Getting error using OData v4 Web API Scaffolding - visual-studio-2017

I am currently getting the following error
Error Message
When i try to scaffold a controller using OData v4 Web API Scaffolding.
I have a couple of work colleagues which it does work using visual studio 2017 even though it doesnt seem to be supported by vs 2017 . Any advice on the matter would be appreciated.

Officially Visual Studio 2017 is not in supported list of "OData v4 Web API Scaffolding" And Q&A section states that this package has a open bug for Visual Studio 2017.
But you can go for one of following work around:
Use this template in Visual Studio 2015 and then continue
Add "Microsoft.AspNet.OData" Package and add Controller
manually. You can use code generated from V3 (just few namespace
correction will be required).


Visual Studio 2017 is missing Xamarin (packages)

I'm quite desperately trying to make my Visual Studio working whit Xamarin.
I installed a complete new Visual Studio Community Edition with Mobile Development option.
Then I created a new Project as C# → Android-App (Xamarin).
When I open the solution it shows the following:
using System;
using Android.App;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Support.Design.Widget; // .Support not available (gray)
using Android.Support.V4.View; // .Support not available (gray)
using Android.Support.V4.Widget; // .Support not available (gray)
using Android.Support.V7.App; // .Support not available (gray)
using Android.Views;
It seems I'm the only one on earth who has this problem.
In the NuGet manager there are no Xamarin packages listed.
The Android Support Repository v47 is installed in the SDK Manager.
Please help me out.
Copied from the comment.
For some reason, your machine only enabled Visual Studio offline cache feed, which is impossible for VS to restore the necessary packages used in this project. You have to add feed, or set up your own internal NuGet server to host the mandate packages.

Is TFS 2013 compatible with Visual Studio 2017?

I am trying to connect to TFS 2013 with VS 2017 via c#. But I could not able to connect and I am getting WITdatastore32.dll is missing.
Can you someone please let me know is it possible to connect to TFS 2013 with VS 2017, if so, what are the steps to be followed?
You can try to install Team Explorer 2013 on your machine. After installation, you need to Browse... for the references here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\ReferenceAssemblies
Check the poster's answer in case Unable to load DLL 'Microsoft.WITDataStore32.dll' (TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking)
Based on the official documentation, the combination of TFS 2013 and Visual Studio 2017 can count on high level of support. Later in the same article, you'll find the description of that term. In particular:
If you are using newer versions of Visual Studio against older versions of Team Foundation Server, you can similarly expect most features to be supported.
However, you should still consider upgrading the TFS instance on a regular basis, since the distance between VS and TFS versions will increase if you only upgrade VS, and thus the level of support will decrease. Take a look at the first image in this article to understand the upgrade path you should take.

Visual Studio Live Testing - Start failed because TestPlatform V2 can not be located

No matter what I do, I can't seem to get live testing to start in Visual studio 2017 (15.3.5)
I get this error:
Start failed because TestPlatform V2 can not be located. Please try to modify your Visual Studio installation through Microsoft Visual Studio Installer, and make sure Testing tools core features is selected under Individual components -> Debugging and testing
[13:23:22.396 Info] For more information, see
I have installed the required component and it still won't run. Although the tests will run if I manually run them.
Any help is appreciated.
Hi i also had the similar problem. After checking Extentions and Updates in Vs 2017, the extention Dotnet Extention for test explorer disabled. After enabling this its worked

Does Visual Studio 2017 use the Language Server Protocol?

Language Server Protocol was created for VS-Code (not the Visual Studio IDE).
It is a rather sensible idea about providing language services like various linting and code-completion (intillisense).
It is by no means the first-time that idea has been had,
but it has seen rather rapid and wide-scale support from a large number of languages.
Is it used by Visual Studio 2017?
I can't seem to find the creating extensions docs for 2017.
eg the 2015 docs here.
If not, is there an official language server plugin that allows LSP resources to be used?
Update (Feb 2019): support for the Language Server Protocol is now built in to Visual Studio 2017.
This question was not able to answer, as only Microsoft holds the key. But luckily after half a year, Microsoft did announce the fact that Visual Studio would support LSP,
The extension only works for Visual Studio Preview builds right now, and also lacks many important features,
We can see that there is still a long way to go.

Cucumber js in visual studio 2013

Is there a project with similar goals as Specflow is to cucumber in Visual Studio, but for cucumberjs?
I'm considering a unit testing / bdd framework for Visual Studio. Cucumberjs seems like the obvious choice as I am using Specflow to test the c#. However cucumberjs requires nodejs to be installed.
Chutzpah runs things like jasmine, qunit etc in Visual Studio. Is there a way to do the same for cucumberjs? Perhaps nodejstools for visualstudio with a mixture of something else?
There is a Feature request: Cucumber-js support for Chutzpah, but it's work in progress.
(Chutzpah was moved to github, so the issue was lost)
A new Chutzpah feature request on github for cucumber-js support
There is an interview with a cucumber core member saying (below) which sounds promising:
"Support for Cucumber.js is being added to popular IDEs like Jetbrains
Webstorm 8 and Visual Studio."
As per David Leitner's reply, I've created a step-by-step guide to setting up cucumberjs in Visual Studio.
I've done this by using the Visual Studio Task Runner Explorer. (You have to add it if you use VS 2013, with 2015 it's already included.)
This Extension is a task runner for Grunt and Gulp directly within Visual Studio 2013. It is now possible to define a Grunt task, like this one which runs your cucumberjs Features.