MobileFirst Adapters and Unit Test - unit-testing

IBM MobileFirst offers out of the box the possibility to invoke REST Services by server components written in plain Javascript, so called 'Adapters'. Since my app contains a lot of business logic inside them, I need to test it by Unit Test.
Could somebody suggest me a good framework how to create Unit Testing for 'server side' Javascript ?

You can write your own tests as mentioned in this post : .
Alternatively swagger UI and Postman can also be used as mentioned here :


Service or container that can Mock the Google Drive API?

I write a lot of apps that end up integrating with Google Drive for one reason or another. It's such a useful cloud based storage utility that it's got integrations all over the place.
So many of my integration tests are needing to call the actual Google API. Such a waste.
You can use Mockito to mock it, but that's a ton of work. And it's only for unit testing that has stubbed out mocks.
Has anyone made a mock HTTP web service that can mock the Google drive api?
I was hoping to find someone who created a Docker container that fires up a mock Google drive api that you can point the Google-drive-sdk to and have it work from a linux filesystem backend.
S3 has this. Example:
I'm pretty sure no such docker container exists. Is there there anything in the makes at Google? Thanks for your time!
Here's what I have found:
Please try checking HTTP Unit Testing. As mentioned in the documentation:
When writing unit tests using this HTTP framework, don't make requests to a real server. Instead, mock the HTTP transport and inject fake HTTP requests and responses. The pluggable HTTP transport layer of the Google HTTP Client Library for Java makes this flexible and simple to do.
Also, some useful testing utilities are included in the package (#Beta).
For Android:
If you're using Android Studio, the location of your test code depends on the type of test you are writing. Android Studio provides source code directories (source sets).
Local unit tests
Located at module-name/src/test/java/.
These are tests that run on your machine's local Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Use these tests to minimize execution time when your tests have no Android framework dependencies or when you can mock the Android framework dependencies.
At runtime, these tests are executed against a modified version of android.jar where all final modifiers have been stripped off. This lets you use popular mocking libraries, like Mockito.
You may want check this SO post and see if it helps.
For Python:
You may try Mocks.
The use of Mock objects is a standard testing methodology for Python and other object-oriented languages. This library defines Mock classes that simulate responses to API calls. You can use them to test how your code handles basic interactions with Google APIs.
You can use the HttpMock class which simulates the response to a single HTTP request.
Hope that helps!
For python, if you are brave, you could use vcrpy as gcsfs does. It records all requests and responses over HTTP into YAML files, which you can then test against, with complex matching (so that, for instance, etags and timestamps don't matter) and replacement rules (so that secure data isn't leaked into version control).

How to write unit tests for server side Meteor code?

I have some server side code -- meteor methods and simple backend helpers -- that I would like to test. I've read the documentation testing with Meteor, but I am having a hard time connecting the documentation to my very simple use case. Can someone share with me how they've tested a meteor method or a simple backend JS function?
For instance, let's say you have some server method in, some_methods.js
function someHelper() {
// does lots of cool stuff
'user/update' (userProperties) {
// updating some user properties
We have developed unit and integration tests for our open source application called RadGrad (
For details on how we do unit and integration testing, please see:
Here is an example of a unit (server-side only) test:
And here is an example of an integration (client + server) test:
We do not have extensive UI tests; you'll need to use something like Selenium for that. UI testing in Meteor is no different from UI testing for any other web app.

BDD when testing a web service / API

I am still trying to totally understand BDD and I am facing some doubts.
From my little experience, I have been using it to automate user acceptance test and I would like to know if it's possible to use it to test a web API, without UI.
In the past I've used BDD using the given-when-then jargon and mapping the steps to UI interactions. I've done this with Specflow in ASP.NET or cucumber/capybara in ruby on rails.
So for example we could have scenarios like this:
Given I am in the home page
When I click login button
Then I should see the login page
The current project I am working at is different. We are implementing an API based in web service which would be consumed by different type of clients. Like an iphone app, android app and an asp based web client. So our main focus is based in the back-end and just that.
In this case, the tests can't be faced from the UI point of view. So our end-to-end tests are based in our service endpoints. We pass some input arguments to a service calls and check the outputs.
Can we do this using BDD? Is this right?
or maybe it would be better to use a different thing like FitNesse?
Hmm.. is using FitNesse doing BDD?
I think you can do what your writing about in BDD. I'm not sure if those 2 links about testing of webservices with SpecFlow will help you but take a look on them if you haven't seen it yet.
Have a look at Karate, web service testing framework by Intuit. It's recently being open sourced. It has the capability of handling API dealing with HTML, JSON, XML, GraphQL queries and is built on top on cucumber.
Simple intro here :

How to unit test my Google OpenID consumer app?

My web app is a Google OpenID consumer (with Attribute Exchange and OAuth Extension) and I need to write some unit test for it [edit: to test the unit that is responsible to interact with google].
The problem is that default OpenID login procedure needs user interaction (entering user/pass) which is not possible in unit test.
Do you have any idea how can I solve this problem and unit test my OpenID consumer app?
(I prefer not to run my own OpenID provider.)
You need to use a remote controlled browser for this. Selenium was made for this use case.
(indeed they are called functional tests then).
Search on Google for the best way to integrate selenium tests into your web framework.
If I understand you want to test your all application and not just "unit test" it.
The actual test framework depends on the technology your application is using. For example there are many UI and web automation tools that can do what you want.
You should also unit test your core functionality or at least write several integration tests that work against an actual Openid provider but instead of running the entire application just test the functionality of the class (if you're using language that has classes) to make sure it can get the b.
I would also write a couple of unit tests that call a fake provider to test how your code behaves in case of error, connection problems and plain vanilla responses.

Test framework for web services

We have a monolithic application written in Visual Dataflex, and various complementing applications written in other (.NET) languages. They all share the same database, and need to follow the same business logic. One way to facilitate unified business logic across these is to provide web services as an interface for testing.
Of course, for this to work, we need a good framework for testing web services. Any suggestions? For example, can Cucumber do this "out of the box"?
I'm assuming you're talking about Soap web services. You can use Soap4R to talk to a Soap web service. Wrapping this all up in Cucumber scenarios should work fine.
SoapUI is a pretty nice product for creating webservice tests, and they're easily callable via junit or just via the command line. It's also got some stuff for creating load tests as well.
They've got an opensource version as well as a professional version.