Min and max terms and Karnaugh maps - minimax

Could anyone explain what is the importance of max and min terms in boolean algebra and uses of Karnaugh maps. I feel like confused in those titles.

Minterms use SOP (sum of products) - and are represented by Sigma
Maxterms use POS (product of sums) - and are represented by Pi
Minterms are classified when the output of the truth table row is a 1, while maxterms capture the 0's.
The representation is also different, minterms look like: (AB)+(CD) while maxterms look like (A+B)(C+D).
SOP uses the K-map normally and captures the 1s. When the 1 (header) is constant, the variable will be A for example, but if the 0 is constant, it would be A' (A Bar).
POS does the exact opposite (captures all the 0s). Keep in mind that when a 0 is constant, it will be A for example, but when a 1 is constant (it's inverted) and becomes an A'


How to write this floating point code in a portable way?

I am working on a cryptocurrency and there is a calculation that nodes must make:
average /= total;
double ratio = average/DESIRED_BLOCK_TIME_SEC;
int delta = -round(log2(ratio));
It is required that every node has the exact same result no matter what architecture or stdlib being used by the system. My understanding is that log2 might have different implementations that yield very slightly different results or flags like --ffast-math could impact the outputted results.
Is there a simple way to convert the above calculation to something that is verifiably portable across different architectures (fixed point?) or am I overthinking the precision that is needed (given that I round the answer at the end).
EDIT: Average is a long and total is an int... so average ends up rounded to the closest second.
DESIRED_BLOCK_TIME_SEC = 30.0 (it's a float) that is #defined
For this kind of calculation to be exact, one must either calculate all the divisions and logarithms exactly -- or one can work backwards.
-round(log2(x)) == round(log2(1/x)), meaning that one of the divisions can be turned around to get (1/x) >= 1.
round(log2(x)) == floor(log2(x * sqrt(2))) == binary_log((int)(x*sqrt(2))).
One minor detail here is, if (double)sqrt(2) rounds down, or up. If it rounds up, then there might exist one or more value x * sqrt2 == 2^n + epsilon (after rounding), where as if it would round down, we would get 2^n - epsilon. One would give the integer value of n the other would give n-1. Which is correct?
Naturally that one is correct, whose ratio to the theoretical mid point x * sqrt(2) is smaller.
x * sqrt(2) / 2^(n-1) < 2^n / (x * sqrt(2)) -- multiply by x*sqrt(2)
x^2 * 2 / 2^(n-1) < 2^n -- multiply by 2^(n-1)
x^2 * 2 < 2^(2*n-1)
In order of this comparison to be exact, x^2 or pow(x,2) must be exact as well on the boundary - and it matters, what range the original values are. Similar analysis can and should be done while expanding x = a/b, so that the inexactness of the division can be mitigated at the cost of possible overflow in the multiplication...
Then again, I wonder how all the other similar applications handle the corner cases, which may not even exist -- and those could be brute force searched assuming that average and total are small enough integers.
Because average is an integer, it makes sense to tabulate those exact integer values, which are on the boundaries of -round(log2(average)).
From octave: d=-round(log2((1:1000000)/30.0)); find(d(2:end) ~= find(d(1:end-1))
1 2 3 6 11 22 43 85 170 340 679 1358 2716
5431 10862 21723 43445 86890 173779 347558 695115
All the averages between [1 2( -> 5
All the averages between [2 3( -> 4
All the averages between [3 6( -> 3
All the averages between [43445 86890( -> -11
int a = find_lower_bound(average, table); // linear or binary search
return 5 - a;
No floating point arithmetic needed

Why does std::bit_width return 0 for the value 0, shouldn't it return 1?

std::bit_width finds minimum bits required to represent an integral number x as 1+floor(log(x))
Why does std::bit_width return 0 for the value 0? Shouldn't it return 1, Since the number of bits required to represent 0 is 1?
Also, I think the 1 in the formula is an offset.
There is a strange bit of history to bit_width.
The function that would eventually become known as bit_width started life as log2, as part of a proposal adding integer power-of-two functions. log2 was specified to produce UB when passed 0.
Because that's how logarithms work.
But then, things changed. The function later became log2p1, and for reasons that are not specified was given a wider contract ("wide contract" in C++ parlance means that more stuff is considered valid input). Specifically, 0 is valid input, and yields the value of 0.
Which is not how logarithms work, but whatever.
As C++20 neared standardization, a name conflict was discovered (PDF). The name log2p1 happens to correspond to the name of an IEEE-754 algorithm, but it's a radically different one. Also, functions in other languages with similar inputs and results use a name like bit_length. So it was renamed to bit_width.
And since it's not pretending to do a logarithm anymore, the behavior at 0 can be whatever we want.
Indeed, the Python function int.bit_length has the exact same behavior. Leading zeros are not considered part of the bit length, and since a value of 0 contains all leading zeros...
Because mathematically it makes sense:
bit_width(x) = log2(round_up_to_nearest_integer_power_of_2(x + 1))
bit_width(0) = log2(round_up_to_nearest_integer_power_of_2(0 + 1))
= log2(1)
= 0
To elaborate what was said in the comments:
Assume "bit width" means "least number of bits required to store the (nonnegative integer) number". Intuitively we need at least log2(n) bits rounding up, so it is a formula close to ceil(log2(n)), so 255 would require ceil(log2(255)) = ceil(7.99..) = 8 bits, but this doesn't work for powers of 2, so we can add a fudge factor of 1 to n to get ceil(log2(n+1)). This happens to be mathematically equivalent to 1+floor(log2(n)) for positive n, but log2(0) is not defined or defined as something unuseful like negative infinitiy in the floor version.
If we use the ceiling formula for 0, we get the result. You can also see I didn't write out leading zeros, and as Nicol Bolas points out, 0 is all leading zeros.

Concatenation of prefixes of a boolean array

I have a boolean array A of size n that I want to transform in the following way : concatenate every prefix of size 1,2,..n.
For instance, for n=5, it will transform "abcde" into "aababcabcdabcde".
Of course, a simple approach can loop over every prefix and use elementary bit operations (shift, mask, plus); so the complexity of this approach is obviously O(n).
There are some well known tricks regarding bit manipulations like here.
My question is: is it possible to achieve a faster algorithm for the transformation described above with a complexity better than O(n) by using bit manipulations ?
I am aware that the interest of such an improvement may be just theoretical because the simple approach could be the fastest in practice, but I am still curious about the fact that there exists a theoretical improvement or not.
As a precision, I need to perform this transformation p times, where p can be much bigger than n; some pre-computations could be done for a given n and used later for the computation of the p transformations.
I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but here is a different algorithm, which may be interesting depending on your assumptions.
First compute two masks that depend only on n, so for any particular n these are just constants:
C (copy mask), a mask that has every n'th bit set and is n² bits long. So for n = 5, C = 0000100001000010000100001. This will be used to create n copies of A concatenated together.
E (extract mask), a mask that indicates which bits to take from the big concatenation, which is built up from n times a block of n bits, with values 1, 3, 7, 15 ... eg for n = 5, E = 1111101111001110001100001. Pad the left with zeroes if necessary.
Then the real computation that takes an A and constructs the concatenation of prefixes is:
pext(A * C, E)
Where pext is compress_right, discarding the bits for which the extraction mask is 0 and compacting the remaining bits to the right.
The multiplication can be replaced by a "doubling" technique like this: (which can also be used to compute the C mask)
l = n
while l < n²:
A = A | (A << l)
l = l * 2
Which in general produces too many concatenated copies of A but you can just pretend the excess isn't there by not looking at it (the pext drops any excess input anyway). Efficiently producing E for an unknown and arbitrarily large n seems harder, but that's not really a use case for this approach anyway.
The actual time complexity depends on your assumptions, but of course in the full "arbitrary bit count" setting both multiplication and compaction are heavyweight operations and the fact that the output has a size quadratic in input size really doesn't help. For small enough n such that eg n² <= 64 (depending on word size), so everything fits in a machine word, it all works out well (even for unknown n, since all the required masks can be precomputed). On the other hand, for such small n it is also feasible to table the entire thing, doing a lookup for a pair (n, A).
I may have found another way to proceed.
The idea is to use multiplication to propagate the initial input I to the correct position. The multiplication coefficient J is the vector whose bits are set to one at position i*(i-1)/2 for i in [1:n].
However, a direct multiplication I by J will provide many unwanted terms, so the idea is to
mask some bits from vectors I and J
multiply these masked vectors
remove some junk bits from the result.
We have thus several iterations to do; the final result is the sum of the intermediate results. We can write the result as "sum on i of ((I & Ai) * Bi) & Ci", so we have 2 masks and 1 multiplication per iteration (Ai, Bi and Ci are constants depending on n).
This algorithm seems to be O(log(n)), so it is better than O(log(n)^2) BUT it needs multiplication which may be costly. Note also that this algorithm requires registers of size n*(n+1)/2 which is better than n^2.
Here is an example for n=7
I = abcdefg
We set J = 1101001000100001000001
We also note temporary results:
Xi = I & Ai
Yi = Xi * Bi
Zi = Yi & Ci
iteration 1
1 A1
11 1 1 1 1 1 B1
11 1 1 1 1 1 C1
a X1
aa a a a a a Y1
aa a a a a a Z1
iteration 2
11 A2
1 1 1 1 1 1 B2
1 11 11 11 11 11 C2
bc X2
bcbc bc bc bc bc Y2
b bc bc bc bc bc Z2
iteration 3
1111 A3
1 1 1 1 B3
1 11 111 1111 C3
defg X3
defgdefg defg defg Y3
d de def defg Z3
aa a a a a a Z1
b bc bc bc bc bc Z2
d de def defg Z3
aababcabcdabcdeabcdefabcdefg SUM

Subtracting .size() function values of different strings

Recently I encountered a problem while I was trying to subtract .size() values of two strings in c++. As far as I know, size() returns number of characters in a string. So lets say I have 2 strings p and q, abs(p.size()-q.size()) should return me difference in length of both strings. But when I ran this code, it returned an abruptly large value. When I individually print the length of both or if I store their length values in different integers and subtract them, they give me correct answer. Am not yet able to figure out why.
size() returns an unsigned value. A smaller unsigned value minus a larger one is then underflowing the calculation, resulting in a large negative value. Think of it as if you have the "rolling" counter of miles or km in a car, and you roll back past 0, it becomes 99999, which is a big number.
The solution, assuming you care about negative differences is to do static_cast<int>(p.size() - q.size()) (and pass that to abs).
Return Value of size() is the number of size_t (an unsigned integral type)
So if you subtract greater number from smaller number, you'll get into problem and get that big value as a result of subtraction.
Reference std::string::size
std::string member function size() returns an unsigned value, so if p.size() < q.size(), the expression p.size()-q.size() will not evaluate to a negative number (it's unsigned, cannot be negative) but to a (often) very very big (unsigned) number.
std::strings reports their size as some width of unsigned integer; such types are a bit like the second hand on a watch: you can wind it forward from 0 up to 59 but if you keep going clockwise it drops to 0 before incrementing again, while if you wind counterclockwise you count down to 0 then jump to 59 and count down from there, ad infinitum.
Say you are subtracting a string length of 6 from a string length of 4, it's much like saying "start the minute hand at 4 and wind counterclockwise by 6 minutes" - when you've wound back 4 minutes the second hand's already at 0, and you wind another minute to get to 59, and the final minute brings you to 58. For std::string::size_type the maximum isn't 59 - it's much larger - but the problem's the same. The result is always positive so is unaffected by abs, but regardless - not what you wanted!
The actual maximum value can be accessed after #include <limits> with std::numeric_limits<std::string::size_type>::max(), for whatever that's worth.
There are many ways to solve this problem. David Schwartz's comment on Zola's answer lists one good one: std::max(p.size(),q.size())-std::min(p.size(),q.size()), which you can think of as "subtract the smaller value from the larger value". Another option is...
p.size() > q.size() ? p.size() - q.size() : q.size() - p.size()
...which means "if p's larger, subtract q from it, otherwise subtract it (i.e. p) from q".

What is correct by common sense: (int) blabla * 255.99999999999997 or round(blabla*255)?

Recently I found this interesting thing in webkit sources, related to color conversions (hsl to rgb):
const double scaleFactor = nextafter(256.0, 0.0); // it's here something like 255.99999999999997
// .. some code skipped
return makeRGBA(static_cast<int>(calcSomethingFrom0To1(blablabla) * scaleFactor),
Same I found here: http://www.filewatcher.com/p/kdegraphics-4.6.0.tar.bz2.5101406/kdegraphics-4.6.0/kolourpaint/imagelib/effects/kpEffectHSV.cpp.html
(int)(value * 255.999999)
Is it correct to use such technique at all? Why dont' use something straight like round(blabla * 255)?
Is it features of C/C++? As I see strictly speaking is will return not always correct results, in 27 cases of 100. See spreadsheet at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AbGnRgSp_5FCKAeNrELPJ5j9zON9HLiHoHC870PwdMc/edit?usp=sharing
Somebody pls explain — I think it should be something basic.
Normally we want to map a real value x in the (closed) interval [0,1] to an integer value j in the range [0 ...255].
And we want to do it in a "fair" way, so that, if the reals are uniformly distributed in the range, the discrete values will be approximately equiprobable: each of the 256 discrete values should get "the same share" (1/256) from the [0,1] interval. That is, we want a mapping like this:
[0 , 1/256) -> 0
[1/256, 2/256) -> 1
[254/256, 255/256) -> 254
[255/256, 1] -> 255
We are not much concerned about the transition points [*], but we do want to cover the full the range [0,1]. How to accomplish that?
If we simply do j = (int)(x *255): the value 255 would almost never appear (only when x=1); and the rest of the values 0...254 would each get a share of 1/255 of the interval. This would be unfair, regardless of the rounding behaviour at the limit points.
If we instead do j = (int)(x * 256): this partition would be fair, except for a sngle problem: we would get the value 256 (out of range!) when x=1 [**]
That's why j = (int)(x * 255.9999...) (where 255.9999... is actually the largest double less than 256) will do.
An alternative implementation (also reasonable, almost equivalent) would be
j = (int)(x * 256);
if(j == 256) j = 255;
// j = x == 1.0 ? 255 : (int)(x * 256); // alternative
but this would be more clumsy and probably less efficient.
round() does not help here. For example, j = (int)round(x * 255) would give a 1/255 share to the integers j=1...254 and half that value to the extreme points j=0, j=255.
[*] I mean: we are not extremely interested in what happens in the 'small' neighbourhood of, say, 3/256: rounding might give 2 or 3, it doesn't matter. But we are interested in the extrema: we want to get 0 and 255, for x=0 and x=1respectively.
[**] The IEEE floating point standard guarantees that there's no rounding ambiguity here: integers admit an exact floating point representation, the product will be exact, and the casting will give always 256. Further, we are guaranteed that 1.0 * z = z.
In general, I'd say (int)(blabla * 255.99999999999997) is more correct than using round().
Because with round(), 0 and 255 only have "half" the range that 1-254 do. If you round(), then 0-0.00196078431 get mapped to 0, while 0.00196078431-0.00588235293 get mapped to 1. This means that 1 has 200% more probability of occurring than 0, which is, strictly speaking, an unfair bias.
If, isntead, one multiplies by 255.99999999999997 and then floors (which is what casting to an integer does, since it truncates), then each integer from 0 to 255 are equally likely.
Your spreadsheet might show this better if it counted in fractional percentages (i.e. if it counted by 0.01% instead of 1% each time). I've made a simple spreadsheet to show this. If you look at that spreadsheet, you'll see that 0 is unfairly biased against when round()ing, but with the other method things are fair and equal.
Casting to int has the same effect as the floor function (i.e. it truncates). When you call round it, well, rounds to the nearest integer.
They do different things, so choose the one you need.