parameter order for drag( ) in Raphael.js - raphael

The drag method in Raphael has three parameters : onmove, onstart , onend.
Most examples in books show examples in that order , like this
drag(onmove, instart, onend)
and then declare them in any order.
Some examples show the parameters in a different order like:
drag(onstart, onmove, onend)
I have't been able to make it work this 2nd way but there are too many examples in books and the web for me to dismiss as just wrong. But is it wrong?

The docs here say...
Element.drag(onmove, onstart, onend, [mcontext], [scontext], [econtext])
And looking in the code here it supports this.
I'm not sure where you've seen the 2nd form you mention, but it looks wrong, and not sure why 'any order' for parameters would make sense. Maybe if you post a link to those examples, it may give further context. But for your own code, I would follow the docs, and then if that doesn't work, post an example jsfiddle or similar of your code for people to look at.


Using Type-safe URLs with setMessage? (shamlet versus hamlet)

How do I use a type-safe url with setMessage?
I want to change
setMessage [shamlet|<span .warning>Warning! See Help.|]
to a message that contains a link.
From what I could gather thus far, it ought to work somehow like this
renderer <- getUrlRender
let html = [hamlet|<span .warning>Warning! See #
<a href=#{HelpR}> Help!|]
setMessage $ toHtml $ html renderer
but that code just gives me confusing error messages all over the file.
I did read the printed Yesod Book Chapter on Shakespearian Templates, but I found that it is not very explicit on the involved types. For instance what type does [hamlet|...|]| produce? Without URL-Interpolation, ghci reports t -> Markup but with URL-Interpolation inside, I just get errors.
I am further confused by all the type synonyms involved, e.g. [shamlet|...|] delivers something of type Html, while setMessage expects a Html (). I do not know how to look these up easily: Hoogle often finds nothing on the topic, while Google always finds possibly outdated versions (with examples that no longer work) - sure I get to the newest version eventually, but is there a place where I get an easy overview over these? (Can ghci list all synonyms for a type?)
Note that I actually want to produce the message in a purely functional code fragment, which is later on used by a handler. So that is why I would like to separate the URL rendering from where the hamlet is specified. Thanks for any pointer in the right direction!
I think you want to use getUrlRenderParams. Strangely enough, a related discussion came up on IRC today. Hamlet templates take a URL rendering function as their first argument, and that function must take two parameters: a type-safe URL, and a list of query string parameters. getUrlRender returns a function that doesn't take the query string parameters, which is why you need getUrlRenderParams instead.

Graph API: Number of Comments for Posts Are Inconsistent Among Various API Calls

Hello Graph API experts,
When you call /[post_id , the result contains "comments" field which has "count" field that is supposed to have the total number of comments for this particular post.
Now, if you call /[post_id]/comments , you get the actual comment data, one by one.
The problem I am facing is that, when I compare the "comments.count" field's value and the number of all of the actual comment data returned, they are different.
What's even worse, if you then look at the same post on's Timeline where you can see the number of comments for that post (i.e. "view all * comments" link), this number is also different from the "comments.count" field value.
And this is not only happening to one post, but to many of them - I observe this tend to happen more to posts with more than 100 comments (I actually counted all the comments on Timeline, and it matched the number of the actual comment data returned from /[post_id]/comments API call).
Is this a normal API behaviour? Which number should I or would you trust if this is the way it is?
ok, when you looking some facebook comment counts on some timeline posts, you woulld see that count for ex. 16 comments, and when you try to count comments manually on the post you may see it's looking 15 comments, so where is it that missing comments ? is that a wrong count by facebook ? no not actually, it's because, some people changing profile privacies as like don't show my comments people who aren't my friends, or we haven't any mutual friends, etc. it's because you cannot get these privatized comments from graph api, but these comments aren't excluding in total count. So what's the solution, just be sure get all the data correctly what facebook provide you. And compare it, how many comments looking like missing, and show missing counts as private comments count in your application. I think is much better.
Welcome to the world of Facebook API programming. Yes, this is normal (but apparently not desired) API behavior. This is one of the inconsistencies we're faced with when programming around their API. CBroe is probably correct in his comment above, it is data inconsistencies between servers in their API cluster.
in addition to this there are problems with pagination, you can use the offset + limit parameters to say how much data you want and from where to take it, if you deal with number of posts, you can say offset=0 and limit=50 and it'll work, but then if you try offset=100 and limit=50 it might return empty data, but then try offset=100 and limit=100 and it'll return 100 posts.
the api is just buggy and full of inconsistencies which don't seem to have any way to solve them.
I think we got oversold on the opengraph, I don't think it's what facebook told us it would be and I'm starting to feel the burn from selling that to my boss and finding out that I perhaps can't deliver :(

django dynamic number of named groups in url

I would like to develop a web service with dynamic urls.
A common url pattern with named groups would be something like this:
(r'^articles/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\d{2})/$', 'news.views.month_archive')
For my purpose I need a little more dynamic, because I don't know the number of groups from the beginning.
E.g. possible urls could be:
I could use something like this:
(r'^(?P<cat1>)/(?P<cat2>)/$', 'module.views.function')
(r'^(?P<cat1>)/(?P<cat2>)/(?P<cat3>)/$', 'module.views.function')
(r'^(?P<cat1>)/(?P<cat2>)/(?P<cat3>)/(?P<cat4>)/$', 'module.views.function')
and so on. Is there a smarter way to do this? Thanks in advance!
Wait if you only have 1 article then you want it to be article/post/, otherwise you want it to be articles/post/?
Since URLs are just regular expressions you could do something like
(r'^articles?/post/$', 'some_view')
the ? tests either 0 or 1 of s.
But fundamentally your URLs don't seem to make sense, when you write articles/post/comments, it sounds like you want to post comments on all articles? Same with article/post/, what does that mean? Which article are you trying to post (you only have one and at most one)?
Typically URLs look like articles/5/post/comments, which would mean "I want to post comments on article with a pk of 5".
Sorry if my answer didn't help. I guess I didn't really understand your question.

How to implement previous- and next-links in the object-detail-view of a search-result?

I am almost done with my first production-ready django-project. I got one big problem left:
I got an article-search-view that renders a list of found articles. Pagination is working just fine for the resultlist. When I click on the article-title the object-detail-page opens. What I want: previous- and next-result-links on the object-detail-page.
I tried several approaches to similar problems but didn't find a working solution. If I try to use a paginator with only one article (for the object-detail-page) I need to know that paginator-index in the resultlist. But how?
Even the .get_next(previous)_by_foo-Method is not really usable in this scenario AFAICT. Or am I missing something obvious here? Thanks for any help in advance!
Paginator from django works with lists. A way of searching indexes in lists it's like that:
['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'].index('bbb') # result: 1
or so like this:
model = object()
[object(), object(), model].index(model) # result: 2
Hope that gives you a hint on how you find paginator-index on your list.
If you want to get a link, at object-details-page, to next item from search-result, you must get next item from the search-result. To get a next item you need to perform the same search query which was executed in search-page and apply some extra filters to get only the next item from that list. But here you have a problem: you only have object-id in object-details page, you don't have the search-term. Without search-term you won't be able to create the search-query. That means you need to get search-term somehow. How do you get that search-term? You need to pass it from the search-result-page somehow. You can save the search-term in session/cookie, or, maybe better: you can pass it via a GET parameter to object-details page. Now when you search-term in object-display page, you can perform a search-query, and from that query you can select the next and the previous objects.
I think now you should be able to implement that. If not you could show some of your code of object-details view, maybe someone will write some code for you.
you could use this
next »
« previous

Regex to change method call parameter

Regexs make me cry, so, I came here for help.
I'm looking for some tips on Find & Replace in Panic's Coda. I know the F&R
is pretty advance but I'm just looking for the best way to do this.
I'm trying to rewrite a 'template engine' (very basic) I have going on with a
webapp I'm coding in PHP (CodeIgniter).
Currently I'm calling my template like so:
$this->load->view('The-View-I-Want-To-Load'); // This is the important line
However it's inefficient using five lines of code every time I want to
load up a different page, in every different controller. So I rewrote it like this:
$data['view'] = 'The-View-I-Want-To-Load';
That way if I need to make any major changes to the design it can
easily be done from the template.php view file (which contains the header, menu, sidebar views etc. etc.).
However I use the previous 5-lines all over the place in many
different controllers and functions. So, my question is --- How can I
find and replace the old template engine (5 lines of code) for the new
one - substituting in the name of the view in the important, unique
line for the one in $data['view]?
Does that make any sense?! If not I'll try and rephrase! I mean, is there a way of doing this via a Regex or something? Or am I on completely the wrong lines here?
your regex will look something like this :
and replace with
\$data['view'] = '$1';\n\$this->load->view('template',\$data);