Dynamically set Django settings variables from Database - django

I am currently trying to build an application that manages multiple databases. Since the app will be managing data in 30+ databases I am attempting to generate DATABASE_ROUTERS in the settings file. I cannot directly import the db model into the settings file. I get this error:
django.core.exceptions.AppRegistryNotReady: Apps aren't loaded yet.
This error makes since. Is there a way I can control the sequence of events so that I have access to the database before all of the settings are established on execution? My goal is to automate database connections pulling relevant data from a DB and generate the DATABASE_ROUTERS and DATABASES within the setting file. Is this even possible? Is there a package that I can download that does exactly this?
If you do not know what I am asking please do not down vote just ask me to elaborate.

I was able to figure out how to query the data I needed from my database and import it into the settings file. I created the script below. Keep in mind this can be improved, this is just something I modified from here. This directly queries data from my test db (sqlite3). I use postgreSQL in production. This script should work, with some modification, with PostgreSQL.
As you can see below I am storing the data in dictionaries that is then stored in a list. I then import that list of dictionaries into my settings file. From there I can loop through the list and create my DATABASE_ROUTERS and DATABASES dynamically from the database. I was also able to generate router Classes in my routers.py file by importing the same list. Please comment below if you need me to elaborate further.
import sqlite3
from sqlite3 import Error
dbs = []
def create_connection(db_file):
""" create a database connection to the SQLite database
specified by the db_file
:param db_file: database file
:return: Connection object or None
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
return conn
except Error as e:
return None
def select_all_data(conn):
Query all rows in the table
:param conn: the Connection object
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM fund_table")
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
def select_name_and_db(conn):
Query table by fund_name and db_name
:param conn: the Connection object
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT fund_name, db_name FROM fund_table")
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
dbs.append({"fund_name": row[0], "db_name": row[1]})
return dbs
def main():
database = "edb.sqlite3"
# create a database connection
conn = create_connection(database)
with conn:
""" select_all_data(conn) """

Make one function that loads this variables and make it async, so after you app is ready you load it, but im not sure is this will work properly
Dirty Sollution is make 1 file for each BD and you call your settings based in what BD gonna work...


How to set Heroku app to specific Postgres schema?

There is one database configured in Heroku.
The Django application connects fine, but the tables are put in the public schema.
These tables should be in the 'invoices' schema. That schema is already created, but it's empty. Below is what the settings.py currently look like:
DATABASES["default"] = dj_database_url.config(
DB_SEARCH_PATH = os.environ.get("DB_SEARCH_PATH", "invoices")
The search path was not set. I added it using the following method:
def set_search_path(sender, **kwargs):
"""Store tables in a separate schema."""
from django.conf import settings
search_path = settings.DB_SEARCH_PATH
conn = kwargs.get("connection")
if search_path and conn is not None:
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SET search_path='{}'".format(search_path))
It listens to the connection_created signal and sets the search path using the DB_SEARCH_PATH var.

sqlalchemy - data doesnt get pushed to database while commit but present in session(in memory)

I am adding data to sqlalchemy. But sometimes data is not getting updated or inserted to database. But the commit is successful and I can see the data in memory of session's object.
Running on sqlalchemy 1.3.3. python 2.7. ubuntu 18.04
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from . import Errors as ExecuteErrors
class Errors(object):
def __init__(self, sqlalchemy_engine, d):
self.sqlalchemy_engine = sqlalchemy_engine
self.d = d
def upsert(self, error):
session = Session(self.sqlalchemy_engine)
row = session.query(ExecuteErrors).filter_by(**{'c_name':error['c_name'], 'c_type':error['c_type'],
if row:
def insert(self, error):
e = ExecuteErrors(**{'c_name':error['c_name'], 'c_type':error['c_type'], 'f_name':error['f_name'],
'msg':error['msg'], 'details':error['details']})
session = Session(self.sqlalchemy_engine, expire_on_commit=False)
def update(self, error):
session = Session(self.sqlalchemy_engine, expire_on_commit=False)
session.query(ExecuteErrors).filter_by(**{'c_name':error['c_name'], 'c_type':error['c_type'],
'f_name':error['f_name']}).update({'msg': error['msg'], 'details': error['details']})
def get_errors(self):
session = Session(self.sqlalchemy_engine)
e = session.query(ExecuteErrors).all()
return e
def clear(self):
session = Session(self.sqlalchemy_engine)
Calling this with:
e = Error(engine, 'emp')
This should add row in database or update row with new data.
Its working for some insert and for some not.
You could find a possible workaround by explicitely flushing your session when needed.
That said, I think you should reconsider the way you're using sessions. Sessions are intended to manage database connections but you're using them as if there where actual connections.
IMHO, a better way to do would be to create a session at Error instanciation and use it when needed in all your methods.
An even better way to proceed could be to create a session at begining of your "calling" module and pass it to the Error instanciation, and to any other object which need access to database.
Doing this, you could even experience better performance and it may solve your problem (?)
More details about how to manage sessions in the sqlalchemy doc.
EDIT: In addition, the sqlalchemy doc lists some potential problems when used with sqlite. One of them could be the cause of your problem.

Enable integrity checking with sqlite in django

In my django project, I use mysql db for production, and sqlite for tests.
Problem is, some of my code rely on model integrity checking. It works well with mysql, but integrity errors are not thrown when the same code is executed in tests.
I know that foreign keys checking must be activated in sqlite :
PRAGMA foreign_keys = 1;
However, I don't know where is the best way to do this activation (same question here).
Moreover, the following code won't work :
def test_method(self):
from django.db import connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON')
c = cursor.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys')
print c.fetchone()
>>> (0,)
Any ideas?
So, if finally found the correct answer. All I had to do was to add this code in the __init__.py file in one of my installed app:
from django.db.backends.signals import connection_created
def activate_foreign_keys(sender, connection, **kwargs):
"""Enable integrity constraint with sqlite."""
if connection.vendor == 'sqlite':
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;')
You could use django signals, listening to post_syncdb.
from django.db.models.signals import post_syncdb
def set_pragma_on(sender, **kwargs):
"your code here"
This ensures that whenever syncdb is run (syncdb is run, when creating the test database), that your SQLite database has set 'pragma' to 'on'. You should check which database you are using in the above method 'set_pragma_on'.

Choose test database?

I'm trying to run
./manage.py test
But it tells me
Got an error creating the test database: permission denied to create database
Obviously it doesn't have permission to create the database, but I'm on a shared server, so there's not much I can do about that. I can create a new database through the control panel but I don't think there's any way I can let Django do it automatically.
So, can't I create the test database manually and instead tell Django to flush it every time, rather than recreating the whole thing?
I had a similar issue. But I wanted Django to just bypass the creation of a test database for one of my instances (it is not a mirror tough). Following Mark's suggestion, I created a custom test runner, as follows
from django.test.simple import DjangoTestSuiteRunner
class ByPassableDBDjangoTestSuiteRunner(DjangoTestSuiteRunner):
def setup_databases(self, **kwargs):
from django.db import connections
old_names = []
mirrors = []
for alias in connections:
connection = connections[alias]
# If the database is a test mirror, redirect its connection
# instead of creating a test database.
if connection.settings_dict['TEST_MIRROR']:
mirrors.append((alias, connection))
mirror_alias = connection.settings_dict['TEST_MIRROR']
connections._connections[alias] = connections[mirror_alias]
elif connection.settings_dict.get('BYPASS_CREATION','no') == 'no':
old_names.append((connection, connection.settings_dict['NAME']))
connection.creation.create_test_db(self.verbosity, autoclobber=not self.interactive)
return old_names, mirrors
Then I created an extra dict entry in one of my databases entries inside settings.py, 'BYPASS_CREATION':'yes',
Finally, I configured a new TestRunner with
TEST_RUNNER = 'auth.data.runner.ByPassableDBDjangoTestSuiteRunner'
I would suggest using sqlite3 for testing purposes while keeping on using mysql/postgres/etc for production.
This can be achieved by placing this in your settings file:
if 'test' in sys.argv:
DATABASES['default'] = {'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3'}
see Running django tests with sqlite
a temporary sqlite database file will be created in your django project home which you will have write access to. The other advantage is that sqlite3 is much faster for testing. You may however run in to problems if you are using any mysql/postgres specific raw sql (which you should try to avoid anyway).
I think a better solution might be to define your own test runner.
I added this to the comments above but it got kind of lost - recent changes to webfaction make this MUCH easier. You can now create new private database instances.
Follow the instructions there, and when creating a new user make sure to give them the permission to ALTER USER new_username CREATEDB;.
You probably also should change the default cron settings so they don't try to check if this database is up and runnings as frequently.
You could use django-nose as your TEST_RUNNER. Once installed, if you pass the following environment variable, it will not delete and re-create the database (create it manually yourself first).
REUSE_DB=1 ./manage.py test
You can also add the following to settings.py so you don't have to write REUSE_DB=1 every time you want to run tests:
os.environ['REUSE_DB'] = "1"
Note: this will also leave all your tables in the databases which means test setup will be a little quicker, but you will have to manually update the tables (or delete and re-create the database yourself) when you change your models.
my variant to reusing database:
from django.test.simple import DjangoTestSuiteRunner
from django.core.management import call_command
class TestRunner(DjangoTestSuiteRunner):
def setup_databases(self, **kwargs):
from django.db import connections
settings = connections['default'].settings_dict
settings['NAME'] = settings['TEST_NAME']
settings['USER'] = settings['TEST_USER']
settings['PASSWORD'] = settings['TEST_PASSWD']
call_command('syncdb', verbosity=1, interactive=False, load_initial_data=False)
def teardown_databases(self, old_config, **kwargs):
from django.db import connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('show tables;')
parts = ('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s;' % table for (table,) in cursor.fetchall())
sql = 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;\n' + '\n'.join(parts) + 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;\n'
The following is a django test suite runner to create database using Webfaction XML-RPC API. Note, setting up the database using the API may take up to a minute, and the script may appear to be stuck momentarily, just wait for a little while.
NOTE: there is a security risk of having control panel password in the webfaction server, because someone breaching into your web server SSH could take over your Webfaction account. If that is a concern, set USE_SESSKEY to True and use the fabric script below this script to pass a session id to the server. The session key expires in 1 hour from the last API call.
File test_runner.py: in the server, you need to configure ./manage.py test to use WebfactionTestRunner
This test runner uses Webfaction XML-RPC API to create and destroy database
# you can put your control panel username and password here.
# NOTE: there is a security risk of having control panel password in
# the webfaction server, because someone breaching into your web server
# SSH could take over your Webfaction account. If that is a concern,
# set USE_SESSKEY to True and use the fabric script below this script to
# generate a session.
# CP_USERNAME = 'webfactionusername' # required if and only if USE_SESSKEY is False
# CP_PASSWORD = 'webfactionpassword' # required if and only if USE_SESSKEY is False
import sys
import os
from django.test.simple import DjangoTestSuiteRunner
from django import db
from webfaction import Webfaction
def get_sesskey():
f = os.path.expanduser("~/sesskey")
sesskey = open(f).read().strip()
return sesskey
wf = Webfaction(get_sesskey())
wf = Webfaction()
def get_db_user_and_type(connection):
db_types = {
'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2': 'postgresql',
'django.db.backends.mysql': 'mysql',
return (
def _create_test_db(self, verbosity, autoclobber):
Internal implementation - creates the test db tables.
test_database_name = self._get_test_db_name()
db_user, db_type = get_db_user_and_type(self.connection)
wf.create_db(db_user, test_database_name, db_type)
except Exception as e:
"Got an error creating the test database: %s\n" % e)
if not autoclobber:
confirm = raw_input(
"Type 'yes' if you would like to try deleting the test "
"database '%s', or 'no' to cancel: " % test_database_name)
if autoclobber or confirm == 'yes':
if verbosity >= 1:
print("Destroying old test database '%s'..."
% self.connection.alias)
wf.delete_db(test_database_name, db_type)
wf.create_db(db_user, test_database_name, db_type)
except Exception as e:
"Got an error recreating the test database: %s\n" % e)
print("Tests cancelled.")
return test_database_name
def _destroy_test_db(self, test_database_name, verbosity):
Internal implementation - remove the test db tables.
db_user, db_type = get_db_user_and_type(self.connection)
wf.delete_db(test_database_name, db_type)
class WebfactionTestRunner(DjangoTestSuiteRunner):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Monkey patch BaseDatabaseCreation with our own version
from django.db.backends.creation import BaseDatabaseCreation
BaseDatabaseCreation._create_test_db = _create_test_db
BaseDatabaseCreation._destroy_test_db = _destroy_test_db
return super(WebfactionTestRunner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
File webfaction.py: this is a thin wrapper for Webfaction API, it need to be importable by both test_runner.py (in the remote server) and the fabfile.py (in the local machine)
import xmlrpclib
class Webfaction(object):
def __init__(self, sesskey=None):
self.connection = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("https://api.webfaction.com/")
self.sesskey = sesskey
def login(self, username, password):
self.sesskey, _ = self.connection.login(username, password)
def create_db(self, db_user, db_name, db_type):
""" Create a database owned by db_user """
self.connection.create_db(self.sesskey, db_name, db_type, 'unused')
# deletes the default user created by Webfaction API
self.connection.make_user_owner_of_db(self.sesskey, db_user, db_name, db_type)
self.connection.delete_db_user(self.sesskey, db_name, db_type)
def delete_db(self, db_name, db_type):
self.connection.delete_db_user(self.sesskey, db_name, db_type)
except xmlrpclib.Fault as e:
print 'ignored error:', e
self.connection.delete_db(self.sesskey, db_name, db_type)
except xmlrpclib.Fault as e:
print 'ignored error:', e
File fabfile.py: A sample fabric script to generate session key, needed only if USE_SESSKEY=True
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.operations import run, put
from webfaction import Webfaction
import io
env.hosts = ["webfactionusername#webfactionusername.webfactional.com"]
env.password = "webfactionpassword"
def run_test():
wf = Webfaction()
wf.login(env.hosts[0].split('#')[0], env.password)
sesskey_file = '~/sesskey'
sesskey = wf.sesskey
put(io.StringIO(unicode(sesskey)), sesskey_file, mode='0600')
# put your test code here
# e.g. run('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings /path/to/virtualenv/python /path/to/manage.py test --testrunner=test_runner.WebfactionTestRunner')
raise Exception('write your test here')
run("rm -f %s" % sesskey_file)
The accepted answer didn't work for me. It's so outdated, that it didn't run on my legacy codebase with djano 1.5.
I wrote a blogpost entirely describing how I solved this issue by creating an alternative test runner and changing django settings to provide all the required config and to use new test runner.
You need to specify a sqlite ENGINE when using unit tests. Open the settings.py and add the just after DATABASES section:
import sys
if 'test' in sys.argv or 'test_coverage' in sys.argv: #Covers regular testing and django-coverage
DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] = 'django.db.backends.sqlite3'
DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = ':memory:'
Modify the following methods in django/db/backends/creation.py:
def _destroy_test_db(self, test_database_name, verbosity):
"Internal implementation - remove the test db tables."
# Remove the test database to clean up after
# ourselves. Connect to the previous database (not the test database)
# to do so, because it's not allowed to delete a database while being
# connected to it.
cursor = self.connection.cursor()
time.sleep(1) # To avoid "database is being accessed by other users" errors.
cursor.execute("""SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='public'""")
rows = cursor.fetchall()
for row in rows:
print "Dropping table '%s'" % row[0]
cursor.execute('drop table %s cascade ' % row[0])
print "Couldn't drop '%s'" % row[0]
#cursor.execute("DROP DATABASE %s" % self.connection.ops.quote_name(test_database_name))
def _create_test_db(self, verbosity, autoclobber):
"Internal implementation - creates the test db tables."
suffix = self.sql_table_creation_suffix()
if self.connection.settings_dict['TEST_NAME']:
test_database_name = self.connection.settings_dict['TEST_NAME']
test_database_name = TEST_DATABASE_PREFIX + self.connection.settings_dict['NAME']
qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name
# Create the test database and connect to it. We need to autocommit
# if the database supports it because PostgreSQL doesn't allow
# CREATE/DROP DATABASE statements within transactions.
cursor = self.connection.cursor()
return test_database_name
def _set_test_dict(self):
if "TEST_NAME" in self.connection.settings_dict:
self.connection.settings_dict["NAME"] = self.connection.settings_dict["TEST_NAME"]
if "TEST_USER" in self.connection.settings_dict:
self.connection.settings_dict['USER'] = self.connection.settings_dict["TEST_USER"]
if "TEST_PASSWORD" in self.connection.settings_dict:
self.connection.settings_dict['PASSWORD'] = self.connection.settings_dict["TEST_PASSWORD"]
Seems to work... just add the extra settings to your settings.py if you need 'em.
Simple workaround: change TEST_DATABASE_PREFIX in django/db/backends/base/creation.py as you like.

Syncing data between devel/live databases in Django

With Django's new multi-db functionality in the development version, I've been trying to work on creating a management command that let's me synchronize the data from the live site down to a developer machine for extended testing. (Having actual data, particularly user-entered data, allows me to test a broader range of inputs.)
Right now I've got a "mostly" working command. It can sync "simple" model data but the problem I'm having is that it ignores ManyToMany fields which I don't see any reason for it do so. Anyone have any ideas of either how to fix that or a better want to handle this? Should I be exporting that first query to a fixture first and then re-importing it?
from django.core.management.base import LabelCommand
from django.db.utils import IntegrityError
from django.db import models
from django.conf import settings
class Command(LabelCommand):
help = ("Synchronizes the data between the local machine and the live server")
args = "APP_NAME"
label = 'application name'
requires_model_validation = False
can_import_settings = True
def handle_label(self, label, **options):
# Make sure we're running the command on a developer machine and that we've got the right settings
db_settings = getattr(settings, 'DATABASES', {})
if not LIVE_DATABASE_KEY in db_settings:
print 'Could not find "%s" in database settings.' % LIVE_DATABASE_KEY
if db_settings.get('default') == db_settings.get(LIVE_DATABASE_KEY):
print 'Data cannot synchronize with self. This command must be run on a non-production server.'
# Fetch all models for the given app
app = models.get_app(label)
app_models = models.get_models(app)
print "The app '%s' could not be found or models could not be loaded for it." % label
for model in app_models:
print 'Syncing %s.%s ...' % (model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name)
# Query each model from the live site
qs = model.objects.all().using(LIVE_DATABASE_KEY)
# ...and save it to the local database
for record in qs:
except IntegrityError:
# Skip as the record probably already exists
Django command extension's Dumpscript should help a lot.
This doesn't answer your question exactly but why not just do a db dump and a db restore?