WebStorm isn't allowing me to put a project on GitHub - webstorm

So I'm using WebStorm and trying to put a project on GitHub, but every time I select "Share Project on GitHub" from the VCS menu, I get the following error message:
Errors while executing git --version. exitCode=1 errors: xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun
Now, at the time of writing this I'm not even positive that I linked my WebStorm to a GitHub account. Would this message be related to that if I don't? If so, where would I go to check if I linked it?

Please open try running
xcode-select --install
In your OS terminal - this will download and install xcode developer tools and fix the problem. The problem likely is that one needs to explicitly agree to the license agreement.
see Command Line Tools not working - OS X El Capitan/macOS Sierra/macOS High Sierra:


Mac OSX Codesigning issues

I am experiencing a problem with codesigning on Mac OSX (Catalina and older), that I cannot find any answer for. I do have a *.component file, that I am codesigning and notarizing with my Apple Developer ID, which is working perfect. As a post-install step on the target machine, I need to include some installation info within the component's Info.plist (so I am writing back to that *.plist file), which would then qualify as a manipulation of the component itself - ergo, the component's signing is going to be corrupt at this point (the host software will not load my software any more).
So I was trying to follow some advice and do a "blind" codesigning as additional post-install step on the user's machine with:
sudo codesign --force --deep -s - ABC.component
This was just working perfect for a few users, just when I found out, not everyone can make use of this (especially older Mac OSX). Sometimes this command will just not result in a properly signed component. One of the users then found out, he had to update Xcode CL Tools, to sign the file. He went:
xcode.select --install
I have tested this with several other users and it worked with them, too.
Here comes the issue:
As a result, I need to make sure, the user has installed the right version of Xcode Command Line Tools, but a lot of my clients do install on an offline device - so I would not be able to have xcode-select --install as a post-install step (because no internet connection).
Is it somehow possible to bundle the proper Xcode Command Line Tools into my installer and make use of it? Or do you see any other solution for the whole problem?

KDevelop failed to configure projects

after setting up KDevelop under Kubuntu 19.10 with CMake, the following error occurs whenever I open a project:
Failed to configure the project (error message: Configuration failed.).
As a result, KDevelop's code understanding will likely be broken.
To fix this issue, please ensure that the project's CMakeLists.txt files are correct, and KDevelop is configured to use the correct CMake version and settings. Then right-click the project item in the projects tool view and click 'Reload'.*
If I ignore the message, I can compile my project without any issues, the CMakeLists.txt is set up correctly. I have no idea where to solve this error, I haven't found anything for this specific case on google.
EDIT: Additional information
KDevelop Version: 5.4.2
CMake Version: 3.13.4
Upon creating a new KDevelop project, I create "new from template", choose the KDevelop Category and the standard "Simple KDevelop Plugin" as project type. After creation, it instantly prompts me with said error.
In the picture below, you can see the CMake configuration for the newly added project.
CMake project config
Make sure you have:
To install:
apt install extra-cmake-modules
If that doesn't work, you might need to add some repos. Check this discussion
I had a similar problem and got:
Failed to configure project 'me_first_proj' (error message: Exit code 1). As a result, KDevelop's code understanding will likely be broken.
Inside CMakeLists.txt I found it looking for $ECM_MODULE_PATH which turned out to be empty.
This, was related to extra-cmake-modules which I didn't have.
For Arch: pacman -Syu extra-cmake-modules
The name might differ for your distro.
I already had base-devel but required ECM

Can't target WSL from VS 2017 - Error Could not find 'zip' archiver

I was attempting to setup VS 2017 15.7.6 to compile a console app I have for Linux. Then I was going to attempt to target WSL.
Following this:
I get to the Connect Remote System step and add enter in the information, choose Connect and get:
Error Dialog "Downloading and updating headers for Intellisense" pops up with the text "An error has occurred. Could not find the 'zip' archiver, please install it using your system package manager..."
I'm assuming I need to issue an apt-get command from my WSL prompt. But I'm not sure which one.
Anyone else run into this?
I'm very new to WSL and Linux.

Fixing MinGW Installation on Windows 8

While helping my friend spin up MinGW and a C++ environment on his Windows 8 computer, I ran the get-mingw script and waited as it ran through all the mirrors for required downloads. However, three downloads completely failed:
libltdl - installer script hung and then moved on after pressing "OK"
automake-1.11 - installer script tried finding 1.10, then 1.9, then 1.8, then 1.7 (all of which failed) until finally settling on 1.6
mktemp - script hung and moved on after pressing "OK"
In all three cases, the script gave me a nice error log upon completion, showing that a majority of packages had been downloaded and installed except for these three, which showed up as errors. However during the installation process I had simply gone to the MinGW sourceforge page and manually found and downloaded each .bin.tar.lzma file that was missing.
Now that I have them, is there a good accepted way to unpack and plug them into my friend's existing MinGW install? In case it's tough, I'm comfortable with unix and dos command line so I'll be able to move executables into the MinGW/bin folder if that's what's needed, I just want to check for the best way to 'fix' the install.
As a side note - even though the error log says these are required packages, adding MinGW/bin/ to the PATH still allows for use of gcc and g++, although not make (possibly because of automake failure?). Is this standard behavior?
Firstly, the package issue can be fixed by using the MinGW installer - keep the packages selected and go to "apply changes" and the script will probably try to redownload the missing packages. I think the original problem was probably just a shoddy wifi connection during repository connection.
However, I then ran into a problem where I tried to run gcc and it gave me a missing -lpthread error ... but this question was able to help me fix that, and gcc and g++ are working fine now (haven't opened and tested Eclipse yet though). Just in case of link decay, the issue I cited arises from the MinGW installer script not downloading the lpthread library upon installation. To fix that issue, quoted from link:
Just run and open MinGW Installation Manager, which should be pre-installed with MinGW, select "All Packages" on the left panel, and on the right panel, search for "mingw32-pthreads-w32" packages and install them.
I think the Installation Manager has libpthread and pthread available for install, and pthread libs were the ones that seemed to solve it for me.

Installing g++ to terminal from files on my mac

When I try to compile a c++ program in my Mac terminal, I get the following error:
-bash: g++: command not found
but I believe I have all the files I need on my Mac to run the compiler. I have the Developer folder, which contains Xcode in Applications, g++ in the usr/bin folder, and a bunch of other folders.
How can I use these files to install the g++ compiler. Thank you!
Assuming you have the latest Xcode, go to Xcode Preferences, Downloads, and click on the Install button next to Command Line Tools. This should install and put everything into your PATH automatically.
houbysoft's answer above is correct, but the OP needs a little more detail.
The basic idea is that you need the "Command Line Tools" environment installed. But the name for that environment, and how you install it, has changed multiple times over the years. So, houbysoft's steps work for 4.3.3, but not for 3.2.6.
In the 3.2 era, the tools were called "UNIX Development". And, rather than being downloaded and installed from within Xcode, they came as part of the Xcode mpkg and were installed as part of the initial Xcode install. In most versions, there was a checkbox named "UNIX Development", usually checked by default, but in some versions it was a separate step. Looking at the "Xcode 3.2.6 and IOS SDK 4.3" disk image currently available from Apple, it's a checkbox. Anyway, that's the only officially-supported way to get them, but lots of other ways work… Here are your options:
Throw away Xcode 3.2.6 (just trash the whole /Developer) and install 4.3.3, then follow houbysoft's steps to get the Command Line Tools. Unless there's a good reason you can't use 4.3, this is almost certainly the best answer.
Throw away Xcode 3.2.6 and reinstall it, and this time make sure the "UNIX Development" checkbox is on.
Just re-run the 3.2.6 installer, and make sure the "UNIX Development" checkbox is on.
Log into developer.apple.com and look through the downloads for a package named "UNIX Development Tools", "Developer Tools CLI", "CLI Developer Environment", "Command Line Tools", or similar that corresponds to 3.2.6. There is such a package for most, but not all, versions of Xcode, and can be used to set up a command-line build environment either with or without Xcode.
Look at the invisible packages on the Xcode disk image. I don't remember whether you need just DeveloperToolsCLI.pkg, or that plus a few others, but a bit of trial and error or googling should get you there.
If everything is installed correctly, it sounds like all you need to do is get your "PATH" environment variable modified.
This closely related SuperUser question should provide the answers you need, at least if you're running under Snow Leopard. Here's another question about setting environment variables for Lion.