Determining if calendar resource legacy data is a meeting room - google-admin-sdk

How can one determine for legacy data if a returned item is a meeting room?
The calendar resource documentation says that a resourceCategory will be set to "CATEGORY_UNKNOWN" for legacy data. This means the typical check of resourceCategory == "CONFERENCE_ROOM" to determine if a resource is a conference room will not work for legacy data.
One thing I've noticed in my own organization is that resourceType == "Conference room" for legacy data.
Is the resourceType a reliable source to determine if a resource is a room? In other words, is the "Conference room" I'm seeing in the resourceType field a choice Google provides, or is it customizable by the user?
If resourceType isn't the right field to look at, is there another way to reliably determine if legacy data is in fact a meeting room?


How do you give negative feedback to amazon personalize? i.e. tell personalize that a user doesn't really like a certain item?

I did the amazon personalize deep dive series on youtube. At the timestamp 8:33 in the video, it was mentioned that 'Personalize does not understand negative feedback.' and that any interaction you submit is assumed to be a positive one.
But I think that giving negative feedback could improve the recommendations that we give on a whole. Personalize knowing that a user does not like a given item 'A' would help ensure that it does not recommend items similar to 'A' in the future.
Is there any way in which we can give negative feedback(ex. user doesn't like items x,y,z) to amazon personalize?
A possible way to give negative feedback that I thought of:
Let's say users can give ratings out of 5 for movies. Every time a user gives a rating >= 3 in the interactions dataset, we add an additional interaction in the dataset (i.e we have two interactions saying that a user rated a movie >=3 in the interactions.csv instead of just one). However, if he gives a rating <=2 (meaning he probably doesn't like the movie), we just keep the single interaction of that in the interactions dataset (i.e. we only have one interaction saying that a user rated a movie <=2 in the interactions.csv file)
Would this in any way help to convey to personalize that ratings <=2
are not as important/that the user did not like them?
Negative feedback, where the user explicitly indicates that they dislike an item, is currently not supported as training input for Amazon Personalize. Furthermore, there is currently no way to add weight/reward to specific interactions by event type or event value (see this answer for details).
With that said, you can use impressions with your interactions to indicate items that were seen by the user but that they chose not to interact with. Impressions are only supported by the User-Personalization recipe. From the docs:
Unlike other recipes, which solely use positive interactions (clicking, watching, or purchasing), the User-Personalization recipe can also use impressions data. Impressions are lists of items that were visible to a user when they interacted with (clicked, watched, purchased, and so on) a particular item.
Using this information, a solution created with the User-Personalization recipe can calculate the suitability of new items based on how frequently an item has been ignored, and change recommendations accordingly. For more information see Impressions data.
Impressions are not the same as an explicitly negative interaction but they do imply that the impressed items were considered less relevant/important to the user than the item that they chose to interact with.
Another approach that can be used to consider negative interactions when making recommendations is to have two event types: one event type for positive intent (e.g., "like", "watch", or "purchase") and one event type for dislike (e.g., "dislike"). Then create a Personalize solution that only trains on the positive event type. Finally, at inference time, use a Personalize filter to exclude items that the user has recently disliked.
EXCLUDE ItemID WHERE Interactions.EVENT_TYPE IN ("dislike")
In this case, Personalize is still training only on positive interactions but with the filter you won't recommend items that the user disliked.

Should I really use one DynamoDB table for all data?

The DynamoDB best practice documentation has this line:
You should maintain as few tables as possible in a DynamoDB application. Most well designed applications require only one table.
It's the last line that confuses me the most.
Take an example photo storage application. Does this mean that I should store user accounts (account ID, password, email) and photos (owner ID, photo location, metadata) in the same table?
If so I assume the primary key should be the account/owner ID, and the sort key would be the type of object it is (e.g. account or photo).
Should I be using one table like this instead of two tables (one for accounts, one for photos)?
It is generally recommended to use as few tables as possible, and very often a single table unless you have a really good reason to use more than one. Chances are you won't have a good reason to use more than one - except for old habits.
It seems counter-intuitive if you are coming from a traditional database background (like me), but it is in fact best practice.
The primary key could become a combination of the 'row'/object type and another value, stored in a single field, i.e. 'account#12345' for an account object with unique id of 12345 and 'photo#67890' for a photo object with your id of 67890 -
If you are looking up an account by your id number, you would query with the account prefix, and if you were looking for a photo, you would add the 'photo' prefix. this is a very simple example - your design may vary.
The video recommended in the first comment on your question is excellent - watch it at 0.75 speed or slower, and watch it a few times.
The short answer is yes. But the way it would be designed would be highly specific to how your application interacts with the database.
I highly recommend that anyone still confused with how to design DynamoDB/NoSQL tables watches this video from re:Invent.

Django custom creation manager logic for temporal database

I am trying to develop a Django application that has built-in logic around temporal states for objects. The desire is to be able to have a singular object representing a resource, while having attributes of that resource be able to change over time. For example, a desired use case is to query the owner of a resource at any given time (last year, yesterday, tomorrow, next year, ...).
Here is what I am working with...
class Resource(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
class ResourceState(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
# Link the resource this state is applied to
resource = models.ForeignKey(Resource, related_name='states', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
# Track when this state is ACTIVE on a resource
start_dt = models.DateTimeField()
end_dt = models.DateTimeField()
# Temporal fields, can change between ResourceStates
owner = models.CharField(max_length=100)
description = models.TextField(max_length=500)
I feel like I am going to have to create a custom interface to interact with this state. Some example use cases (interface is completely up in the air)...
# Get all of the states that were ever active on resource 1 (this is already possible)
# Get the owner of resource 1 from the state that was active yesterday, this is non-standard behavior
# Create a new state for resource 1, active between tomorrow and infinity (None == infinity)
# This is obviously non standard if I want to enforce one-state-per-timepoint
owner="New Owner",
description="New Description"
I feel the largest amount of custom logic will be required to do creates. I want to enforce that only one ResourceState can be active on a Resource for any given timepoint. This means that to create some ResourceState objects, I will need to adjust/remove others.
>> resource = Resource.objects.get(id=1)
>> resource.states.objects.all()
[ResourceState(start_dt=None, end_dt=None, owner='owner1')]
>> resource.states.create(start_dt=YESTERDAY, end_dt=TOMORROW, owner='owner2')
>> resource.states.objects.all()
ResourceState(start_dt=None, end_dt=YESTERDAY, owner='owner1'),
ResourceState(start_dt=YESTERDAY, end_dt=TOMORROW, owner='owner2'),
ResourceState(start_dt=TOMORROW, end_dt=None, owner='owner1')
I know I will have to do most of the legwork around defining the logic, but is there any intuitive place where I should put it? Does Django provide an easy place for me to create these methods? If so, where is the best place to apply them? Against the Resource object? Using a custom Manager to deal with interacting with related 'ResourceState' objects?
Re-reading the above it is a bit confusing, but this isnt a simple topic either!! Please let me know if anyone has any ideas for how to do something like the above!
Thanks a ton!
too long for a comment, and purely some thoughts, not a full answer, but having dealt with many date effective records in financial systems (not in Django) some things come to mind:
My gut would be to start by putting it on the save method of the resource model. You are probably right in needing a custom manager as well.
I'd probably also flirt with the idea of a is_current boolean field in the state model but certain care would need to be considered with future date effective state records. If there is only one active state at a time, I'd also examine the need for an enddate. Having both start and end definitely makes the raw sql queries (if ever needed) easier: date() between state.start and state.end <- this would give current record, sub in any date to get that date's effective record. Also, give some consideration to the open ended end date where you don't know the end date date. Your queries will have to handle the nulls properly. YOu probably also may need to consider the open ended start date (say for a load of historical data where the original start date is unknown). I'd suggest staying away from using some super early date as a fill in (same for date far in the future for unknown end dates) - If you end up with lots of transactions, your query optimizer may thank you, however, I may be old and this doesn't matter anymore.
If you like to read about this stuff, I'd recommend a look at 1.8 in and chapter 6:
"But before settling for one solution, we must acknowledge that
valuation tables come in all shapes and sizes. For instance, those of
telecom companies, which handle tremendous amounts of data, have a
relatively short price list that doesn't change very often. By
contrast, an investment bank stores new prices for all the securities,
derivatives, and any type of financial product it may be dealing with
almost continuously. A good solution in one case will not necessarily
be a good solution in another.
Handling data that both accumulates and changes requires very careful
design and tactics that vary according to the rate of change."

Corda Node vs Party Clarification

Newbie alert and just finished the Corda Bootcamp videos and a few exercises.
Something that's unclear to me is: From the minimalistic "standalone" examples, I see that that Node=Party=Single JVM Process.
Is this the way it has been designed? From going through examples, it appears to me that a Party is a person (who is identified by a certificate) and part of the network.
If we model a Party to be a Node, then how can this be dynamic (where persons could join the network at realtime)?
Also, is it crazy to model Party as a department in an organisation (like below)?
For an imaginary example:
PartyA = Human Resources Department
PartyB = IT Department
PartyC = Finance Department
PartyD = Executives
Each of these departments transact with each other (in terms of a Person's payroll record, Project financials etc).
You are correct that a single Party is a Node and thus is a Single JVM Process. Each party represents one node. Adding/Onboarding a node will require the process of requesting/signing with a doorman/CA.
You could represent departments by each party which in turn becomes a node on its own. Or you could let it be a single node and control the permissions of the departments at the app level.
There's something in the roadmap for a node to represent multiple parties but that's still far off in the future.

inventory system: transaction-based or store quantity, update with trigger?

How would you design the data model for an inventory management system in RDBMS?
Would you:
store each purchase & usage, and uses SUM() and GROUP BY to calculate the warehouse quantity on-the-fly?
same as 1, but consolidate the quantity daily, and use the value of the previous day?
quantity as an Int field, update through application layer?
same as 3, but make use of DB trigger?
Transaction-based inventory system seems to be superior in terms of level of details it captures, but it is harder to implement it correctly. Performance will degrade over time.
Quantity-based inventory system seems much easier, but might need extra lockings to make sure the Qty value is ++ or -- correct.
Which one would you choose?
I would most likely go the trigger route, and update the quantity as transactions are pushed into the database. This makes it really easy to see what the current quantity is without need of a bunch of subqueries and calculations.
If it's done in a trigger, then you can ensure that regardless of where the transaction comes from, the quantities in your stock tables will always be updated (whether there are transactions added via hard INSERTs or via the application).
If there are logging concerns, then wrap some logging into your trigger to track before/after quantities into a separate logging table.
A trigger might look like this (not tested):
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[OrderAdded]
ON [dbo].[Orders]
DELCARE #ProductID int; DECLARE #Qty int;
SET #ProductID = (SELECT ProductID FROM inserted);
SET #Qty = (SELECT Qty FROM inserted);
UPDATE StockTable
SET Stock = Stock - #Qty
WHERE ID = #ProductID
I don't see that there would be a performance issue to worry about so long as you've got your StockTable properly indexed for the ID and Stock field (I'm of course making all of this up given that you didn't provide any DB information).
You want transactional data if an audit trail is important. And, I've never seen a real system where it was't.
As far as performance is concerned I would:
capture a denormalized value on a periodic basis - hourly or daily for instance
move transactional records involved in this denormalization process to another table (i.e. from "current" to "warehouse").
Then totals would be a sum of this denormalized value and current transactions.
This approach also facilitates backups as the number of transactional records could exceed available disk space. So write out the warehouse to tape backup for instance.