Can long running query improves performance using AWS? - amazon-web-services

As we are a data warehouse team, we deals with millions of records in and out on daily basis. We have jobs running ever day, and loads on to SQL Server Flex clones from oracle DB through ETL loads. As we are dealing with huge amount of data and complex queries, query runs pretty longer and it goes to hours. So we are looking towards using AWS. We wanted to setup our own licensed Microsoft SQL server on EC2. But I was wondering, how this will improve performance of long running query. What would be the main reason that same query takes longer on our own servers and executes faster on AWS. Or did I misunderstood the concept?(just letting you know I am at a learning phase)
PS: We are still in a R&D phase. Any thoughts or opinion would be greatly appreciated regarding AWS for long running queries.

You need to provide more details on your question.
What is your query ?
How big is the tables ?
What is the bottle neck ? CPU ? IO ? RAM ?
AWS is just infrastructure.
It does makes your life easier because you can scale up or down your machine in a click of buttons.
Well, I guess you can crank up your machine to however big you want, but even so, nothing will solve a bad query and bad architecture.
Keep in mind, EC2 comes with 2 type of disk. EBS and Ephemeral.
EBS is SAN. Ephemeral is attached to the EC2 instance it self.
By far, Ephemeral will be much faster of course, but the downside is that when you shutdown your EC2 and start it up again, all of the data in that drive is wiped clean.
As for licensing (windows and SQL Server), it is baked into the EC2 instance pre baked AMI (Amazon Machine Image).
I've never used my own license in EC2.

With same DB, Same hardware configuration, query will perform similarly on AWS or on prim. You need to check whether you have configured DB / indexes etc optimally. Also, think of replicating data to some other database which is optimized for querying huge amount of data.


Solr or SolrCloud in Aws?

I have to add a solr search server in an Aws-EC2 instance.Right now I have Solr installed in an AWS-EC2 instance with ram 8gb and disc space 50gb.Its working fine, but I was wondering if changing to SolrCloud improve the performance.Should I go for normal Solr or Should I go for SolrCloud? If SolrCloud,why?
It's impossible to say, both will work. "Regular" Solr allows you to scale your infrastructure by adding replicas for your cores, while SolrCloud adds hidden complexity for easier handling of replication and query distribution.
If everything works now, I wouldn't fret it. Keep track of your query times and re-evaluate if you run into issues where you need to add instances to your cluster quickly. A regular, simple Solr setup with HTTP replication will in almost all cases do just fine.
Both would work, but if you were starting afresh, go with SolrCloud. Here's a few reasons for it:
There is little or no meaningful application development overhead if you go with SolrCloud. If you are writing your integration / application to talk to Solr, just do so with SolrCloud to begin with.
SolrCloud is what's getting more and more utilized by everyone and lot of new development and capabilities are release fast enough.
As you scale, you are already on a path to simple scalability as opposed to trying to figure out High Availability and / or Data partitioning. You could use SolrCloud API to add replicas, etc.
Not much too lose from a feature, functionality perspective.
If you want to try out starting a cluster with high availability or single node deployment of SolrCloud on AWS, you can sign up for a free trial at

AWS autoscaling an existing instance

This question has a conceptual and practical parts.
Conceptually I'd like to know if using the autoscaling functionality is equivalent to simply increasing the compute power by a factor of the number of added instances?
Practically ... how does this work? I have one running instance, its database sitting on an LVM composed of multiple EBS volumes, similarly with all website data. Judging from the load on the instance I either need to upgrade to a more powerful instance or introduce this autoscaling. Is it a copy of the running server? If so, how is the database (etc) kept consistent?
I've read through the AWS documentation, and still haven't got the picture yet - I could set one autoscaling group up which would probably clear my doubts, but I am very leery to do this with a production server.
Any nudges in the right direction would be welcome.
Normally if you have a solution that also uses a database, and several machines in the solution, the database is typically not on any of the machines but is instead hosted seperately with each worker machine pointing to the same database - if you are on AWS platform already, then DynamoDB or RDS are both good solutions for this.
In theory, for some applications, upgrading the size of the single machine will give you the same power as adding several smaller machines, but increasing the size of the single machine, while usually these easiest thing to do at first, should not be considered autoscaling and has its own drawbacks. Here are some things to consider:
Using multiple machines instead of one big one gives you some fault tolerance. One or more machines can go down and if your solution is properly designed new machines will spin up to replace them.
Increasing the size of a single machine solution means you are probably paying too much. If you size that single machine big enough to handle peak workloads, that means at other times (maybe most of the time), you are paying for a bigger machine than you need. If you setup your autoscaling solution properly more machines come on line in response to increasing demand, and then they terminate when that demand decreases - you only pay for the power you need when you need it.
When your solution is designed in this manner, you need to think of all of the worker machines as ephermal - likely to disappear at any time, so you need to build your solution differently. Besides using a hosted database (like on DynamoDB or AWS RDS), you also should not store any data on the machines in your auto-scaling group that doesn't also live somewhere else. For example, if part of your app allows users to upload images, you don't store them on the instances, you store them in S3. Same would apply to any other new data that comes in.
You need to be able to figuratively 'pull the plug' at any instant on any of the machines in your ASG without losing data.
Ultimately a properly setup auto-scaling solution will likely serve you better, but without doubt it is simpler to just 'buy a bigger machine' and the extra money you spend on running that bigger machine may be more than offset by the time and effort you don't have to spend re-architecting your solution to properly run in an autoscaling environment. The unique requirements of your solution will ultimately decide which approach is better.

Data Intensive process in EC2 - any tips?

We are trying to run an ETL process in an High I/O Instance on Amazon EC2. The same process locally on a very well equipped laptop (with a SSD) take about 1/6th the time. This process is basically transforming data (30 million rows or so) from flat tables to a 3rd normal form schema in the same Oracle instance.
Any ideas on what might be slowing us down?
Or another option is to simply move off of AWS and rent beefy boxes (raw hardware) with SSDs in something like Rackspace.
We have moved most of our ETL processes off of AWS/EMR. We host most of it on Rackspace and getting a lot more CPU/Storage/Performance for the money. Don't get me wrong AWS is awesome but there comes a point where it's not cost effective. On top of that you never know how they are really managing/virtualizing the hardware that applies to your specific application.
My two cents.

How to convert a WAMP stacked app running on a VPS to a scalable AWS app?

I have a web app running on php, mysql, apache on a virtual windows server. I want to redesign it so it is scalable (for fun so I can learn new things) on AWS.
I can see how to setup an EC2 and dump it all in there but I want to make it scalable and take advantage of all the cool features on AWS.
I've tried googling but just can't find a simple guide (note - I have no command line experience of Linux)
Can anyone direct me to detailed resources that can lead me through the steps and teach me? Or alternatively, summarise the steps in an answer so I can research based on what you say.
AWS is growing and changing all the time, so there aren't a lot of books to help. Amazon offers training that's excellent. I took their three day class on Architecting with AWS that seems to be just what you're looking for.
Of course, not everyone can afford to spend the travel time and money to attend a class. The AWS re:Invent conference in November 2012 had a lot of sessions related to what you want, and most (maybe all) of the sessions have videos available online for free. Building Web Scale Applications With AWS is probably relevant (slides and video available), as is Dissecting an Internet-Scale Application (slides and video available).
A great way to understand these options better is by fiddling with your existing application on AWS. It will be easy to just move it to an EC2 instance in AWS, then start taking more advantage of what's available. The first thing I'd do is get rid of the MySql server on your own machine and use one offered with RDS. Once that's stable, create one or more read replicas in RDS, and change your application to read from them for most operations, reading from the main (writable) database only when you need completely current results.
Does your application keep any data on the web server, other than in the database? If so, get rid of all local storage by moving that data off the EC2 instance. Some of it might go to the database, some (like big files) might be suitable for S3. DynamoDB is a good place for things like session data.
All of the above reduces the load on the web server to just your application code, which helps with scalability. And now that you keep no state on the web server, you can use ELB and Auto-scaling to automatically run multiple web servers (and even automatically launch more as needed) to handle greater load.
Does the application have any long running, intensive operations that you now perform on demand from a web request? Consider not performing the operation when asked, but instead queueing the request using SQS, and just telling the user you'll get to it. Now have long running processes (or cron jobs or scheduled tasks) check the queue regularly, run the requested operation, and email the result (using SES) back to the user. To really scale up, you can move those jobs off your web server to dedicated machines, and again use auto-scaling if needed.
Do you need bigger machines, or perhaps can live with smaller ones? CloudWatch metrics can show you how much IO, memory, and CPU are used over time. You can use provisioned IOPS with EC2 or RDS instances to improve performance (at a cost) as needed, and use difference size instances for more memory or CPU.
All this AWS setup and configuration can be done with the AWS web console, or command-line tools, or SDKs available in many languages (Python's boto library is great). After learning the basics, look into CloudFormation to automate it better (I've written a couple of posts about that so far).
That's a bit of the 10,000 foot high view of one approach. You'll need to discover the details of each AWS service when you try to use them. AWS has good documentation about all of them.
Depending on how you look at it, this is more of a comment than it is an answer, but it was too long to write as a comment.
What you're asking for really can't be answered on SO--it's a huge, complex question. You're basically asking is "How to I design a highly-scalable, durable application that can be deployed on a cloud-based platform?" The answer depends largely on:
The specifics of your application--what does it do and how does it work?
Your tolerance for downtime balanced against your budget
Your present development and deployment workflow
The resources/skill sets you have on-staff to support the application
What your launch time frame looks like.
I run a software consulting company that specializes in consulting on Amazon Web Services architecture. About 80% of our business is investigating and answering these questions for our clients. It's a multi-week long project each time.
However, to get you pointed in the right direction, I'd recommend that you look at Elastic Beanstalk. It's a PaaS-like service that abstracts away the underlying AWS resources, making AWS easier to use for developers who don't have a lot of sysadmin experience. Think of it as "training wheels" for designing an autoscaling application on AWS.

What configurations need to be set for a LAMP server for heavy traffic?

I was contracted to make a groupon-clone website for my client. It was done in PHP with MYSQL and I plan to host it on an Amazon EC2 server. My client warned me that he will be email blasting to about 10k customers so my site needs to be able to handle that surge of clicks from those emails. I have two questions:
1) Which Amazon server instance should I choose? Right now I am on a Small instance, I wonder if I should upgrade it to a Large instance for the week of the email blast?
2) What are the configurations that need to be set for a LAMP server. For example, does Amazon server, Apache, PHP, or MySQL have a maximum-connections limit that I should adjust?
Technically, putting the static pages, the PHP and the DB on the same instance isn't the best route to take if you want a highly scalable system. That said, if the budget is low and high availablity isn't a problem then you may get away with it in practise.
One option, as you say, is to re-launch the server on a larger instance size for the period you expect heavy traffic. Often this works well enough. You problem is that you don't know the exact model of the traffic that will come. You will get a certain percentage who are at their computers when it arrives and they go straight to the site. The rest will trickle in over time. Having your client send the email whilst the majority of the users are in bed, would help you somewhat, if that's possible, by avoiding the surge.
If we take the case of, say, 2,000 users hitting your site in 10 minutes, I doubt a site that hasn't been optimised would cope, there's very likely to be a silly bottleneck in there. The DB is often the problem, a good sized in-memory cache often helps.
This all said, there are a number of architectural design and features provided by the likes of Amazon and GAE, that enable you, with a correctly designed back-end, to have to worry very little about scalability, it is handled for you on the most part.
If you split the database away from the web server, you would be able to put the web server instances behind an elastic load balancer and have that scale instances by demand. There also exist standard patterns for scaling databases, though there isn't any particular feature to help you with that, apart from database instances.
You might want to try Amazon mechanical turk, which basically lots of people who'll perform often trivial tasks (like navigate to a web page click on this, etc) for a usually very small fee. It's not a bad way to simulate real traffic.
That said, you'd probably have to repeat this several times, so you're better off with a load testing tool. And remember, you can't load testing a time-slicing instance with another time-slicing instance...