Sorting a C 2D array via std::sort - c++

I have a 2D array a[][40]. I'm trying to sort it by calling std::sort, and I have written the Compare function. However, C++ wants me to have a std::vector to be sorted, not a simple array and I want the sorted array to be a itself, I don't want to create another array and save the sorting result there. It seems there are a lot of ways to achieve that. I could think of five ways, but none of them seems to be efficient and working.
Directly use std::sort(std::begin(a), std::begin(a) + something, cmp);
It doesn't work, because std::begin doesn't know how to point to the beginning of a 2D array. Furthermore, it'd sort incorrectly even if it compiled, since a 2D array is not an array of references to arrays, but consecutive arrays (unlike Java)
std::vector<unsigned char[40]> k(a, a + x);
std::sort(k.begin(), k.end(), cmp);
Then copy everything back to a
It doesn't work, because it's a 2D array, and it can't be sorted this way, using std::sort. In contrast to the first trial, this one uses twice as much as memory, and copies everything twice (if it worked)!
std::vector<int> k(x);
for (int i = 0; i < x; k[i] = i, i++);
std::sort(k.begin(), k.end(), cmp2);
Then change the order of a to be the same of k;
The idea is simple, create a vector of representative "pointers", sort them (as the cmp2 function secretly accesses a and compares the values), then make a have the same order with k.
In the end, the re-ordering loop will be very complex, will require a large, temporary variable. Besides, for cmp2 to access the values of a, a global variable-pointer that points to a must be created, which is "bad" code.
For all unsigned char[40], a struct can be created and their values can be copied to structs. Comparison and = operators will need to be declared. After sorted, they can be copied back to a.
It'd be a great solution if the arrays didn't have to be copied to structs to use struct's operators, but they need to be copied, so all values will be copied twice, and twice-as-needed memory will be used.
For all unsigned char[40], a struct that has a pointer to them can be created. They can be sorted by the pointed values, and the result can be saved to a pointer array.
It's probably the best option, although the result is a pointer array instead a. Another reason on why it's good is it doesn't move the arrays, but the pointers.
To sum up, I need to sort the 2D array a[][40] via std::sort, but I haven't decided on the best way. It seems there's a "best way to do that" which I can't think of. Could you please help me?
EDIT: To clarify, I want {{3,2}{1,4}} to become {{1,4}{3,2}}

The problem is not in iterating a 2D array. Provided the columns size is a constexpr value, pointers to arrays are nice iterators.
But all C++ sort (or mutating) algorithms require the underlying type to be move constructible and move assignable and an array is not assignable. But wrapping the underlying arrays can be enough:
template <class T, int sz>
class wrapper {
T* base;
bool own; // a trick to allow temporaries: only them have own == true
// constructor using a existing array
wrapper(T* arr): base(arr), own(false) {}
~wrapper() { // destructor
if (own) {
delete[] base; // destruct array for a temporary wrapper
// move constructor - in fact copy to a temporary array
wrapper(wrapper<T, sz>&& src): base(new T[sz]), own(true) {
for(int i=0; i<sz; i++) {
base[i] = src.base[i];
// move assignment operator - in fact also copy
wrapper<T, sz>& operator = (wrapper<T, sz>&& src) {
for(int i=0; i<sz; i++) {
base[i] = src.base[i];
return *this;
// native ordering based on lexicographic string order
bool operator < (const wrapper<T, sz>& other) const {
return std::char_traits<char>::compare(base, other.base, sz) < 0;
const T* value() const { // access to the underlying string for tests
return base;
Then, you can sort a C compatible 2D array with any C++ sort algo:
std::vector<wrapper<char, 40> > v { &arr[0], &arr[sz] }; // pointer are iterators...
std::sort(v.begin(), v.end()); // and that's all!
for (int i=0; i<sz; i++) { // control
std::cout << arr[i] << std::endl;
The overhead is a vector of structures containing a pointer and a bool, but what is sorted is actually the original 2D array.
Of course, as the C library is accessible from C++, qsort would certainly be easier for sorting a C compatible 2D array. But this way allows the use of stable_sort or partial_sort if they are relevant.


C++ creating a 2D array using the size of a given vector, in a memory-safe manner [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to create a two dimensional array of given size in C++
(3 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
How do I achieve the following:
std::vector<int> vec = { 1, 2, 3 };
const int N = vec.size();
// Now create NxN 2D array.
First, I know I could do it with new but I'd have to remember to delete it later, and I'd rather not have to handle deallocation of memory if possible.
Second, I can't declare the 2D array on the stack because N is not (and can't be in this case) a constant expression. (In any case I'm using VS2013 and it doesn't support constexpr.)
Third, I can't (or maybe don't know how to) use std::array because apparently "a local variable cannot be used as a non-type argument". (I copy-pasted this from the VS2013 compile dialogue and have little understanding regarding this point).
Fourth, I'm thinking of using unique_ptr. The problem is, I know how to use unique_ptr for a 1D array, like std::unique_ptr<int> arr{ new int[N] }, but can't figure out how to do it for a 2D array.
Lastly, I know I can always write my own thin wrapper around a C-style array that's always created on the heap, or write my own 2D array class. But is there a native or standard library way of doing this in C++ (C++11)?
std::experimental::array_view is a view to an n-dimensional array with dynamic size bounds on a packed buffer.
So one approach is to create a contiguous buffer (say, a std::vector<T>, or a std::unique_ptr<T[]>, and then wrap an array_view<T,2> around it.
Access through the view object, and it will have the operations you should expect from an array. The storage is managed separately from the way of looking at the storage.
Writing a simplified version of this array_view for the 1 and 2 dimensional case isn't tricky. But the result is your code is high performance, and very clear at point of use. The glue code (for array_view) can be a bit tricky, but once tested it should be solid: and the likelihood that a similar construct will be added to std shortly means it won't remain obscure for long.
In my experience, once I have a solid array_view type, I use it as a drop-in replacement for where I was (inefficiently) using std::vector to pass bundles of data around in the past.
If you want to write your own, I'd skip the bits about bounds and indexes, and just implement slicing -- [] on a 2nd dimension array_view returns a 1st dimension array_view, and [] on a 1st dimension array_view returns a T&.
I suggest you write a class for it.
Example below: set() resizes it before setting values. The operator [] returns the column vector for that row, so when you apply the operator [] it returns the desired value. Let me know if you find any issue ;).
class 2DVector {
std::vector<std::vector<int>> m_items;
void set(int value, size_t row, size_t column) {
for (int i=m_items.size(); i<=row; i++) {
for (int i=0; i<m_items.size(); i++) {
for (int j=m_items[i].size(); j<=column; j++) {
m_items[row][column] = value;
std::vector<int> &operator [](size_t index) {
return m_items[index];
2DVector v;
v.set(200, 0, 0);
v.set(201, 1, 0);
std::cout << v[0][0]; //prints 200
std::cout << v[1][0]; //prints 201
The standard library way of doing this is:
std::vector< std::vector<int> > vec2d (vec.size(), vec);
which will initialize each row with the values from vec. If you don't want to do this then leave off the final argument.
What about mimic a 2D array by 1D array?Like the way done by openCV2
pseudo codes
class 2DVector {
void set(int value, size_t row, size_t column) {
m_items[row * column_size + column];
int &operator [](size_t row, size_t column) {
return m_items[row * column_size + column];
std::vector<int> m_items;
Or just use the boost::multi_array(Not sure about the performance is good enough for your case).

How to "delete" a part of an array and keep the rest without running through it?

I am trying to implement an algorithm in C++.
In the pseudocode, there is this: w ←w[0..e], where w is an array of characters and e is an integer. Basically I want to keep a part of the array and discard the rest.
Just to make the program working, I have used a for loop, where I scan through the original array up to e and I copy the values in a new array.
char newArray[sizeIAlreadyKnow];
for (int i=0;i<e;i++)
newArray[i] = w[i];
I know this is not efficient; is there a way to avoid iterating through the original array?
Also I am not very familiar with vectors. Do they have a functionality for this?
Thank you in advance
You can use std::string::resize. The basic idea is to use std::string instead of raw arrays of char. Correspondingly, things also become much easier and safer by using std::vector<T> instead of raw arrays of T.
You're right, you should really use vectors !
A lot of documentation is available here, there are also a lot of good tutorials on c++ and std containers (ask google for some of those)
Conserning your question, what vectors can do is (create a copy)
std::vector<char> myArray;
// fill your array, do watherver work you want with it
std::vector<char> newArray(&myArray[start], &myArray[end]);
or in you case (resize)
std::vector<char> myArray;
// fill your array, do watherver work you want with it
Each and every one of the methods on vector listed in here come with exemple. Reading those might help you a lot with the implementation of your algorithm.
If you ever need, more can be done (like sorting) using the algorithm section on vector (or any other std container)
What you're asking is not possible with C++ builtin arrays or std::vector out of the box.
In the D programming language, it's is possible. If you scroll down to the section labelled Introducing Slices in the link below, you'll find an explanation about how it's possible. In short, it can't be done without garbage collection. You can't free an array in C++ by calling delete on a pointer to the middle of it. So if you tried to slice the middle out of an array, then ditched the old pointer, you would have no way to free the memory, and your program would leak.
Now, while it's not possible using a language construct, it is possible in a number of other ways.
Of course, there is the obvious, as stated by Amxx: You can simply copy the segment of the array you want into a new array or vector. However, if you're concerned about performance, this is not the best way.The vector constructor Amxx is using will still loop over all the elements and copy them, even though you can't see it.
For a more efficient solution, there are C++ iterators. If you have a function that you want to work on a subset of an array, you can make your function accept iterators instead of an array or a vector.
For example:
int sumElements(vector<int>::iterator first, vector<int>::iterator last)
int sum = 0;
for( ; first != last; ++first)
sum += *first;
return sum;
vector<int> numbers;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
int sum = sumElements(numbers.begin() + 10, numbers.begin() + 20);
There are also things like a string_view:
string_view is a non-owning reference to a slice of a string, but instead of having to deal with a pair of iterators, you can just treat it like the object that it is a slice of. Internally, it just stores pointers to the original string. The caveat though, is that since string_view is a non-owning reference, the original string's lifetime must outlast that of any string_view pointing at it.
The same thing could also be done with a vector, but there is nothing in the standard library for this yet(even string_view is still experimental).
I suppose you could do something like this:
template<class T>
class vector_view
vector<T>::iterator first;
vector<T>::iterator last;
vector_view(vector<T>::iterator first, vector<T>::iterator last)
: first(first), last(last) { }
const T& operator[](size_t i) const {
assert(first + i < last);
return *(first + i)
size_t size() const {
return last - first;
vector<int> numbers;
// ... init numbers with 100 numbers
vector_view<int> vv(numbers.begin() + 5, numbers.begin() + 32);
int number = vv[10];
I would probably just stick to vectors and iterators to keep things simple, but there you have it.
edit: similar ideas to the one above are discussed in this proposal for C++ ranges:

Dereferencing iterator (c++)

I have problem with dereferencing result of operation that returns non-pointer value.
In this map i have pointers to matrixes
map<string, GeneralMatrix*> matrixes;
and this is how operations with matrixes look like
GeneralMatrix & add(const GeneralMatrix & m2) {
//Check for compatible matrixes
if (height != m2.height || width != m2.width) {
cout << "Matrix sizes must match!" << endl;
return *this;
//Create new empty matrix
GeneralMatrix &m3 = createNew(width, m2.height);
//Set every number to sum of this and given matrix
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < m2.width; j++) {
double val = m2.get(i, j);
if (val != 0) {
val += get(i, j);
m3.set(i, j, val);
return m3;
As you can see, add method returns non-pointer matrix that i want to insert into my map.
This is what I tried:
map<string, GeneralMatrix *>::iterator itop1 , itop2;
//now seting iterators to their position
//there is the problem
matrixes.insert(pair<string, GeneralMatrix *>(result, (*itop1->second->add(*itop2->second))));
Problem is that i cant find out how to insert second parameter of pair. It alway ends with error because of different types.
Attempt n1:
Add method needs pointer
Attempt n2:
Result is non-pointer, needs to be pointer
Attemp n3:
main.cpp:611:68: error: no match for ‘operator*’ (operand type is ‘GeneralMatrix’)
How to derefence result then ?
Ideally you would change matrixes to type map<string, GeneralMatrix>.
Alternatively you could keep an std::list<GeneralMatrix> that stores the matrices and you give a pointer to the matrix inside the list.
It is considered bad style to have naked pointers. Pointers should instead tell the ownership status they have over the item, such as unique_ptr, shared_ptr or weak_ptr. That would also take care of memory management.
If your class is well behaved and the map holds owning pointers you could do something like this:
matrixes.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("name"), new GeneralMatrix(std::move(m)));
Where m is the matrix you are trying to move into the map.
If the pointers in the map do not own the pointers you can just insert the address of the map with &m, but that requires you to store the matrix somewhere persistent such as the list shown above.
Your specific problem with the iterator can be solved like this:
matrixes.insert(pair<string, GeneralMatrix *>(result, &(*itop1)));
A quick solution to your problem is:
GeneralMatrix& m3= add(m2);
matrixes["string"] = &m3;
matrixes.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("name"), (&m3)));
matrixes.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, GeneralMatrix*>("name", &m3));
They are basically both equivalent in this case, however operator[] will always insert a value in the map, even if the right hand operator is null.
For example:
will insert an empty pointer
Your code however has several problems:
first, why do you need to return a reference from the method createNew?
Just return a value to a new matrix. You don't gain anything doing this.
GeneralMatrix createNew(width, m2.height);
As suggested in another answer, have a map of string to unique_pointers instead of using raw pointers and/or leverage move semantics.
In your case, since an "add" operation will always result in creating a new matrix, I wouldn't even bother dealing with pointers, as they give you no real advantage
Here you can find some stripped down code that will fit your needs:
std::map<std::string, GeneralMatrix> matrixes;
GeneralMatrix add(const GeneralMatrix& m2)
//Create new empty matrix
auto m3 = createNew(width, m2.height);
return m3;
Note also that this code will be optimized by your compiled, using something called NRVO (named return valueoptimization), and it will likely be faster that your previous one that dealt with dynamic allocation in the createNew method).
Now, if General matrix implements correctly the rvalue copy constructor you can move it to your map
map.insert(std::string("string"), std::move<m3>);
or you can just emplace it (not yet implemented by all compilers)
map.emplace(std::make_pair(std::string("string"), createNew(m2)));
If you need polymorphism, just use a factory method that returns a base std::unique_ptr.
std::unique_ptr<GeneralMatrix> createNew(width, m2.height);

C++ class for arrays with arbitrary indices

Do any of the popular C++ libraries have a class (or classes) that allow the developer to use arrays with arbitrary indices without sacrificing speed ?
To give this question more concrete form, I would like the possibility to write code similar to the below:
//An array with indices in [-5,6)
ArbitraryIndicesArray<int> a = ArbitraryIndicesArray<int>(-5,6);
for(int index = -5;index < 6;++index)
a[index] = index;
Really you should be using a vector with an offset. Or even an array with an offset. The extra addition or subtraction isn't going to make any difference to the speed of execution of the program.
If you want something with the exact same speed as a default C array, you can apply the offset to the array pointer:
int* a = new int[10];
a = a + 5;
a[-1] = 1;
However, it is not recommended. If you really want to do that you should create a wrapper class with inline functions that hides the horrible code. You maintain the speed of the C code but end up with the ability to add more error checking.
As mentioned in the comments, after altering the array pointer, you cannot then delete using that pointer. You must reset it to the actual start of the array. The alternative is you always keep the pointer to the start but work with another modified pointer.
//resetting the array by adding the offset (of -5)
delete [] (a - 5);
A std::vector<int> would do the trick here.
Random acess to a single element in a vector is only O(1).
If you really need the custom indices you can make your own small class based on a vector to apply an ofset.
Use the map class from the STL:
std::map<int, int> a;
for( int index = -5; index < 6; ++index )
a[index] = index;
map is implemented internally as a sorted container, which uses a binary search to locate items.
[This is an old thread but for reference sake...]
Boost.MultiArray has an extents system for setting any index range.
The arrays in the ObjexxFCL library have full support for arbitrary index ranges.
These are both multi-dimensional array libraries. For the OP 1D array needs the std::vector wrapper above should suffice.
Answer edited because I'm not very smart.
Wrap an std::vector and an offset into a class and provide an operator[]:
template <class T>
class ArbVector
int _offset;
std::vector<T> container;
ArbVector(int offset) : _offset(offset) {}
T& operator[](int n) { return container[n + _offset] }
Not sure if this compiles, but you get the idea.
Do NOT derive from std::vector though, see comments.

How to have a vector of byvalue and use a vector of pointers in conjunction?

I have some vectors of class A objects:
std::vector<A> *V1;
std::vector<A> *V2;
there is a function with a vector of pointers of A:
std::vector<A *> *arranged;
what I need to do is put the vectors from V1, V2 etc inside arranged without destroying them in the end, so I thought that a vector of pointers to those objects... is this possible?
if yes, can you give me an example of a iteration with variable V1 and add pointers of those objects into arranged?
imagine that you, temporarly, need to sort 3 vectors of objects into one vector but you don't want to mess up the memory of the 3 vectors.
You could write your own comparator. In this case, the comparator would work on A*. A simple example using int type:
void fun(vector<int*>* vec)
bool comp(int* lhs, int* rhs)
return *lhs < *rhs;
int main()
vector<int> first, second;
vector<int*> vec;
for(vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < first.size(); ++i)
for(vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < second.size(); ++i)
// write your own comparator! provided above: comp
sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), comp);
return 0;
If I understand you correctly - you've several vectors containing some object type (A), and you want to create a new vector containing the composition of all members of the other vectors w/o actually copying the objects around, or otherwise disturbing their owning-vectors in any way?
First: does the new composite vector's life definitely exist such that none of its source-vectors will change? That is: you cannot just have raw pointers into the source-vectors from your composite vector if those pointers will be invalidated within the lifetime of your composite.
If the answer to that is anything other than "definitely, pointers will remain valid" then you need to consider using shared pointers, or something similar, such that altering the source-vectors will not leave your composite vector in an invalid state (i.e. not leave it pointing to random memory).
Assuming that the source-vectors will remain unchanged in terms of their own contents for the life span of your composite, then the simple answer is "Yes"
vector<A> source1;
vector<A> source2;
vector<A> source3;
vector<const A*> composite; // this is a sorted vector of the above vectors' contents (by pointer)
For the composite vector, you would need to put the contents (by copy) of source1-3 into it, and then sort it (or you could use a sorted container, and sort as you insert the elements). You'll need to define your own sorting operator, one that dereferences the pointers and applies whatever sort-algorithm on the target objects themselves.
Does that help you?