Boost bimap find with multiset_of - c++

I have question with Boost::bimap and could not find answer from boost document.
using AToBBimap = boost::bimap< boost::bimaps::unordered_set_of<CString>, boost::bimaps::multiset_of<CString> >; //hashed bimap
using AToBBimapValueT = AToBBimap ::value_type;
AToBBimap bi_map;
bi_map.insert(AToBBimapValueT{"message1", "value"});
bi_map.insert(AToBBimapValueT{"message2", "value"});
QUESTION: with bi_map.right.find("value") looks like can only get iterator to {"message1", "value"}, is there possible to get a list of both matching like [{"message1", "value"}, {"message2", "value"}]?

The answer is equal_range("value"), like with std::multiset and std::multimap.
That member returns a pair of iterators, which is conveniently compatible with Boost's iterator-range factory, so you can use it:
for (auto p : boost::make_iterator_range(bi_map.right.equal_range("value")))
do something with p.second;


Storing an boost multi_index index iterator

I have a boost::multi_index class which has multiple indexes.
If i want to store a normal iterator i can do
multi_index_table::const_iterator x_itr == my_table.find(x);
but if i try
multi_index_table::const_iterator x_itr == my_table.get_index(y).find(x) it complains that it's not the same type of iterator.
I'm fairly new to C++ and come from a java background, ideally i'd like some form of superclass which is able to store any type of iterator if that's possibile.
Any guidance will be much appreciated!
I'm basically looking to do something as such:
template<uint64_t Index>
template<typename Iterator>
Iterator erase(Iterator itr){
With c++11 is rather easy. Just use:
auto x_itr = my_table.get_index(y).find(x)
The compiler will figure out the type of x_itr.

how get a random element boost unordered_map?

i using typedef boost::unordered_map. how to get a random element
v: c++ 03
member_1.insert(std::make_pair(gg, M2_NEW CGGList(gg)));
typedef boost::unordered_map<CGG, CGGList*> Map1;
Map1 member_1;
You will not find an efficient method (wrong datastructure).
But you can always:
auto random_it = std::next(member1.begin(), my_random(member2.size()));
Where my_random would be implemented like rand()%n (bad) or using std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> (much better).

std::map find() returning error

I am trying to compile the below code in VS2015. The first version of my std::map is compiling, but the seconds version does not compile. Please let me know what I am doing wrong here..
std::map<int, std::string> _p;
typedef std::pair<int, std::string> _q;
_p.insert(_q(0, "Football0"));
_p.insert(_q(1, "Football1"));
std::string str = _p[1]; //OK...compiles and executes, no error, str = "Football1" as expected
std::map<int, DataDictionary> _p1;
typedef std::pair<int, DataDictionary> _q1;
DataDictionary dd1;
dd1.i = 0;
dd1.version = "ver1";
_p1.insert(_q1(0, dd1));
DataDictionary dd2;
dd2.i = 0;
dd2.version = "ver2";
_p1.insert(_q1(1, dd2));
DataDictionary DD = _p1.find[1]; //error C3867: 'std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<_Kty,_Ty,_Pr,_Alloc,false>>::find': non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a pointer to member
Even if I decide to change my std::map and use the following, I am getting the same error :
std::map<std::string, DataDictionary> _p1;
DataDictionary DD = _p1.find["1"]; //ERROR
I am trying to use map with the DataDictionary structure, and use _p1.find["1"] syntax to access the elements, as I am assuming that this approach will be faster than declaring iterator to the map, and then use find(). Please help. Thanks,
I am trying to use map with the DataDictionary structure, and use _p1.find["1"] syntax to access the elements
No, you are trying to use subscript operator on a member function:
find("1") would work.
find["1"] should not compile.
Consider using either _p1.find("1"), or _p1["1"]. The difference between them is that find returns a pair with a position in the map and a boolean flag an iterator (which may be past the end of the mapped sequence), and the subscript operator (["1"]) returns either a reference to the existing element, or it adds an element (if one is not found) and returns a reference to that.
To check if the map contains the key, use if(_p1.count("1")) instead.
I think you meant
it returns an iterator to the found item.
std::map<std::string, DataDictionary>::iterator item = _p1.find("1");
in C++11 you can do
auto item = _p1.find("1");

Inserting into a std::Multimap of std::Map (C++)

If I have a std::multimap<int, std::map<int, MyClass>> myMultimap how to I insert a class object MyClassA into the map with value 1 at multimap value 2?
It looks like I can do<1,MyClassA>); in c++11 but I am using c++98 due to a library regression/incomparability out of my control.
I've also tried
which gives: error: no match for ‘operator[]’ (operand types are ‘std::multimap<int, std::map<int, ns_namespace::MyClassType> >’ and ‘int’)| for both of the [...]'s.
I don't want to do something like myMultimap.insert(std::make_pair(2,std::make_pair(1,MyClassA)))
because if I understand correctly, this would make a new map in the multimap rather than assigning the class object to the existing map within the multimap.
It is a two stage process:
Locate the position in the outer map where you want to do something to the inber map. If necessary, insert a new element.
Update the inner map withthe appropriatevalue.
I don't know why the outer map us a multimap (they are rarely useful) so the exampke just uses the first entry:
auto it = mymultimap.lower_bound(2);
if (it == mymultimap.end() || it->first != 2) {
it = mymultimap.insert(
std::make_pair(2, std::map<int, MyClass>())).first;
(*it)[1] = MyClassA;
(typed on a mobile device: there are probably typos but the overall approach should work).

Search for specific value in std::map [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicates:
Checking value exist in a std::map - C++
How to traverse a stl map/vector/list/etc?
Is it possible to search for specific value in std::map, not knowing the key? I know I could iterate over whole map, and compare values, but it is possible to do using a function from std algorithms?
Well, you could use std::find_if :
int main()
typedef std::map<int, std::string> my_map;
my_map m;
m.insert(std::make_pair(0, "zero"));
m.insert(std::make_pair(1, "one"));
m.insert(std::make_pair(2, "two"));
const std::string s("one");
const my_map::const_iterator it = std::find_if(
m.begin(), m.end(), boost::bind(&my_map::value_type::second, _1) == s
But that's just slightly better than a hand-crafted loop : it's still O(n).
You could use Boost.Bimap if you want to index on values as well as keys. Without this or similar, this will have to be done by brute force (=> scan the map by hand).
Boost.Bimap is a bidirectional maps
library for C++. With Boost.Bimap you
can create associative containers in
which both types can be used as key.
Will this help? STL find_if
You need to have some sort of predicate, either a function pointer or an object with operator() implemented. Said predicate should take just one parameter.
There are (awkward) ways to do this using standard functions (e.g., std::find_if), but these still involve iterating over the whole map. Boost.Bimap will provide efficient indexing in both directions, and you can go even further with Boost.Multi-Index.