AWS Pinpoint/Ionic - "Resource not found" error when trying to send push through CLI - amazon-web-services

I am new at programming with AWS services, so some fundamental things are pretty hard for me. Recently, I was asked to develop an app that used Amazon Pinpoint to send push notifications, as a test for considering future implementations.
As you can see in another question I posted in here (Amazon Pinpoint and Ionic - Push notifications not working when app is in background), I was having trouble trying to send push notifications to users when my app is running in the background. The app was developed using Ionic by following these steps.
When I was almost giving up, I decided to try sending the pushes directly through Firebase, and it finally worked. Some research took me to this question, in which another user described the problem as only happening in AWS Console, so the solution would be to use CLI. After searching a little about it, I found this tutorial about how to sending pinpoint messages to users using CLI, that seems to be what I wanted. Combining it with this documentation about phonegap plugin, I was able to generate a JSON I thought could be a solution:
"Addresses": {
"": {
"BodyOverride": "",
"ChannelType": "GCM",
"Context": {
"": ""
"RawContent": "",
"Substitutions": {},
"TitleOverride": ""
"Context": {
"": ""
"Endpoints": {"us-east-1": {
"BodyOverride": "",
"Context": {},
"RawContent": "",
"Substitutions": {},
"TitleOverride": ""
"MessageConfiguration": {
"GCMMessage": {
"Action": "OPEN_APP",
"Body": "string",
"CollapseKey": "",
"Data": {
"": ""
"IconReference": "",
"ImageIconUrl": "",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Priority": "High",
"RawContent": "{\"data\":{\"title\":\"sometitle\",\"body\":\"somebody\",\"url\":\"\"}}",
"RestrictedPackageName": "",
"SilentPush": false,
"SmallImageIconUrl": "",
"Sound": "string",
"Substitutions": {},
"TimeToLive": 123,
"Title": "",
"Url": ""
But when I executed it in cmd with aws pinpoint send-messages --color on --region us-east-1 --cli-input-json file://test.json, I got the response An error occurred (NotFoundException) when calling the SendMessages operation: Resource not found.
I believe I didn't write the JSON file correctly, since it's my first time doing this. So please, if any of you know what I am doing wrong, no mattering which step I misunderstood, I would appreciate the help!

"Endpoints" field in the Message request deals with the endpoint id (the identifier associated with an end user device while registering to pinpoint and not the region.)
In case if you haven't registered any endpoints with Pinpoint, you can use the "Addresses" field. After registering the GCM Channel in Amazon Pinpoint, you can get the GCM device token from your device and specify it here.
Here is a sample for sending direct messages using Amazon Pinpoint Note: The example deals with sending SMS message. You should have registered a SMS channel first and created an endpoint with the endpoint id as "test-endpoint1". Otherwise, you can use the "Addresses" field instead of "Endpoints" field.
aws pinpoint send-messages --application-id $APP_ID --message-request '{"MessageConfiguration": {"SMSMessage":{"Body":"hi hello"}},"Endpoints": {"test-endpoint1": {}}}
Also Note: ApplicationId is generated by Pinpoint. When you visit the Pinpoint console and choose your application, the URL will be of the format
Here "someverybigstringhere" is the ApplicationId and not the name you give for your project.


Google my business not fetching reviews correctly

I'm currently using Google's api for fetching reviews of a Google My Business Account. We do this for our clients, which have to enable oauth for us, so we can have an access token and a refresh token.
The response we get, has the following structure:
"reviews": [
"reviewId": "some-id,
"reviewer": {
"profilePhotoUrl": "some-url",
"displayName": "Some Sample Name"
"starRating": "FOUR",
"comment": "Some long comment left by the user.",
"createTime": "2021-02-15T14:35:19.252Z",
"updateTime": "2021-02-15T14:35:19.252Z",
"reviewReply": {
"comment": "Some long reply by the business.",
"updateTime": "2021-03-04T16:49:32.973Z"
"name": "accounts/{account_id}/locations/{location_id}/reviews/{review_id}"
"averageRating": 4.5,
"totalReviewCount": 1312,
"nextPageToken": "some-page-token"
The problem is, for some set of clients, we are getting just an empty object (literally, we are receiving {} as the response body). We are not sure why this is happening, since we are able to see reviews on the client's web site, and we are not getting any error. We've refreshed tokens and refreshed tokens without any success.
I've tried posting a support ticket with GCP in order to get some guidance, but it seems that you don't get any help in this kind of issues if you don't have the right support plan.
Anyhow, any help on this issue (why is happening? can it be fixed? is it a setup problem? etc.) is very much appreciated.

AWS PinPoint - SMS Message From Postman

I'm trying to initiate a SMS message using Postman, but I keep getting a response indicating "Invalid Request Body". I can't seem to find a good example on the AWS documentation (Is it just me or does anyone else encounter this with AWS?)
Below is the request body I'm submitting with my request. Any help would be much appreciated!
"ApplicationId": "<MyApplicationID>",
"MessageRequest": {
"Addresses": {
"[{{Destination}}]": {
"BodyOverride": "Test",
"ChannelType": "SMS"
"MessageConfiguration": {
"SMSMessage": {
"Body": "Test",
"SenderId": "Test",
"MessageType": "TRANSACTIONAL",
"Keyword": "<MyKeyword>",
"OriginationNumber": "<Origination number in E.164 Format>"
Looking at the Amazon Pinpoint SendMessages REST API, the request body doesn't include either the application-id key or MessageRequest key.
You will need to put the Amazon Pinpoint application-id in the URI part (or create an environmental variable) and then specify the request body as shown below :
Hope this helps!

Docusign Create Envelope ENVELOPE_IS_INCOMPLETE using templateId

The Envelope is not Complete. A Complete Envelope Requires Documents, Recipients, Tabs, and a Subject Line.
I am trying to create an envelope using the REST Api from docusign and got this error. This was working a few weeks ago and now, I suddenly got this error. Below is my json body for the request.
"status": "sent",
"emailSubject": "Company Contract: Signature Required",
"templateId": "310439de-819e-404b-90d6-a468bc0e4e12",
"templateRoles": [
"email": "",
"name": "Buyer Buy",
"roleName": "BUYER_PROFILE"
"email": "",
"name": "First Floor",
"roleName": "SELLER_PROFILE"
I also tried this request via postman and I still have the same error. I hope anyone can help. Thanks
It seems you have not added any DS Tabs for all the signers in your DS template "templateId": "310439de-819e-404b-90d6-a468bc0e4e12". A signer in an envelope always needs at least on DS Tab on the document. So update your template to add atleast one tab for every Signer role and it should fix your error.

AWS Kinesis: user address in event encoded / encrypted

In my React Native mobile app, I use AWS Amplify to send info about user actions (screen views, button taps, swipes, etc.) by means of Analytics.record(...) to AWS Pinpoint which in turn feeds them into a AWS Kinesis Data Stream. I have created an AWS Lambda Python 3 function that listens to events in this data stream.
Setup has been a breeze, thanks to outstanding documentation and everything works fine - except for one thing:
When a user logs in, I update the Pinpoint Endpoint with the user ID, email address and some more attributes using Analytics.updateEndpoint(...). In the lambda function, I base64-decode the event payload as shown in this sample code and a sample event payload looks roughly like this:
"event_type": "_session.start",
"event_timestamp": 1572345161558,
"application": {
"app_id": "<some app ID>",
"cognito_identity_pool_id": "us-east-1:<some pool ID>",
"sdk": {},
"version_name": "<the app version I put in using updateEndpoint(...)>"
... <snipped for brevity> ...
"attributes": {},
"endpoint": {
"ChannelType": "APNS",
"Address": "=ABAQRuUDJD ... <some longish binary value> j0eL+69lsY=",
"EndpointStatus": "ACTIVE",
"Location": {
"Country": "US"
"Demographic": {
"Make": "iPhone",
"Model": "iPhone X",
"ModelVersion": "13.1.3",
"Platform": "ios"
"User": {
"UserId": "us-east-1:<Cognito ID of the user that logged in>",
"UserAttributes": {}
... <snipped for brevity> ...
"awsAccountId": "<my account ID>"
The user email address in the "Address" field above is not contained in the Kinesis Data Stream event as plain text, but encoded (or encrypted ?) somehow.
My question: Can anybody tell me how it is encoded / encrypted ? And, ideally, how to get the plain text address ?
I tried to base64-decode it or decrypt it using my default AWS KMS key (and a combination thereof), but no luck.
Alternatively, I could use the (plain text) user ID to look up the email address in the AWS Cognito user pool used to manage auth & auth, but getting it from the event directly would obviously be a lot simpler...
I have searched the web up and down, asked in the AWS-Amplify channel on gitter, but that Address encoding / encryption just does not seem to be documented anywhere...

What are all the steps involved with changing an Alexa Skill name?

I submitted a skill to Amazon for Alexa, and it failed certification due to intellectual property rights. Amazon suggested that I say the service is "for" the IP rights holder, so I modified the name and am now getting this error for everything I try to do.
"errorMessage": "Exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'application' of undefined"
So far, I updated the Skill Name, Invocation Name, and Welcome Message. Is there something else I need to update or run on the dev portal to get this to work again?
Update: When I try to start the skill from the Alexa Development portal, I see this in the logs for
console.log("event.session.application.applicationId=" + event.session.application.applicationId);
"version": "1.0",
"session": {
"new": true,
"sessionId": "SessionId.8b65b2f5-0193-4307-9bef-88c116d9344b",
"application": {
"applicationId": ""
"attributes": null,
"user": {
"userId": "amzn1.ask.account.ABCDEFG" // masked my account value
"request": {
"type": "IntentRequest",
"requestId": "EdwRequestId.4d19f589-cdca-4303-99dc-0dc5cec781d2",
"timestamp": "2016-04-18T16:21:04Z",
"intent": {
"name": "DontKnowIntent"
The application ID matches the one supplied in the Alexa Development portal, so I don't think that's causing any issues. The property 'application' is only ever called after 'session', which clearly is defined. I don't know if the null attributes is causing an error. Maybe someone can look at a successful request?
Finally, here is my code:
I have changed the name twice before on a node app and a Java 8 app. All I had to do was change the name (also changed invocation name) under the skill information. It worked first time out. Now my skill name did not update on alexa app once and did the other time. Since you are not certified, you may want to create the skill for scratch. This should only take about 5 or 10 mins. Just do not forget to change or add the new application Id of you lambda