Upgrading from visual studio 2017 community to Pro - visual-studio-2017

I have been using the Community edition of Visual studio 2017 but now my office has purchased a Visual Studio 2017 Pro License key.
Is there a way in which I can upgrade using just the license key..?? without re-installing the software..?
I have tried following the steps in this Link
But I cant find the
License with a Product Key
NOTE: I have already signed in with my Microsoft account.
I have read this link
But it looks like the guy has already installed 2017 enterprise edition and then changed his license key.

We cannot upgrade VS 2017 from community to the Professional version, but we can keep those VS versions (community/professional/enterprise) on the same computer which is different with the previous VS versions, so you can download and install the VS professional 2017 without uninstall the existing VS community 2017.
BTW, the VS community 2017 is free and we can unlock it through sign in with the Microsoft account, but there have the license terms to check we have the freely use right or not, please check this and if not meet those requirements, please uninstall it.

I had this same concern at my job. My Visual Studio subscription was not available right away, but I wanted to start looking at code, so I installed Visual Studio 2022 Community.
Later, when I had access to my subscription, I removed Community using Visual Studio Installer and choosing More -> Uninstall. After that I logged on to the subscriber portal and downloaded and installed Professional.
Everything is working like normal now.


Moving from Visual Studio 2017 Pro to Community Edition

I was using VS 2017 Pro, and the license ran out. Now using VS 2017 CE. I have the CE edition working with the AWS code commit, and SSRS package. Wondering if uninstalling the PRO edition will cause any issues for the CE edition, AWS code commit, or SSRS.
You can safely uninstall the PRO edition without changing anything within the CE edition as they are different products and can exist side by side. With that being said, as long as you have the Visual Studio Installer on your machine, you can install any required packages needed that act as an 'update' on top of the CE edition.
I would uninstall the PRO edition via the Visual Studio Installer as it promts at the end if you want to use another version of Visual Studio, backup and settings you may have as that is known to be deleted for some reason.
You can read about backing up settings here.

New licence to upgrade from VS 2017 to 2019

I have a monthly licence for VS 2017 Professional. I can't find anywhere that mentions if I need a new licence if I install VS 2019 Professional.
Can I install it, and transfer/use my 2017 licence on 2019?
thanks, Mark
Your Microsoft subscription is not limit you to specific version. All MS IDEs are available for download and install. So you could install VS2019.
On this page you can see
Visual Studio Professional IDE for individuals and small teams for PC and Mac
There is no version.
And of course you can every time download, install and enter your credentials. And if your license is incompatible with installed version you will be informed :)

differences between Visual Studio version 15.0 and 15.x

Since the very beginning of the release of Visual Studio 2017, it seems there has been two differentiated branches:
- 15.0
- 15.x
In the above link you can see that 15.0.0 and 15.1 Preview 1 were released the same day, and then there were updates for 15.0 and 15.x. At the date of this question, latest versions are 15.0.21 and 15.9.11
What are the differences between these two development branches?
In general Microsoft offers a dual support model for most of these tools:
Stay on RTM/RTW. Basically the 15.0.x version. This version will receive hotfixes, but no feature improvements and is a Long-Term-Support version. This version is generally only available through Visual Studio subscriptions and can only be downloaded from https://my.visualstudio.com.
Stay on the latest version. Basically the 15.x.x version. This version will receive hotfixes and feature updates at a regular interval until the next major version (2019) is released. Support is normally only given on the latest update version, so if you have issues, you're likely going to be asked to upgrade to the latest 15.x.x version to see if the issue persists.
The same applies to Azure DevOps Server / Team Foundation Server.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.9.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.8.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.7.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.6.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.5.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.4.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.3.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.2.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.1.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.0.x can be found here.
In general you get more features, improvements and fixes in the 15.x.x version. But you may have to upgrade your solution from time to time to stay current with the tooling.
You get fewer impacting changes and a longer support window by staying on 15.0.x.

Is TFS 2013 compatible with Visual Studio 2017?

I am trying to connect to TFS 2013 with VS 2017 via c#. But I could not able to connect and I am getting WITdatastore32.dll is missing.
Can you someone please let me know is it possible to connect to TFS 2013 with VS 2017, if so, what are the steps to be followed?
You can try to install Team Explorer 2013 on your machine. After installation, you need to Browse... for the references here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\ReferenceAssemblies
Check the poster's answer in case Unable to load DLL 'Microsoft.WITDataStore32.dll' (TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking)
Based on the official documentation, the combination of TFS 2013 and Visual Studio 2017 can count on high level of support. Later in the same article, you'll find the description of that term. In particular:
If you are using newer versions of Visual Studio against older versions of Team Foundation Server, you can similarly expect most features to be supported.
However, you should still consider upgrading the TFS instance on a regular basis, since the distance between VS and TFS versions will increase if you only upgrade VS, and thus the level of support will decrease. Take a look at the first image in this article to understand the upgrade path you should take.

Is it possible to apply fixes on Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 Update 3

Visual Studio 2015u3 is serviced by cumulative updates with KB3165756, which contains, among other things, fixes to the C++ compiler and libraries.
However KB3165756 refuses to do anything on a computer where Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 Update 3 is installed. It really wants one of VS Pro, Enterprise, Community or Express.
Are there special patches for Visual C++ Build Tools, or is it not updated at all and so it is actually a better idea to switch to Visual Studio Express 2015 for Desktop, in order to be able to receive patches?
Here is the answer I got on MSDN Visual Studio Development > Visual Studio Setup and Installation forum:
However KB3165756 refuses to do anything on a computer where Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 Update 3 is installed. It really wants one of VS Pro, Enterprise, Community or Express.
It is reasonable, check this: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt752379.aspx and it describes this update is applies to
Visual Studio Professional 2015
Visual Studio Enterprise 2015
Visual Studio Community 2015
Visual Studio Express 2015 for Web
Visual Studio Express 2015 for Desktop
Visual Studio Express 2015 for Windows 10
I have researched around and it looks like there is no special update for the Visual C++ Build Tools 2015, and refer to this blog: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2015/11/02/announcing-visual-c-build-tools-2015-standalone-c-tools-for-build-environments/
The latest release of the Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 is here: Download Visual C++ Build Tools 2015
If you still want to install, it looks like you need a VS 2015 RTM update version on your computer. Since the VS community 2015 with update 2 and Visual Studio Express version are free and you can think about it.
Best regards,