aws - How create request when partitions exist - amazon-web-services

I create a table whith many partitions :
PARTITIONED BY (`year` string, `day` string, `month` string, `version_` string, `af_` string, `type_` string, `msm` string)
after that, I run :
When I launch the preview of mytable, I had 0 rows. I try:
select * from mytable
Also no results.
One solution is to use alter table to add partitions with values, but should I create alter table befory every request ?!

The cause is that your PARTITIONED BY statement has fields in a different order that your directory hierarchy:
PARTITIONED BY (`year` string, `day` string, `month` string, `version_` string, `af_` string, `type_` string, `msm` string)
You can fix it by listing the fields in PARTITIONED BY in the same order as the directory hierarchy.
I did a small test where I had a partition working, but then recreated the table with a different order and it returned zero rows. (It also created new directories in the expected hierarchy -- weird!)


read partitioned data of vpc flow log

I used this article to read my vpc flow logs and everything worked correctly.
But my question is that when I refer to documentation and run the create table statement, it does not return any record.
`version` int,
`account_id` string,
`interface_id` string,
`srcaddr` string,
`dstaddr` string,
`srcport` int,
`dstport` int,
`protocol` bigint,
`packets` bigint,
`bytes` bigint,
`start` bigint,
`end` bigint,
`action` string,
`log_status` string,
`vpc_id` string,
`subnet_id` string,
`instance_id` string,
`tcp_flags` int,
`type` string,
`pkt_srcaddr` string,
`pkt_dstaddr` string,
`region` string,
`az_id` string,
`sublocation_type` string,
`sublocation_id` string,
`pkt_src_aws_service` string,
`pkt_dst_aws_service` string,
`flow_direction` string,
`traffic_path` int
`aws-account-id` string,
`aws-service` string,
`aws-region` string,
`year` string,
`month` string,
`day` string,
`hour` string
official doc:
This create table statement should work after changing the variables like DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/prefix, account_id and region_code. Why am I getting 0 rows returned for select * query?
You need to manually load the partitions first before you could use them.
From the docs:
After you create the table, you load the data in the partitions for querying. For Hive-compatible data, you run MSCK REPAIR TABLE. For non-Hive compatible data, you use ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION to add the partitions manually.
So if your structure if hive compatible you can just run:
MSCK REPAIR TABLE `table name`;
And this will load all your new partitions.
Otherwise you'll have to manually load them using ADD PARTITION
ALTER TABLE test ADD PARTITION (aws-account-id='1', aws-acount-service='2' ...) location 's3://bucket/subfolder/data/accountid1/service2/'
Because manually adding partitions is so tedious if your data structure is not hive compatible I recommend you use partition projection for your table.
To avoid having to manage partitions, you can use partition projection. Partition projection is an option for highly partitioned tables whose structure is known in advance. In partition projection, partition values and locations are calculated from table properties that you configure rather than read from a metadata repository. Because the in-memory calculations are faster than remote look-up, the use of partition projection can significantly reduce query runtimes.

Amazon Athena Error Creating Partitioned Tables

I am new to Athena, and would request for some help.
I have multiple csv files in the following format. Pls note all fields are in double quotes. And total file size is about 5GB. If possible, I would rather do this without the use of Glue. Unless there is a reason to spend $ on running the crawlers.
"myname1","","fullname1","address1 n details"
"myname2","","fullname2","address2 n details"
The following code on Athena works perfectly:
`emailusername` string,
`emaildomain` string,
`name` string,
`details` string
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("separatorChar" = ",", "escapeChar" = "\\")
LOCATION 's3://projectzzzz2/0001_aaaa_delme/'
TBLPROPERTIES ('has_encrypted_data'='false');
However I am neither able to cluster, nor use partitioning. The following code runs successfully. Post that I am also able to Load Partitions successfully. But no data is returned!
`name` string,
`details` string
PARTITIONED BY (emaildomain string, emailusername string)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("separatorChar" = ",", "escapeChar" = "\\")
LOCATION 's3://projectzzzz2/0001_aaaa_delme/'
TBLPROPERTIES ('has_encrypted_data'='false');
SELECT * FROM "db1"."tablea";
Result: Zero records returned
If your intention is to create partitions on emaildomain, emailusername
You don’t need to have fields called emaildomain, emailusername in the table. However, you need to have 2 directories as domain1/user1 under your s3 location.
e.g. s3://projectzzzz2/0001_aaaa_delme/domain1/user1
make sure
copy your file to s3://projectzzzz2/0001_aaaa_delme ( not to the location s3://projectzzzz2/0001_aaaa_delme/domain1/user1)
then you can issue
ALTER TABLE tablea ADD PARTITION (emaildomain ='domain1', emailusername= 'user1') location ‘s3://projectzzzz2/0001_aaaa_delme/domain1/user1' ;
If you query the table tablea you will see new fields called emaildomain and emailusername been added automatically
As of my knowledge, whenever you add a new user or new email domain then you need to copy your file into the new folder and need to issue the ‘Alter table’ statement accordingly.

BigQuery MERGE statement billing more bytes than editor shows

I have a very large (3.5B records) table that I want to update/insert (upsert) using the MERGE statement in BigQuery. The source table is a staging table that contains only the new data, and I need to check if the record with a corresponding ID is in the target table, updating the row if so or inserting if not.
The target table is partitioned by an integer field called IdParent, and the matching is done on IdParent and another integer field called IdChild. My merge statement/script looks like this:
declare parentList array<int64>;
set parentList = array(select distinct IdParent from dataset.Staging);
merge into dataset.Target t
using dataset.Staging s
-- target is partitioned by IdParent, do this for partition pruning
t.IdParent in unnest(parentList)
and t.IdParent = s.IdParent
and t.IdChild = s.IdChild
when matched and t.IdParent in unnest(parentList) then
set t.Column1 = s.Column1,
t.Column2 = s.Column2,
...<more columns>
when not matched and IdParent in unnest(parentList) then
insert (<all the fields>)
values (<all the fields)
So I:
Pull the IdParent list from the staging table to know which partitions to prune
limit the partitions of the target table in the join predicate
also limit the partitions of the target table in the match/not matched conditions
The total size of dataset.Target is ~250GB. If I put this script in my BQ editor and remove all the IdParent in unnest(parentList) then it shows ~250GB to bill in the editor (as expected since there's no partition pruning). If I add the IdParent in unnest(parentList) back in so the script is exactly like you see it above i.e. attempting to partition prune, the editor shows ~97MB to bill. However, when I look at the query results, I see that it actually billed ~180GB:
The target table is also clustered on the two fields being matched, and I'm aware that the benefits of clustering are typically not shown in the editor's estimate. However, my understanding is that that should only make the bytes billed smaller... I can't think of any reason why this would happen.
Is this a BQ bug, or am I just missing something? BigQuery doesn't even say "the script is estimated to process XX MB", it says "This will process XX MB" and then it processes way more.
That's very interesting. What you did seems totally correct.
It seems BQ query planner could interpret your SQL correctly and know the partition pruning is provided, but when it executes. it failed to do so.
try removing t.IdParent in unnest(parentList) from both when matched clauses to see if the issue still happens, that is,
declare parentList array<int64>;
set parentList = array(select distinct IdParent from dataset.Staging);
merge into dataset.Target t
using dataset.Staging s
-- target is partitioned by IdParent, do this for partition pruning
t.IdParent in unnest(parentList)
and t.IdParent = s.IdParent
and t.IdChild = s.IdChild
when matched then
set t.Column1 = s.Column1,
t.Column2 = s.Column2,
...<more columns>
when not matched then
insert (<all the fields>)
values (<all the fields)
It would be a good idea to submit a bug to BigQuery if it couldn't be resolved.

Does AWS Athena supports Sequence File

Has any one tried creating AWS Athena Table on top of Sequence Files. As per the Documentation looks like it is possible. I was able to execute below create table statement.
create external table if not exists sample_sequence (
account_id string,
receiver_id string,
session_index smallint,
start_epoch bigint)
STORED AS sequencefile
location 's3://bucket/sequencefile/';
The Statement executed Successfully but when i try to read data from the table it throws below error
Your query has the following error(s):
HIVE_CANNOT_OPEN_SPLIT: Error opening Hive split s3://viewershipforneo4j/2017-09-26/000030_0 (offset=372128055, length=62021342) using org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat: s3://viewershipforneo4j/2017-09-26/000030_0 not a SequenceFile
This query ran against the "default" database, unless qualified by the query. Please post the error message on our forum or contact customer support with Query Id: 9f0983b0-33da-4686-84a3-91b14a39cd09.
Sequence file are valid one . Issue here is there is not deliminator defined.
Ie row format delimited fields terminated by is missing
if in your case if tab is column deliminator row data is in next row it will be
create external table if not exists sample_sequence (
account_id string,
receiver_id string,
session_index smallint,
start_epoch bigint)
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'
STORED AS sequencefile
location 's3://bucket/sequencefile/';

AWS Athena - Cast CloudFront log time field to timestamp

I'm following the example AWS documentation gave for creating a CloudFront log table in Athena.
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS default.cloudfront_logs (
`date` DATE,
time STRING,
location STRING,
bytes BIGINT,
requestip STRING,
method STRING,
host STRING,
status INT,
referrer STRING,
useragent STRING,
querystring STRING,
cookie STRING,
resulttype STRING,
requestid STRING,
hostheader STRING,
requestprotocol STRING,
requestbytes BIGINT,
timetaken FLOAT,
xforwardedfor STRING,
sslprotocol STRING,
sslcipher STRING,
responseresulttype STRING,
httpversion STRING,
filestatus STRING,
encryptedfields INT
LOCATION 's3://your_log_bucket/prefix/'
TBLPROPERTIES ( 'skip.header.line.count'='2' )
Creating the table with the time field as a string doesn't allow me to run conditional queries. I tried re-creating the table with the following:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS default.cloudfront_logs (
`date` DATE,
time timestamp,
Unfortunately this did not work and I received no results in the time field when I previewed the table.
Does anyone have any experience casting the time to something that I can use to query?
Concat the date and time into a timestamp in a subquery:
parse_datetime( concat( concat( format_datetime(date,
'yyyy-MM-dd'), '-' ), time ),'yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss') AS datetime
FROM default.cloudfront_www
WHERE requestip = '')
WHERE datetime
BETWEEN timestamp '2018-11-19 06:00:00'
AND timestamp '2018-11-19 12:00:00'
It's frustrating that there isn't a straightforward way to have usable timestamps (dates with times included) in a table based on CloudFront logs.
However, this is now my workaround:
I create a view based on the original table. Say my original table is cloudfront_prod_logs. I create a view, cloudfront_prod_logs_w_datetime that has a proper datetime/timestamp field and I use that in queries, instead of the original table.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW cloudfront_prod_logs_w_datetime AS
"date_parse"("concat"(CAST(date AS varchar), ' ', CAST(time AS varchar)), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') datetime
, *