Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine issue while launching a training job - google-cloud-platform

I want to train an object detector using Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine and I'm stuck while launching the training part of this tutorial.
I'm facing this error :
gapic-google-cloud-logging-v2 0.91.3 has requirement google-gax<0.16dev,>=0.15.7, but you'll have google-gax 0.12.5 which is incompatible.
even after doing
pip install --upgrade setuptools
pip install --upgrade google-gax
Have you got a solution to fix this problem ?

There's a workaround noted in one of the issues of a Google CloudML sample, that switching to pip3 and python3 allows it to be installed.


Airflow installation failure beam[gcp]

Airflow installation with command is failing
sudo pip3 install apache-airflow[gcp_api]
Everything was working fine yesterday. Today I see the following error:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement apache-beam[gcp]==2.3.0 (from google-cloud-dataflow->apache-airflow[gcp_api]) (from versions: 0.6.0, 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.1.1, 2.2.0)
No matching distribution found for apache-beam[gcp]==2.3.0 (from google-cloud-dataflow->apache-airflow[gcp_api])
Can someone help me on this?
Thanks in advance
I faced the same problem :(
most likely it happened because in the new version(2.3.0) of apache-beam they actually added the restriction for python3
Requires Python: >=2.7,<3.0
the previous packages didn't have this restriction, that is why it was working before(if you didn't use dataflow from gcp).
probably you have the last version of which has updated apache-beam package
How to fix?
uninstall google-cloud-dataflow
pip3 uninstall google-cloud-dataflow
and install version 2.2.0 which has the old version of apache beam
pip install google-cloud-dataflow==2.2.0
Fixed this problem for me, I hope it will help you as well
This has been resolved in the master branch at Apache Airflow Github by Pull Request #3273 .
You can install the latest development branch using the below commands.
pip install git+
pip install git+[gcp_api]

error in running `pip install aws cli`: "could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cli"

I'm on a Windows based machine using GitBash for my shell. When I run, pip install aws cli, I get the following message:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cli (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for cli
I Googled the error, and many responses indicate that it's can be the result of a package that's not contained in pypi, etc. (Pip install-couldn't find a version that satisfies the requirement).
However, since I'm following the video here: at 4:13, and it worked for the instructor, I'm not sure what I'm missing - can someone help me understand this (including any helpful troubleshooting commands to identify the source of the issue?)
I'm new to AWS and also bash so I apologize if this is a relatively elementary question.
Thanks in advance!
The command should be:
pip install awscli
You need to remove the space between 'aws' and 'cli'.
Try these commands
curl -o
pip install awscli

Unable to Install Tensorflow (MemoryError)

I tried to install Tensorflow on Linux Ubuntu 16.04 from source and using pip and I keep getting the following error return base64.b64encode(b).decode("ascii")
MemoryError. I tried to google this problem but only found a website written in Chinese (probably) that doesn't really help.
Try installing without caching: pip install --no-cache-dir tensorflow.

Scipy installation using pip has been killed on Google cloud instance

I am new to google clouud and I'm trying to install scipy on my google cloud instance.
When I'm executing the following command on google cloud shell in order to install scipy but the process of installation has been killed.
Command for installation
pip install scipy
During the installation I'm getting the following message.
Collecting scipy
Downloading scipy-0.19.0-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (45.0MB)
99% |████████████████████████████████| 45.0MB 46.8MB/s eta 0:00:01Killed
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Try the following command:
pip --no-cache-dir install scipy
Depending on your Google Cloud VM settings installing scipy in a limited memory environment can cause problems. It seems like pip is trying to read in the complete file into memory before caching it. By running the command stated above you ask pip to avoid caching which should be the solution for the process being killed at 99%.
The cloud shell is not intended to be used for doing heavy computation and has a lot of limitations.
I would recommend you create a Compute Engine virtual machine and then use the shell to SSH in it.

Downloading and importing Google Cloud Python

I'm on their github page:
Their first command is pip install --upgrade google-cloud
this gives me:
Collecting google-cloud
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement google-cloud (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for google-cloud
I downloaded their SDK and which installed their google cloud SDK and I did gcloud init, but I can't seem to have their python library imported into mine. Starting python and typing:
from import datastore
gives me an error that it doesn't exist as a module... This is all from their github so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong
The issue is that the team is trying to transition from gcloud to google-cloud which is still somewhere incomplete.
All you need to do is install gcloud using pip and you should be fine.
Pro Tip: python -m pip install --upgrade gcloud using this command will install it for your python version.
First, make sure you have installed gcloud on your system then run the commands like this:
First: gcloud components update in your terminal.
then: pip install google-cloud
And for the import error:
I had a similar problem. Adding "--ignore-installed" to my pip command made it work for me.
This might be a bug in pip - see this page for more details: