django-comments-xtd not accessible with wagtail? How to troubleshoot? - django

I have installed django-comments-xtd following the quick start guide in the documentation here.
When I go to access the /comments URL, I only get a 404 error, and the message 'Raised by: wagtail.wagtailcore.views.serve'.
I followed the documentation without issue, and have installed other apps that work fine such as django-machina.
I am using django 1.11.13, python 2.7 and django-comments-xtd 2.1.0.
Why would this particular URL not be accessible? Templates exist in the correct location.
My files are setup exactly the same as in the documentation, happy to provide more info but not sure what to provide right now.
What can I do to try and troubleshoot the problem?

I think you are misreading the documentation and you do not actually have a problem. It just says:
mount the URL patterns of django_comments_xtd in the path /comments/
It does not say that you should access this URL. The fact that, as per your comment, you are not getting a 404 when you are accessing /comments/sent/ indicates that you have set up django-comments-xtd correctly.
For /comments/ to be a valid URL, the django_comments_xtd.urls you included would have to contain an empty URL pattern, like this:
url('', some_view)
If you look at the of django-comments-xtd, you will see that it does indeed include the from django-contrib-comments, but this doesn't define an empty URL pattern. So there is no URL pattern that would match /comments/.

The urls definition from django-comments-xtd will have to come before Wagtail's one (i.e. url(r'', include(wagtail_urls))) as it acts as a catch all and will therefore render other urls unreachable.

just food for thought. The email confirmation template uses
http://{{ site.domain }}{{ confirmation_url|slice:":40" }}...
You want to make sure your site.domain matches whatever your are using for development. This just fixed this error for me. I had a different domain setup in Django Admin


Django - Request resolution

I would like to know how Django is resolving request urls urlpatterns in general.
My theory:
Django at some point turns all its urlpatterns into list of regexes, and then tries to match them against incoming Request's url.
Am I correct? If yes, can somebody point me out where in source code is this happening?
Looks like there is nothing about this mentioned in django docs, and I feel like I am doing a blind search in source code. Any insights appreciated.
The process is described here. In short:
Django determines the root URLconf module to use....
Django loads that Python module and looks for the variable urlpatterns. This should be a Python list of django.urls.path() and/or django.urls.re_path() instances.
Django runs through each URL pattern, in order, and stops at the first one that matches the requested URL.
Once one of the URL patterns matches, Django imports and calls the given view, which is a simple Python function (or a class-based view)....
If no URL pattern matches, or if an exception is raised during any point in this process, Django invokes an appropriate error-handling view....

How are Django page templates assigned to each page?

I couldn't find this info in the Django docs, but I'm sure it is there, I'm just very new and don't know what terms/etc to search on.
How are Django page templates assigned to each page?
I have a login to a Django site, and also SFTP access to the site. I don't think my Django login is a superuser/full-admin though because the interface seems pretty limited compared to other CMS systems. I can edit pages, posts and the media library, but I don't see anything that says how each page is assigned a template.
For example, I have this file /mysite/templates/pages/index.html
I know that template is being used for the home page because it has all of the content that is specific to the home page on it, and changes I make show up on the home page.
I tried copying that file to test.html, but when I browse to test.html in my browser, I get a 404 error (I also get that error if I go to index.html). So there must be something else that maps a template to a page, but I'll be dambed if I can find it. Will I need more access to the admin area, or can I do something with SFTP? I also have SSH access but wasn't able to follow any of the steps online to create a new superuser account for me, for Django.
Edit: Thanks for both answers, after I work through this I'll accept whichever helped the most. I do not have a file, but I think it might be using an extra module for this routing, I have this in my file:
urlpatterns = patterns("",
("^admin/", include(,
url("^$", "", {"slug": "/"}, name="home"),
("^", include("mezzanine.urls")),
Is this "mezzanine" something different which changes the answer (location of or list of views)? is the file that maps the urls to methods that return rendered templates. In essence you define the url and a method and when someone goes to that url, that method gets called which returns a HTTP response with the rendered template. This map is called urlpatterns. In the following example when someone goes to yourwebsite/blog then in the blog apps,, page method is called, which will use a template and render that with specific information.
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^blog/$', ''),
url(r'^blog/page(?P<num>\d+)/$', ''),
Have a look at this link.
Django uses files to map paths to views. This match is resolved using regular expressions. When a match is found, Django executes the associated view (usually inside The view is in charge to render the template required for the path (by finding it on the server's hard disk and loading it).
All aforementioned means that there's no direct association between a url path (i.e and a file on the server's hard disk (i.e /server/path/to/page). It's all performed dynamically by Django's engine when a request comes in.
If you want to know which view is gonna be generated for a specific path, follow the regexs at until you find the path you're looking for. Then open the view for that url and see inside which template it is rendering.
Reading doc's URL Dispatcher is a good point to start learning about this.
Hope this helps!

Django under IIS (with HeliconZoo) in virtual directory - urls resolver works with path without directory name

I've a Django website running under IIS with a help of Helicon Zoo. It is located in virtual directory (so, url to it looks like
In my, I have patterns defined like this:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
But, when I open url like
I'm getting 404 page with message:
Using the URLconf defined in urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:
The current URL, status/some_product/, didn't match any of these.
As you can see, there is no django in URL which is tested. And of course, when I change pattern like this:
Everything works fine, but if APPEND_SLASH is enabled (and I have it enabled and setting it to False in does not help for some reason), my requests like are redirected to
So, the question is:
How can I configure Django so it will not throw out virtual directory name?
Is there anything I need to know about how to turn of APPEND_SLASH?
Right now I simply put APPEND_SLASH = False in, but no difference.
Note: I know almost nothing about Django and Python and I can't change how that website is set up (at least now).
I noticed that the zoofcgi has two operating modes
with django_settings_module
or with wsgi_app
As my project needs the second (wsgi_app), I noticed that the problem was not solved only by setting the variable django.root.
That is, there is a bug in the configuration of environmental variables for the second mode. So I created the project helicon-zoofcgi that solves this bug.
Now there is no need to be entering the site prefix in django urls, the zoofcgi module already solves it in the environment variables.
I hope that the project can be useful for someone in the future.
Finally, I've found what's wrong with it.
Appeared that the reason for described behavior is a setting provided with default web.config file:
<add name="django.root" value="%APPL_VIRTUAL_PATH%" />
After I removed it everything started working fine.
Here is some info related to django.root variable applied to Apache.

Apache | Django: How to run websites on the back of a base URL?

I've got a base url.
I'm trying to run projects on the back of it. For example
The projects run but the URL don't work properly because they all
reference the base url. So for 'About Me' page it points to instead of
Is this something i need to change in django or apache? Is what I'm
trying to do even possible?
Coming from an IIS .net background I know that in IIS you can "Create and application" within a site which essentially does what I'm trying to achieve now with Apache and Django.
You shouldn't need to do anything. Apache is supposed to be setting a request header called SCRIPT_NAME, which is your base URL, and all URL reversing takes that into account.
How are you creating these URLs in your templates?
So your problem is with getting the URLs of Flatpages. The issue is that the normal way of calculating URLs dynamically, so that they do take SCRIPT_NAME into account - using the reverse() function or the {% url %} tag - doesn't work with Flatpages, because they are not dispatched via but via a custom middleware which fires on a 404.
So instead of using that middleware, I would use the mechanism to dispatch to flatpages. Remove the flatpagemiddleware from your, and in at the end of your patterns add this:
url(r'^(?P<url>.*)$', 'django.contrib.flatpages.views.flatpage', name='flatpage'),
Now, in your templates, you can do:
<a href="{% url flatpage page.url %}">
and it should work correctly.
Check any in the project(s) to see if they expect to be top-level. But if the application outputs links like /something then it's going to mean the root directory. The application should be reversing a view/parameter into a URL, which would allow you to move it around. If you wrote the apps, check out reverse in django.core.urlresolvers

Django: Site-Wide URL Prefix

I've built a Django site that will live at the root when it's live. Right now it's functioning perfectly at the IP address. For testing purposes, the client has pointed a proxy url at it, but the url has /folder/path in it, so none of the URL patterns match. I put (/folder/path)? into all the url patterns so they now respond, but all of the links are broken because I'm using the {% url %} tag and while the url patterns will match the optional path, they don't include it in that tag.
Clearly I can just hard-code /folder/path into all of my urls (well, into all of the url includes) until testing is complete, but is there a better way to do this?
You manage this when you deploy your application, by correctly setting the WSGIScriptAlias in your Apache configuration (assuming you're using mod_wsgi, which you should be doing). This is passed on to Django, which then automatically prefixes all URL reverse lookups with the correct value. You shouldn't need to do any manual mucking about with prefixes.
For this purpouse I use URL_PREFIX in and add it in each include in I also add it at the beginning of MEDIA_URL, for all images/css/js links to work. But I would also like to hear about some more tricky solution?
if WSGIScriptAlias doesn't work or you can't set it up for some reason, remember that the include() function in a urlconf adds the prefix to all URLs. you can create an urlconf which includes your current root urlconf and mount it at the prefix, and then point your file to that urlconf.
Disclaimer: haven't tried this myself, but it should work.