Amazon-Guard-Duty for my spring boot application running on AWS - amazon-web-services

I have a spring boot application running in an EC2 instance in AWS. It basically exposes REST endpoints and APIs for other application. Now I want to improve the security measures for my app such as preventing DDoS attacks, requests from malicious hosts and using our own certificates for communications. I came across Amazon guard duty but I don't understand how it will help in securing my app and what are the alternatives? Any suggestions and guidelines are welcomed.

Amazon GuardDuty is simply a security monitoring tool akin to a Intrusion Detection System you may run in a traditional data center. It analyzes logs generated by AWS (CloudTrial, VPC Flows, etc.) and compares them with threat feeds, as well as uses machine learning to discover anomalies. It will alert you to traffic from known malicious hosts, but will not block. To do this you would need to use AWS Web Application Firewall or a 3rd party network appliance.
You get some DDOS protection just by using AWS. All workloads running in AWS are protected against Network and Transport layer attacks by AWS Shield. If you are using CloudFront and Route 53, you also get layer 3 and 4 protections.
You should be able to use your own certificates in AWS in a similar manner to how you would use them anywhere else.


How to prevent DDOS and encrypt communication on GCP

I have made a web application (Play Framework, Cassandra) which I'll not put in production on GCP . However, I am not well versed with networking and systems administration. The application would be containerised and I'll use K8s to create a cluster containing 2 pods for Play web application and 3 pods for Cassandra (for replication). There also be a load balancer service in front of the play application.
I suppose the above configuration is still vulnerable to DDOS attack. How can I prevent it on GCP?
The communication between the browser and server is not encrypted (eg. the passwords is being sent in plain text. Could could I enable encryption on GCP?
Any other tips on creating a reliable production system would be much appreciated. So far I have only worked on my laptop
Please find the below responses
I suppose the above configuration is still vulnerable to DDOS
attack. How can I prevent it on GCP?, this can help you with DDOS protection. If you are using APIGEE, then APIGEE edge can also help you
The communication between the browser and server is not encrypted
(eg. the passwords is being sent in plain text. Could could I enable
encryption on GCP?
you will have to install certificated in general and ensure that the data is sent over a https network. You can also try sslforfree
Any other tips on creating a reliable production system would be
much appreciated. So far I have only worked on my laptop
since you are using K8s to run cassandra please ensure you are using some sort of volumes to store the data.

Automatically block DOS attacks in AWS

I would like to know what is the best and the easiest solution
to protect http server deployed on AWS cloud against DOS attacks
I know that there is AWS Advanced Shield
that can be turned on for that purpose
however it is too expensive (3000$ per month)
System architecture
HTTP request -> Application Load Balancer -> EC2
Nginx server is installed on this machine
Nginx server is configured with rate limiting
Nginx server responds with 429 code when too many requests are send from one IP
Nginx server is generating log files (access.log, error.log)
AmazonCloudWatchAgent is installed on this machine
AmazonCloudWatchAgent listen on log files
AmazonCloudWatchAgent send changes from log files to specific CloudWatch Log groups
Logs from all EC2 machines are centralized in on place (CloudWatch Log groups)
I can configure CloudWatch Logs Metric Filters
to send me alarms when too many 429 requests happen from one IP number
In that way I can manually block particular IP in Network ACL
and cut off all requests from bad IP number in a lower network layer
and protect my AWS resources from being drained
I would like to do it somehow automatically
What is the easiest and the cleanest way to do it?
Note that, per the AWS Shield pricing documentation:
AWS Shield Standard provides protection for all AWS customers from
common, most frequently occurring network and transport layer DDoS
attacks that target your web site or application at no additional
For a more comprehensive discussion on DDoS mitigation, see:
Denial of Service Attack Mitigation on AWS
AWS Best Practices for DDoS Resiliency
There is no one straightforward way to block DDOS to your infrastructure. However, there are a few techniques and best practices which you can follow to at least protect the infrastructure. DDOS attacks can be stopped by analyzing and patching it at the same moment.
You may consider using external services listed below to block ddos at some extent:
Imperva Incapsula:
I have tried both in the production system and they are pretty decent. Cloudflare is right now handling 10% of total internet traffic, they know about the good and bad traffic.
They are not much expensive comparative to shield. You may integrate it with your infrastructure as a code in order to automate for all of your services.
Disclaimer: I am not associated in any way with any of the services I recommended above.

Do I need a WAF (Web Application Firewall) to protect my app?

I have created a micro-service app relying on simple functions as a service. Since this app is API based, I distribute tokens in exchange for some personal login info (Oauth or login/password).
Just to be clear, developers will then access my app using something like:
However, my server and application logic still gets hit even if the token is not provided, meaning anonymous attackers could flood my services without login, taking my service down.
I came across WAF recently and they promise to act as a middle-man, filtering abusive attacks. My understanding is that a WAF is just reverse-proxying my API and applies some known attacks patterns filters before delegating a request to my actual backend.
What I don't really get is: what if an attacker has direct access to my backend's IP?! Wouldn't he be able to bypass the WAF and DDoS my backend directly? Does WAF protection only relies on my original IP not being leaked?
Finally, I have read that WAF only makes sense if it is able to mitigate DDoS through a CDN in order to spread Layer 7 DDoS attacks across multiple servers and bandwidth if needed. Is it any true ? or can I just implement WAF myself ?
Go with cloud, you can deploy your app to AWS, there are 2 plus points of this.
1. Your prod server will be behind private IP not public IP.
2. AWS WAF is budgeted service, and good for block dos,scanner, and flood attacks.
You can also use captcha on failed attempts to block IP.

Is HTTPS->HTTP behind load balancer considered secure?

I have a secure web API in the AWS cloud and I'm trying to figure out the best way to put it behind a load balancer without compromising security.
Right now, all communications are conventionally encrypted end-to-end. The API server has a Let's Encrypt certificate, which is used to treat all messages exchanged with clients. Unless the encryption is broken, nobody besides the server and its clients can view the raw contents of messages.
If I start using a load balancer and allow multiple instances of my server to run concurrently, I'll have to give up on LE and use centralized certificate management (e.g. ACM). AWS conveniently supports linking ACM-generated certificates to load balancer HTTPS listeners. This is especially useful for automatic renewal. However, the load balancer would then remove the encryption layer, and all communications with the instances of my server would be decrypted from that point on.
I'm not too comfortable having my raw data traveling in a public cloud. Still, I'd welcome a second opinion on this.
My question therefore is: Is it considered secure to have load balancer strip HTTPS encryption layer and forward all traffic as HTTP to internal server instances?
Since I can guess the answer, I would appreciate any suggestions on how to deploy load balancing securely.
I consider it secure because each AWS VPC is isolated from another.
The traffic of one VPC cannot be captured in another VPC. Of course whether AWS VPC technology is secure remains to be seen as others have said.
Also check out the documentation from EBS about secure end-to-end encryption. It says that:
Terminating secure connections at the load balancer and using HTTP on the backend may be sufficient for your application. Network traffic between AWS resources cannot be listened to by instances that are not part of the connection, even if they are running under the same account.

How to receive messages/events from public internet in Kafka/Nifi cluster hosted in the private subnet of AWS?

I am working on a project were lots of machines/sensors will be sending messages to Kafka/Nifi cluster directly. This machine/sensors will be pushing messages from public internet not from the corporate network. We are using a Hortonworks distribution on the AWS cloud.
My question is: what is the best architectural practice to setup Kafka /Nifi cluster for such use cases, I don't want to put my cluster in the public subnet in order to receive messages from the public internet.
Can you please help me with this?
Obviously you shouldn't expose your Kafka to the world. Therefore "sensor data directly to Kafka" is the wrong approach, IMO. At least, without using some SSL channel
You could allow a specific subnet of your external devices to reach the internal subnet, assuming you know that range, however I think your better option here is to use either Minifi or Streamsets SDC which are event collectors sitting on the sensors, which can encrypt traffic to an open Nifi or Streamsets cluster, which can then forward events to the internal Kafka cluster. You already have Nifi apparently, and therefore Minifi was built for this purpose
Another option could be the Kafka REST proxy, but you'll still need to setup authentication / security layers around it
Use AWS IoT to receive the devices communication, this option gives you a security layer and isolates you HDF sandbox from the internet.
AWS IoT Core provides mutual authentication and encryption at all points of connection, so that data is never exchanged between devices and AWS IoT Core without a proven identity.
Then import the information with a NiFi processor.