I was trying to get information on how DynamoDB resolves sorting order for global secondary index when two items' hash key - range key values are the same. Does it refer to the original table's sort key?
Thank you.
The order appears to be undefined.
In a DynamoDB table, each key value must be unique. However, the key values in a global secondary index do not need to be unique.
Only the items with the specified key values appear in the response; within that set of data, the items are in no particular order.
Can I overwrite an entry in a DynamoDB index be it global or local?
I do not want duplicate entries, but want DynamoDB to overwrite if an entry with same pk+sk exist in the index.
That's not how it works. Local and Global Secondary Indexes explicitly make no guarantees about uniqueness.
From the docs for Local Secondary Indexes:
In a DynamoDB table, the combined partition key value and sort key value for each item must be unique. However, in a local secondary index, the sort key value does not need to be unique for a given partition key value.
— docs
From the docs for Global Secondary Indexes:
In a DynamoDB table, each key value must be unique. However, the key values in a global secondary index do not need to be unique.
— docs
Only the base table enforces uniqueness for the primary key - it's nothing that can be enforced by the system for LSIs or GSIs. If you need uniqueness there, you have to design your app and data model to ensure collisions can't happen.
Given that you don't (and can't) write to a GSI/LSI explicitly...
You'll need to ensure that you're updating the appropriate table record whose attributes used for LSI/GSI are changing..
In other words, for there to be only a single record in the GSI/LSI there can be only a single record in the with attribute values used in the GSI/LSI
I have trouble understanding the meaning of the ProjectionType property in DynamoDb's GlobalSecondaryIndex configuration.
For example, if I set it to key, will I only be able to retrieve the key values when querying the table based on the secondary index? Why would that be the case, in my understanding an index would reference a certain row in the database table (from a technical point of view), thus by querying on the index it should be easily possible to retrieve the full datapoint of the index?
What am I missing here?
From what's stated here:
Every secondary index is associated with exactly one table, from which it obtains its data. This is called the base table for the index. When you create an index, you define an alternate key for the index (partition key and sort key). You also define the attributes that you want to be projected, or copied, from the base table into the index. DynamoDB copies these attributes into the index, along with the primary key attributes from the base table. You can then query or scan the index just as you would query or scan a table.
It seems that indexes in DynamoDB are not just pointers / references to items, but a stand-alone self-sufficient storage holding the projected attributes. If it is so, it seems reasonable that when querying the index you are limited to the attributes stored in it.
I know BatchGetItems allows for retrieval of multiple hash keys. To save on the read capacity, I like to know if Query provide same functionality via some "IN" keyword I can use? ie, all primary keys will be inserted into an array for Query to search "IN" in the array.
Query doesn't provide what you want. As per the documentation here:
KeyConditionExpression: The condition must perform an equality test on a single partition key value. The condition can also perform one of several comparison tests on a single sort key value. Query can use KeyConditionExpression to retrieve one item with a given partition key value and sort key value, or several items that have the same partition key value but different sort key values.
BatchGetItem is the only option that you have.
Is it possible to Query a DynamoDB table using both the hash & range key AND a local secondary index?
I have three attributes I want to compare against in my query. Two are the main hash and range keys and the third is the range key of the local secondary index.
No, but that shouldn't be necessary based on your description of what you are trying to accomplish.
If you are trying to access an object based on the hash and range key (of the main table) as well as an additional attribute, selecting on only the hash and range of the main table (which is required to return a single record by definition) will return that record.
If your concern is that the third attribute may be a value that you want to ignore the entire record you can use a query filter to have that item filtered out by DynamoDB or you can use logic in your application to ignore that object.
I thought this would be easy but I can't figure it out.
I have a DynamoDB table where all the items have the same attributes. One of the attributes is a numeric one named ytd. I simply want the first 5 items sorted by ytd.
you cant do it in a simple way.
dynamo db return ordered results of the same hash key
so if your hash key here is X, and range key will be 'ytd', then in order to get 'ytd' ordered items then X should be the same.
i dont know your exactly flow, but if you are not query X (you just need to get ordered 'ytd' no matter for X), then you can add a global secondary partition with hash key=partition, range key=ytd as described here:
How to choose a partition key in DynamoDB for a chat app