MongoDB regex array (reverse regex?) - regex

I have the following problem:
I am using NodeJS with Express and MongoDB to query my database.
I have a document in the collection of "domains" containing the field "domain".
For example:
"domain" : ",,, *",
"APIKeys" : [ "Public" : 111111 ]
Or another document:
"domain" : ", *",
"APIKeys" : [ "Public" : 222222 ]
I would like to query the database and return the result if extractHostname(req.get('Referrer')) matches any of the domains in the field.
var collection = 'domains';
var query = { $and: [ { 'APIKeys.Public' : req.query.APIKey }, {'domain' : extractHostname(req.get('Referrer')) } ] };
var projection = { '_id' : 1 , 'playerPref' : 1 };
For example: extractHostname(req.get('Referrer')) = it should return true, since it matches the regex of
'' should return true since it matches the regex of *
'' should return false.
'' should return false.
Any idea how I can make a query like this to check if the Referrer is in matching conditions?
The problem I am facing is that any of the strings in the field need to match the query, and not the other way around. Keeping in mind the wildcard in the field as opposed in the search string. (It is like a reserve regex?)
Kind regards,

After seeing your updated requirements I've created a pattern that will match any of your various domain types. Here it is
(?(?=.* .*)(([^ \n>]*)(?:.*))|([^\w\W]))
It will always match, with an optional www., optional beta. and optional wildcard.


How to apply Mongo DB find command for nested dynamic keys

Want to search all matching pattern from Mongo DB nested fields with dynamic keys.
DB Structure:
_id: 'dsdsdsadadad',
results: {
tables: {
jvm: {
data: [
Prediction: 1,
Jvm: 'service_name',
Status: 'OK'
second: 'New second set'
Tried By $,
db.col_name.find('$.Jvm': {'$regexp': 'service.*'})
By using $i
db.col_name.find('$i.Jvm': {'$regexp': 'service.*'})
By giving particular key 0 also,
db.col_name.find('': {'$regexp': 'service.*'})
No results!
Expected O/P:
The above doc and where all Jvm starts with service* keyword
You should directly use the dot notation to query an array of nested objects:
db.collection.find({ "": { $regex: "service.*" } })
MongoDB will try to find every document that contains at least one nested document under data having Jvm field matching your regex.
MongoDB Playground

regex breaks when I use a colon(:)

I just started working with elastic search. By started working I mean I have to query an already running elastic database. Is there a good documentation of the regex they follow. I know about the one on their official site, but its not very helpful.
The more specific problem is that I want to query for lines of the sort:
10:02:37:623421|0098-TSOT {TRANSITION} {ID} {1619245525} {securityID} {} {fromStatus} {NOT_PRESENT} {toStatus} {WAITING}
01:01:36:832516|0058-CT {ADD} {0} {3137TTDR7} {23} {COM} {New} {0} {0} {52} {1}
and more of a similar structure. I don't want a generalized regex. If possible, could someone give me a regex expression for each of these that would run with elastic?
I noticed that it matches if the regexp matches with a substring too when I ran with:
query = {"query":
"message": "[0-9]{2}"
But it wont match anything if I use:
query = {"query":
"message": "[0-9]{2}:.*"
I want to write regex that are more specific and that are different for the two examples given near the top.
turns out my message is present in the tokenized form instead of the raw form, and : is one of the default delimiters of the tokenizer, in elastic. And as a reason, I can't use regexp query on the whole message because it matches it with each token individually.

Multiple conditions in mongo regex query

I want to match all documents where Url field in db contains both should and match, in any order.
In example, those should match:
But not
I tried several regex, but no match. I.e:
Returns no matches.
Appreciate any help.
Best Regards
Set the beginning boundaries of those words in your regex with \b as you have set the ending boundaries
db.mycollection.find( { "Url": /^(?=.*\bshould\b)(?=.*\bmatch\b).*$/ } )
On collection of documents
{ "Url" : "" }
{ "Url" : "" }
{ "Url" : "" }
it returns
{ "Url" : "" }
{ "Url" : "" }

Mongodb distinct query with contains query

I have a mongo collection User which contains data like:-
id : 1,
name : "gaurav",
skills : "C++ HTML CSS"
when I am searching for all users that have C++ skill in it with the following query I am getting correct results as expected
But when I am searching all the unique names from the user using the same condition I m not getting any desired result
Can anyone help me with what I am doing wrong?
The "contains" is not a valid keyword for MongoDB queries. You need $regex which submits a general "regular expression" statement matching the pcre specifications:
db.user.distinct( "name", { "skills": { "$regex": "C\+\+" } })
If using JavaScript as you language then this is also safe:
db.user.distinct( "name", { "skills": /C\+\+/ })
To determine if the string "C++" occurred somewhere within the string value of the field being tested. The + character is reserved in "regex" operations and therefore you need to escape it with a \ char as the standard escaping mechanism.
On your data this is the result:
db.user.distinct( "name", { "skills": { "$regex": "C\+\+" } })
[ "gaurav" ]
Try to use REGEX like below query

how to use nin and regex in mongoDB

How to use nin and regex in mongoDB?
I want to find document using nin and regex
but nin does not work!
{ "$and" : [
{ "id" : { "$nin" : [ "529653cb5bc5b0e42d339bd3" , "529653cb5bc5b0e498339bd3"]}} ,
{ "content" : { "$regex" : "(?i)apple" , "$options" : "i"} }
] }
Should I using mongo subquery?
Your problem could be multiple things depending upon the error you're getting.
But a quick examination of your query suggests it could be your use of the "id" field. The primary key field in all documents is "_id". Your query uses the field "id" but you're probably trying to query the field "_id".