elisp how to apply a lambda to a list? - list

What I'm trying to do seems simple enough, and whatever's wrong must be a really dumb mistake, since I couldn't find other people getting the same error. I just want to apply a lambda to a list - the lambda here isn't what I actually want to do, but it gives the same error.
(lambda (arg)
(+ 5 arg)
(list 2 3 4)
When I try to run this, it tells me that I'm passing the lambda an invalid number of arguments. Do you have any advice?

apply calls the function once, passing it the list you've given as the arguments. I think you instead want to use mapcar:
M-: (mapcar (lambda (arg) (+ 5 arg)) (list 2 3 4)) RET
will return the list (7 8 9).

Just to make the problem a bit clearer:
This form
(lambda (arg)
(+ 5 arg))
(list 2 3 4))
is basically similar to
(lambda (arg)
(+ 5 arg))
In above we try to call a function with one parameter arg with three arguments.
Now if you want to pass more than one argument and receive it as a single list you would need a function with a &rest parameter:
(lambda (&rest args) ...)
You say
I just want to apply a lambda
This is not what you want. You want to map the function over a list. Which means calling the function for each element of the list and returning a new list with the results. This operation is called in Lisp mapping. See the answer by Stefan for an example.
Applying a function to a list would be: call the function with the arguments taken from the list.


can not use list functions on an input var - racket

well after building a whole function I got many problems and now I am breaking it down into small parts.
My func gets two vars one is a list and the other is a pair. When using (first var1) I get an error.
Here is the code:
#lang pl
(define (maxMin list maxiMini)
(if (null? maxiMini)
(first list)
Here is the error:
Type Checker: Polymorphic function `first' could not be applied to
Domains: (Listof a)
(Pairof a (Listof b))
Arguments: Any
in: (first list)
While in this youtube tutorial at minute 1 and 10 seconds the professor uses the first function the same way as me and it does work there.
My guess is that Racket does not recognize myList as a list and sets it as "any" is this possible?
Since you have a Type Checker error, I assume you're using either #lang typed/racket, or some variant of it.
If you look closely at the error itself, it is telling you that first is a polymorphic function, meaning that it can be applied to arguments of different types. Furthermore, the error also states the different types the function first expects under "Domains:", ie. its argument should either be (Listof a) or (Pairof a (Listof b)).
The problem is, you've not actually defined a type for your function maxMin. And if a type annotation is omitted, the inferred type is often Any. As a result, your function does not type-check, because first does not expect the type Any and that's what it is getting.
Since you stated
My func gets two vars one is a list and the other is a pair
consider the following type annotation for your function:
(: max-min (-> (Listof Any) (U Null (Pairof Any Any)) Any))
(define (max-min lst maxi-mini)
(if (null? maxi-mini)
(first lst)
which will type-check, and you can have:
(max-min '(1 2 3) '())
=> 1

Declare dummy (unused) parameters for Clojure anonymous function

As also explained in the answers of this question, Clojure determines the number of parameters of an anonymous function (defined through #()), by the maximal parameter index referenced in the body (e.g. if the maximal referenced parameter is %4, then that anonymous function has 4 parameters).
Question: is there some syntax to tell the Clojure compiler that an anonymous function expects one parameter, even not referencing that parameter? Or, in this case, the only "clean way"* is to use the fn syntax? (* "Clean way": I'm aware that in most cases, you could reference the dummy parameter without affecting the function -- see below, but I would like to avoid such workarounds.)
My use case: I have a function (defn foo [predicate]), where predicate expects exactly one argument, and I would like to test foo with a predicate that always returns true. (I.e., something like #(true).) This causes an ArityException since the interpreter thinks that #(true) expects zero arguments.
In this particular case, I could use some clever hack like #(or true %), but:
It is almost as much to type as the fn-variant.
I'm interested if there is a generic solution.
Edit: so to be clear, I'm looking for something like this:
#[1](true) ;; the anonymous function takes one parameter
No. Just use fn. That's what it's for.
If it's a constant return you are after you can use constantly:
(map (constantly 10) '(1 2 3 4 5))
; ==> (10 10 10 10 10)
If it's not you can use fn with a rest argument:
(fn [& _]
; ==> non functional value
In fact this can be done on higher order functions where you don't need all the passes arguments:
(some-fun (fn [a b & _] (+ a b)) '(1 2 3 4 5))
; ==> (3 5 7 9)
If you insist on the #( ... ) syntax, you can write
#(do % true)
... incurring no run-time penalty, whatever you want to return.
But (constantly true), as #Sylvester suggests, is idiomatic, and accepts any argument list:
((constantly true) 1 2 "Buckle my shoe");true

Common Lisp function for "Reduce and Return Intermediate Results as Sequence"

In Clojure, there is a higher-order function reductions, which you would use with arguments similar to reduce and will return a sequence containing all intermediate results.
Is there an equivalent in Common Lisp? I was unable to find any reference to it online, including the various books/articles on https://common-lisp.net/tutorials/ but given Lisp's heritage as a family of List Processing languages I imagined a list->list function like reductions will exist across dialects.
There is no standard function for it. You could define one easily:
(defun reductions (function sequence &rest args
&key key from-end (start 0) end initial-value)
(declare (ignore key from-end start end initial-value))
"Return a list of intermediate values from reducing SEQUENCE with FUNCTION."
(let* ((reductions (list))
(result (apply #'reduce
(lambda (&rest arguments)
(let ((result (apply function arguments)))
(push result reductions)
(values (or (nreverse reductions)
(list result))
(reductions #'+ '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) :initial-value 0)
;=> (1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55)
Edit: Use APPLY with &REST ARGS instead of calling REDUCE directly. Some implementation of REDUCE might not work if NILs are supplied for keyword arguments.
Edit2: The reducing function can be called with 0 or 2 arguments.
Edit3: When REDUCE is called with a list of only one element, the only element is returned as is. The reducing function is not called at all, which means the list of reductions would be empty. I added an OR to return the final result wrapped in a list in that situation (to match Clojures behaviour). I also changed the code to return the final result as a second return value (might be useful and "why not?").

Clojure - function or cons?

OK, a fibonacci function in Clojure:
(defn give-fibs []
((fn fib-seq [a b]
(cons a (lazy-seq (fib-seq b (+ a b)))))
0 1))
Now, my question is, when I call it like so, I get an error :
(take 10 give-fibs)
edit, error is - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq from: four_cloj.core$give_fibs
However, it works when I call:
(take 10 (give-fibs))
When I check out what's going on, I can't really explain it:
(class (give-fibs)) ; clojure.lang.Cons
(class give-fibs) ; four_cloj.core$give_fibs
give-fibs is just that - the function itself. The concept of a function as a value that can be passed around (for example, as argument to take) takes some getting used to, but it's perfectly sensible and normal.
(give-fibs) is the result of calling give-fibs with no arguments, which is what you want in this context. The result is a list, and each element of a list is a Cons object, which is what class tells you.
In this expression you don't really call give-fibs:
(take 10 give-fibs)
you just pass the function itself to take. What you want is to actually call give-fibs in order to pass result of it to take:
(take 10 (give-fibs))
Remember that the first element in an s-expression is considered to be in function position, that is to say it will be executed. Therefore give-fibs and (give-fibs) are different in that the former is the actual function being passed to take and the latter is calling that function, and therefore returning the result to be passed to take.
Thats why (class give-fibs) is a function, and (class (give-fibs)) is a Cons cell as expected.
Just remember the first var after an opening bracket is in function position and will be executed, and its perfectly valid to pass an unexecuted function to another.

Is it possible to implement auto-currying to the Lisp-family languages?

That is, when you call a function with >1 arity with only one argument, it should, instead of displaying an error, curry that argument and return the resulting function with decreased arity. Is this possible to do using Lisp's macros?
It's possible, but not easy if you want a useful result.
If you want a language that always does simple currying, then the implementation is easy. You just convert every application of more than one input to a nested application, and the same for functions of more than one argument. With Racket's language facilities, this is a very simple exercise. (In other lisps you can get a similar effect by some macro around the code where you want to use it.)
(Incidentally, I have a language on top of Racket that does just this. It gets the full cuteness of auto-curried languages, but it's not intended to be practical.)
However, it's not too useful since it only works for functions of one argument. You could make it useful with some hacking, for example, treat the rest of the lisp system around your language as a foreign language and provide forms to use it. Another alternative is to provide your language with arity information about the surrounding lisp's functions. Either of these require much more work.
Another option is to just check every application. In other words, you turn every
(f x y z)
into code that checks the arity of f and will create a closure if there are not enough arguments. This is not too hard in itself, but it will lead to a significant overhead price. You could try to use a similar trick of some information about arities of functions that you'd use in the macro level to know where such closures should be created -- but that's difficult in essentially the same way.
But there is a much more serious problem, at the highlevel of what you want to do. The thing is that variable-arity functions just don't play well with automatic currying. For example, take an expression like:
(+ 1 2 3)
How would you decide if this should be called as is, or whether it should be translated to ((+ 1 2) 3)? It seems like there's an easy answer here, but what about this? (translate to your favorite lisp dialect)
(define foo (lambda xs (lambda ys (list xs ys))))
In this case you can split a (foo 1 2 3) in a number of ways. Yet another issue is what do you do with something like:
(list +)
Here you have + as an expression, but you could decide that this is the same as applying it on zero inputs which fits +s arity, but then how do you write an expression that evaluates to the addition function? (Sidenote: ML and Haskell "solves" this by not having nullary functions...)
Some of these issues can be resolved by deciding that each "real" application must have parens for it, so a + by itself will never be applied. But that loses much of the cuteness of having an auto-curried language, and you still have problems to solve...
In Scheme it's possible to curry a function using the curry procedure:
(define (add x y)
(+ x y))
(add 1 2) ; non-curried procedure call
(curry add) ; curried procedure, expects two arguments
((curry add) 1) ; curried procedure, expects one argument
(((curry add) 1) 2) ; curried procedure call
From Racket's documentation:
[curry] returns a procedure that is a curried version of proc. When the resulting procedure is first applied, unless it is given the maximum number of arguments that it can accept, the result is a procedure to accept additional arguments.
You could easily implement a macro which automatically uses curry when defining new procedures, something like this:
(define-syntax define-curried
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (f . a) body ...)
(define f (curry (lambda a (begin body ...)))))))
Now the following definition of add will be curried:
(define-curried (add a b)
(+ a b))
> #<procedure:curried>
(add 1)
> #<procedure:curried>
((add 1) 2)
> 3
(add 1 2)
> 3
The short answer is yes, though not easily.
you could implament this as a macro that wrapped every call in partial, though only in limited context. Clojure has some features that would make this rather difficult such as variable arity functions and dynamit calls. Clojure lacks a formal type system to concretely decide when the call can have no more arguments and should actually be called.
As noted by Alex W, the Common Lisp Cookbook does give an example of a "curry" function for Common Lisp. The specific example is further down on that page:
(declaim (ftype (function (function &rest t) function) curry)
(inline curry)) ;; optional
(defun curry (function &rest args)
(lambda (&rest more-args)
(apply function (append args more-args))))
Auto-currying shouldn't be that hard to implement, so I took a crack at it. Note that the following isn't extensively tested, and doesn't check that there aren't too many args (the function just completes when there are that number or more):
(defun auto-curry (function num-args)
(lambda (&rest args)
(if (>= (length args) num-args)
(apply function args)
(auto-curry (apply (curry #'curry function) args)
(- num-args (length args))))))
Seems to work, though:
* (auto-curry #'+ 3)
* (funcall (auto-curry #'+ 3) 1)
* (funcall (funcall (funcall (auto-curry #'+ 3) 1) 2) 5)
* (funcall (funcall (auto-curry #'+ 3) 3 4) 7)
A primitive (doesn't handle full lambda lists properly, just simple parameter lists) version of some macro syntax sugar over the above:
(defmacro defun-auto-curry (fn-name (&rest args) &body body)
(let ((currying-args (gensym)))
`(defun ,fn-name (&rest ,currying-args)
(apply (auto-curry (lambda (,#args) ,#body)
,(length args))
Seems to work, though the need for funcall is still annoying:
* (defun-auto-curry auto-curry-+ (x y z)
(+ x y z))
* (funcall (auto-curry-+ 1) 2 3)
* (auto-curry-+ 1)
Sure, you just have to decide exact semantics for your language, and then implement your own loader which will translate your source files into the implementation language.
You could e.g. translate every user function call (f a b c ... z) into (...(((f a) b) c)... z), and every (define (f a b c ... z) ...) to (define f (lambda(a) (lambda(b) (lambda(c) (... (lambda(z) ...) ...))))) on top of a Scheme, to have an auto-currying Scheme (that would forbid varargs functions of course).
You will also need to define your own primitives, turning the varargs functions like e.g. (+) to binary, and turning their applications to using fold e.g. (+ 1 2 3 4) ==> (fold (+) (list 1 2 3 4) 0) or something - or perhaps just making such calls as (+ 1 2 3 4) illegal in your new language, expecting of its user to write fold forms by themselves.
That's what I meant by "deciding ... semantics for your language".
The loader can be as simple as wrapping the file contents into a call to a macro - which you would then have to implement, as per your question.
Lisp already has Functional Currying:
* (defun adder (n)
(lambda (x) (+ x n)))
Here's what I was reading about Lisp macros: https://web.archive.org/web/20060109115926/http://www.apl.jhu.edu/~hall/Lisp-Notes/Macros.html
It's possible to implement this in pure Lisp. It's possible to implement it using macros as well, however it seems as though macros would make it more confusing for very basic stuff.