SML: Error: non-constructor applied to argument in pattern: - - sml

I'am writing this function for a MOOC. It's job is to remove a string from the list and return that list without the string as a SOME or return NONE is the string is not there.
I wrote the code below but whenever I try to run it I get the following error: Error: non-constructor applied to argument in pattern: -.
exception NotFound
fun all_except_option (str : string, strs : string list) =
fun remove_str (strs : string list) =
case strs of
[] => raise NotFound
| str'::strs' => if same_string(str, str') then strs' else str'::remove_str strs'
SOME (remove_str strs) handle NotFound => NONE
And where's one test to run it:
val test01-01 = all_except_option ("string", ["string"]) = SOME []
forgot to include the same_string function that was provided to us to simplify types
fun same_string(s1 : string, s2 : string) =
s1 = s2

Figured out the problem. Seems like SML doesn't like hyphens, like the one I had in the test:
val test01-01 = all_except_option ("string", ["string"]) = SOME []
I changed to underscore instead and now it works.
val test01_01 = all_except_option ("string", ["string"]) = SOME []

Since you've already solved this task, here's a way to write it without using exceptions:
fun all_except_option (_, []) = NONE
| all_except_option (t, s :: ss) =
if s = t
then SOME ss (* don't include s in result, and don't recurse further *)
else case all_except_option (t, ss) of
SOME ss' => SOME (s :: ss')
Having a recursive function return t option rather than t makes it more difficult to deal with, since upon every recursive call, you must inspect if it returned SOME ... or NONE. This can mean a lot of case ... of ... s!
They can be abstracted away using the library function The definition is found in the standard library and translates into:
fun (*Option.*)map f opt =
case opt of
SOME v => SOME (f v)
This bit resembles the case ... of ... in all_except_option; rewriting it would look like:
fun all_except_option (_, []) = NONE
| all_except_option (t, s :: ss) =
if s = t
then SOME ss (* don't include s in result, and don't recurse further *)
else (fn ss' => s :: ss') (all_except_option (t, ss))


Ocaml cast string to list of tuples

I have the file "example.dat" with text "[(1,2); (3,4); (5,6)]". I need to get list of tuples from it. I know, how I can get it from list of ints.
# let f line = int_of_string line;;
# open Printf
let file = "example.dat"
let () =
let ic = open_in file in
let line = input_line ic in
f line;
flush stdout;
close_in ic
with e ->
close_in_noerr ic;
raise e;;
How I must to change my functions?
Given a list of strings that represent ints, your function f returns a list of ints. It doesn't return a list of tuples.
You don't say whether you want to verify that the input has some kind of proper form. If you want to verify that it has the form of (say) a list of type (int * int) list in OCaml, this is a parsing problem that would take some work.
If you just want to extract the parts of the input line that look like ints, you can use regular expression processing from the Str module:
# let re = Str.regexp "[^0-9]+" in
Str.split re "[(1,2); (37,4); (5,6)]";;
- : string list = ["1"; "2"; "37"; "4"; "5"; "6"]
Then you can rewrite your function f to collect up each pair of ints into a tuple. I don't see a good way to use for this. You might have to write your own recursive function or use List.fold_left.
I will write you a function that changes a list of values into a list of pairs. I hope this isn't for a school assignment, in which case you should be figuring this out for yourself.
let rec mkpairs l =
match l with
| [] | [_] -> []
| a :: b :: rest -> (a, b) :: mkpairs rest
As you can see, this function silently discards the last element of the list if the list has an odd number of elements.
This function is not tail recursive. So that's something you could think about improving.
let open Genlex in
let open Stream in
let lexer = make_lexer ["["; "("; ","; ")"; ";"; "]";] in
let stream = lexer (of_string array_string) in
let fail () = failwith "Malformed string" in
let parse_tuple acc = match next stream with
| Int first -> ( match next stream with
| Kwd "," -> ( match next stream with
| Int second -> ( match next stream with
| Kwd ")" -> (first, second) :: acc
| _ -> fail () )
| _ -> fail () )
| _ -> fail () )
| _ -> fail ()
let rec parse_array acc =
match next stream with
| Kwd "(" -> parse_array (parse_tuple acc)
| Kwd ";" -> parse_array acc
| Kwd "]" -> acc
| _ -> fail ()
match next stream with
| Kwd "[" -> List.rev (parse_array [])
| _ -> fail ()
with Stream.Failure -> fail ();;

Use meta-programming in F* for a syntactic check on a function argument

I would like to write a function that enforces that its argument is, syntactically, a constant string. Here's what I tried:
module Test
module R = FStar.Reflection
let is_literal (t: R.term) =
match R.inspect_ln t with
| R.Tv_Const (R.C_String _) -> true
| _ -> false
let check_literal (s: string { normalize (is_literal (`s)) }) =
let test () =
check_literal ""; // should work
let s = "" in
check_literal s // should not work
However, I'm pretty sure static quotations (with `) are not what I want, but instead dynamic quotations with quote. But this would put my precondition into the Tac effect. Is there any way to do what I want in the current state of things?
I don't know if you finally found a solution, but what about implicit meta arguments?
They somehow allow running Tac code at function invocation time, making quote usable.
Changing your code a bit doing so seems to work:
module Is_lit
open FStar.Tactics
let is_literal (t: term) =
match inspect_ln t with
| Tv_Const (C_String _) -> true
| _ -> false
let check_literal (s: string)
(#[(if (normalize_term (is_literal (quote s)))
then exact (`())
else fail "not a litteral")
] witness: unit)
: unit =
// success
let _ = check_literal "hey"
// failure
let _ = let s = "hey" in check_literal s

Warning: match nonexhaustive - handling a specific case (SML)

Consider the following example of a list in SML: [[("foo",~10.0)],[("goo",~8.0)]].
I would link to write a function which will delete the main brackets meaning the output will be:
[("foo", ~10.0), ("goo, ~8.0)]
The function I wrote:
fun inner_list [[]] = [] | inner_list [] = []
| inner_list ((((x:(string*real))::xt)::xs)) = x :: inner_list xs;
It works for most cases but I know that I didn't check one of the cases. I think this case is:
[[],("foo", ~10.0)]
I know that I didn't handle one of the cases because the compiler alerts:
stdIn:1.6-2.68 Warning: match nonexhaustive
nil :: nil => ...
nil => ...
(x :: xt) :: xs => ...
I read other articles related with the Warning: match nonexhaustive warning, but I didn't understand how to solve it with my program.
How to handle the other case?
EDIT I know that my list contains only one list. this is why I don't use xt
How about the built-in List.concat?
List.concat [[("foo",~10.0)], [("goo",~8.0)]] =
[("foo",~10.0), ("goo",~8.0)]

Adding items to list SML

I'm very new to SML and I'm trying to add some items to a list
fun foo(inFile : string, outFile : string) = let
val file = TextIO.openIn inFile
val outStream = TextIO.openOut outFile
val contents = TextIO.inputAll file
val lines = String.tokens (fn c => c = #"\n") contents
val lines' = splitFirstSpace lines
fun helper1(lis : string list) =
case lis of
[] => ( TextIO.closeIn file; TextIO.closeOut outStream)
| c::lis => ( TextIO.output(outStream, c);
fun helper(lis : (string * string) list, stack : string list) =
case lis of
[] => stack
| c::lis => ( act(#1 c, #2 c)::stack;
helper(lis, stack))
val x = helper(lines', [])
I'm getting a blank output file whenever I run the code and I'm having trouble figuring out why but I do know that the helper function is getting the proper values from the "act" function because I tested it by using print(action(...))
The problem is with this part:
( act(#1 c, #2 c)::stack; helper(lis, stack) )
This is creating a new list and then immediately throwing it away before performing the recursive call. What you want to do instead is
helper(lis, act(#1 c, #2 c)::stack)
Additional hint: both your helper functions can be replaced by simple uses of and List.foldl.
Edit: Further hint: In fact, you can write that as just
helper(lis, act(c)::stack)
because a function with "two arguments" is simply a function taking a pair.

right-hand-side of clause doesn't agree with function result type

Write a function remove_option, which takes a string and a string list. Return NONE if the string is not in the list, else return SOME xs where xs is identical to the argument list except the string is not in it. You may assume the string is in the list at most once. Use same_string, provided to you, to compare strings. Sample solution is around 8 lines.
The function type should be fn : string * string list -> string list option.Here is my code
fun same_string(s1 : string, s2 : string) =
s1 = s2
fun remove_option (str: string ,str_list : string list) =
case str_list of
[] => NONE
| x::xs => if same_string(x,str)
then SOME xs
else x :: remove_option( str,xs)
and the error report
hw2provided.sml:10.5-15.37 Error: right-hand-side of clause doesn't agree with f
unction result type [tycon mismatch]
expression: _ option
result type: string list
in declaration:
remove_option =
(fn (<pat> : string,<pat> : string list) =>
(case str_list
of <pat> => <exp>
| <pat> => <exp>))
uncaught exception Error
raised at: ../compiler/TopLevel/interact/evalloop.sml:66.19-66.27
So where is the bug ?
The problem is that you want to return a string list option but the line
else x :: remove_option( str,xs)
makes it seem that you want to return a string list
What you need to do with the return value of remove_option( str,xs) is
1) decide what to do if it is NONE
2) extract the string list strings (or whatever you want to call it) if it is of the form SOME strings, tack x onto the front of the list, and repackage it with SOME before returning it.
You seem comfortable with the use of case, so you could use it here.
Since John showed where the bug is, here are some extra comments:
Since the function same_string is not injected, it is superfluous. You might as well use =.
Recursive functions that return 'a option are kind of tricky, since you need to unpack the result:
fun remove_option (s1, []) = NONE
| remove_option (s1, s2::ss) =
if s1 = s2
then SOME ss
else case remove_option (s1, ss) of
| SOME ss' => SOME (s2::ss')
Generally, when you see the pattern
case x_opt of
| SOME x => SOME (f x))
this can be refactored into using e.g. : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option: f x_opt
In this case,
fun curry f x y = f (x, y)
fun remove_option (s1, []) = NONE
| remove_option (s1, s2::ss) =
if s1 = s2
then SOME ss
else (curry op:: s2) (remove_option (s1, ss))
where curry op:: s2, the function that puts s2 in front of a list.