how can I enable Markdown in fossil tickets - fossil

Fossil docs says that markdown can be used in tickets as well. But I do not manage to turn it on. reports a similar problem.

I read a solution in the Fossil-scm mail list but I cannot find the exact email now. However I put my TH1 templates for ticket in the following snippet:
The basic idea is to set $mutype to markdown (x-markdown or x-fossil-markdown). Then add the redering code on line 75~82 in ticket-edit.tcl (the original solution is this post). The markdown rendering returns two values instead of one (default fossil wiki command). Please check the snippet.

I managed to get it work and have created a fossil repository with the three templates I created a repository with the patches on The repository holds the files but also has applied the same in the configuration such that you can see how it works.
Thanks to #etc-100g


How override woocommerce view-order template?

This page: /my-account/view-order/132616/
... is associated with the view-order.php template file under the my account section. I am able to edit this by going directly into the woocommerce plugin dir, but copying the file into /my-child-theme/woocommerce/myaccount/view-order.php does not have any effect. I am able to edit the orders.php template in this manner, but not this one. I haven't been able to find any answers online to this one: why some of these template files can be copied / overwritten and some cannot be? Also, there appears to be limited scope on applying a hook to manipulate the content on this page. What I want to do, is turn the product names listed here into links back to the products in the store. Thanks for any help!
turns out this doesn't satisfy my need since the content I'm trying to manipulate is in the woocommerce_view_order do_action. Now I'm on the hunt for a filter hook.

"Edit this page" or "View source option" for Jekyll blog post

For my jekyll blog, I'm knitting Rmd to Md for the posts. At somewhere (preferably top), I want to programmatically add a link to view the source page (Rmd) hosted under _sources folder in top level directory.
Similar implementation can be found at (at the left sidebar- Edit this page option)
Can this be done by some modification in custom knit command?
Some html-include with liquid syntax should be used?
What about this? This has the Github icon, and links to the repo on the github page. Without any reprex, or an example from you, this is the best I can do unless you give more details. Does Jekyll use YAML?
I got this working, so answering my own question
Well in Rmarkdown, we can access the current source file as knitr::current_input().
This can be combined with the url of repository to get the full link to the source file. The best way is to create a new YAML entry as
RmdSource: '_source/`r knitr::current_input()`'
Now to programmatically add the link, either we can use R code with some liquid syntex at the top of the source file OR we can use html-include file inside the current layout file.
I prefer the latter.

Joomla Load Module in Featured Article

What I use:
- Joomla 2.5
- gantry framework
I must place in my homepage a slideshow module inside the mainbody as a featured article.
What I did:
Installed a slideshow module and placed temporary inside gantry's maintop-a position to see if it worked (it did), then moved in a non-previously-exsisting 'slideshow' position.
Created a new article, with this content: {loadposition slideshow} and set it to featured state.
the article was published correctly but the introtext char limit trimmed the actual module code to 100 chars making it useless.
What I already tried to fix the issue:
Modified my slideshow article from database adding the loadmodule code in the fulltext field (which was originally empty),
then modified components/com_content/view/featured/tmpl/default_item.php replacing echo $this->item->introtext; with an if to identify my slideshow article id then query the database to find the fulltext field and echo it. this thingy works but the loadmodule function isn't, so it's displayed as simple HTML. I deduce that introtext is treated differently than fulltext since what's inside the brackets is interpreted as code only when echoed as introtext, and I miss that layer.
Modified modules/mod_articles_category/helper.php to break the 100 introtext_limit, sadly finding that's not called for my featured articles (added dump($item, 'some name') which returns only the articles that are inside my news sidebar, even if all my featured articles including slideshow are categorized)
tried a million different combinations of the above (i.e.:{loadmodule slideshow}{module [myslideshow_article_id]} <- a module loader plugin i tried, ...) which are too long to put here.
Searched the whole project folder for files containing 'introtext' inside their code, finding alot, but nothing that actually trims it (except helper.php of course)
Searched the Joomla API
Googled for everything that came into my mind finding no working solutions.
Came Here :)
If you want to show a module inside an artice, you can use an component to show them there.
In my experience, this works on normal and featured articles, so this might work for you:
I hope this was helpfull, since this is my first answer here.
Kind Regards,

Please advice the folder structure for Handling multiple sites in Django

alt text
Please see the folder structure image in the above url mentioned please advice which structure would be best suited for better code managibility. If the above image is not gettign please use this url
As far as automated deployment goes, It would appear to me that your second option would be better... that will allow you to "pick up" either site 1 or site 2 all at once and drop it anywhere you want.
I use virtualenv to manage multiple sites, which is basically an extension of the second option: each with their own code base and settings file and modules.
this looks good:

Mercurial - User Specific Ignore file

I am trying to get mercurial to ignore hidden files for a specific user. I used the directions here:
How to make mercurial ignore all hidden files?
and got it to ignore files in a specific repo. I want to extend this behavior to all hg repos for a specific user.
The hgrc man page says you can link a user specific ignore file (e.g., ~/.hgignore) by including something like this in your ~/.hgrc:
username = Some User <>
ignore = ~/.hgignore
but that doesn't seem to be working.
I have also tried
ignore = /home/someuser/.hgignore
ignore = $HOME/.hgignore
ignore = ~/.hgignore2
But that doesn't seem to be working either. Am I missing something? I can't find anything on the Mercurial site or anywhere else. Please help, thanks.
**EDIT - I am on Linux. hg showconfig indicates that hg is reading my .hgrc file correctly, the ignore behavior outlined therein is not working though.
**EDIT2 - I also tried restarting my machine, just to see if that would update things. It did not.
You don't need to specify ~/.hgignore. It is automatically applied after system hgignore and before repo hgignore.
I use many ignore files in ~/.hgrc without problem with hg 1.5 on linux.
ignore = /home/geoffz/bin/hgext/hgignore
ignore.local = /home/geoffz/bin/hgext/hgignore.local = /home/geoffz/bin/hgext/
Create a trivial repo with a few files you want to ignore, setup your ignore entries, and do hg st -A. If those files are shown as ? and not I, then you have a serious problem in your hg/linux setup.