Error while Installing AWS Toolkit on Visual studio 2017 - amazon-web-services

For installing AWS Toolkit on Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 (15.7.4), I find Extensions and Update menu from Tools main menu , click Online menu (left side) and then type AWS Toolkit and press download.
Then I close VS and VSIX installer start for installing AWS Toolkit. After while, it shows me a message like this
I read all of the last questions about this subject and read all of them, but it seems it is different.
Also I attached the log file here. the error log file

Try to delete oprpfoeu.n32 folder then download and run the installer again.

Deleting this folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\Amazon Web Services LLC
and installing the AWSToolkitPackage worked for me.

delete C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
Studio\201X\YYY\MSBuild\Amazon Web Services LLC
delete C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
Studio\201X\YYY\Common7\IDE\Extensions\ (where was the folder that contain AWS related dll's)
Re-installed AWS Toolkit
X= Year number
YYY= version: Professional,Community,...


ZIP file replaces .VSIX from Visual Studio Marketplace

I'm using Visual Studio 2017. Our organization is blocking Visual Studio Marketplace (403 HostBrowserBlocked). Therefore, the way we normally download and install extensions is failing.
When we find a useful extension on the Visual Studio Marketplace, they want us to download a ZIP file.
What are the instructions for using this ZIP file properly? Apparently this is common knowledge because it isn't clear on the download page.
I have downloaded the ZIP file and looked for the missing VSIX file. I have copied the extracted ZIP file to "Extensions" folder of the Visual Studio installation and still failures.
It is Internet Explorer renames .vsix to .zip. You can use other web browser to download as .vsix.
Have you tried to just replace manually the file extension of the downloaded file from zip to vsix?

CSX output directory does not exist error

Today I suddenly started getting errors when I try to run/debug my Azure cloud project from Visual Studio. I'm running Visual Studio version 15.7.3 and Azure SDK version 2.9.6. The error message says:
Failed to debug the Microsoft Azure Cloud Service project. The output
directory '\csx\Debug' does not exist.
Yesterday it worked fine, but during the night Windows Update installed some updates and rebooted my machine.
I have tried the following things without success:
Created the folder myself
Set full permissions for everyone on the csx folder
Set full permissions for everyone on the parent folder to the csx folder
Uninstalled one of the updates which was installed during the night
The strange thing is that if msbuild creates the csx folder without problems, using this command:
C:\src\services2>msbuild <cloudproject>.ccproj /p:configuration=debug /maxcpucount /p:outdir="c:\OutDir" /p:overwritereadonlyfiles=true /p:targetprofile="Cloud" /target:Clean;Publish
Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?
After struggling with this problem for a long time, I concluded that it was a problem with Visual Studio, since msbuild worked without problems.
After running a "Repair" on Visual Studio, it now works again :-)
You run the repair by selecting Visual Studio from Settings/Apps & features and clicking "Modify":
In the Visual Studio installer, you then select "Repair":

SSDT Installation for VS2017 Team Explorer Fails

I am attempting to install SSDT v15.6.0 into an existing Visual Studio Team Explorer 2017 instance. When I run the SSDT installer, I can select Visual Studio Team Explorer 2017 from this list of existing Visual Studio instances. If I do not choose a any options (other than the required SQL Server Database option). The installation completes successfully.
If I however attempt to pick any/all of the other options the installation fails. From looking at the log files, it appears that the installation of the VSIX is failing due to a required component missing.
Below is the snippet of the SSDT-Setup installation log file which indicates that the VSIX failed to install.
[167C:1A6C][2018-05-16T15:40:41]i301: Applying execute package: Microsoft.DataTools.IntegrationServices, action: Install, path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\9864EE5369359DB622D0234B6C6B7640B949140C\VSIXBootstrapper.exe, arguments: '"C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\9864EE5369359DB622D0234B6C6B7640B949140C\VSIXBootstrapper.exe" /q /admin /instanceIds:"68f392fc" /logFile:"C:\Users\golaat\AppData\Local\Temp\SsdtSetup\SSDT-Setup-ENU_20180516153141_009_Microsoft.DataTools.IntegrationServices.log" "payload\Microsoft.DataTools.IntegrationServices.vsix"'
[167C:1A6C][2018-05-16T15:41:13]e000: Error 0x80131500: Process returned error: 0x80131500
[167C:1A6C][2018-05-16T15:41:13]e000: Error 0x80131500: Failed to execute EXE package.
[1D80:1858][2018-05-16T15:41:13]e000: Error 0x80131500: Failed to configure per-machine EXE package.
Looking at the log file for the installation of the VSIX it seems like a required component is missing:
5/16/2018 3:41:05 PM - BEGIN: Targetting Visual Studio Team Explorer 2017,15.0.27428.2043
5/16/2018 3:41:05 PM - BEGIN: Execute batch install
5/16/2018 3:41:08 PM - BEGIN: Preparing extension Microsoft Integration Services Projects
5/16/2018 3:41:08 PM - Loading extension: Microsoft Integration Services Projects
5/16/2018 3:41:10 PM - JSON file loaded
5/16/2018 3:41:10 PM - The dependent package of 'Component.D1B09713-C12E-43CC-9EF4-6562298285AB,version=1.4' cannot be found: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.SQL.SSDT,version=[15.0,16.0).
5/16/2018 3:41:10 PM - END: Execute batch install
5/16/2018 3:41:10 PM - END: Installing
5/16/2018 3:41:10 PM - Common folder deleted: C:\Users\golaat\AppData\Local\Temp\s0ggmkmo.cwz
5/16/2018 3:41:10 PM - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Dependencies.DependencyGraphConstructionException: The dependent package of 'Component.D1B09713-C12E-43CC-9EF4-6562298285AB,version=1.4' cannot be found: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.SQL.SSDT,version=[15.0,16.0).
Is there a way to identify this missing component an perhaps install it manually?
This is how I fixed it :
Run installer normally to the end and let it fail.
When it fails the window will have a link to the log file, open it.
In this log file, 1 or 2 lines before the error(Process returned error: 0x80131500) problem component location will be revealed, something like this:
[6748:674C][2020-07-29T09:44:03]i301: Applying execute package:
ISVsix, action: Install, path: C:\ProgramData\Package
arguments: '"C:\ProgramData\Package
/q /admin /instanceIds:"5403e431"
You have to combine location of the VSIXBootstrapper with vsix component location. In my case I had vsix file under C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\15160B731819F56D87A626F9A2777550340022D7\payload
Copy failing component(.vsix), in this case Microsoft.DataTools.IntegrationServices.vsix to some folder before it gets deleted. If it already got deleted then restart the installer and search for this component in parent folders.
Restart your computer. I was getting "Another installation running .." error before I did.
Go to the folder where you copied the failing component and install the .vsix manually. This time it should install normally.
Repeat step 1 but this time hoping it will work normally.
I hope this at least gets you in the right direction.
This is currently broken due to a bug in Visual Studio - see this post on the Developer Community site:
SSDT cannot install onto 15.7 version of Visual Studio
It'll be fixed in a forthcoming Visual Studio update, but if you can't wait for that a workaround is to completely uninstall Visual Studio and install an older version. See my answer here for instructions:
With the release of SSDT 15.7.1, Team Explorer no longer shows up as an existing Visual Studio install instance option within SSDT. At first I was concerned that the SSDT install would install a Visual Studio shell with no TFS connectivity, however this was not the case. It appears that the SSDT install of the Visual Studio shell picks up on the fact that Visual Studio Team Explorer 2017 is already installed on the machine and the SSDT Visual Studio shell instance has full TFS Connectivity!
I found a solution, follow these steps:
Download SQL Server and install it. In the Feature Selection step install Integration Service
Now download Visual Studio installer and install .NET desktop development and Data storage and processing
Now run Visual Studio and go to Extensions > Manage Extensions > Online, and search for SQL Server Integration Services Projects. Download and install that
You are now good to go.

How do I install the web development workload into VS Professional?

I am following instructions to create a web service which mentions that I need the ASP.NET and web development workload.
I found mention of that here but not how to install it.
I found the Visual Studio Professional 2017 component directory but it does not mention the ASP.NET and web development workload
I am running version 15.5.4
Run as administrator
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installer.exe"
This is available from the start menu.

Error publishing Lambda Function in VS 2017

When I try to publish my Lambda project in Visual Studio I get an error message:
"... publish PATH\ProjectName does not contain a project.json file"
I did some reading, it would seem in the new Visual Studio (2017) there is no longer a project.json file in because .Net Core is now based on msbuild, which means that it's going to use *.csproj instead of project.json. Package!
How am I supposed to publish my Lambda function via Visual Studio if I don't have the project.json file available?
PS. I have latest AWS Toolkit installed.