v, t)),
It.Is<Func<It.IsAnyType, Exception, string>>((v, t) => true)));
return logger;
and in my xUnit test setup:
namespace my.xTests
public class myTests{
private Mock<Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger<sFTPAzFn.Logging>> moqlog;
private MockRepository mockRepository;
public myTests(){
this.mockRepository = new MockRepository(MockBehavior.Strict);
moqlog = this.mockRepository.Create<Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger<MyLoggingClass>>();
private IInterfaceUnderTest CreateService(){
var moqlogobject = moqlog.SetupLogging<MyLoggingClass>().Object;
return new ClassUnderTest(moqlogobject);

FreeMarker can't access properties of a javabean

According to the documentation, you should be able to pass a javabean to a FreeMarker template, and it will be able to access the getters of the bean. I've been trying to do this, but have not had any luck. Here's my code where I pass the bean to the template.
public class Hello extends HttpServlet {
public static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Hello.class.getName());
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
try {
Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
cfg.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(new File(this.getServletContext().getRealPath("/templates")));
cfg.setObjectWrapper(new DefaultObjectWrapper());
cfg.setIncompatibleImprovements(new Version(2, 3, 20)); // FreeMarker 2.3.20
final String name = req.getParameter("name");
// This works when model is a Map, but not when it is a bean
Model model = new Model();
Template template = cfg.getTemplate("hello.ftl");
template.process(model, resp.getWriter());
} catch (TemplateException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unexpected template exception", ex);
private static class Model {
private String username;
public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
public String getUsername() {
return username;
When I try to access ${username} in a template, I get the following error.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> username [in template "hello.ftl" at line 8, column 10]
Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally null/missing... (snip)
The failing instruction (FTL stack trace):
==> ${username} [in template "hello.ftl" at line 8, column 8]
I can get the template to work correctly when I use a Map. I've tried explicitly wrapping the Model object with various TemplateModel wrappers, but nothing I try seems to work.
Any hints?
Model must be a public class for this to work.
Some other notes unrelated to the question: Use setServletContextForTemplateLoading instead setDirectoryForTemplateLoading, or else your app won't work if it's run from an unpacked .war. Also, of course you must not re-create the Configuration for each request, but I assume that's like that only for the sake of this example.

Moq tests using ExpectSet() with It.Is<T>() aren't behaving as... expected

I've isolated the behaviour into the following test case. I'd be grateful to anyone who can tell me how to expect/verify a property set for a List<T> property - it appears there's something going on inside It.Is<T>(predicate) that isn't making a whole lot of sense to me right now. Sample code will run as a console app from VS2008 - you'll need to add a reference to Moq 2.6 (I'm on 2.6.1014.1) - please try uncommenting the different ExpectSet statements to see what's happening...
using System;
using Moq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MoqDemo {
public interface IView {
List<string> Names { get; set; }
public class Controller {
private IView view;
public Controller(IView view) {
this.view = view;
public void PopulateView() {
List<string> names = new List<string>() { "Hugh", "Pugh", "Barney McGrew" };
view.Names = names;
public class MyApp {
public static void Main() {
Mock<IView> mockView = new Mock<IView>();
// This works - and the expectation is verifiable.
mockView.ExpectSet(mv => mv.Names);
// None of the following can be verified.
// mockView.ExpectSet(mv => mv.Names, It.Is<Object>(o => o != null));
// mockView.ExpectSet(mv => mv.Names, It.Is<List<string>>(names => names.Count == 3));
// mockView.ExpectSet(mv => mv.Names, It.IsAny<IList<String>>());
Controller controller = new Controller(mockView.Object);
try {
Console.WriteLine("Verified OK!");
} catch (MockException ex) {
Console.WriteLine("Verification failed!");
I'm not using the very latest version of Moq, so I don't have an overload of ExpectSet that takes two parameters, but I've had some success with this pattern:
mockView.ExpectSet(mv => mv.Names).Callback(n => Assert.That(n != null));
The Assert (from NUnit) call in the callback will throw an exception if the value assigned to .Names doesn't match the predicate. It does make it hard to trace when a test fails, though. I agree that the ability to pass an It.Is or It.IsAny as the second parameter would be handy.
The second parameter of ExpectSet() is the value you're expecting. You can't use It.Is<T> in this case as there's no overload that takes a predicate - though it would be nice ;) Here's a (simplified) excerpt from your sample, illustrating the use of a value:
var mockView = new Mock<IView>();
var list = new List<string> { "Hugh", "Pugh", "Barney McGrew" };
mockView.ExpectSet(mv => mv.Names, list);
mockView.Object.Names = list;
Hope that helps.
Edit: fixed typo.
BTW, It.Is is not supported on ExpectSet. Your code compiles just because they are regular method invocations when used as values (as opposed to expressions), whereas when used in an Expect expression they are pre-processed by Moq and given specific meaning (rather than the null/default value that all It.Is members actually return).
You could use the stub behavior on the given property (mockView.Stub(mv => mv.Names)) and later assert directly for its value after execution.
Moq doesn't provide an overload receiving It.IsAny as it's effectively the same as calling ExpectSet without passing an expected value ;)