Access permissions on AWS API Gateway - amazon-web-services

I'm building an application where some data within DynamoDb can be accessed by users over a Rest API.
What I have in mind is:
User accesses API Gateway, authenticated by a Cognito user pool;
API Gateway invokes a Lambda function (written in Python);
Lambda function accesses DynamoDB and returns data.
I'd like to be able to restrict the level of access to DynamoDb according to the user. Initially I thought that the Lambda function could inherit its permissions from the user, but this doesn't work because it needs an execution role.
What is the best way of achieving this? For example, can I pass user information to the Lambda function, which in turn can assume this role before accessing DynamoDb? If so a code example would be appreciated.

Take a look at SpaceFinder - Serverless Auth Reference App and Use API Gateway Lambda Authorizers
With Cognito you can use RBAC:
Amazon Cognito identity pools assign your authenticated users a set of
temporary, limited privilege credentials to access your AWS resources.
The permissions for each user are controlled through IAM roles that
you create. You can define rules to choose the role for each user
based on claims in the user's ID token. You can define a default role
for authenticated users. You can also define a separate IAM role with
limited permissions for guest users who are not authenticated.
so you can create specific roles for each user, although it would be better to use groups
With Lambda authorisers you create your own policy. An example is in awslabs.

In addition to blueCat's answer, I briefly tried giving my Lambda function sts:AssumeRole permissions, and then allowing it to assume the role of the Cognito user that invoked it via the API. I can then use this to get a new set of credentials and carry out some activity with the Cognito user's permissions. Roughly the code inside the lambda is:
def lambda_handler(event, context):
sts_client = boto3.client('sts')
role = event['requestContext']['authorizer']['claims']['cognito:roles']
cognito_role = sts_client.assume_role(
credentials = cognito_role['Credentials']
sess = boto3.session.Session(
# Do something as the assumed user, e.g. access S3
s3_client = sess.client('s3')
# Do stuff here...
Although this works I found that there was roughly 0.5s overhead to assume the role and get the S3 client, and I can't re-use this session between invocations of the function because it is user-specific. As such this method didn't really suit my application.
I've decided instead to give my Lambda full access to the relevant DynamoDb tables, and use the Cognito user groups plus a Lambda authorizer to restrict the parts of the API that individual users are able to call.

I dealt with this issue also but I implemented my solution with Node.js and I figured that although your question is for a Python implementation, then maybe someone would stumble upon this question looking for an answer in JS and I figured this could help out the next person who comes along.
It sounds like you're trying to come up with an effective Authorization strategy after the user has Authenticated their credentials against your Cognito User Pool using custom attributes.
I created a library that I use to export a few functions that allow me to capture the UserPoolId and the Username for the authenticated user so that I can capture the custom:<attribute> I need within my lambda so that the conditions I have implemented can then consume the API to the remaining AWS Services I need to provide authorization to for each user that is authenticated by my app.
Here is My library:
import AWS from "aws-sdk";
// ensure correct AWS region is set
region: "us-east-2"
// function will parse the user pool id from a string
export function parseUserPoolId(str) {
let regex = /[^[/]+(?=,)/g;
let match = regex.exec(str)[0].toString();
console.log("Here is the user pool id: ", match);
return match.toString();
// function will parse the username from a string
export function parseUserName(str) {
let regex = /[a-z,A-Z,0-9,-]+(?![^:]*:)/g;
let match = regex.exec(str)[0].toString();
console.log("Here is the username: ", match);
return match.toString();
// function retries UserAttributes array from cognito
export function getCustomUserAttributes(upid, un) {
// instantiate the cognito IdP
const cognito = new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider({
apiVersion: "2016-04-18"
const params = {
UserPoolId: upid,
Username: un
console.log("UserPoolId....: ", params.UserPoolId);
console.log("Username....: ", params.Username);
try {
const getUser = cognito.adminGetUser(params).promise();
console.log("GET USER....: ", getUser);
// return all of the attributes from cognito
return getUser;
} catch (err) {
console.log("ERROR in getCustomUserAttributes....: ", err.message);
return err;
With this library implemented it can now be used by any lambda you need to create an authorization strategy for.
Inside of your lambda, you need to import the library above (I have left out the import statements below, you will need to add those so you can access the exported functions), and you can implement their use as such::
export async function main(event, context) {
const upId = parseUserPoolId(
// Step 2 --> Get the UserName from the requestContext
const usrnm = parseUserName(
// Request body is passed to a json encoded string in
// the 'event.body'
const data = JSON.parse(event.body);
try {
// TODO: Make separate lambda for AUTHORIZATION
let res = await getCustomUserAttributes(upId, usrnm);
console.log("THIS IS THE custom:primaryAccountId: ", res.UserAttributes[4].Value);
console.log("THIS IS THE custom:ROLE: ", res.UserAttributes[3].Value);
console.log("THIS IS THE custom:userName: ", res.UserAttributes[1].Value);
const primaryAccountId = res.UserAttributes[4].Value;
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
console.log("This call failed to getattributes");
return failure({
status: false
The response from Cognito will provide an array with the custom attributes you need. Console.log the response from Cognito with console.log("THIS IS THE Cognito response: ", res.UserAttributes); and check the index numbers for the attributes you want in your CloudWatch logs and adjust the index needed with:
Now you have an authorization mechanism that you can use with different conditions within your lambda to permit the user to POST to DynamoDB, or use any other AWS Services from your app with the correct authorization for each authenticated user.


How to use only `ctx.identity.cognitoIdentityId` to get related Cognito User Pool user data in AppSync Resolver?

Earlier, when we started our project only with Cognito User Pool I created a lot of resolvers with validation by Cognito User Pool data, for example:
#if( $["custom:role"] == "admin" )
...some code...(get data, invoke lambda, e.t.c.)
But later we needed other authorization providers (Facebook, Google e.t.c.). Therefore, we migrated to cognitoIdentityId, but there was a problem obtaining user data from the Cognito User Pool in the AppSync resolvers.
In AWS Lambda I found Cognito User Pool id by the cognitoIdentityAuthProvider and can get Cognito User Attributes as UserAttributes see code below:
const cognitoidentityserviceprovider = new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider({
apiVersion: '2016-04-18',
const getCognitoUserPoolId = (authProvider) => {
const parts = authProvider.split(':');
return parts[parts.length - 1].slice(0, -1);
// cognitoIdentityAuthProvider, which we pass as an parameter($ctx.identity.cognitoIdentityAuthProvider) from the AppSync resolver
const SUB = getCognitoUserPoolId(cognitoIdentityAuthProvider);
const params = {
Username: SUB,
try {
const { UserAttributes } = await cognitoidentityserviceprovider.adminGetUser(params).promise();
} catch (error) {
return error;
The question is how to get data from Cognito User Pool using cognitoIdentityId in AppSync resolvers? Or are there any other options? Hope I do not have to create a separate lambda for each resolver?
I assume you are using AWS_IAM as the authorization type on your GraphQL API and you are federating a cognito user pool user through Cognito Federated Identities to obtain temporary AWS credentials that you use to call your GraphQL API.
At the moment, the federating user information is not available in the $context.identity object. The workaround for this is what you posted to retrieve it using a lambda and use it further in your resolver by using pipeline resolvers for example.
I am on the AppSync team and we have heard this feature request in the past so I will +1 it for you on your behalf.

How to provide custom data from API gateway endpoint to lambda authorizer

The API Gateway endpoints we are using shall be restricted via permissions to a specific audience.
The idea is to use the lambda authorizer to fetch the permissions from an external service and then create the policy to allow or deny access to the endpoint.
For the matching of the permissions to the API endpoint the endpoint would need to provide the permissions it needs to the authorizer.
My question is now how can I enrich the endpoint data with its own required permissions and use them in the authorizer lambda(probably via the event) for further validation.
User1 is forwarded to the first endpoint GET/petstore/pets(this endpoint needs the permission -> View:Pets)
Lambda authorizer requests the user permissions from the external service
The service returns: [View:Pets , View:Somethingelse, etc.]
The lambda authorizer matches the user permissions against the required endpoint permission and creates the Allow policy on a match
User2 does the same but does not have the permission for viewing pets, no match -> Deny
Here is my code for the lambda:
import {Callback, Context} from 'aws-lambda';
import {Authorizer} from './authorizer';
export class App {
constructor(private authorizer: Authorizer = new Authorizer()) {
public handleEvent(event, callback: Callback): Promise<void> {
return this.authorizer.checkAuthorization(event, callback)
.then((policy) => callback(null, policy))
.catch((error) => callback(error, null));
const app: App = new App();
module.exports.lambda_handler = async (event) => {
return await app.handleEvent(event);
Code for the checkAuthorization method:
export class Authorizer {
public resourceAuthorizer: ResourceAuthorizer = new ResourceAuthorizer();
public authenticationChecker: AuthenticationChecker = new AuthenticationChecker();
public checkAuthorization(event, callback): Promise<object> {
const endpointPermissions = event.endpointPermissions; // <== this is what I need, a custom field in the event which
// is provided from the api endpoint in some way
// in my example this whould contain a string or json
// with 'View:Pets' and 'View:Somethingelse'
return this.authenticationChecker.check(event)
.then((decodedJwt) => {
const principalId: string = decodedJwt.payload.sub;
return Promise.resolve(decodedJwt)
.then((jwt) => this.resourceAuthorizer.check(jwt, event.endpointPermissions))
.then((payload) => callback(null,
getAuthorizationPolicy(principalId, 'Allow', event.endpointPermissions, payload)))
.catch((payload) => callback(null,
getAuthorizationPolicy(principalId, 'Deny', event.endpointPermissions, payload)));
}).catch((error) => {
The event.endpointPermissions is basically what I am looking for. Depending on the API endpoint this should be filled with the permissions neccessary for that endpoint. The resourceAuthorizer then fetches the users Permissions from the external service and compares them to the endpointPermissions and then creates the Allow or Deny policies.
So where can I enter the endpointPermissions in my API Endpoint to provide them to the Authorizer?
The event being passed to the Authorizer contains a methodArn, which is in the format:
arn:aws:execute-api:<Region id>:<Account id>:<API id>/<Stage>/<Method>/<Resource path>
This would give you the Method and Resource Path that you need. It also would give you an identifier of the API, but not the name of the API itself.
The API id, can be used to get the API name by using the AWS SDK. See here.
This should give you everything you need to construct your endpointPermissions value.
I got a solution to my problem without having to parse the ARN, but it's pretty unconventional:
In the method request of a resource create URL query string parameters with the permission names and set the checkbox for 'required'
When the request is called from the client(Postman) these mandatory parameters have to be provided as keys, they are endpoint-specific. The values do not matter because only the keys will be used at evaluation.
The event received by the authorizer now contains the queryStringParameters which can be evaluated for further use.

AWS Cognito Test Environment

I'm currently working on using AWS Cognito to manage user authentication for our application. One snag I'm running into is figuring out a good way to implement a "test" or "qa" environment.
I have a lot of automated tests for my APIs that will create users with random data. Obviously I don't want to Cognito to send out actual SMS or Email messages in this environment. Also when doing manual testing we will be creating users a lot with fake phone numbers and emails. Is there any way to turn the User Pool in "development" mode where all messages simply get logged some way?
You can write a pre sign up lambda function and auto confirm the user in the lambda function by setting the autoConfirmUser flag. In that case, Cognito doesn't send any SMSes or emails with confirmation codes. Example lambda below from the documentation (
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
// This Lambda function returns a flag to indicate if a user should be auto-confirmed.
// Perform any necessary validations.
// Impose a condition that the minimum length of the username of 5 is imposed on all user pools.
if (event.userName.length < 5) {
var error = new Error('failed!');
context.done(error, event);
// Access your resource which contains the list of emails of users who were invited to sign up
// Compare the list of email IDs from the request to the approved list
if(event.userPoolId === "yourSpecialUserPool") {
if ( in listOfEmailsInvited) {
event.response.autoConfirmUser = true;
// Return result to Cognito
context.done(null, event);
Here is what I did to create a "staging" environment User Pool in AWS Cognito that does not send real notifications to users. There were actually a couple different pieces involved, but I think I was able to get everything covered. That being said, it would sure be nice if Cognito simply provided a User Pool setting to turn off all notifications, that way I don't have to write environment specific logic into my code.
Prevent User Invitations
In our app we use the AdminCreateUser function to create users who get invited by other users. This function will normally send an invitation message to the new user's phone number or email. In order to prevent those invitations, you can provide MessageAction: 'SUPPRESS' as a parameter to the function arguments. Like so:
let params = {
UserPoolId: config.cognitoUserPoolId,
Username: uuid.v4(),
MessageAction: 'SUPPRESS', /* IMPORTANT! */
TemporaryPassword: user.phone_number.slice(-6),
UserAttributes: [
{ Name: 'given_name', Value: user.first_name },
{ Name: 'family_name', Value: user.last_name },
{ Name: 'phone_number', Value: user.phone_number }
cognito.adminCreateUser(params).promise().then(data => {
Official docs for that here:
Prevent User Attribute Update Verfications
In our production app, we want users to have to re-verify their phone number or email if it changes. But in our staging environment we don't actually need this. So uncheck the boxes for email and phone under the "Do you want to require verification of emails or phone numbers?" section in your User Pool settings.

How to validate non authenticated users from a mobile app on a server?

My goal : Have a mobile app that does not require users to ever sign in. Have these unauthenticated users hit my server.
What I have : My server is using the AWS API Gateway / AWS Lambda setup. The custom authorizer I used for AWS API Gateway was designed using this example. I Also pasted the code from this example below (A).
My Question : From the code block below (A), I get the impression I should use JWT. How can I use JWT to validate unauthenticated users when these tokens expire? If JWT is not the best thing to use, what would be?
var nJwt = require('njwt');
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var signingKey = "CiCnRmG+t+ BASE 64 ENCODED ENCRYPTED SIGNING KEY Mk=";
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
console.log('Client token: ' + event.authorizationToken);
console.log('Method ARN: ' + event.methodArn);
var kms = new AWS.KMS();
var decryptionParams = {
CiphertextBlob : new Buffer(signingKey, 'base64')
kms.decrypt(decryptionParams, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack);"Unable to load encryption key");
} else {
key = data.Plaintext;
try {
verifiedJwt = nJwt.verify(event.authorizationToken, key);
// parse the ARN from the incoming event
var apiOptions = {};
var tmp = event.methodArn.split(':');
var apiGatewayArnTmp = tmp[5].split('/');
var awsAccountId = tmp[4];
apiOptions.region = tmp[3];
apiOptions.restApiId = apiGatewayArnTmp[0];
apiOptions.stage = apiGatewayArnTmp[1];
policy = new AuthPolicy(verifiedJwt.body.sub, awsAccountId, apiOptions);
if (verifiedJwt.body.scope.indexOf("admins") > -1) {
} else {
policy.allowMethod(AuthPolicy.HttpVerb.GET, "*");
policy.allowMethod(AuthPolicy.HttpVerb.POST, "/users/" + verifiedJwt.body.sub);
} catch (ex) {
console.log(ex, ex.stack);"Unauthorized");
My Question : From the code block below (A), I get the impression I
should use JWT. How can I use JWT to validate unauthenticated users
when these tokens expire? If JWT is not the best thing to use, what
would be?
Why do you need any validation at all? If you want to allow unauthenticated access to your API you should just do that and save yourself some effort.
If you want to restrict access and not require a user to login, you may want to consider simply using Cognito Identity. It supports unauthenticated identities and migration to authenticated access either via Cognito Your User Pools or another federated provider. It is worth noting that if you go this route, you will want to secure/obscure your identity pool id properly within your app to minimize the chance of it being extracted.
Using Cognito Identity, you would be able to get AWS credentials to sign the requests to your API using standard Signature version 4 and avoid the cost and overhead of managing a custom authorizer.

Signing with temporary credentials for API gateway request problems

I'm trying to invoke my API Gateway with authenticated users with the REST API. For this I'm using: Cognito UserPool + Cognito Identity Pool + API Gateway + AWS_IAM Authorization + Cognito Credentials. From what I've gathered I need to sign my request with (temporary credentials). Based on this thread I want to sign my request with the following keys:
SecretKey: '',
AccesKeyId: '',
SessionKey: ''
If I use an associated user from my IAM console and use the corresponding SecretKey + AccesKeyID everything works fine. However, I want to use the Unauthenticated and Authenticated roles from my Identity Pools to apply IAM policies based on authenticated or unauthenticated users.
FYI: I can call the authenticated functions from this part of the documentation.
I'm building a React-Native app, and because of that I want to keep the native SDK to a minimum and I'm only using AWSCognitoIdentityProvider part. For the user handling.
I trying to receive the correct keys using this Objective-C code:
[[self.credentialsProvider credentials] continueWithBlock:^id(AWSTask *task) {
if (task.error) {
NSLog(#"Error: %#", task.error);
else {
AWSCredentials *response = task.result;
NSString *accessKey = response.accessKey;
NSString *secretKey = response.secretKey;
NSString *sessionKey = response.sessionKey;
NSDictionary *responseData = #{
#"AccessKey" : accessKey,
#"SecretKey" : secretKey,
#"SessionKey": sessionKey
return nil;
The rest I've setup using the relevant docs.
I (wrongly?) tried to sign my requests with the
AccessKey, SecretKey, SessionKey retrieved from the CredentialsProvider above.
SecretKey: credentials.SecretKey,
AccesKeyId: credentials.AccessKey,
SessionKey: credentials.SessionKey
The signing fails with the following error:
{ message: 'The security token included in the request is invalid.' }
So the question I have is: which keys should I use to sign my requests for authenticated users so that I can apply the attached IAM policies from my Cognito Setup?
Thanks for any help :)
Like Michael - sqlbot, point out, it should be SessionToken instead of SessionKey. I found a better instruction on how to get credentials from Cognito.