What are indices in GLSL? - c++

I am going through the OpenGL tutorials on learnopengl.com and feel I have a pretty solid grasp of what I have learned thus far. The only thing that I am having trouble with, is the indices in GLSL. All I know so far is that they are for transferring data between shaders, and between buffers and the vertex shader. I would like to understand the following:
What physical device contains these indices? (is it in RAM or memory on GPU?)
Why are there only 16 indices?
Why do I have to enable them before I can use them on the client side of the program with glEnableVertexAttribute(n)?
Thank you for taking the time to help me out!

Vertex data is stored (or rather buffered - the CPU may process it but it all gets sent to the GPU) in the GPU memory. Here's a picture:
16 is the minimum number of attributes that OpenGL will guarantee. As mentioned in the tutorial (in the beginning of the shaders section) and in the OpenGL documentation, the number of vertex attributes is limited by the graphics hardware. Each additional vertex attribute means one more thing for your GPU to process per vertex. Disabling all the vertex attributes by default and requiring the programmer to enable the attributes he/she needs allows your code to run efficiently.


OpenGL what does glTexImage2D do?

What does gl.glTexImage2D do? The docs say it "uploads texture data". But does this mean the whole image is in GPU memory? I'd like to use one large image file for texture mapping. Further: can I simply use a VBO for uv and position coordinates to draw the texture?
Right, I am using words the wrong way here. What I meant was carrying a 2D array of UV coordinates and a 2D array of model to subsample a larger PNG image (in texture memory) onto individual tile models. My confusion here lies in not knowing how fast these fetches can take. Lets say I have a 5000x5000 pixel image. I load it as a texture. Then I create my own algorithm for fetching portions of it to draw. Where do I save myself the bandwidth for drawing these tiles? If I implement an LOD algorithm to determine which tiles are close, which are far and which are out of the camera frustum how do manage each these tiles in memory? Loaded question I know but I am struggling to find the best implementation to get started. I am developing for mobile devices with OpenGL ES 2.0.
What exactly happens when you call glTexImage2D() is system dependent, and there's no way for you to know, unless you have developer tools that allow you to track GPU and memory usage.
The only thing guaranteed is that the data you pass to the call has been consumed by the time the call returns (since the API definition allows you to modify/free the data after the call), and that the data is accessible to the GPU when it's used for rendering. Between that, anything is fair game. Keep in mind that OpenGL is a very asynchronous API. When you make API calls, the corresponding work is mostly queued up for later execution by the GPU, and is generally not completed by the time the calls return. This can include calls for uploading data.
Also, not all GPUs have "GPU memory". In fact, if you look at them by quantity, very few of them do. Mobile GPUs have caches, but mostly not VRAM in the sense of traditional discrete GPUs. How VRAM and caches are managed is highly system dependent.
With all the caveats above, and picturing a GPU that has VRAM: While it's possible that they can load the data into VRAM in the glTexImage2D() call, I would be surprised if that was commonly done. It just wouldn't make much sense to me. When a texture is loaded, you have no idea how soon it will be used for rendering. Since you don't know if all textures will fit in VRAM (and they often will not), you might have to evict it from VRAM before it was ever used. Which would obviously be very wasteful. As a general strategy, I think it will be much more efficient to load the texture data into VRAM only when you have a draw call that uses it.
Things would be somewhat different if the driver could be very confident that all texture data will fit in VRAM. But with OpenGL, there's really no reasonable way to know this ahead of time. And things get even more complicated since at least on desktop computers, you can have multiple applications running at the same time, while VRAM is a shared resource.
You are correct.
glteximage2d is the function that actually moves the texture data across to the gpu.
you will need to create the texture object first using glGenTextures() and then bind it using glBindTexture().
there is a good example of this process in the opengl redbook
you can then use this texture with a VBO. There are many ways to accomplish this, but interleaving your vertex coordinates, texture coordinates, and vertex normals and then telling the GPU how to unpack them with several calls to glVertexAttribPointer is the best bet as far as performance.
you are on the right track with VBOs, the old fixed pipeline GL stuff is depricated so you should just learn VBO from the outset.
this book is not 100% up to date, but it is complete and free and should serve as a great place to start learning VBO Open GL Book

GPU particle metaball-surface rendering

I have a question about a very specific method on how to render surface particles. The method is explained very well in the Nvidia GPU Gems 3 chapter 7 "Point-Based Visualization of Metaballs on a GPU", link to this chapter.
The article is about rendering an implicit surface using points or splats that are evenly distributed over the surface. They say that the computation of these particles is done completely on the GPU. Only the data which defines the surface is sent from CPU to the GPU to keep the traffic as low as possible.
They also gave some pseudo code examples of fragment shader programs to compute the particle positions, velocity etc. and for me it looks like these programs should run once for every particle.
Now my question is, how do they store these particles? What kind of data structure is it?
It must be some kind of buffer or texture that can be accessed for reading as well as for writing operations on the GPU. But how do I render this buffer/texture again in the next rendering step?
My first idea was some kind of vertex-buffer-object which is sent to the GPU once at the beginning and continuously updated there at each rendering pass. Is that possible at all?
One requirement for me is that it must be implemented using OpenGL/GLSL, I hope that is possible.
Yes you need some kind of VBO and repeated passes over the same data. The data structure can be a SoA (Struct of Arrays) or AoS (Array of Structs) depending on how you prefer to code the access to the different properties of the array, ie:
Positions Array
Speed Array
Normal Array
Just one Array containing [Position, Speed, Normal].
AoS are the same as interleaved arrays for rendering where in only one array you keep all the properties of the mesh.
You could use either a VBO or a Texture, the only difference is the way the caching is done, since textures are optimized for 2D access.
The rendering is done in steps exactly like you are picturing it, so all you need to do is to "render" the physical stepping of the system using shaders that compute the properties you want and then bind the same structures to the true graphics rendering in a subsequent step.

How the Vertex Shaders of OpenGL 4.X process huge number of vertices

In OpenGL 4.3+, the Compute Shader allow user to explicitly config the number of threads in each block and how many blocks are used to process the data (glDispatchCompute). However, in Vertex Shader, I do not need to provide any threads/blocks configuration.
So for Vertex Shader, it there an automatic way to distribute the work load among blocks/processes? When I have large number of vertices to process, Is it possible that I explicitly provides configuration to Vertex Shader?
Is it possible that I explicitly provides configuration to Vertex Shader?
So for Vertex Shader, it there an automatic way to distribute the work load among blocks/processes?
Yes. The GPU/driver should already be taking care of that behind the scenes.
By using large batches in server-side memory you're already telling the OpenGL implementation to render those as fast as it can.
It's not like OpenGL starts up in some sort of "slow" mode that you have to turn off.

Get results of GPU calculations back to the CPU program in OpenGL

Is there a way to get results from a shader running on a GPU back to the program running on the CPU?
I want to generate a polygon mesh from simple voxel data based on a computational costly algorithm on the GPU but I need the result on the CPU for physics calculations.
Define "the results"?
In general, if you're doing GPGPU-style computations with OpenGL, you are going to need to structure your shaders around the needs of a rendering system. Rendering systems are designed to be one-way: data goes into them and an image is produced. Going backwards, having the rendering system produce data, is not generally how rendering systems are structured.
That doesn't mean you can't do it, of course. But you need to architect everything around the limitations of OpenGL.
OpenGL offers a number of hooks where you can write data from certain shader stages. Most of these require specialized hardware
Fragment shader outputs
Any hardware capable of fragment shaders will obviously allow you to write to the current framebuffer you're rendering. Through the use of framebuffer objects and textures with floating-point or integer image formats, you can write pretty much any data you want to a variety of images. Once in a texture, you can simply call glGetTexImage to get the rendered pixel data. Or you can just do glReadPixels to get it if the FBO is still bound. Either way works.
The primary limitations of this method are:
The number of images you can attach to the framebuffer; this limits the amount of data you can write. On pre-GL 3.x hardware, FBOs were typically limited to only 4 images plus a depth/stencil buffer. In 3.x and better hardware, you can expect a minimum of 8 images.
The fact that you're rendering. This means that you need to set up your vertex data to position a triangle exactly where you want it to modify data. This is not a trivial undertaking. It's also difficult to get useful input data, since you typically want each texel to be fairly independent of the other. Structuring your fragment shader around these limitations is difficult. Not impossible, but non-trivial in many cases.
Transform Feedback
This OpenGL 3.0 feature allows the output from the Vertex Processing stage of OpenGL (vertex shader and optional geometry shader) to be captured in one or more buffer objects.
This is much more natural for capturing vertex data that you want to play with or render again. In your case, you'll need to read it back after rendering it, perhaps with a glGetBufferSubData call, or by using glMapBufferRange for reading.
The limitations here are that you generally only can capture 4 output values, where each value is a vec4. There are also some strict layout restrictions. Some OpenGL 3.x and 4.x hardware offers the ability to write data to multiple feedback streams, which can all be written into different buffers.
Image Load/Store
This GL 4.2 feature represents the pinnacle of writing: you can bind an image (a buffer texture, if you want to write to a buffer), and just write to it. There are memory ordering constraints that you need to work within.
It's very flexible, but very complex. Besides the difficulty in using it properly, there are a number of limitations. The number of images you can write to will be fairly limited, perhaps 8 or so. And implementations may have total write limits, so that 8 images to write to may have to be shared by the fragment shader's outputs.
What's more, image outputs are only guaranteed for the fragment shader (and 4.3's compute shaders). That is, hardware is allowed to forbid you from using image load/store on non-FS/CS shader stages.

GLSL How to retrieve vertex position after a shader process it?

I wrote a program that simulates soft bodies using springs. It looks nice but the problem is it consumes a lot of CPU time. So I can not run it on my laptop or any not high end PC.
I thought It would be a good idea to write a vertex shader and move the logic to the GPU. I've read some tutorials and made a toon shader so I thought (wrong) I was ready to go.
The big problem I have is that I need to know the old position of a vertex to calculate the new one. I don't know how could I retrieve a vertex position so I could send it back to the shaders each frame?
I'm not really sure is this even possible to do and maybe I'm trying to do something that shaders are never meant to do. I am still researching but I thought I could ask an see if maybe someone can help.
You can use the transform feedback mechanism if your hardware supports OpenGL 3.0 or above. There are also other techniques for getting the vertex position back, like carefully arranging your rendering so that you're writing a triangle (or point primitive) to each separate pixel on the screen. This is fairly difficult, and you need to render to a floating-point buffer, which requires FBO support.