How to use external library in my own Arduino library? - c++

Good evening!
I'm writing an Arduino library. Inside it, I want to instantiate an object from another library whose constructor needs to be passed a parameter, but I don't want to hard-code such parameter. I need some guidance about how to do this.
Here's the relevant part of my code so far:
class HSBC_CAN {
HSBC_CAN(uint8_t, uint8_t);
uint8_t _int_pin;
#include <HSBC_CAN.h>
#include <mcp_can.h>
extern MCP_CAN *canbus_esc;
HSBC_CAN::HSBC_CAN(uint8_t int_pin, uint8_t cs_pin) {
_int_pin = int_pin;
canbus_esc = new MCP_CAN(cs_pin);
To be clear, the way to instantiate an object from MCP_CAN class is MCP_CAN foo(int bar), where bar is the chip select pin number for SPI protocol. I want my library to instantiate an object of MCP_CAN class but I need to be able to pass the chip select pin number when instantiating an object from my new class HSBC_CAN. This is the error I get with the above code:
error: request for member 'begin' in 'canbus_esc', which is of pointer type 'MCP_CAN*' (maybe you meant to use '->' ?)
Probably the way I did in my sample code is totally wrong (with the extern keyword and the new operator) but that's just what came out from my mind ATM.
Thanks for the time.

The error message from the compiler is very useful and if you would follow its advice of replacing . with -> it would probably fix your immediate problem. Since canbus_esc is a pointer, you must dereference it before accessing its members or functions. So if it has a function named begin that can be called with zero arguments, you might write:
That line is equivalent to:
Also, get rid of the word extern on the line that defined canbus_esc, or else you will get an undefined reference error for it.
However, I have two issues with the code you have presented: First of all, you are using new, which does dynamic memory allocation. It's a good idea to avoid dynamic memory allocation on small devices like AVRs if you can, since you never know if those allocations are going to fail until you actually run the program (you might be using up too much memory in other parts of your program). Secondly, you defined your canbus_esc at the file scope, so there can only be one of them. This means you can't really create multiple HSBC_CAN objects; the second one will overwrite the canbus_esc create by the first. Although that might be fine for your application, it seems like a needless limitation.
I'd suggest writing your code like this instead:
Header file:
#include <mcp_can.h>
class HSBC_CAN {
HSBC_CAN(uint8_t int_pin, uint8_t cs_pin);
void begin();
uint8_t _int_pin;
MCP_CAN can;
Source file:
#include <HSBC_CAN.h>
HSBC_CAN::HSBC_CAN(uint8_t int_pin, uint8_t cs_pin)
: can(cs_pin) // This line constructs the MCP_CAN object
_int_pin = int_pin;
can.begin(42, 42, 42); // TODO: fix arguments
Another idea, which might be better, would be for you to have your HSBC_CAN object take a pointer to an MBC_CAN object and store the pointer as a member variable in the HSBC_CAN class. That option would make a lot of sense if there are multiple devices on the CAN bus that you want to talk to using that MBC_CAN object. You could have multiple classes using a single MBC_CAN object via pointers.


How can I create a C++ class that accepts function pointers with different signatures?

I am relatively new to C++ and I am working on a personal project for practicing where I need to create a class that can take function pointers with different signatures.
The idea is that each instance of the class will store a pointer to a specific function and can call that function whenever I want.
To give a better idea of what I want, let me explain with a little bit more detail what I am trying to do. The project I am working on is a very basic console game and the object I am trying to create is an object that would store details on each location the player can access in the game.
(DISCLAIMER: I know that most of what I describe later is probably an overkill for a basic console game. I can easily make the whole game in a couple of files using just simple functions and I know how to do that. But the idea here is that I wanted to practice more advanced C++ techniques without having to figure out a complex project. So, since I know how to make a basic console game, I thought it would be a good idea to try and figure out how to achieve the same result but with more advanced techniques)
One of the details that I think should be stored is what happens in each location, basically the text that is output to the screen describing what happens and prompting the user to take action.
Since this would be different for each location, I can't just declare and implement a function in the class.
One way of solving this issue is to create a base class with a virtual function and then implement this function in a series of derived classes, each defining a new location.
The problem I have with this approach is that it makes each location a class that can be inherited further and instanced, which I don't need as I will only have 1 instance of each location.
I can of course just create 1 instance of the class, but I wanted to see if there is a way to avoid having to create separate classes for each location.
This why I started thinking of function pointers.
Now, I know I can declare a function pointer and initialise it in a class like that:
class Test
Test(void (*p)())
: print{p}
void (*print)();
That works fine as long as the function returns void and accepts no arguments.
So, I thought maybe I can do that with a template:
template <typename Function>
class Test
Test(Function *p)
: print{p}
Function *print;
This actually works well. I can now have a class that accepts different functions with different return types.
I can create instances of the class in the following way:
void print();
Test<void ()> a {print};
However, I have one problem with this approach. Because it is a class template, I can't have a pointer that I want to use to point to instances of Test class regardless of the function that is passed to them.
For instance, if I declare the following pointer:
Test<void ()> *b = &a;
There is no way to re-assign that pointer to another instance of Test class unless the function pointer passed to it also returns void and accepts no arguments. Otherwise, I have to create a new pointer.
Is there a way to avoid that? Is there a better way of achieving what I am looking for than using function pointers?
Thank you very much and sorry for the long message.
There is no way to re-assign that pointer to another instance of Test class unless the function pointer passed to it also returns void and accepts no arguments.
And how would you expect that to work? Each Test has a different signature for its print method. In the example below, if you assigned action2 to action1, then how would it know what to pass to the print function?
void fun1() {}
void fun2(int) {}
void test() {
Test<void()> action1= &fun1;
Test<void(int)> action2= &fun2;
What you want is really simple, thanks to improvements in C++11: std::function<void()>.
Whenever you need to pass some arguments to the function, you'd use a lambda, potentially with captures:
#include <functional>
void fun1() {}
void fun2(int) {}
using Action = std::function<void()>;
int main() {
class MyObject { public: void doSomething() {} } obj;
Action action1;
action1 = fun1;
action1 = []{ fun2(42); };
action1 = [&obj]{ obj.doSomething(); }; // obj captured by reference
So that's pretty much what you should do.
Now of course you may ask "hey, but what if I wanted to implement something like std::function myself"? It's not a trivial task, if you want to get full functionality of std::function, including small object optimization (i.e. std::function usually doesn't allocate unless the functor it wraps is "big").
I wanted to see what can I do if I had a reason to have the each game location using a function that have different return types.
You chose to use a common abstraction, i.e. some class (like Action) that you can always call the same way, and get to do various things. So, what would you like the following code to do?
Action someAction;
int result = someAction();
std::string result = someAction();
Now suppose that e.g. someAction has captured a void() function. What should the code that assigns the "result" to an integer or a string do? And how would you protect from mistakes, e.g. if you really wanted someAction() to return an int, but you accidentally used one that returns nothing?
Remember that the compiler has to generate code for all of the sites where you call someAction, so it needs to know what to do ahead of time, even if you may otherwise ensure that no "incorrect" calls are made.
You could implement a custom Action class on top of std::function that could support std::optional<ResultType> instead of ResultType. That way, if the actual result of the functor wrapped in Action was convertible to that ResultType, you'd get a non-null optional, otherwise the optional would be null. And the list of supported result types would need to be pre-determined, i.e. the compiler wouldn't be able to dynamically add them, but adding a new type should amount to passing an additional type as a template argument, so it'd be easy to support quite many types.

Handling unknown structs imported from dll

I have tried to streamline this, but if you need more detail or code, let me know.
First, some background: I am making a module for a C++ program using exported functions from a .dll to communicate with it. I do not have support from the original developer, so I do not have access to the source code, headers, .lib, or anything else. I used dependency walker to get a list of function names, and explicitly linked using getProcAddress with success on most functions. (Here is the solution I used to get this far.)
Now the problem I have run into is how to handle unknown structs. For example, I have access to the following equations:
struct foo::bar magic(void)
foo::baz::baz(struct foo::bar const &)
int foo::baz::qux(void)
So the top function is a constructor that makes an object with the same name as the struct. The second function is a magic function that outputs the struct with all the data in it. The third function is another constructor that makes a new object with that struct as an input. The final function outputs an integer value (what I really care about) with the object just created.
As you can see, I don't know, nor do I care what is in the struct. It just gets magically created and immediately passed to another function that deals with it. So here is how I attempted to handle it (look at the solution linked in the first paragraph if this doesn't make sense):
struct barStruct {
void** unknown1[1024];
void** unknown2[1024];
void** unknown3[1024];
typedef barStruct (*_magic) (char *);
typedef void (*_bazConstructor) (char *, struct barStruct const &);
typedef int (*_qux) (char *);
I think I figured out how many elements there are in barStruct because bazConstructor will crash if there are too many. The problem is, no matter what I have tried, qux will crash. I am guessing this has something to do with how I am handling barStruct. Is it necessary to define the struct like this? Is there a way to pass it directly from magic to the bazconstructor without trying to say what is in it?
Basically: How should I handle a struct if I have no idea what it is supposed to contain?

STL vector used in managed code

OS : xp
IDE : VS 2008
In the project that i'm doing in visual C++ i have declared a std::vector inside managed class as so
std::vector<pts> dataPoints;//this gives error c4368 : mixed type not allowed
but this works
std::vector<pts> * dataPoints;//a pointer to the vector
i then have created this vector on the free store as so in the constructor of the managed class
dataPoints = new std::vector<pts>(noOfElements,pts());//which is not so attractive.
the reason i need vector is because there is file that i'm reading through the ifstream and storing those values in the vector.
Q1) why is that i'm able to declare a pointer to object of native type(i guess)but not an object?
furthermore, prior to trying vector i tried the managed array as so
cli::array<Point> dataPoints //and i defined it later.
but when i do this
ifile >> dataPoints[i].X;
it gives an error c2678 : operator= is not overloaded for int!!.
Q2) why is it that i cant use a managed code here. At first i thought it might be a wrapper class Int but then autounboxing(conversion operators) should take care of it?or is it that Point::X is qualified with property and thus is not recognized as normal int? what am i missing?.
this is the reason i went for vector and pts solution.
pts is as follows
struct pts
int X, int Y;
pts() : X(0),Y(0){}
pts(int x,int y) : X(x),Y(y){}
};//this i created to store the data from the file.
An important property of managed class objects is that they get moved by the garbage collector. This happens when it compacts the heap. That plays havoc with native C++ objects, pointers to their members will become invalid. So as a rule, the compiler forbids embedding a native non-POD object inside a managed one. A pointer is not a problem.
The exact same problem exists for your use of the >> operator. The int gets passed by reference to operator>>(). Disaster strikes if the garbage collector kicks in right between the code taking the reference of the int and calling the operator. A simple workaround for that one is an intermediate step through a local variable:
int x;
ifile >> x;
dataPoint[i].X = x;
Which works because local variables are stable and are not subject to garbage collection.
None of this is a problem in native code. Do keep in mind that your ref class can easily call a native function. So separating the two can be useful and/or necessary.
You can't directly contain a native type within a managed type: this is just a restriction on C++/CLI. I'm thinking this might be to do with the possibilities of pointers within the native type. If the native type is directly within the managed type, then when managed objects get shuffled around during garbage collection, then these pointers would point to the original, now incorrect, memory.
Therefore the native object needs to be on the heap, so that its internals don't get changed by garbage collection. So you need to hold the vector as a pointer, and delete it appropriately. Note that the latter isn't entirely trivial, and you need to have some knowledge of C++/CLI (which differs subtly from C#). See
Looking at the last time I did this, in my file I had
~NetClass() { this->!NetClass(); } // avoid arning C4461
class NativeImpl* const m_pImpl; // can't contain NativeImpldirectly
And in the cpp file I had
// implement finalizer in ref class
delete m_pImpl;
You might just want to use the pimpl idiom here if you have more than one native class to contain. See Why should the "PIMPL" idiom be used?.
Finally, I last did this quite a while ago, and I'm just saying what worked for me at the time. If you're doing this, you really need to know what you're doing. I used a book called C++/CLI in Action, which I'd recommend.
This article on STL/CLR looks interesting: To quote
STL/CLR, originally called STL.NET, is an implementation of Standard
Template Library (STL) that can operate with objects of managed types.
VC++ already has implementation of STL, however it is currently
working only with native types.
(I can't really help on your Q2)

Choosing data for parcelable in C++

In a previous program that I have written in C I needed a single object with several "core" data in it that can be accessed by all the functions in my program, I end up picking a struct and i have used a pointer to this struct for reading or writing data; it was fast and good for the job, also it was cheap because accessing a pointer is probably one of the cheapest thing that you can do in C and I have never found something better so I'm happy with this solution.
Now in C++ I have the same problem, I need to share a state composed of some primitive types, I'm tempted to use one of the so called POD, which basically mean, struct, again, but this time with references for safety.
Supposing that I need this "Blob" of data to be carried around my program, a struct accessed by reference is the fastest thing in C++? How much a getter methods can cost?
If your getter code is inline (in the header file), then the compiler can eliminate the need to call a function in the machine code it outputs.
class Data
int number_;
int GetNumber() { return number_; }
The compiler will see GetNumber's definition, will know what it does is simple and and where you've called GetNumber(), it will simply replace it with number_. So, using a getter versus accessing the member directly will result in the equivalent code, and both will perform the same.

What vb6 type is ABI-compatible with std::vector?

I've been writing a DLL in C++, now I must call this DLL from a VB6 application.
Here's a code sample from this DLL :
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void __stdcall DLLFunction (vector<Object>*)
// performs a few operations on the Objects contained in the vector.
struct Object
long CoordX;
long CoordY;
long Width;
long Height;
I also defined the "Object struct" in VB6
Private Type Object
CoordX As Integer
CoordY As Integer
Width As Integer
Height As Integer
Id As String
End Type
The issue is I don't know what vb6 type could stand for std::vector in order to call the DLL's function.
Notes :
- I use a vector for the DLL to be able to add objects.
- I use a pointer in order to use as less memory as possible.
- Sorry for my english, it ain't my home language at all.
- Thank you for reading and trying to help me.
Edit :
- I fixed the typing issues (Ids are definitely ended by NullChar, so LPSTR should do the trick).
- I read your answers, and I'd like to thank both of you, your answers are close to one another and a major issue remains. My DLL definitely needs to add elements to the container. Thus, I'm wondering how I could do the trick. Maybe I could add a return type to my function and then make that the function is able to return the items it created (instead of putting it directly into the container) so that the vb6 application gets these items and is able to process them, but I can't figure out how to do this
Edit bis :
#Rook : I feel like I could achieve this by using a new struct.
struct ObjectArrayPointer
Object* Pointer;
size_t Counter;
And then call my function this way :
void __stdcall DLLFunction (ObjectArrayPointer*);
I would then be able to add objects and edit the size parameter for my VB6 application to find these new objects. Was that what you meant?
You should not be trying to export template containers from a DLL anyway. They're likely to break when faced with newer compilers and libraries (eg. a library built under C++03 will not play well with code built using C++11).
The least painful thing to do is to accept a pointer to a buffer and a length parameter,
void __stdcall DLLFunction (Object* buffer, size_t nObjects);
if the size of the container will not change during execution. This interface is about as simple as it gets, and is easily accessible by any language that understand C calling conventions (eg. almost every single one.)
You've already thrown away most of the use of a std::vector because you've already specialised it to Object; you could consider going all the way and creating your own ObjectCollection class which uses a std::vector internally but presents a non-templated interface. Here's a simple example :
// In your public API header file:
typedef struct object_collection_t *object_collection;
object_collection CreateObjectCollection();
void DestroyObjectCollect(object_collection collection);
void AddObjectToCollection(object_collection collection, Object* object);
// etc
No template types are exposed in any form in the header. This is good.
// And the corresponding code file:
struct object_collection_t
std::vector<Object*> objects;
object_collection CreateObjectCollection() { return new object_collection_t; }
void DestroyObjectCollect(object_collection collection) { delete collection; }
void AddObjectToCollection(object_collection collection, Object* object)
// etc
All of templating code is hidden away, leaving you with a fairly clean and simple interface which present an opaque pointer type that can be passed around by external code but only queried and modified by your own, etc.
EDIT: Incidentally, I've used Object* throughout the above code. It may well be safer and impler to use just plain old Object and avoid all of the issues associated with memory management and pointer manipulation by client code. If Object is sufficiently small and simple, passing by value may be a better approach.
(NB: not checked for compilability or functionality. E&OE. Caveat Implementor!)
You can't do that as it's a C++ class/template. Internally, it's an array but not in a way that can be created from VB6.
Your best bet is to change the function to accept a pointer to an array with a count parameter.
You'll also need to be very careful as to how the type is structured.
C++ ints are Longs in VB6.
Also, the Id string won't be compatible. VB6 will have a pointer to a unicode BString (unless you make it fixed length) where as a C++ will have std::string which is an array of ANSI chars. VB6 MAY marshal this if you pass an array of the objects (rather than a pointer)
The VB6 ABI is the COM Automation ABI.
Therefore, if you need an arry which is VB6 ABI compatible, you should probably use SAFEARRAY. I suggest you should also be using the Compiler COM Support classes:
This question appears to do exactly what you want, using ATL's CComSafeArray class:
conversion between std::vector and _variant_t
You may also want to look at these:
Alternatives to SAFEARRAY
The alternative to SAFEARRAY is to supply a COM Collection object. This is simply a COM object with a Dispinterface or Dual interface with the methods Count and Item. Item should have dispid=0 to be the default method. You may also want to supply _NewEnum with DISPID_NEWENUM to support the For Each syntax.