What is difference between REPLICA and DAEMON service type in Amazon EC2 Container Service? - amazon-web-services

When I created service in Amazon EC2 Container Service, there were 2 options for service type: REPLICA and DAEMON.
What is the exact difference between them?
Replica services place and maintain a desired number of tasks across
your cluster. Daemon services place and maintain one copy of your task
for each container instance

Your ECS cluster most likely exists out of multiple EC2 instances (= Container instances).
According to the AWS documentation
Replica: The replica scheduling strategy places and maintains the desired number of tasks across your cluster. By default, the service
scheduler spreads tasks across Availability Zones. You can use task
placement strategies and constraints to customize task placement
Daemon: The daemon scheduling strategy deploys exactly one task on each active container instance that meets all of the task placement
constraints that you specify in your cluster. When using this
strategy, there is no need to specify a desired number of tasks, a
task placement strategy, or use Service Auto Scaling policies.
This means that, if you have an ECS cluster with three EC2 instances and you want to launch a new service with four tasks, the following will happen:
Replica: Your four tasks will start randomly distributed over your container instances. This can be all four on one instance or any other random distribution. This is the use case for normal micro services.
Daemon: For a daemon you do not specify how many tasks you want to run. A daemon service automatically scales depending on the amount of EC2 instances you have. In this case, three. A daemon task is a pattern used when building microservices where a task is deployed onto each instance in a cluster to provide common supporting functionality like logging, monitoring, or backups for the tasks running your application code.


How are users on an application running in a container split over the ec2 instances?

So I want to launch a web application, and run it on containers in AWS.
I want to give users access to the tool through a log in page.
I don't understand how AWS manages the relationship of containers and the instances backing them.
My main questions are -
Will multiple containers run on a single ec2 instance?
If the compute power required by a container exceeds the processing power of a single instance, and I have auto-scaling enabled, will it launch multiple instances to support a single container? or will I need to go in and upgrade my ec2 instance type?
Finally, when users log in to the app, will AWS deploy a new container for each user, and subsequently a new instance to run on? or can one container support multiple users?
Also a link to a page where I can find this information would be tremendously helpful.
I will try to answer your questions, but how #Ermiya Eskandary said, the documentation will answer all the questions about container in AWS.
Yes, if your have for example a 2gb memory and 1vcpu ec2 instance and your container need a 500mb memory and 0,25vcpu, you can run a lot of containers inside EC2. You can set the task placement group to tell AWS how to handle container into EC2: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task-placement.html
No, if your container size exceeds your ec2 instance, is impossible to share the resources of multiple ec2 to hold on one single container. If you are using ecs core (ec2 mode), the ec2 size always need to be bigger than the container.
No, you will use one container to attend multiple clients, if you are running out resources, your ASG will increase number of tasks running, using the rule that i said in the first point.
To finish, based on my experience, if your use case don't need to work with cores of machine, using a custom AMI or any other thing in the infrastructure level (linux/windows), i would use ec2 fargate.
Fargate have less operational overhead, since you need to orchestrate auto scalling group both in ec2 and in your tasks using ecs with ec2.

Can AWS lambda to run ECR containers on specific instance types

From AWS lambda, is it possible to specify the ECS instance types on which the ECR images run without creating clusters?
If a cluster is needed is it possible to have a 0 instance initial cluster (don't want an idle ec2 instance running).
Basically want to run a container on demand on a specific ec2 instance with lambda on demand, if possible.
If you just want to run your container and your container does not actually need the more refined features that ECS-EC2 deployment allow, you should go for ECS-Fargate which remove your concern of managing and paying for idling EC2 instances.
Fargate removes the need to provision and manage servers, lets you specify and pay for resources per application, and improves security through application isolation by design.
AWS also announced another service that promises to further abstract the configuration needs that is App Runner
And Lambda for sure, can trigger "the work that you want to run on your container", there should be numerous way that Lambda can send the signal for your container to start the work

Is it possible to make sure three of my docker instances run on different EC2 of ECS?

For example, I need to deploy three docker instances to my ECS, which has three EC2. Is it possible to deploy these three docker instances to different EC2 machines?
I'm thinking deploy a kafka cluster, broker1, broker2, broker3 and zookeeper1, zookeeper2, zookeeper3 to three EC2 respectively.
If you have BrokerService, ZooKeeperService then the tasks will be balanced across availability zones by the spread placement strategy already so this should occur, but it is true that if their wasn't sufficient capacity you might not get the ideal placement.
Fargate Compute
There are a couple of ways to force. The easiest I can think of is if Fargate was an option. This will ensure the highest level of high availability, but then you are forced to use Fargate, instead of ec2, which might breach your requirements, as you may for example need block storage which you don't get from Fargate. It could cost or save you money depending on if it would save you needing to deploy new ec2 instances, but you may have reserved instances which you want to use so it depends.
Service Per AZ
Otherwise you could create a service for each AZ. Each service will have a PlacementConstraints using the Cluster query language to define which zone it should reside in:
"PlacementConstraints": [{
"Type": "memberOf",
"Expression": "attribute:ecs.availability-zone != us-east-1a"
You would use us-east-1{a-c} for each service.
Creating different clusters having different instances in each AZ would also achieve this.
Look into daemon services.
ECS offers 2 service types - replica and daemon.
Replica spreads tasks across availability zones and will place multiple tasks (Docker containers) on the same EC2 host to balance according to the placement strategy.
Daemon places one task per service per EC2 container host to fulfill your expectation.
PS: Daemon services don't work with Fargate. Doesn't look like you are using Fargate anyway.
You can use the distinctInstance placement constraint to place a service's replica tasks on different instances.

Launch and shutting down instances suited for AWS ECS or Kubernetes?

I am trying to create a certain kind of networking infrastructure, and have been looking at Amazon ECS and Kubernetes. However I am not quite sure if these systems do what I am actually seeking, or if I am contorting them to something else. If I could describe my task at hand, could someone please verify if Amazon ECS or Kubernetes actually will aid me in this effort, and this is the right way to think about it?
What I am trying to do is on-demand single-task processing on an AWS instance. What I mean by this is, I have a resource heavy application which I want to run in the cloud and have process a chunk of data submitted by a user. I want to submit a this data to be processed on the application, have an EC2 instance spin up, process the data, upload the results to S3, and then shutdown the EC2 instance.
I have already put together a functioning solution for this using Simple Queue Service, EC2 and Lambda. But I am wondering would ECS or Kubernetes make this simpler? I have been going through the ECS documenation and it seems like it is not very concerned with starting up and shutting down instances. It seems like it wants to have an instance that is constantly running, then docker images are fed to it as task to run. Can Amazon ECS be configured so if there are no task running it automatically shuts down all instances?
Also I am not understanding how exactly I would submit a specific chunk of data to be processed. It seems like "Tasks" as defined in Amazon ECS really correspond to a single Docker container, not so much what kind of data that Docker container will process. Is that correct? So would I still need to feed the data-to-be-processed into the instances via simple queue service, or other? Then use Lambda to poll those queues to see if they should submit tasks to ECS?
This is my naive understanding of this right now, if anyone could help me understand the things I've described better, or point me to better ways of thinking about this it would be appreciated.
This is a complex subject and many details for a good answer depend on the exact requirements of your domain / system. So the following information is based on the very high level description you gave.
A lot of the features of ECS, kubernetes etc. are geared towards allowing a distributed application that acts as a single service and is horizontally scalable, upgradeable and maintanable. This means it helps with unifying service interfacing, load balancing, service reliability, zero-downtime-maintenance, scaling the number of worker nodes up/down based on demand (or other metrics), etc.
The following describes a high level idea for a solution for your use case with kubernetes (which is a bit more versatile than AWS ECS).
So for your use case you could set up a kubernetes cluster that runs a distributed event queue, for example an Apache Pulsar cluster, as well as an application cluster that is being sent queue events for processing. Your application cluster size could scale automatically with the number of unprocessed events in the queue (custom pod autoscaler). The cluster infrastructure would be configured to scale automatically based on the number of scheduled pods (pods reserve capacity on the infrastructure).
You would have to make sure your application can run in a stateless form in a container.
The main benefit I see over your current solution would be cloud provider independence as well as some general benefits from running a containerized system: 1. not having to worry about the exact setup of your EC2-Instances in terms of operating system dependencies of your workload. 2. being able to address the processing application as a single service. 3. Potentially increased reliability, for example in case of errors.
Regarding your exact questions:
Can Amazon ECS be configured so if there are no task running it
automatically shuts down all instances?
The keyword here is autoscaling. Note that there are two levels of scaling: 1. Infrastructure scaling (number of EC2 instances) and application service scaling (number of application containers/tasks deployed). ECS infrastructure scaling works based on EC2 autoscaling groups. For more info see this link . For application service scaling and serverless ECS (Fargate) see this link.
Also I am not understanding how exactly I would submit a specific
chunk of data to be processed. It seems like "Tasks" as defined in
Amazon ECS really correspond to a single Docker container, not so much
what kind of data that Docker container will process. Is that correct?
A "Task Definition" in ECS is describing how one or multiple docker containers can be deployed for a purpose and what its environment / limits should be. A task is a single instance that is run in a "Service" which itself can deploy a single or multiple tasks. Similar concepts are Pod and Service/Deployment in kubernetes.
So would I still need to feed the data-to-be-processed into the
instances via simple queue service, or other? Then use Lambda to poll
those queues to see if they should submit tasks to ECS?
A queue is always helpful in decoupling the service requests from processing and to make sure you don't lose requests. It is not required if your application service cluster can offer a service interface and process incoming requests directly in a reliable fashion. But if your application cluster has to scale up/down frequently that may impact its ability to reliably process.

What is the difference between a task and a service in AWS ECS?

It appears that one can either run a Task or a Service based on a Task Definition. What are the differences and similarities between Task and Service? Is there a clue in the fact that one can specify "Task Group" when creating Task but not Service? Are Task and Service hierarchically equal instantiations of Task Definition, or is Service composed of Tasks?
A Task Definition is a collection of 1 or more container configurations. Some Tasks may need only one container, while other Tasks may need 2 or more potentially linked containers running concurrently. The Task definition allows you to specify which Docker image to use, which ports to expose, how much CPU and memory to allot, how to collect logs, and define environment variables.
A Task is created when you run a Task directly, which launches container(s) (defined in the task definition) until they are stopped or exit on their own, at which point they are not replaced automatically. Running Tasks directly is ideal for short-running jobs, perhaps as an example of things that were accomplished via CRON.
A Service is used to guarantee that you always have some number of Tasks running at all times. If a Task's container exits due to an error, or the underlying EC2 instance fails and is replaced, the ECS Service will replace the failed Task. This is why we create Clusters so that the Service has plenty of resources in terms of CPU, Memory and Network ports to use. To us it doesn't really matter which instance Tasks run on so long as they run. A Service configuration references a Task definition. A Service is responsible for creating Tasks.
Services are typically used for long-running applications like web servers. For example, if I deployed my website powered by Node.JS in Oregon (us-west-2) I would want say at least three Tasks running across the three Availability Zones (AZ) for the sake of High-Availability; if one fails I have another two and the failed one will be replaced (read that as self-healing!). Creating a Service is the way to do this. If I had 6 EC2 instances in my cluster, 2 per AZ, the Service will automatically balance Tasks across zones as best it can while also considering CPU, memory, and network resources.
I'm not sure it helps to think of these things hierarchically.
Another very important point is that a Service can be configured to use a load balancer, so that as it creates the Tasks—that is it launches containers defined in the Task Definition—the Service will automatically register the container's EC2 instance with the load balancer. Tasks cannot be configured to use a load balancer, only Services can.
Beautifully explained in words by #talentedmrjones. Picture below will help you visualize it easily :)
Task Definition:
This is the blueprint describing which Docker containers to run and represents your application. It includes several tasks.
An instance of Task Definition. It also defines the minimum and maximum Tasks from one Task Definition run at any given time, autoscaling, and load balancing.
ECS Container Instances:
This is an EC2 instance that has Docker and an ECS Container Agent running on it. The Agent takes care of the communication between ECS and the instance, providing the status of running containers and managing running new ones.
Task Definition: (It is a configuration)
A task definition is a blueprint for your application and describes one or more containers through attributes. Some attributes are configured at the task level, but the majority of attributes are configured per container.
You are defining your containers and how to launch them via Task definitions. You describe how containers should be provisioned (link to ECR’s saved container images, CPU units, Memory, Container ports to expose, network type).
Task definitions specify the container information for your application (web), such as how many containers are part of your task, what resources they will use, how they interact with each other and which host port they will use. It can be of Fargate and EC2 type.