Integrating AWS AppSync (+ Cognito) Schema with Graphene django on lambda - amazon-web-services

I've an AWS AppSync GraphQL endpoint with some DynamoDB tables and it is integrated with Cognito.
I've also developed a django application with graphql endpoint (graphene) and cognito integration that is deployed with zappa to a lambda function.
What is the best way to combine those two graphql endpoints, so that i can query them from one endpoint?
1- Appsync forwards requests to lambda with resolvers? (any examples?)
2- Intercept calls from api gateway and forward them to appsync? (less likely)


How can a frontend hosted on cloudfront access appsync when CORS should be block the call?

Just a general question about how this works in AWS. I didn't find the solution explained anywhere straight to the point.
I have a frontend hosted over cloudfront at one url and an AWS Appsync graphql api for the backend which exposes a seperate public url. The graphql api is managed by AWS Amplify the cloudfront distribution separately, in case it matters.
Now i am wondering how it is possible that the frontend can just call the appsync api? Shouldn't the CORS block access to the graphql api since they are on two different urls? Where is the magic happening?

Use AWS AppSync as a GraphQL Server

I am trying to connect my react native mobile app with graphql server. For that, as the graphql client I am using Apollo Client. I hope to use AWS services and, I have a problem in selecting the suitable graphql server.
Can I use AWS AppSync instead of using a separate GraphQL server such as ApolloServer, Express GraphQL etc.
Yes, you can use AWS AppSync as a GraphQL server on AWS. AWS AppSync is an AWS service for creating your fully managed GraphQL API layers. Since, it is a managed service, which means you don't need to worry about provisioning a server for your backend.
I would suggest you to use Serverless framework to manage and deploy your AppSync application. Here is the link for you to get started and will probably give you a good idea how to use Serverless for AppSync applications.

Use HTTP API with AWS Amplify

I have the "new" HTTP API with a DynamoDB and lambda, I want to provide support for my app to the macOS computers. Is it possible to use the HTTP API Gateway with Amplify? I only see an option for GraphQL and REST

how to implement aws oAuth in angular project with cognito and lambda function or only with angular

can anyone tell that how to implement oAuth functionality to my angular application connected with aws lambda and apigateway.
Below is a simple/sample AngularV4-based web app that demonstrates different API authentication options using Amazon Cognito and API Gateway with an AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB.

How to make aws appsync api with existing api endpoint URL?

I am new to aws appsync api. Can anyone guide me for this question?
My Case:
I have one URL of RESTAPI endpoint which returns me JSON. Now I want to convert that RESTAPI to aws appsync api using that URL. How can I do that?
AppSync recently added a Rest API data source as an option and you can use this to map your rest api to a graphql interface.
You can use an AWS Lambda resolver to convert the REST API response to GraphQL in AppSync. The tutorial should help you get familiar with Lambda resolvers.