Deploy Docker container in EC2 base on Repository URI - amazon-web-services

I have an Ec2 on AWS.
I tried
SSH into that box
install Docker
pull Docker image from my : Repository URI
docker pull bheng-api-revision-test:latest
tag it
docker tag bheng-api-revision-test:latest
I'm trying to build it, and I don't know what command I should use.
I've tried
docker build bheng-api-revision-test:latest .
I kept getting
How would one go about debugging this further?


Unable to deploy custom docker image to AWS ECS using Terraform

I am using terraform to build infrastructure on AWS provider. I am using ECR to push my local docker images using AWSCLI.
Now, I have a Application load balancer which would route traffic to ECS_service. I want ECS to manage my Docker Containers using Fargate. But, the docker containers are exited by saying "Essential Docker container exited".
Thats the only log printed out.
If i change the docker image to be nginx:latest(which is fetched from dockerhub). It works.
PS: My docker container is a simple node application with node:alpine as base image. Is it something related to this, i am wrong !
Can anyone provide me with some insight on what is wrong with my approach.
I get the following error in AWS Logs:
My Dockerfile
FROM node:alpine
COPY . .
RUN npm install
# Expose a port.
# Run the node server.
ENTRYPOINT ["npm", "start"]
They say, its issue with the start script. I am just running this command. npm start to start the server.
It’s not your approach, your image is just not working.
Try running it locally and see the output otherwise you will need to ship the logs to Cloudwatch and see what they say

AWS CodePipeline + CodeDeploy to EC2 with docker-compose

Hi I've been trying to get autodeployment working on AWS. Whenever there's a merge or commit to repo, CodePipeline will detect it and have CodeDeploy update the tagged EC2 instance with the new changes. The app is a simple node.js app which I want to start with docker-compose. I have installed docker-compose + docker on the EC2 instance already and enabled CodeDeploy Agent.
I tested the whole process and it is mostly working except for the part where CodeDeploy fails the deployment because it is unable to run the command docker-compose up -d in my ApplicationStart portion of the appspec.yml. I get the error docker compose cannot be found which is kind of weird because in the BeforeInstall script I download and install docker + docker-compose and set all the permissions. Is there something I'm missing or it is just not meant to happen with CodeDeploy and EC2?
I can confirm when I SSH into the EC2 instance and use the command docker-compose up -d in project root directory it works, but as soon as I try to run the docker-compose command in the script portion of the appspec.yml it fails.
The project repo is here, just in case there's anything I missed:

How to install the Docker image into ECR using Jenkins

I can't find a right solution here.
I got installed Jenkins on EC2 where I added a pipeline with link to the github where I have repository with docker-compose.yml file.
How to install this image of docker into ECR on AWS.
Documentation on pushing to ECR is available here
The steps are:
Authenticate docker with ECR
Build your docker image
tag the docker image with the required ECR format:
docker tag <image>:<version> <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><image>:<version>
docker push <aws_account_id>
The simplest way to accomplish this is with a shell script. There are also jenkins plugins that will do this for you.

change ec2 instance to use ecr image and docker

I have ec2 instance for testing. I deployed using OpsWorks, and now I'm making new job on Jenkins to deploy automatically. what I want to do is
when someone push to branch
Jenkins server build docker image
push image to ecr
ec2 instance pull ecr image and build docker container and run
I made a job that using ecr and deploy ECS Fargate, but never done using ecr and deploy pre existed ec2 instance.I wonder this is possible to make it.
On your EC2 you first have to install docker.
There are many ways you can do it.
Once Jenkin build & push docker image to ECR you can further add the step in Jenkin build steps. Jenkin will do SSH inside EC2 and pull and run the docker image.
Once Jenkin build & push docker image to ECR you can further add the step in Jenkin build steps. Jenkin will trigger shell script file on EC2. That sh file having all logic to pull the latest one and stop existing etc.
From Jenkins also you can do it via ansible script.

How to Deploy Docker image from docker hub to AWS docker swarm cluster

Current Situation:
We have CI and CD as below.
we have poll SCM in Jenkins, once new commits comes Jenkins will start the build through jenkinsfile, and Jenkins file look for pom and starts building jar file, once jar created it will start to create docker image out of it with help of dockerfile, and image will push to docker hub(private dockerhub).(CD==> then we use portainer to deploy the latest image to aws docker swarm cluster manually).
We are trying to achieve CD with below fashion:
Now I have to deploy the latest image from dockerhub to aws(docker swarm cluster) automatically through Jenkins like one click deployment.
How Can we achieve this deployment using Ansible or Portainer in auto-fashion like build and deploy?
If so please suggest with reference or steps to achieve this?
is there any better approach than Ansible?