How to erase a certain element from a shared_ptr to a vector of objects? - c++

I have created a member variable (in the class Group) that is a shared_ptr to a vector (called members that stores objects of type User (a different class). Here is the member variable definition (empty):
std::shared_ptr <std::vector<User>> members = std::make_shared<std::vector<User>>();
To eliminate a certain User object from the vector (members), I created a member function (remove) inside the class Group. It checks all the User objects inside the vector and, when encounters the one with the a.URI value that is looking for, it erases the object at that location in the vector.
void Group::remove(User a) {
for (auto i = 0; i < members->size(); i++){
if (a.URI == (*(members->begin()+i)).URI) members->erase(*(members->begin() + i));
That is my remove function by now, but it doesn't work. I have checked different configurations but can`t make it work. Is there a problem with my function? How should this function be implemented (special rules for shared_ptr?)? Is there a better/optimal way?
I think no more code is needed here to solve my question. However, for those who want a MCV example, I tried to write one here (Ideone).

Firstly, std::vector::erase expects an iterator as its argument, so change
members->erase(*(members->begin() + i))
members->erase(members->begin() + i)
Secondly, after the element being erased, when i++ is evaluated, you will skip the next element or get out of the bound of the vector. You might change the loop to
for (auto i = 0; i < members->size(); ) {
if (a.URI == (*(members->begin()+i)).URI)
members->erase(members->begin() + i);

Why don't you declare the vector members as static member of the group class. I did it like this:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
class User{
int URI;
User(int a){
URI = a;
class Group {
static vector<User> members;
void remove(User a) {
for (int i = 0; i < members.size();){
if (a.URI == (*(members.begin()+i)).URI) members.erase((members.begin() + i));
Group(User a, User b, User c){
vector<User> Group::members;
int main() {
User a(1), b(2), c(3);
Group obj(a, b, c);
return 0;
Hope it helps.


Pointer to Element in Vector

I am farily new to c++ and have already read some topics about storing pointers to objects or the objects themselves in a vector.
I decided to store the objects in the vector, because I do not push_back many objects at runtime, the vector is just created once and leaved like this.
My problem now is, that I have another object that gets a vector as argument and searches for a certain object in the passed vector. If it finds this object, it stores a pointer to it, if not, the variable is set to NULL.
Eventhough I do not push_back any items, the pointer seems to point to a wrong location in other functions.
The object that searches for the element in the vector has a public function in which the pointer should be returned. It would be very slow if I search for the object at every function call, so this should not be an option.
Are there other solutions or do I have to switch to a vector of pointers?
Some code snippets:
Constructor of the object that searches the vector:
MySearch::MySearch(QVector<Obj> objVector)
:objVector(objVector) {
found = NULL
foreach(Obj o, this->objVector) {
if(..found..) {
found = &o;
Getter function:
Obj* MySearch::getObject() {
return found;
The problem is because the variable o is local and will be out of scope as soon as the loop ends. If you take the address of the vector element instead of the o, it will works.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class MySearch
MySearch(const vector<string> &items)
: items_(items)
// Skipping validation
found_ = &(items_[5]);
string *getObject() {return found_;}
vector<string> items_;
string *found_;
int main()
string str = "test#";
vector<string> aux;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
aux.push_back(str + (char)('0' + i)); // test#0 ... test#9
MySearch ms(aux);
cout << *(ms.getObject()) << endl; // test#5
return 0;
foreach(Obj o, this->objVector) {
if(..found..) {
found = &o;
} // life time of o ends here.
o resides on stack and it's life-time is limited to the loop only. Having reference to it and later returning causes undefined behavior.
If you were to use BOOST_FOREACH (from the boost C++ libraries), then you could use a non-const reference to the objects in the vector. Q_FOREACH does not support non-const references:
BOOST_FOREACH(Obj& o, this->objVector) {
if(..found..) {
found = &o;
Alternatively use iterators and a for loop.

A struct is not updating one of its member variables in c++

I have a struct Creature and a struct Game. Game is a "friend" of Creature.
In game I have
vector creatures;
and I add a creature x to that vector thourgh a function called addC
void addc (Creature& c){
Now I'm in another function "foo" that is a public method of the struct Game.
void foo (Creature& c){
In that function I need to find another creature from the vector creatures that
matches some information from Creature c.
So I made another public method in Game called fooHelper
void fooHelper (char s, int x, int y){
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < creatures.size() && (!found); ++i){
Creature& c = creatures[i];
if (x == c.x && y == c.y){
c.s = s;
found = true;
however when I check if the second creature's "s" member is being updated, it turns out that
it is not! I don't understand what I'm doing wrong since I'm pushing by references to the vector.
and I'm getting the creature by reference from the vector.
the vector in game looks like this
struct Game{
vector<Creature> creatures;
struct Creature{
char s;
int x; int y;
any help would be much appreciated!
This statement:
Stores a copy of c into your vector: standard containers have value semantics. If you need reference semantics, you should store pointers into your vector.
Usually it is a good idea to use smart pointers, and which one to use depends on the ownership policy of your application. In this case, based on the information I could get from your question's text, it seems reasonable to let Game be the unique owner of all Creatures in the game (and therefore the only object which is responsible for the lifetime of the owned Creatures, and in particular for destroying them when they won't be needed anymore), so std::unique_ptr should be a good choice:
#include <memory> // For std::unique_ptr
struct Game{
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Creature>> creatures;
Your member function addc() would then become:
void addc(std::unique_ptr<Creature> c)
And a client would invoke it this way:
Game g;
// ...
std::unique_ptr<Creature> c(new Creature());
Your foohelper() function, on the other hand, would be rewritten into something like this:
void fooHelper (char s, int x, int y) {
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < creatures.size() && (!found); ++i){
std::unique_ptr<Creature>& c = creatures[i];
if (x == c->x && y == c->y) {
c->s = s;
found = true;
Finally, your class Game could return non-owning raw pointers (or references) to clients requiring access to the stored creatures.
When you push your creature reference into the vector, it's making a copy. It's a vector of type "Creature", and so it's making a copy from the reference that you give it. One solution would be to keep a vector of creature pointers.
edit - this question helps explain things a little better than I was able to on why you can't have a vector of references: Why can't I make a vector of references?

How can I access a class's member function via an array of pointers?

I have a pretty standard class with some public member functions and private variables.
My problem originally stems from not being able to dynamically name object instances of my class so I created an array of pointers of the class type:
static CShape* shapeDB[dbSize];
I have some prompts to get info for the fields to be passed to the constructor (this seems to work):
shapeDB[CShape::openSlot] = new CShape(iParam1,sParam1,sParam2);
openSlot increments properly so if I were to create another CShape object, it would have the next pointer pointing to it. This next bit of code doesn't work and crashes consistently:
cout << shapeDB[2]->getName() << " has a surface area of: " << shapeDB[2]->getSA() << shapeDB[2]->getUnits() << endl;
The array of pointers is declared globally outside of main and the get() functions are public within the class returning strings or integers. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but something relating to the pointer set up I'm sure. I'm writing this code to try and learn more about classes/pointers and have gotten seriously stumped as I can't find anyone else trying to do this.
I'm also curious as to what the CShape new instances get named..? if there is any other way to dynamically create object instances and track the names so as to be able to access them for member functions, I'm all ears.
I've tried all sorts of permutations of pointer referencing/de-referencing but most are unable to compile. I can post larger chunks or all of the code if anyone thinks that will help.
class CShape {
int dim[maxFaces];
int faces;
string units;
string type;
string name;
bool initialized;
int slot;
static int openSlot;
CShape(int, string, string); // faces, units, name
void initialize(void);
// external assist functions
int getA(void) {
return 0;
int getSA(void) {
int tempSA = 0;
// initialize if not
if(initialized == false) {
// if initialized, calculate SA
if(initialized == true) {
for(int i = 0; i < faces; i++)
tempSA += dim[i];
return 0;
string getUnits(void) {
string getName(void) {
// friend functions
friend int printDetails(string);
// constructor with values
CShape::CShape(int f, string u, string n) {
initialized = false;
faces = f;
units = u;
name = n;
slot = openSlot;
My guess is you use the CShape constructor to increment CShape::openSlot?
You're probably changing the value before it's read, thus the pointer is stored in a different location.
Try replacing openSlot with a fixed value to rule out this CShape::option.
-- code was added --
I'm pretty sure this is the problem, the constructor is executed before the asignment, which means the lhs. will be evaluated after CShape::openSlot is incremented.

C++ static object Class function

Some code:
Please see the class myClass below . it has a constructor and a public recursive function find. Please see code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class myClass{
myClass() {
//do stuff
int find(int i) {
static int j = 10;
if (i > 15)
return i;
j = j + 1;
return i * find(j + 1);
int main()
myClass mC1 ,mC2;
cout<< " 1.... return value = "<< mC1.find(10);
cout<< " \n 2... return value = "<< mC2.find(10);
return 1;
1.... return value = 5241600
2.... return value = 170
The above progemn has a class myclass having a function find .. "find" function has a variabe . This is static which is required as i wanted a recursive function . Problem is static varible has life of a program & binded to class .
However I want the static to be object specfic and not class scope . I wanted both the function calls to return me same value .
Simply put , how to make a static varable in a class function , to be per object and not for whole class...
Do you need a member variable?
Hope the following code helps.
Best regards
class myClass{
myClass() {
m_j = 10;
int m_j; // private member variable for find algorithm;
int find(int i) {
return i;
m_j= m_j+1;
return i * find(m_j+1);
If you want a per object variable you need to make it a member of the respective object. There is no way to declare a variable inside a function to be specific to objects. The way you use use static member could be changed to be non-static anyway, i.e., you would get the necessary context: Make the function non-static and store the data in the object as needed.
That said, just because a function is recursive doesn't mean that it needs any sort of static context. Normally, all the necessary context is passed to the recursive function as parameters in which case the system keeps the necessary state on the stack. Since the stack is relatively limited in size you want to make sure that you don't need too much context in recursive functions with deep call stack.
Since you probably don't want to require the user to pass in some internal context, the find() function in the the interface would probably just delegate to the recursive function providing the necessary context. For example:
int find(int j, int i) {
if (15 < i) {
return i;
return i * find(j, j + 1);
int find(int value) {
return find(10, value);
(I'm not sure if I got the desired logic right because I didn't quite get what the function is meant to do...).

Problem passing a list of objects to another class, C++

Below I have written a sample program that I have written to learn about passing a list of objects to another class. I talk about the problems I am having below.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Integer_Class
int var;
Integer_Class(const int& varin) : var(varin) {}
int get_var() { return var; }
class Contains_List
typedef Integer_Class* Integer_Class_Star;
Integer_Class_Star list;
Contains_List(const Integer_Class_Star& listin) : list(listin) {}
Integer_Class* get_list() { return list; }
int main (int argc, char * const argv[])
// Create a vector to contain a list of integers.
vector<Integer_Class> list;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Integer_Class temp_int(i);
This is where the errors start occuring. Could someone please look at the second class definition and the code below and shed some light on what I'm doing wrong. Thank you so much, as always!
// Import this list as an object into another object.
Contains_List final(list);
// Output the elements of the list by accessing it through the secondary object.
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << final.get_list()[i].get_var();
return 0;
You don't mention what sort of errors you are getting, but one very obvious problem with your code is that the constructor for Contains_List expects a pointer to Integer_Class while the parameter you are sending it (list) is of type vector<Integer_Class>.
A vector is not the same as an array, so you cannot pass it as pointer to the type it contains. Either change your constructor to accept a vector or pointer/reference to vector, or change the code that is causing you problems so that it sends it a pointer to an array.
The 'Contains_List' constructor takes in an 'Integer_Class*'
You declare 'list' to be of type 'vector', yet you pass it to the the 'Contians_List' constructor. You should change the 'Contains_List' class so that it holds a vector instead of an Integer_List array. The two are not interchangeable.
You could also change the vector to be an array of Integer_List's instead, if you so wished.